Xie Peng got his wish to eat the first-place chicken, but he was a little unhappy.

There were many kinds of plots he originally expected, and he used that magical power just to scare them.

At the last moment, he will definitely give up his supernatural powers and choose to use serious supernatural powers to be tough.

It's just that the plot played out a little bit beyond his expectations.

I pay you back for Lingtai, what does this mean, fellow Daoist Lingtai, doesn't he owe me anything?

At this moment, Xie Peng suddenly thought of the words before Xu Lingtai released the illusion when Qian Lingzong and Xu Lingtai were discussing.

Thinking of this, Xie Peng shook his head.

"Impossible, just learning from each other, without deep hatred, who would use this magical power."

Xie Peng persuaded himself, but there was always a little awkwardness in his heart.


At the natural passage between the two realms in the Tianlian Xiancheng area, Ye Xiaoyao walked out of it with a tired face, but his eyes revealed a light of excitement.

"Old Sword, our harvest this time is enough to exchange two Taoist Spirit Swords in Tianlian Xiancheng." Ye Xiaoyao said excitedly.

"Don't be arrogant, don't be impatient, there is still a long way to go." Lao Jian said leisurely in Ye Xiaoyao's heart.

He, who used to be despised by immortals, is now a little excited for this silly boy to get a few Taoist spirit swords.

"I know, but this is a good start, isn't it?" Ye Xiaoyao said as he returned to Xiancheng in the spirit boat of Tianlian Xiancheng.

Tianlian Xiancheng, in the mission hall.

Ye Xiaoyao handed in all the spiritual mines and spiritual items needed for the mission, and exchanged them for massive contribution points.

Turned around and entered the exchange hall next to the mission hall.

"Flaming Spirit Sword, Vibrating Gold Spirit Sword."

Ye Xiaoyao used all the points to exchange for two spiritual swords, the basic Taoist weapon of the Five Elements.

"Five Elements Dao Item Spirit Swords, finally enough!" Ye Xiaoyao said looking at the five Dao Item Spirit Swords floating all over his body, with a little emotion and sadness in his words.

"In the virtual refining period, coupled with the small five-element lore sword array, the monster clan can easily be killed in the fusion period."

"But this is just the beginning. In the later stage, there will be the Great Five Elements lore array, the Yin Yang Five Elements lore array, and the Void Five Elements lore array."

"Gather the Taoist Spirit Sword, and then comprehend these kinds of sword formations. After the integration period, you can hunt down those ordinary monsters." Lao Jian planned in Ye Xiaoyao's heart.

"Why is it related to the Five Elements?" Ye Xiaoyao asked in confusion.

"Because it's too late for you to collect other attribute sword array spirit swords." Lao Jian sighed in Ye Xiaoyao's heart.

"Sometimes I'm very strange. It stands to reason that your destiny should have several great adventures. It shouldn't be a problem to gather more than a dozen Taoist spirit swords."

"It's just that your current situation doesn't match your destiny. Could it be that someone is robbing you of your chance?"

Lao Jian muttered in Ye Xiaoyao's heart again.

"How many times have you said it?"

"Am I not doing well now?" Ye Xiaoyao said indifferently.

"You're such a fart now, with me, the Emperor of Heaven, pointing you, you're getting to this point now."

"The formation of forces was unsuccessful."

"It didn't work for you to fool."

"I even released those peerless exercises, but you still haven't succeeded."

"Could it be that you can only rely on yourself for the rest of your life?" Lao Jian said helplessly in Ye Xiaoyao's heart.

"What's wrong with relying on yourself, you have to eat and drink." Ye Xiaoyao looked at the five Taoist spirit swords while dealing with the old sword in his heart. This has become his daily project.

"Forget it, let's go step by step." Lao Jian finally said helplessly.

At this moment, a young girl walked past Ye Xiaoyao.

A faint fragrance came, Ye Xiaoyao narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at the soft lines of the girl's back, showing admiration.

Although he is not an old man, he is also a normal man.

"The little princess of Tianlianmen, this is also an opportunity, can't you get on?" Lao Jian said bewitchingly in Ye Xiaoyao's heart.

"Forget it, I can't climb high." Ye Xiaoyao retracted his eyes and shook his head and said, he still has this self-knowledge.

"Is that girl beautiful?"

"Is it fragrant?"

"Do you like it? Let her be your Taoist companion, would you like it?" Lao Jian asked three questions about his soul in Ye Xiaoyao's heart.

"You don't have to answer, the desire in your heart has already responded for you."

"A man born between heaven and earth must cultivate the strongest way and marry the most beautiful woman."

"The combination of the two of you is your opportunity, and it is also an opportunity for Tianlianmen." Lao Jian said in Ye Xiaoyao's heart.

"It's useless no matter how much you talk about, people probably don't like me, and you can't work hard." Ye Xiaoyao responded lightly, Lao Jian had to say something like a ridiculous plan every few days, he was already used to it.

"Who said I can't see you? I..."

"I have a solution, I have magical powers to help you solve it~" Before Lao Jian finished speaking, Ye Xiaoyao rushes to answer the rest.

"Next time I'll change the words." Lao Jian hummed in Ye Xiaoyao's heart.

"Actually, I think it's pretty good now, do the task honestly, and exchange the points for the Taoist Spirit Sword."

"Although the time is a bit long, I can hone my realm and sword formation." Ye Xiaoyao chatted with Lao Jian in the bottom of his heart while wandering in Xiancheng.

"Hey, you scumbag~" Lao Jian didn't know how many times he sighed.

"After three days of recuperation, go to pick up a few more missions and go to the demon world to see if there is anything good." Lao Jian.

"Got it." Ye Xiaoyao replied.

At night, in the small courtyard rented by Ye Xiaoyao.

Ye Xiaoyao was drinking a little wine, admiring the starry sky.

"Old Jian, you said it would have been great if Xiangzhou hadn't been invaded by the demon clan."

"Que Tianmen is still there, and many friends are still there."

"At that time, I had already cultivated diligently. I wanted to fight with the woman who broke my marriage and let her know that she was a waste."

"When I think about what happened at the beginning, I feel like it's a different person." Ye Xiao remote sensing said.

"What's there to miss? That is, your peerless junior brother Xu Fan. It's worth paying attention to."

"Unfortunately, I haven't found him yet~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Otherwise, will you still lack the Spirit Sword?" Lao Jian shouted in Ye Xiaoyao's heart.

"Old Jian, your utilitarianism is so important, so when your cultivation base was low, didn't you have any close friends?" Ye Xiaoyao was suddenly curious.

"I used to have it, but after being stabbed, I just want to be the strongest in the world, so everyone can use it." Lao Jian said lightly in Ye Xiaoyao's heart.

"I feel that you are very lonely, and so do I." Ye Xiaoyao said after drinking a glass of wine, looking at the sky full of Xinghe, with a hint of loneliness and sadness in his eyes.

"It's true that you are lonely, but if you think about the biggest enemy in the future, does it feel a little lighter." Lao Jian said in Ye Xiaoyao's heart.

"That's just your worst enemy, it has nothing to do with me." Ye Xiaoyao said without acknowledging, and he felt that it was a bit of a joke.

"Your destiny has changed since I entered your body."

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