My Master is a Bug

Chapter 250: fairy spirit

Lu Zhengye and Guo Xing returned to his villa and confirmed that the spiritual consciousness in the Canglang map could not spread here, and finally couldn't help asking:

"What is in the jade slip you put for him?"

Guo Xing smiled and said, "It's just some of the novels I recorded before.

Originally, I was just recording for fun, but just now the guy said he was bored, so I took it out for him to try.

If he is interested, we can use this thing to exchange him for the right to use the Canglang map for a few months. "

Lu Zhengye's eyes lit up and said, "What a great idea!

If he is not interested in novels, I can also carve some games into the jade slip.

In addition to games, you can also get some metaphysical books, I don't believe that he is not interested at all. "

The more he talked, the more excited he became, and finally he slammed the table and said:

"This is a big deal, and I have to arrange it myself.

I also have to coordinate with the relevant departments.

They kept clamoring for me to send a few special soldiers into the Canglang Realm, and I was almost bored to death by them.

This time I finally have eyes and eyes, I will not delay your cultivation!

By the way, you don't have to worry about profit.

If this happens, we will still be divided into fifty-fifty! "

After Lu Zhengye finished speaking, he hurried out of Guo Xing's villa.

Without Lu Zhengye's interference, Guo Xing could finally practice with peace of mind.

In Guo Xing's villa, there is a top-level gathering spirit formation combining high technology and ancient formations.

The scale of this spirit gathering array is far from being comparable to the one arranged by Fang Mu, nor can it be as endless as that spirit gathering array, taking the spiritual energy of heaven and earth for its own use.

It can only stimulate the aura in the spiritual jade.

This is its disadvantage, but also its advantage.

As long as enough spiritual jade is inserted, this spiritual gathering array can even liquefy the spiritual energy to form a spiritual energy pool.

In Guo Xing's hands, there is no shortage of Lingyu.

So he doesn't need to point to Tianshan's Spirit Gathering Array at all, and compete with others for that little bit of pitiful spiritual energy.

Guo Xing just made a few adjustments and immersed himself in the practice.

After being trained by Fang Mu using the magic method, Guo Xing felt an indescribable sense of security when he was cultivating.

Coupled with the transpiration of spiritual energy during practice, it is much more comfortable than soaking in a sauna.

So he has gradually become obsessed with cultivation itself.

Without outside interference, he can practice for several days in one breath.

In the next half month, Guo Xing only rested a few times, and spent the rest of the time soaking in the specially-made spirit gathering array to make up for his cultivation progress.

When Guo Xing was cultivating, Chen Qianjie had already set up a teleportation formation in several nearby realms.

Since the cultivator who fought against Fang Mu had a miserable end, Chen Qianjie went out this time very smoothly and was not hindered in any way.

Those detached monks who were once overwhelmed by Fang Mu had already prepared everything.

Until Chen Qianjie returned, the teleportation formations in those realms were still stable and undisturbed.

Due to the stable operation of the teleportation array, the VIP players who had to withdraw from the Canglang Realm before walked out of the Canglang Realm again.

After the last lesson, these VIP players are a lot more honest.

They did not disturb the order in these realms, but joined the sects of the local realm as genius disciples.

Some players quickly integrated into some local sects by virtue of their skinless and faceless characteristics.

There are a few players who take this characteristic to the extreme, and in just a few days, they have learned the secret techniques of the sect.

This kind of secret technique is very dangerous to practice. If you don’t practice well, you will be killed and disabled. Therefore, no one has practiced for thousands of years.

But VIP players are not afraid of death.

Some people died several times in just a few days, and then they refined the secret technique to a small success.

Although this kind of secret technique is dangerous when cultivating, it is extremely powerful.

With this secret technique, in just a few days, this small sect that was on the verge of collapse was revived.

And the situation doesn't stop there.

In the next few days, several small factions that were struggling to survive got back on their feet because of these VIP players.

This kind of thing happened one after another, finally making other sects realize the role of these VIP players, and more and more sects began to accept VIP players from Canglang Realm.

As more and more players integrate into different sects, his reputation has finally begun to gradually reverse.

These re-exiting VIP players are getting better and better, and more and more players have left the Canglang Realm.

Among them are some daring ordinary players.

Just when walking out of the Canglang Realm gradually became a trend, a fully armed team came from the earth to the Canglang Realm.

They did not enter through the game room, but through Canglangtu, they truly entered this world.

This means that the earthlings have finally stepped into the land of another world for the first time!

This incident did not cause a sensation in the Canglang Realm, but it caused a frenzy in the upper echelons of the earth.

Although there have been countless evidences before this, proving that the existence of Canglang Realm is true.

