My Master Breaks Through Every Limit

Chapter 564: Spirit Armor

Chapter 566 Spirit Armor Monster Race

"Yes, the sect is very safe now, senior, let's go back with us." Murong Qian'er also persuaded.

"Let me think about it." Xiu Xin said.

At this time, a puppet in the fusion stage, holding the refined Dao-level spirit mine, walked to Wang Yulun's side.

"In the secret realm, a super-large Taoist-level spiritual mine, Xuanfeng Leitie, was found."

"Excuse me, are you allowed to mine?"

The voice of the grape clone sounded.

"Xuanfeng Thunder Iron? What kind of Taoist weapon is suitable for refining this kind of spirit ore?" Wang Yulun asked curiously.

"It is suitable for all types of Dao devices, whether it is attack, Dao method, or star boat."

"Can the large spiritual ore veins in this secret realm be able to refine a star boat!" Wang Yulun suddenly said excitedly.

"Okay~" Grape clone's voice sounded.

"Then speed up the mining and strive to bring all these Taoist-level spiritual mines back to the sect!"

Wang Yulun was excited, even if he didn't know anything in the sect, he knew the importance of the star boat to a sect.

"Father, don't forget, I still have a share of this spirit mine with Master." Wang Linger said beside him.

"How could I forget about you and your master, don't worry, after you go back with me, I will help you to get benefits." Wang Yulun said with a smile.

"Father, you don't need to give it. I'll ask Uncle Xu in person to get it."

Wang Linger said with a smile, she remembered that when she was a child, every time she saw Uncle Xu, she would get a lot of delicious and fun food.

Even now, even the treasures she uses now are made by Uncle Xu.

"No problem, Uncle Xu loved you the most when I was young. I will be very happy to see you." Wang Yulun said with a smile.

When he was in the sect before, Xu Fan said more than once, asking him to bring Linger back.

"Master, my Uncle Xu is a master of refining tools. I will ask Uncle Xu to help you refine Taoist tools." Wang Linger said with a smile.

"Linger has a heart." Xiu Xin said absentmindedly, not knowing what she was thinking.

Three days later, Wang Yulun and the others were listening to the report of the grape clone.

"You mean we have to stay here for four years before we can get out of this secret realm." Wang Yulun said.

"It is possible to go from one secret realm to another secret realm."

"And there is a high probability according to the calculation." Grape clone said.

"Can't find the original exit?" Wang Yulun said a little unwillingly.

"According to calculations, the exit may be in another secret realm."

Hearing the words of Grape's clone, Wang Yulun sighed.

"Mining the spiritual mine first, and then wait for another secret realm entrance to start."

For some reason, Wang Yulun thought that when he went out, he would always ask Xu Fan for a divination.

"When I went out this time, Big Brother Xu calculated that he is healthy, safe, and longevity, so there should be no danger in this secret realm." Wang Yulun said to the people around him.

At this time, Xu Fan, who was on the 100,000-mile giant lake, suddenly sneezed.

"Who is thinking of me?" Xu Fan said while stroking the dragon egg in his hand.

"Master, I feel that Uncle Wang misses you."

Xu Yuexian also has a green skin dragon egg in his hand.

"It is estimated that after a while, let Elder Zhanling go to Yanzhou to see, your uncle should be back."

As Xu Fan spoke, he pushed a source of five elements into the dragon egg.

"Recently, you went there to play again. I haven't seen you for a long time."

Facing the morning sun, the two chatted on the spirit boat.

"Let's go 10 million kilometers away from our sect and take a look."

"I also found a magical monster there, and the name is also very interesting, it is called the spirit armor monster."

"I like to attach itself to a living being and form a thick layer of armor. It's just a spirit armor monster in the fit stage. The armor formed by it has the defense power of a Taoist-level defense magic weapon."

Xu Yuexian took out a gray substance and introduced it to Xu Fan.

"Isn't this a slime!" Xu Fan suddenly said in surprise.

"We are the spirit armor family, not slimes."

The mass of gray matter, with eyes and mouths growing out, looked at Xu Fan and said.

"It doesn't make any difference." Xu Fan said with some nostalgia.

"Have you subdued this clan?" Xu Fan asked. He felt that this monster clan was very interesting. If you bring it back and cultivate it, it might be of great use.

"This is the magical place. They completely occupied a mortal kingdom, attached to those mortals with spiritual roots, taught them to practice, and don't let those mortals believe in them." Xu Yuexian said.

"I see that the mortals there live and work in peace and contentment, and are more prosperous than before, so there is no too much disturbance."

"It stands to reason that you should depend on the big clan in the demon clan, why did you come here?" Xu Fan asked curiously, looking at the gray mass.

"Our family is divided into two factions, one is the cowardly armor that relies on the strong."

"The second is that we advocate independence, cultivate our own spirits and lead our destiny."

"Human cultivator, if you want to enslave our entire clan, we would rather die than yield~" The facial features condensed by the gray matter showed an unyielding demeanor, which meant a declaration of war.

Xu Yuexian waved his hand and put the Lingjia family in the cage of ten thousand beasts.

"Master, how do you deal with this spirit armor family?" Xu Yuexian asked.

"Assemble the Lingzhou and Xingzhou, and bring back all the mortals and the Lingjia clan in the mortal kingdom."

"I think our Yinlingmen will have another kind of demon clan." Xu Fan said with a smile.

He suddenly felt that this Spirit Armor family was very suitable for manipulating puppets, and he would have a chance to try it another day.

At this moment, the green-skinned dragon egg in Xu Fan's hand suddenly jumped and slammed the dragon egg in Xu Yuexian's hand fiercely.

"Yes, it's fighting again." Xu Fan said with a headache.

"Master, why is your dragon egg so difficult for me?" Xu Yuexian said helplessly.

"Who knows, maybe this is a natural misfit." Xu Fan said, looking at the two dragon eggs that were fighting farther and farther.

"Anyway, their shells are hard, let them hit them."

Xu Yuexian laughed as she looked at the two dragon eggs fighting in the distance.

At this moment, a classical star boat with two wings flew towards Xu Fan in the distance.

"Sir Qianling, you have finally been released!" Xu Fan said with some surprise.

According to Grape Records, since the last time the Classical Star Ark repaired the Thousand Spirit Sect and everyone went back, Venerable Qian Ling never came again.

Venerable Millennium disembarked from the classical star boat, took a small spirit boat, and flew towards Xu Fan.

"My injury has just been healed, and I want to come to the Great Elder to take a look." Venerable Qianling said, his body trembled involuntarily.

Xu Fan looked at Venerable Qianling's state like an electric shock, and knew that the magical power he gave to Venerable Qianling was of no use.

"Is the magical power I gave Venerable discovered by the Supreme Elder of your sect?" Xu Fan asked.

"Boss, not only crushed my soul armor, but also gave me a dozen more torture whips."

Venerable Qian Ling looked like he couldn't look back on the past.

(End of this chapter)

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