My Master is a Bug

Chapter 209: familiar taste

Just when the discussion about VIP accounts continued to dominate the hot search, a well-trained team had begun to walk out of the Canglang Realm.

These people are not the players who auctioned the account, but the elite troops carefully selected by the relevant departments.

Their purpose is to collect information on other realms.

In the first few days, these people did not attract the attention of other realm monks.

But as time went by, many VIP players also walked out of the Canglang Realm.

Although the cultivation of these players is generally not too high, the number is quite large.

The main thing is that their behavior patterns are completely different from normal monks.

In just two days, these players who are not afraid of death have made several sects jump around.

For a time, those teleportation formations erected in various realms were immediately regarded as devil's nests.

The voice calling for smashing the teleportation array appeared in several realms one after another.

But the top cultivators in the realm seemed to be deaf, turning a blind eye to the 'little devils' who came out of the teleportation array.

So this kind of voice can only flow to the depths of the realm.

However, Fang Mu's previous battles were too terrifying.

This level of cries did not cause any waves, but turned into undercurrents that continued to flow in the depths of the realm.

Just when all the realms were restless because of Fang Mu's resurrection, Fang Mu was still leisurely researching his own medicine garden.

Recently, his research has been going well.

He already has quite a bit of experience with that kind of method that turns from reality to reality.

Just when Fang Mu was about to study this thing thoroughly in one breath, he was interrupted by an accident.

Chen Qianjie broke through!

Fang Mu actually didn't care too much about the apprentice he snatched from Chen Dousheng, he just found a place for him to practice on his own.

According to Fang Mu's meaning, if Chen Qianjie broke through, he would also break through.

A deceased apprentice will not let him let go of his research.

But the problem was that the movement made by Chen Qianjie when he broke through was too great.

The spiritual power of the entire Canglang Realm kept rolling.

The originally calm Dao rhyme was also chaotically scattered all over the world like the wind.

Visions of heaven and earth appeared one after another, as if this thing didn’t need money at all.

This seriously affected Fang Mu's research.

Fang Mu wanted to make a move to make the Dao rhythm in this world stop a little.

But he unexpectedly discovered that the treasure in his body was also affected, and he began to tremble slightly.

This finally aroused Fang Mu's interest.

At this time, he suddenly realized that his apprentice's cultivation speed seemed to be a little too fast.

Although Chen Qianjie was the first group of monks to break through to Taixuan, the actual time was only a few months.

Logically speaking, he should not have made a breakthrough in such a short period of time.

But he just broke through.

This is obviously inseparable from the spring on the Void Stone.


Fang Mu put away his medicine garden, and followed the other monks in Canglang Realm to look at the sky.

At this time, Chen Qianjie's breakthrough was coming to an end, and an aura that belonged exclusively to the cultivator, slowly radiated from Chen Qianjie's body.

As this breath continued to spread, the Dao rhyme in the entire Canglang Realm kept shaking, and even the stars put down by Fang Mu himself rose and fell slightly.

Obviously, Chen Qianjie's breakthrough had already been recognized by the Daoyun of Canglang Realm.

"This little guy really fits the Dao rhyme of Canglang Realm..."

Fang Mu whispered and disappeared in place.

The next moment, his figure appeared above Chen Qianjie.

He did not disturb Chen Qianjie's breakthrough, but silently observed.

At this time, Chen Qianjie was still in the process of transformation.

The Dao rhyme of Canglang Realm seemed to resonate with him in some way, and various visions continued to appear.

These visions, both in quality and quantity, are far beyond the limits of ordinary monks.

If Fang Mu hadn't known about his apprentice's footsteps, he would have almost thought that this little guy was the illegitimate son of Canglang Realm.

The other monks in the Canglang Realm were even more stunned.

These old antiques that have lived for decades or hundreds of years have never seen such a huge breakthrough in their lives.

Even the well-informed players are attracted by this vision.

For a while, titles such as 'Child of Destiny' and 'Spirit of the Realm' were spread.

Chen Dousheng, who was in the back mountain of Jade Xuanzong, was also dazed at those visions.

He cultivated together with Chen Qianjie for a hundred years, and at the same time he broke through to the Taixuan Realm. He believed that his understanding of Chen Qianjie was a hundred times better than others.

But I never thought that Chen Qianjie could make another breakthrough in such a short period of time.

And the vision that seemed to want no money on the horizon made him even more foolish.

Chen Dousheng's eyes were dull, and he muttered in his mouth: "What the **** did the devil give this child..."

Li Zihua next to him seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly said:

"Recently, Chen Qianjie has been cultivating on the star that the devil took down.

Could it be because of the star? "

Chen Dousheng obviously agrees with this kind of speculation.

He nodded heavily and sighed: "No wonder the devil had to bring Chen Qianjie into his sect that day.

It turned out that he had already expected this scene today. "

Under the sky, Fang Mu didn't care what these people were talking about.

He was still observing the changes of Chen Qianjie.

He vaguely felt that Chen Qianjie's breakthrough seemed to be somewhat related to the treasure in his body.

But what Fang Mu couldn't figure out was that most of the treasure had been swallowed by him, and only a little was sealed in his body, suppressing the peak demonic energy in his body.

He thought about it and couldn't figure out why Chen Qianjie exuded such aura.

Fortunately, Chen Qianjie didn't keep him waiting for a long After a while, Chen Qianjie completely stepped into his fate, and the visions around him began to slowly dissipate.

After completing the breakthrough, Chen Qianjie only felt refreshed.

Threads of spiritual energy surrounded him, making him feel like he was omnipotent.

He raised his hand subconsciously, intending to try his silky spiritual power.

However, his hand had just been raised halfway, and the space beside him was fluctuating.

At the same time, an inexplicable heart palpitations emerged from the bottom of his heart.

This is not because he feels danger, but simply realizes that there is a terrifying existence near him.

He raised his head subconsciously, and sure enough he saw Fang Mu appearing beside him.

Chen Qianjie got up quickly and said respectfully, "Master!"


Fang Mu nodded and continued to look at Chen Qianjie.

He found that the child's cultivation base was quite solid, and he didn't have the vain feeling of hasty breakthrough.

What surprised him even more was that the aura emanating from Chen Qianjie was getting closer and closer to the fountain not far away.

Fang Mu was very familiar with this kind of atmosphere.

Back then, he sucked up the spring water in one gulp, and his strength began to grow uncontrollably.

The familiar atmosphere made Fang Mu recall the original taste.


Fang Mu swallowed and said, "Yes, the entry is quite fast."

Chen Qianjie suddenly felt a little chill on his body.

He timidly said: "Master, what I see in Quan's eyes is really just similar to the breath..."

Fang Mu waved his hand and said, "It's okay, even if you really come from the same origin as the things here, I won't eat you."

"But you just swallowed..."

Chen Qianjie nodded weakly and did not dare to speak.

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