But after all, there is no real passage between the two worlds.

Now that the real warriors on Earth have entered the Canglang Realm, this is a milestone event.

In just a few days, several meetings of the highest standard were held on Earth, each with a theme related to the Canglang Realm.

While the upper layers of the earth were constantly running, the Canglang Realm was still developing at its own pace.

The teleportation formations in the Canglang Realm appeared in the deep realm at a rate of almost one per day as Chen Qianjie ran around.

During this process, the Heaven and Ghost Realm still did not respond.

And those detached monks who had been shouting to resist Canglang Realm before also died down one by one.

Another month later, except for the Heaven and Ghost Realm, all other realms have been plugged into the teleportation array.

After arranging the thirty-fifth teleportation array, Chen Qianjie finally brought the last teleportation to the Heavenly Ghost Realm.

At this time, Jiang Taichu was still in retreat.

However, the Heavenly Ghost Sect he was in sent a detachment cultivator to receive Chen Qianjie and found a place for him to set up the teleportation formation.

Chen Qianjie didn't think much about this.

He only regarded this as Jiang Taichu's last pride.

After simply communicating with the monks of the Heavenly Ghost Sect, Chen Qianjie placed the last teleportation formation outside the Heavenly Ghost Sect.

When the last teleportation formation was lit up, the other thirty-five teleportation formations also lit up.

The light emitted by the teleportation array is not very dazzling, but it resonates inexplicably.

The spiritual energy of the thirty-six realms blended with each other in these teleportation arrays, and a new energy was born.

Chen Qianjie tried to absorb a wisp of it, and was delighted to discover that this fusion spiritual power was in an unusual fit with his own fusion path.

'No wonder Master wants to spread the teleportation array all over the thirty-six realms, did he expect this scene long ago? ’

The more he thought about it, the more excited he became, feeling that he had finally guessed Fang Mu's intentions.

There are also detachment monks in various realms who have similar ideas to him.

At this time, they have also discovered the strange aura emanating from the teleportation array.

Although this kind of aura is not many in quantity, its quality is exceptionally high.

If the auras in these thirty-six realms are allowed to continue to blend, the upper limit of these realms will continue to increase in the next few hundred years.

For a time, the monks in various realms boiled again.

However, just as this warm atmosphere broke out in various realms one after another, the face of 'Jiang Taichu', who was hiding in retreat in the Heaven and Ghost Realm, showed deep doubts.

'The road to the sky didn't appear...'

In fact, as early as a month ago, he had already discovered the special nature of these teleportation arrays.

He thought that when the teleportation array connected the thirty-six realms in series, it would lead to the road to the sky.

At this time, he realized that he seemed to be wrong.

These teleportation arrays only make the spiritual power in these thirty-six realms have a tendency to merge.

For other detachment monks, this is a huge change, but it is far from Li Hongyi's expectations.

Li Hongyi frowned and thought for a while before muttering, "Could it be that I made a mistake?

The purpose of these teleportation arrays is not to lead directly to the road to the sky, but to let me lead the master to come? "

Thinking of this, Li Hongyi's expression changed After a long time, he gritted his teeth and said, "Well, Master and the others will return sooner or later.

Since you guys built a bridge for me in advance, don't blame me! "

After Li Hongyi finished speaking, he sketched it on the ground.

In order not to make too much noise, his sketching speed is not fast, and every time he waits until the fluctuation of spiritual power has completely calmed down before slowly dropping the second stroke.

It took him three full days to draw before he finally made the last stroke in the pattern.

At this time, the array map under his feet was already completely linked to the teleportation array.

Originally, the channel cut open by Cang Qing was not completely stable, and the coordinates were not completely clear.

It takes quite a long time to stabilize if you want to cross from the other side to this point.

But the array map he drew quickly diverted the chaotic fluctuations in the channel, and used the power of the thirty-six teleportation arrays to eliminate it.

In just a few days, the channel that was cut out by Cang Qing was completely stabilized.

And the thirty-six teleportation formations, under the blessing of the formation map, became the most dazzling guiding lights in this world.

The monk at the other end of the passage can easily enter this realm following his guidance.

Li Hongyi looked at the stable passage, his expression became extremely complicated.

"Cultivation of Immortals is finally coming again..."

As if in response to his words, the channel that had just stabilized fluctuated violently.

A stream of fairy spirit escaped from the passage.

Li Hongyi's expression changed slightly, and he quickly activated the array map to push down the immortal air pressure that escaped from the passage.

However, the fairy energy is getting stronger and stronger.

After just a moment, Li Hongyi's formation could no longer withstand the scouring of this immortal energy.

In an instant, a strong fairy energy rose into the sky!

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