Chapter 792

"Hope it~" After Mingkong finished speaking, he began to concentrate on driving the Wan Xingzhou to accelerate.

Xu Fan glanced at Wan Xingzhou's control spirit array and couldn't help complaining that it was too complicated.

At first, clone 2 wanted to modify it, but later found that it was too troublesome to rebuild an operating system, so he gave up.

As Wan Xingzhou accelerated to the fastest speed, it broke the space in the star field and began to jump in continuous space.

"This jumping speed is indeed a Yuzhou that can navigate in the star field." Xu Fan exclaimed.

"Wan Xingzhou accelerates to the fastest speed, and the average star thief Yuzhou will definitely not be able to catch up. You can relax during this time." Mingkong got up from the main control position and said.

Returning to the Tianzi District, feeling all the Dao Laws in the Star Territory, Xu Fan couldn't help cultivating.

He felt a lot of Dao laws that he had never seen before.

"Li Xu, Sacred Sun, Sky Dark, Moon Yin, Stars..." Xu Fan felt a little obsessed with the different laws of the Great Dao.

"Xingci, I need to retreat for a period of time, these disciples are under your care, don't let them do stupid things." Xu Fan ordered. .

"As ordered, Master."

Ten months later, Wan Xingzhou is still jumping and sailing in space at the fastest speed.

Xu Fan slowly opened his eyes, and a golden sun and moon circled in Xu Fan's eyes.

"Sacred Yang and Moon Yin, although they evolved from the way of Yin and Yang, their power is not even the slightest bit weaker."

The power of holy sun, moon and yin is presented in Xu Fan's palm.

Gradually split and merge with each other.

A twisted miniature light group appeared in Xu Fan's palm.

Although it is only the size of a sesame grain, its power has exceeded the upper limit that the Middle Thousand World can hold.

Mingkong quickly came to the Tianzi area and looked at the twisting light group in Xu Fan's hand, and his soul was blown away immediately.

"Elder, don't get excited! Hold on! Control the power of the holy sun, moon and yin in your hands."

"Don't move, I will immediately slow down the speed of Wan Xingzhou, and you will throw this light group out in the star field."

At this time, Mingkong looked at Xu Fan's eyes, as if he was looking at a lunatic who controlled the nuclear good button.

For fear of accidentally detonating a nuclear bomb.

Xu Fan flipped his hand and directly dissipated the twisting light group in his hand.

"What's the matter, is this dangerous?" Xu Fan asked with some doubts.

Mingkong opened his mouth wide and stared blankly at Xu Fan's hand.

"Elder, you have easily defused the power of the fusion of holy sun, moon and yin!!"

When Xu Fan suppressed the Purple Jade Flood Dragon and the Golden Tiger, he had never been so shocked.

"Isn't this a very simple thing?"

Xu Fan stretched out his hand, the power of the Holy Sun appeared again, merged and compressed, and finally formed the original interesting light group.

Mingkong's heart was lifted again.

"Back then, the superior also comprehended the law of the Holy Sun and Yueyin Avenue in the star field, and the result almost killed me~" Mingkong said with lingering fears.

At the beginning, he knew the danger, and he was far enough away from the superior in the star field, but he was blown up by half his life.

In his eyes, even the Supreme Being cannot easily control this power of fusion, and there is no Mahayana Venerable in the world who can understand and control this power in a short period of time.

But how long has it been since he left the Immortal Cultivation Realm.

That's why he was shocked.

"Oh, then he may not have mastered the key locations~"

Said that the light group in Xu Fan's hand swelled to the size of a billiard ball, and threw it into the star field through the space.

At this moment, Wan Xingzhou just jumped, just throwing the light group behind.

Even if this is the case, the light group burst into the Wan Xingzhou and felt the fluctuation.

"Elder, if you throw this in the Immortal Cultivation World, the will of Heaven will probably go crazy." Mingkong said the fluctuation.

"Don't worry, this thing is going to be thrown somewhere else."

"It is everyone's responsibility to protect the world of immortality~" Xu Fan said with a smile.

The power of holy sun, moon and yin appeared again, changing into a glass ball-like light group, and the last small sealing circle appeared, condensing this power into a spell.

The black and white spell slowly floated in front of Mingkong.

"Give it to Elder Mingkong as a talisman~" Xu Fan said with a smile.

Mingkong looked at the spell in front of him with some confusion.

This thing is equivalent to an oversized time bomb.

It can only be used when you die with the enemy. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a bodyguard.

"Elder, this gift is too precious~"

"It's just a small gift, thanks to Elder Mingkong for arranging me and my disciples in the Tianzi District." Xu Fan said with a smile.

Mingkong carefully concluded the spell, took out a space ring alone, and put the spell in it.

"The seal is very strong, and without special means, it can't be detonated." Xu Fan said, looking at Mingkong who was worried.

"I know, but I can't help it~"

Mingkong remembered that day, even though he was separated by tens of thousands of miles, he still jumped for half his life.

"Just get used to it~" Xu Fan said comfortingly.

In just over a month, we will arrive at our destination.

Wan Xingzhou also began to slow down slowly, and Xu Fan could still see other Yuzhou shuttles in space from a distance.

It was as if it was about to enter the city.

In the main control room, Ming Kong sat on the console again.

"Is this section of the road dangerous?"

Looking at Mingkong's eager expression, Xu Fan thought he had entered the accident-prone area.

Mingkong nodded.

"Elder, there are a lot of star thieves in this area. It's okay to have one or two star thieves from Yuzhou. If you encounter a large-scale star thief fleet, it may be a little troublesome~" Mingkong said seriously.

"It's okay, don't worry, I'm here for everything."

"If it really doesn't work, give them a shot~"

Another pool of light the size of a billiard appeared in Xu Fan's hand.

"Elder, take it back quickly, I'm scared seeing this~"

As soon as the light group came out, Mingkong's body couldn't help shaking.

"What I mean is that I can copy this fusion power to Wan Xingzhou's spiritual cannonball." Xu Fan said with a smile.

Hearing Xu Fan's words, a scene immediately popped into Mingkong's mind.

Wan Xingzhou was blasted out in one shot, and because the space jump was not timely, all the star thief fleets perished together.

"Don't worry, the power of the shell explosion won't hurt Wan Xingzhou." Xu Fan looked at Mingkong and knew what he was thinking.

"That's good, the trouble is big, can you seal a few more shells." Mingkong said in surprise.

At this moment a giant bird-like Yuzhou locked Wan Xingzhou in the distance.

A force of space barrier directly sealed this star field.

Beside the giant bird Yuzhou, there are two Yuzhou with different shapes. They are about to start space transmission and want to surround Wan Xingzhou in advance.

"The star boat in front, give up the struggle, I will give you a chance to be a star thief."

A sharp and sinister voice sounded in the ears of Xu Fanmingkong.

"Elder, please~" There was murder in Mingkong's eyes.

The three star thieves Yuzhou on the opposite side are already old friends, and almost every time he comes to the Ancient Cang Realm, there will be a chase.

?? There will be another chapter in a while



(End of this chapter)

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