"This blow, at least annihilated thousands of wood source clan." Human Race Commander Unit estimated.

At this moment, two figures appeared beside the human commander.

"Two great immortals, it's up to you to win this battle," the commander said excitedly.

"Don't worry, leave the most important things to me." Xiong Li said lightly.

"As long as there are forests, all are the most important places. Destroying all the forests is half the victory." The commander said quickly.

And randomly unfolded a light and shadow map to point out several important forest areas.


Xiong Li jumped suddenly, and instantly transformed into a chaotic golden body of five elements that was thousands of feet in the air.

He rushed towards the nearest Muyuan clan forest.

And Xu Gang directly transformed into a virtual image of a thousand hands, and began to condense one after another magical missiles.

"Da Xian, how many times can you use this magical power? If it is particularly consuming immortal power, we will only attack the most important places."

The mushroom cloud that exploded thousands of miles high just now gave him a very deep impression.

"It doesn't cost any immortal power to use this Oriental supernatural power. You can use it as many times as you want." Xu Gang said lightly. Missing mana.

Now there are only five fairy weapons that store extra immortal power on his body, which can just be recycled when he is fighting with high strength.

As one after another Dongfeng gods blasted towards the positions of the Muyuan clan.

The situation on the battlefield was reversed, and even the vines that drilled out of the ground again became scum under Xu Gang's continuous bombardment.

Mushroom clouds bloomed one after another in the rear position of the Muyuan Clan.

The commander at the rear of the human race was elated.

"It's just that this great immortal is stronger than the hundred-person supernatural power team. Is it finally my turn, Chai Shi, to get lucky this time!" Chai Shi, the commander of the human race, said excitedly in his heart.

On the front line of the battlefield, Xiong Li became a sharp knife, breaking through one after another of the Muyuan clan battle formations, and led the Human Race King Kong Division to destroy the front line piece after piece of Muyuan forest.

At this time, the Muyuan clan Jinxian, who was watching the battle on the battlefield, had an extremely ugly face, and a huge momentum was condensed on his body, as if he wanted to annihilate the human clan troops below at any time.

"You have to think about it, this battle broke the rules at the beginning, how will you fight in the future." Jinxian of the human race was also on guard, and was ready to stop the Jinxian of the Muyuan family from attacking at any time.

Seeing the destruction of the Muyuan Clan one after another below, the human race Jinxian was in an unusually comfortable mood, swept away the unpleasantness that the human race troops were restrained just now.

"As I see it, as long as your clans are not completely united and want to take advantage of the human race, you are not qualified." Human Race Jinxian said with a smile.

"The feng shui turns. When your human race joined other races to weaken my Muyuan tribe, that's not what you said." Jinxian of the Muyuan tribe snorted coldly, looking at the situation of the Muyuan tribe below, he endured it once. again.

At this moment, a huge mushroom cloud rose from the largest Muyuan forest behind the Muyuan clan. Jinxian of the Muyuan clan knew that they had lost this battle.

But even if the most important forest was destroyed, the Muyuan tribe's troops were still fighting tenaciously.

However, with the Dongfeng Divine Ability missiles one after another, the tenacious eyes of the Muyuan warriors slowly turned into fear.

Is tenacity useful in the face of invincible existence?

The battlefield between the two ethnic groups stretched for 100,000 miles in this area, all of which were within the strike range of Xu Gang's Dongfeng missiles.

The human commander first looked at the situation in front of the battlefield through the light curtain.

In particular, Xiong Li drove the five-element chaotic golden body, went forward, crushed everything, and made the commander of the tribe seem to see the person he loves the most.

"Such a fierce general, I really want to hit the Muyuan family's hinterland in one fell swoop."

The human commander then looked at Xu Gang, who had been using Dongfeng magic power, and was even more happy.

At this time, with the counter-offensive of the Terran troops, the Muyuan clan has gradually formed a siege situation, and they plan to attack the Muyuan clan troops to encircle them and wipe them out.

"Fellow Daoist, which Immortal Sect Holy Land, the All Saints Immortal Sect, the Five Elements Dao Sect, the Thunder Punishment Heaven Sect, or the Earth Life Sect you two came from." The commander casually said the top immortal sects of the human race.

"Neither, fellow Daoist, don't guess, we are here just to resist the alien race." Xu Gang replied.

Upon hearing this, the commander instantly understood,

At this time, the Muyuan tribe's troops began to break through and retreat, directly rushing out from the weak defenses that the human tribe deliberately left for them.

"Fellow Daoist, I forced them together, you can start." said the Terran commander.

"Okay~" Xu Gang's eyes flashed with excitement.

Five immortal artifacts and five spirit beads appeared behind the virtual image of a thousand hands, and two giant dragons, one black and one white, intertwined and hovered in the middle of the five immortal beads.

Afterwards, the imposing manner of the whole thousand-hand virtual image soared, and one abnormally thick Dongfeng missile condensed into shape.

The original Shentong missile is equivalent to the Dongfeng 17, which is small in size and fast in speed.

And now Xu Gang's Shentong missile has become Dongfeng 41, which is designed for bombing strategic targets.

With one after another huge Dongfeng Shentong missiles flew into the distance.

The whole earth began to tremble, and mushroom clouds with a diameter of thousands of miles rose up one after another.

The Muyuan clan troops gathered together were directly beaten.

The protective magical power that was supported was ruthlessly crushed by the Dongfeng Shentong missile, even if it surpassed the first round, the second round, the third round and the fourth round.

"All the Muyuan brothers obeyed the order. We can't run away from the current situation. It is better to call the ancient tree desperately and let the ancient tree avenge us."

"Now begin to sacrifice ourselves, call on the ancient tree, and let us die with dignity in the end!"

The commander of the Muyuan clan looked at the sky with red eyes. He knew that the golden immortals of their clan were staring at the golden immortals of the human race in the sky, and it was impossible to help them, not even secretly.

When all the Muyuan people heard the commander's words, a trace of fear flashed in their eyes, and then they smiled relievedly.

Kneel down with folded hands~www.wuxiaspot.com~ An ethereal alien singing sounded in the battlefield.

Slowly, more and more Muyuan clan's singing voices were added, which actually overshadowed the sound of the Dongfeng Shentong missile bursting.

The phantom of an ancient tree in the sky appeared between the sky and the earth, and then slowly fell on the earth.

A green light spread out from this ancient tree in the sky, as if to shelter the desperate Muyuan clan.

The green light swept across, and the bodies of all the Muyuan clan instantly resolved themselves, turning into one after another aura, merging into the ancient tree.

As more and more auras gathered, the entire ancient tree in the sky had truly descended on this battlefield.

Seeing this ancient tree in the sky, the human commander slowly breathed a sigh of relief, and ordered all the human races to defend.

"What is this ancient tree, the last card of the Muyuan family?"

"Forget it, but this ancient tree is not easy to mess with. If it is not destroyed, the Muyuan clan integrated into the ancient tree will be resurrected again." The commander explained.

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