My Master Breaks Through Every Limit

Chapter 780: sit back and enjoy

Chapter 782

In Yinling Island, Xu Fan looked at Xiong Er cloud floating in the sky.

He looked at the world bead in his hand that sealed Daluo's arm.

"It's a bit difficult to do. It's obviously invincible in this world, and there are so many troubles." Xu Fan said with a sigh.

At this time, in Xu Fan's small courtyard, a teleportation formation was drawn in the void.

With a flash of inspiration, Xu Yuexian walked out of it.

"Master, is my brother alright!" Xu Yuexian hurriedly said as soon as he came out.

Because she was sent back directly from the Nanshan Realm. . .

"What else can happen when the master is here, but the master suddenly wants to see you." Xu Fan looked up and down at Xu Yuexian, as if he wanted to get to know his apprentice again.

Xu Yuexian was a little hairy looking at Xu Fan's eyes.

"What happened to the master?"

"It's okay, there is a very powerful immortal in the upper realm who is going to take your brother away."

"Retracing the cause and effect for the teacher found that you were involved."

The mysterious Dao scriptures appeared in Xu Fan's eyes, and the inner cause and effect lines were all presented by him.

"Could it be that those guys in the upper realm just want to use your body to be reborn?"

Xu Fan looked at Xu Yuexian's connection in the void, and the other end was a huge world.

"Master, is someone from the upper realm trying to take my brother away and threaten me?" Xu Yuexian said.

"That's pretty much what it means. The key now is not just about using your body to regenerate, but there must be other things." Xu Fan said, pointing to Xu Yuexian's eyebrows.

In an instant, countless avenues of scriptures formed a sphere to surround Xu Yuexian.

The scriptures of the Great Dao are in operation, and an all-round analysis begins.

At this moment, a strange force blesses the Dao scriptures.

Makes it run several times faster.

"Grape, have you finished digesting that half of the source of the will of Heaven?" Xu Fan asked.

"The owner has already digested half of the report. This kind of thing can be done by the grapes." The grapes said respectfully.

"Okay, you know the cause and effect of Yuexian, help me find out what the reason is, and let that detachment Daluo take action." Xu Fan heard that Grape could take over the matter, and s handed it over to Grape.

"Yes, Master."

Grape directly took over the Dao scriptures that surrounded Xu Yuexian.

This surrounded for a full three months.

"Master, the analysis has been completed."

Xu Fan, who was playing fiercely, heard the voice of the grapes.

"Why?" Xu Fan sat up.

"In order to break through the reincarnation of Daluo, he was traced back to some causes and effects by those in the upper realm, trying to be reborn to replace Xu Yuexian as Daluo."

"There are several other possibilities, but the accuracy is not as high as this." Grape replied.

"Daluo reincarnated." Xu Fan touched his chin as he said.

"It may be that the realm is too low. I haven't found anything unusual about Yuexian."

"Unfortunately, although I have a high Dao realm, I am limited to the limit of the Mahayana Venerable in this realm," Xu Fan said.

The rules are this, unless you want to destroy the whole world, no matter which world you enter, the creatures beyond the limit will be limited.

If it wasn't like this, Xu Fan wouldn't be able to stand up to that big Luo.

"The quality of the enemies who go to the small books is getting higher and higher." Xu Fan said and took out the small books.

Looking at the five-clawed golden dragon on the cover, Xu Fan turned over.

Condensed another page before page 1.

Seal the world bead in your hand on page 1.

A giant hand that covers the sky appeared on the first page, labeled Daluo Jinxian who didn't know his name.

There is also a line of boy's remarks at the back, the attention of hitting the second child must be killed.

Xu Fan took the small book back.

This scene happened to be seen by Xu Yuexian, and was instantly moved to tears.

"Yuexian has caused trouble for the master~" Xu Yuexian had tears in her eyes.

"It's not too much trouble, isn't it just a big Luo Jinxian." Xu Fan said indifferently.

As long as he can survive, no matter how powerful an enemy is, he will have to step on his feet.

"However, what disappoints my teacher is that the apprentice I'm looking for is just the reincarnation of Jinxian, who has been caught by others and wants to let future generations enjoy the shade." Xu Fan shook his head and said very unhappily.

Xu Yuexian lowered her head.

"It seems that your past life was a failure. You are a teacher in this life, and won't let you repeat the same mistakes again?" Xu Fan said indifferently, as if he was saying a matter of course.

At this moment, a phantom appeared from behind Xu Yuexian.

It was a woman in a long green dress. He looked at Xu Fan and nodded lightly, and then disappeared into the sky.

Xu Yuexian was stunned, as if his life had been refreshed anew.

"Master, what happened just now?"

"You came out to meet me in your previous life, maybe you were moved by me," Xu Fan said.

"My past life?" Xu Yuexian was a little puzzled.

"I don't know what means you used in your previous life, but you have left a trace of consciousness in you. I can't find out if she doesn't come out. It's really a good means." Xu Fan praised.

"Then why didn't she come out to help me when I was deceived by the upper realm."

"Those are irrelevant, they haven't reached the level for her to take action." Xu Fan said with a smile.

At this moment, the sound of grapes sounded.

"Master, there is an invincible monster from the iron-eating beast family in the demon world who wants to see you." Grape's voice sounded.

"Iron-eating beasts, please come in. After all, they helped the human race." Xu Fan said.

Not long after, an iron-eating beast with a height of 10 feet, black and white came to Xu Fan's small courtyard.

Next to Xu Yuexian became curious, this was the first time she had seen her master let the demons come to his small courtyard.

"Meet the supreme human race," said the iron-eating beast Hanhan saluting.

The cute black and white appearance made Xu Fan's expression very cordial.

As a pure-blooded flower family, no one can resist this.

"Get up, get up, don't be too polite." Xu Fan said with a smile.

"Yuexian, go make tea~"

Xu Yuexian was a little puzzled, but she still went to the treasure house to get a small pot of Xianling tea.

She knew that when the master asked him to make tea, it implied the best tea.

Otherwise, she will not be ordered, and the grapes will be served.

"The human race is supreme, so you don't have to be so polite."

The Iron Eater Invincible Demon Venerable is a little Although his strength is considered to be the top in the demon world, in front of this supreme human race, he is at best a dish.

Xu Fan was also looking at the Iron Eating Beast Invincible Demon Venerable affectionately, and nodded in satisfaction.

Although the strength is not the top, but it is not weak, can fight with the purple jade dragon.

"I don't know what the name of this monster is." Xu Fan said.

"Supreme High can call me Hei Tuan." Hei Tuan scratched his head and said, Xu Fan's appearance made him a little bit incompetent.

"What are you doing here?"

"My iron-eating beast clan has no competition with the world. Although it is a monster clan, it has never done anything like a monster clan to the human clan."

"Now that the demon clan is weak, it is a foregone conclusion that the human clan will become the hegemon of the two worlds."

"So I want to meet the supreme human race, please allow the iron-eating beast clan to become a neutral clan." Hei Tuan said with a salute.

(End of this chapter)

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