My Master Breaks Through Every Limit

Chapter 904: tea of ​​the avenue

The huge chain phantom is connected from Xiaoxianjie to Yinling Island.

With the start of Yinling Island, Xiaoxianjie was slightly shocked, and it was officially embarked on the road to return to Feiyujie.

The speed of Yinling Island was getting faster and faster, until after reaching the peak, the No. 2 clone went out from Yinling Island and started high-speed work on Xiaoxianjie.

Half a year later, the No. 2 clone flew towards the Feather World on the fairy spirit boat again.

He has to rush to Feather World in advance to describe the other half of the formation.

Xu Fan looked at the picture of No. 2's clone leaving, and couldn't help but say, "No. 2 has really worked hard during this time."

"Arranging this super-large formation is the most exhausting. It is estimated that it will take half a year to slow down after returning." Clone No. 1 said.

"Then let him rest for half a year." Xu Fan said indifferently.

After half a year, Xiaoxianjie suddenly received a pulling force from the direction of Feather Realm, and the speed increased several times.

Four years later, Yinling Island brought Xiaoxianjie to Feiyu Realm without any danger.

At this time, the will of Heavenly Dao in the Feiyu Realm is simply eager to see, just like the first time to go to the health care room to wait for a technician in the health room.

The mood is both excited and uneasy, thinking about how to pretend to be a regular customer for a while.

"This little fairyland, you devour its heavenly will, and leave 70% of the source for me, how about it."

Xu Fan sent a message to Feiyujie Tiandao will.

Immediately received a reply, saying that it was very good, and even thoughtfully provided additional services for Xu Fan, collecting the resources of the unowned fairy artifact, spirit, mine, and treasure in the Xiaoxianjie for free.

"This is ok, just put it in the Little Immortal Realm after gathering it."

Xu Fan nodded with satisfaction, and found that the will of Heaven is getting better and better.

Then Xiaoxianjie was attached to Feiyujie's face, and Feiyujie's Heavenly Dao will began to devour the source of Heavenly Dao's will that belonged to him.

Xu Fan also took the Yinling Island back to the 100,000-mile giant lake.

It didn't take long for the grapes to come to visit.

"This time, when I returned to Yinling Island, I felt a sense of parting." Mingkong in the welcoming hall said with a smile, with a little reluctance in his eyes.

"In less than 100 years, I will be able to leave the Feather World," Xu Fan said.

"I really miss you!"

"Otherwise, Elder Mingkong will give up and join the world together, and we will be able to meet in the fairyland at that time."

"When the time comes, you and I, the three of us, will have a good time drinking wine. Wouldn't it be fun." Xu Fan looked at Mingkong and said.

"Since I have chosen my own way, I will keep going."

"I only hope that the great elder will become a supreme existence in the future and still remember me." Mingkong said.

"What you said, I will not only remember, but also come back to see you more."

Xu Fan handed the brewed tea to Mingkong's table.

"I hope I can still drink the tea of ​​the first elder."

Ming Kong took the cup of tea and took a sip, then showed a very memorable expression.

"I have to say that the tea ceremony of the first elder has reached the pinnacle. Any spirit tea in the hands of the first elder can bring out the sweetest and most mellow taste."

"Haha." Xu Fan laughed, and he only understood the tea ceremony when he was making tea.

"Today, Elder Mingkong happened to drink this cup of tea, and I invite you to drink another cup of Dao tea."

A phantom of the Great Dao appeared behind Xu Fan, and after a while, six cups of tea appeared on the table.

Yin and Yang, time and space, and the five elements are all the teas of the supreme and pure avenues.

It was a kind of magical power that Xu Fan naturally realized after realizing that the tea ceremony had reached its peak.

"Could this be the Tea of ​​the Great Dao!!" Mingkong's expression was a little shocked.

This kind of tea was known to him when he was chatting with his superior. To condense the tea of ​​the Dao, the two Dao comprehension must reach the peak of a world before they can be condensed.

"Three cups of tea per person, this is the first time I have served guests with tea from the Great Dao."

Xu Fan picked up a cup of Yin-Yang Dao tea and tasted it. Although he couldn't understand anything, the pure taste of Dao Da tea made Xu Fan have some aftertastes.

I regret that I didn't study the tea ceremony earlier. I don't need any spiritual tea to entertain guests in the future. I can directly condense the tea of ​​the Dao, which is not only pretentious but also face-saving and saves tea.

Ming Kong smelled the tea aroma of the Great Dao Tea, and suddenly felt that the cup of spiritual tea in his hand was tasteless.

He drank it all in one gulp, put it down, and picked up a cup of tea from the Five Elements Dao. Just after tasting it, he entered a state of epiphany.

"I knew~" Xu Fan said with a smile as he looked at Ming Kong who had fallen into an epiphany state.

Then with a wave of his hand, the tea on the table was frozen by time and was in a state of absolute stillness.

The area where Mingkong was located started to accelerate, and it took three months to wake up before he woke up from the epiphany state.

"I'm sorry, Great Elder, a cup of tea from the Five Elements Avenue made me fall into a state of epiphany." Mingkong said embarrassedly.

"It's alright, there is time to speed up, in my eyes it's just a moment." Xu Fan said while tasting the tea of ​​Yin-Yang Avenue.

"That's good~" Mingkong picked up the tea of ​​Yin-Yang Avenue again.

Falling into a state of epiphany again, Xu Fan waved his hand and time accelerated.

The third cup of tea is still the same, but the time to comprehend this time is a little longer, and it has accelerated by a total of 10 years.

"Congratulations to Elder Mingkong's cultivation level." Xu Fan said, feeling the aura of Mingkong.

"Thank you, Great Elder~" Mingkong said gratefully.

"Please have a cup of tea, thank you, thank you, there is no problem with the relationship between the two of us drinking every day." Xu Fan said indifferently.

"I'm here this time to tell the Great Elder, I want to retreat and begin to communicate with the will of Heavenly Dao. This time may be a little long, and it is estimated that I will not be able to personally send the Great Elder's Yinling Island out of Feiyu Realm by then." Mingkong said.

"Or I'll let Grape help you." Xu Fan asked with concern, he was afraid that Mingkong might not be able to handle the will of Heaven in Feiyu Realm alone.

"No, no danger has been tested before."

"That's good, then I wish you a successful fellow Daoist."

Xu Fan personally sent Mingkong away.

"When he came over and said, there really is a sense of parting." Xu Fan said, looking in the direction of Mingkong's disappearance.

"Actually, there is nothing worth lingering about in this world."

"Master, let's leave the Feather World and ascend to the Immortal World Xu Yuexian's figure appeared behind Xu Fan.

"With the help of Bai Long, you can now hide from my perception." Xu Fan looked back and said with a smile.

"It's still a long way off, the master puts down his aura a little bit, and Xiaobai won't dare to approach you." Xu Yuexian said while touching the white dragon next to him.

"You call your eldest brother and junior brother to the small courtyard, and invite you to drink tea for the master." Xu Fan said, remembering the magical power he had just realized.

Good things are of course to be enjoyed together.

In Xu Fan's small courtyard, it became a small tea party at this time.

He prepared different Dao tea according to the Dao major of each apprentice.

As a result, all the apprentices fell into a state of epiphany just by tasting the product.


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