My Master is a Bug

Chapter 220: lobbyist

Dozens of people were killed and injured, and finally led to the official intervention of the earth.

They quickly recalled ordinary players who were still wandering outside, and used various rules to restrict the actions of VIP players.

However, at this time, the detached monks in other realms had already seen the weakness of the Canglang Realm.

Even if the actions of the group of VIP players have restrained, it has not stopped the hearts of those detached monks.

In the next few days, two more realm teleportation arrays were destroyed.

This incident intensified, causing Lu Zhengye and the relevant departments to be devastated.

As a result, Guo Xing, who was cultivating in silence on Earth, was finally called out from the specially designed training room.

As soon as Guo Xing walked out of the training room, he saw Lu Zhengye who was anxious.

Beside Lu Zhengye, there was a serious middle-aged man.

Guo Xing glanced at the two of them, and said a little unhappily: "Didn't I have already handed over everything that was supposed to be handed over last month, why did you call me out again?"

Lu Zhengye said solemnly: "If possible, we actually don't want to disturb your cultivation.

But something happened in Canglang Realm.

For some things, you still need your senior brother who refers to Tianshan to come forward. "

When Lu Zhengye said these words, his expression was very serious, which made Guo Xing stunned for a moment.

Guo Xing blinked his eyes twice, and said a little puzzled: "What could happen in the Canglang Realm, is there anyone who dares to call at the door?"

Lu Zhengye sighed and said, "What you said is exactly what we are worried about.

Although no detachment cultivator has come to the door yet, if the devil does not appear again, it may not be..."

"My master is not in Canglang Realm anymore?"

Guo Xing was stunned again, and then he asked, "What happened in Canglang Realm?"

Lu Zhengye explained: "A month ago, your junior brother Chen Qianjie broke through to his fate.

Then he was taken out of the Canglang Realm by the Demon Lord.

No one has seen them since that day.

In the past few days, those detached monks from other realms have tried to test them.

The teleportation arrays in the realm were destroyed one by one.

Now there are only four nodes left in the teleportation array..."

After listening to Lu Zhengye's story, Guo Xing roughly understood what had happened this month.

The teleportation formations in the four realms of Baotian Realm, Xianyun Realm, Chishui Realm and Douyang Realm were destroyed one after another.

The VIP players who went to explore these realms were also killed back to the Canglang Realm.

Among the remaining four realms, the Canglang Realm still had Fang Mu's remaining power, so no one dared to come to provoke him for the time being.

Yaozhen Realm is because it is too close to Canglang Realm, and no one dares to go to it for the time being.

As for the Nether God Realm and the Xuanzhen Realm, Shen Qiuhao and Guan Baiyan were guarding them respectively.

These two detachment cultivators obviously placed their bets on Fang Mu.

They did not let loose like the detached monks in other realms, but directly spread out their own sect formations and guarded the teleportation formations in these two realms.

Now the situation on the side of Xuanzhen Realm can barely support it.

But the Nether God Realm is already in jeopardy.

Although Shen Qiuhao tried his best to guard, his strength was limited after all, and he was almost unable to support it.

The relevant departments speculated that if all the teleportation formations outside the realm were destroyed and the Canglang Realm still did not respond, the detachment monks in the depths of the realm would most likely turn their attention to the Canglang Realm.

At that time, for those ordinary players, it is likely to be a disaster.

What's more serious is that those detached monks are likely to set off from Canglang Realm and come directly to Earth.

Once those detached monks break into the earth, it will be a disaster for all mankind.

Because of this, Lu Zhengye came to find Guo Xing together with the heads of relevant departments.

When Guo Xing heard this, he finally understood the seriousness of the matter.

He rubbed his forehead and said, "I can't find my master if I lose it. What's the use of you coming to me?"

Lu Zhengye waved his hand and said, "We came to you this time, not for you to help us find the devil."

"If you don't find my master, what are you going to do?"

"We want you to be a lobbyist for me."

Guo Xing said blankly, "What do you mean?"

Lu Zhengye explained: "Recently, Wan Shanqing is trying to set up a detachment formation.

It is said that this great formation can cover the entire Canglang Realm.

If it goes well, it can resist the attack of the detachment monk to a certain extent. "

"Isn't that a good thing?"

"It's a good thing, but Wan Shanqing encountered a little trouble in the process of research.

The materials in his hand are not enough to complete such a large formation.

In addition, once this great formation is completed, it may affect the rhythm of the Canglang Realm.

Wan Shanqing was worried that his arrangement would attract the dissatisfaction of the Demon Lord.

So he needs permission from the Tianshan Mountain. "

Hearing this, Guo Xing immediately looked at Lu Zhengye viciously and said angrily:

"In other words, not only will I have to bleed heavily this time.

If my master is not happy in the future, I will have to bear the blame for him! ? "

Lu Zhengye said a little embarrassedly: "You can't say that.

Wan Shanqing actually just wanted a comfort.

If the Demon Lord is really angry, even if you want to take the blame for Wan Shanqing, the Demon Lord will not agree. "

Guo Xing said with a displeased expression: "That's right, with my master's behavior, most of the time, Wan Shanqing and I will be shot to death together!"

Lu Zhengye: "…"

The middle-aged man next to him, who had been silent for a while, saw that Lu Zhengye was speechless, so he had to cough dryly:

"We also know there are some risks to you in this matter.

However, we have estimated that this risk is actually very low.

Otherwise, Wan Shanqing would not take the initiative to make this suggestion. "

Guo Xing agrees with this statement.

Although Fang Mu is a demon cultivator, he is not very bloodthirsty.

But even so, Guo Xing was still very upset.

He rolled his eyes and said, "It's easy for you to say. If my master really turns his face, will you be buried with me?"

The middle-aged man was not angry, but sighed:

"If my life could be used as a guarantee, I would have given it up long ago.

But this matter can only be promised by you, and Wan Shanqing will feel at ease.

If there were no threats from the depths of the realm, we would not want him to set up such a large formation.

Right now, however, we have no choice at all.

If we don't take precautions, the Canglang Realm is likely to be breached by those detached monks.

Once we lose the barrier of Canglang Realm, UU reading www.uukanshu. com Those detached monks can come to Earth at any time and slaughter wantonly on our land.

I think you don't want to see this happen. "

Guo Xing was silent for a while when he heard this.

The detachment monks can cross the void to come to the earth, which basically no one will refute.

After all, Fang Mu had grabbed one before.

And once the detachment monks come to the earth, it will be an uncontrollable disaster.

At that time, Guo Xing, who refers to the dangers encountered by the great disciple of Tianshan Mountain, will probably be much more dangerous than now.


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