In the dojo of the main peak, Xu Fan looked at the disciples who had broken through to the quasi-immortal realm and nodded with satisfaction.

It's not easy, the cultivation of these disciples after so many years can finally keep up with him.

"Don't rush to do things for the sect, first stabilize the realm." Xu Fan looked at the group of disciples who were eager to contribute to the sect and said.

After their cultivation base was promoted to quasi-immortal, the first thing they thought about was to do a task for the sect.

Because they listened to the analysis of the disciples of the business line, it is very likely that the sect is in urgent need of immortal jade.

"Elder, our cultivation base has been stabilized. Now is the time to contribute to the sect. Please let Grape give us a mission." Xiong Li took the lead and saluted Xu Fan.

Xu Fan glanced at it and found that nearly half of the disciples had already stabilized their cultivation.

"It's fine, just go shopping in the fairyland and collect information by the way."

Xu Fan asked Grape to start arranging tasks based on the surrounding information.

In the past 20 years of cultivation, only 2 of the 3,000 compasses have been lit up, almost all of which are by the side, and Xu Fan is also planning for his sideline in the future.

Wine, poison, fate, heavenly secrets, ghosts, in short, whatever is difficult to cultivate, Xu Fan cultivates this way.

An aura appeared in Xu Fan's hand, and it bounced directly into the grape's body.

"Grape, the true immortal-level combat power puppet production line can now be established."

"Find a way to package and sell the puppet production line below the Zongmen integration period." Xu Fan said.

In the Immortal Realm, production lines such as magic weapon elixir puppets are not uncommon, but they are called differently.

This kind of production line is especially popular with the chambers of commerce in the fairy world, because it can be used to harvest the wealth in the thousands of worlds outside the fairy world.

"Follow the master, in addition, please determine the priority of the task first." Grape said.

"In terms of priority, use the secret method to brew immortal wine first, and then use the poison. As for the rest of the spiritual treasures, it's easy to buy." Xu Fan said with a smile.

He just got the news of No. 2 and No. 2. They have collected nearly 5 million immortal jade over the years, and they are expected to complete the task within a hundred years.

"As ordered."

Beyond Yinling Island is a huge lake that stretches as far as the eye can see, and Yinling Island is located in the center.

On a lonely boat, Wang Yulun and Luo Sheng were fishing.

I saw a sword light streak across the sky, flying towards Yinling Island at high speed.

"Elder Wang, your son is extremely talented, it will not be a problem to become a Golden Immortal in the future, and it will not be a problem to be promoted to Da Luo." Luo Sheng complimented next to him with a smile.

"I found a good daughter-in-law in the Immortal Realm and found the holy medicine for re-cultivation. Otherwise, his aptitude would be a little better than me." Wang Yulun said with a smile.

Xu Fan was about to stroll around the sect when he met Wang Xiangchi, who was rushing back.

"Master! Disciple is not filial. I haven't done my filial piety in front of Master for so many years." Wang Xiangchi knelt down and gave a big salute, looking at Xu Fan with longing eyes.

"Okay, it's not too many years apart~" Xu Fan helped Wang Xiangchi up and looked up and down this good disciple whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

"You have made rapid progress during this time in Immortal Realm, and you have lived up to the expectations of your teacher."

At this time, Wang Xiangchi was already an invincible sage, and his combat power was no less than that of the Ziyu Jiaolong in the past.

"My apprentice didn't dare to forget the master's teachings for a moment." Wang Xiangchi saw the master he wanted to see the most, and suddenly felt a kind of wishful fulfillment.

For a time, a giant sword phantom appeared in the sky.

After seeing Xu Fan, Wang Xiangchi was enlightened, and he was naturally promoted to the quasi-immortal cultivation base.

"Stable cultivation, I have a task for you later."

Xu Fan raised his hand gently, and a void teleportation array wrapped Wang Xiangchi and sent it back to his cave.

Luo Sheng, who was fishing in the lake, turned his attention to the fish float area.

"That aura just now should be your son's breakthrough." Luo Sheng said.

"It's okay." Wang Yulun showed a smile on the corner of his mouth. At this time, he was already a quasi-immortal.

Luo Sheng looked at Wang Yulun as if the younger brother looked at the boss.

He decided to stay dead in this hidden spirit gate all the time. He wanted to hug Xu Fan and Wang Yulun tightly, and he would rather die than let go.

It feels like this may be his last chance.

At this moment, the fishing rod in Wang Yulun's hand sank, and a Sky Magic Pearl was caught.

Looking at this celestial bead marked with the imprint of the Great Zhou Immortal Dynasty, Luo Sheng had a very magical feeling next to it.

I have been fishing with this thigh for so many years, but except for fish, I can catch all kinds of strange things.

For this reason, he also went into this big lake to search for it.

Later, Wang Yulun couldn't bear Luo Sheng's curious eyes, so he followed him with his talent for hammering away the world.

"Elder Wang, if you are really curious about the Great Zhou Xianchao, I can show you."

"I have traveled there with Master before, and I can be a tour guide for Elder Wang." Luo Sheng laughed.

"Is Da Luo Xianchao really that powerful?" Hearing Luo Cheng's words, Wang Yulun asked softly.

For some reason, the greater the power of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the more bad he felt.

"Of course it is very powerful. It has risen in the middle of the end and has achieved first-class strength in the Three Thousand Realms."

"You must know that among the human race, there are not many who belong to the first-class strength of the Three Thousand Realms." Luo Sheng said beside him.

"I see." Wang Yulun nodded.

At this moment, Xu Fan's figure appeared on the spirit boat.

"Brother Xu, long time no see." Wang Yulun said with a smile.

"Meet the elders."

With the two thighs gathered together, Luo Sheng felt that he had to perform well.

"Aren't you used to fishing here~" Xu Fan asked with a smile.

"It's good. After being promoted to Quanxian, the things you catch are getting more and more advanced."

"Brother Xu, see if there is anything you can use and take it directly." Wang Yulun took out a space ring and put it in Xu Fan's hand.

Is this a new wave of benefits?

Before Xu Fan could see it, he found that his good brother took out another space ring and put it all into his hands.

"I haven't had time to read these yet, Big Brother Xu help me to see if there are any good things in it." Wang Yulun said with a smile.

"Okay, let me see for you~" Xu Fan nodded and said By the way, Brother Xu, there is one more thing. "Wang Yulun said suddenly with a solemn expression.

"What's the matter with you, I will help you solve it~" Xu Fan said strangely.

"Xiang Chi has been promoted to Zhunxian. In the future, he will trouble Big Brother Xu and teach him carefully."

With a word from good brother, Xu Fan understood what it meant.

"This is necessary. After Xiang Chi stayed in the Immortal Realm for a while this time, his cultivation, realm, and combat power increased very quickly."

"As a master, of course I have to teach more carefully, but you, a father, also need to be educated from time to time."

Xu Fan began to think about what kind of fairy weapon he should make so that his good brother could teach his children patiently and carefully.



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