My Master is a Bug

Chapter 255: The consequences of angering Fang Mu

At the same time as Fang Mu shouted violently, he smashed through the void again.

Shi Tiancheng was horrified to find that his escape speed with burning immortal energy was still far inferior to Fang Mu's.

With just two punches, Fang Mu smashed a thousand miles of void into a pulp.

What terrified Shi Tiancheng was that Fang Mu didn't even wait for the shattered void to calm down and squeezed in.

Although he was a little disheartened by the broken void, Fang Mu finally squeezed out from the other end of the void.

And that location is only a few hundred miles away from Shi Tiancheng!

Just as Shi Tiancheng turned around, Fang Mu raised his angry fist again.

In Shi Tiancheng's eyes, there was a deep despair in an instant.

He never thought that Fang Mu's strength could be so strong.

If this punch fell on him, he would definitely die.

In an instant, Shi Tiancheng had already made a decision.

His immortal body suddenly cracked into several pieces and flew out in all directions.

This scene made Fang Mu slightly stunned.

Fang Mu originally thought that this method of disintegrating the demons was exclusive to the demon cultivator.

However, when this move was used in front of Fang Mu, it was indeed a bit tricky.

With his identity as a magician, he can completely crack this secret technique.

But now he was so angry that he didn't want to compete with Shi Tiancheng at all, he just wanted to smash everything in front of him.

Fang Mu's fist slammed down without any hesitation.

It's just that the strength of this punch did not spread according to the previous trajectory, but took his position as the center, and instantly spread into the void of thousands of miles.

Thousands of miles of void shattered.

The monstrous demonic energy mixed with the shattered void, sweeping away almost everything it passed.

The thousands of immortal bodies, large and small, formed by Shi Tiancheng were annihilated by 90% in this hit.

The remaining less than 10% of the fragments were also affected, and their speed dropped sharply.

However, the aftermath of Fang Mu's attack did not stop there.

After his peak demonic energy spread to the edge of the broken void, it did not dissipate with the vibration of the void, but merged with the void fragments to form a layer similar to the boundary wall.

Fang Mu's punch not only killed more than 90% of Shi Tiancheng's immortal body, but also smashed a huge spherical ban in thousands of miles of void, banning all the remaining immortal bodies of Shi Tiancheng!

Because it is too hasty, this layer of ban is not very tough. If Shi Tiancheng can condense his immortal body again, he can easily penetrate it.

But Shi Tiancheng's current state was already extremely bad, and he couldn't grasp this opportunity at all.

After his remaining immortal body was swept away by the demonic energy, he had already lost the ability to distinguish the direction, just like headless flies ramming around in the void.

Without waiting for Shi Tiancheng's senses to recover, Fang Mu had already dodged and came to the largest immortal body.


With a loud bang, this immortal body was directly smashed to pieces.

The aftermath of Fang Mu's punch continued to spread, crushing several immortal bodies nearby, and at the same time reinforcing the boundary wall.

Although the reinforced boundary wall is still unable to withstand the full blow of Renxian, Shi Tiancheng's body fragments have already broken through again.

So far, Shi Tiancheng has become a turtle in a urn.

Seeing that there was no way to escape, a relatively large immortal body suddenly transformed into the appearance of Shi Tiancheng, shouting:

"Stop! We..."


With a loud noise, Fang Mu, whose anger had not subsided, directly smashed the immortal body to pieces.

However, in the next moment, Shi Tiancheng's figure condensed again in another direction.

"We actually..."




"You can talk!"


At this moment, Shi Tiancheng finally realized that death was imminent and attempted to negotiate with Fang Mu.

But Fang Mu's anger was completely ignited, and he didn't want to communicate with Shi Tiancheng at all.

He just wanted to crush Shi Tiancheng completely.

With a loud explosion, the immortal bodies in the ban decreased piece by piece.

In just a moment of effort, Fang Mu's massive immortal bodies had already been crushed by Fang Mu, leaving only a few tiny bits of flesh, trying to hide in the turbulent turbulent void.

Fang Mu looked around for a week, looking at the immortal body powder hiding in the void in various forms, and said with an unhappy expression:

"Since you are willing to play cat and mouse, then I will play with you!"

Deep in the realm, on a boulder of void.

Ning Tianqing's illusory face was already filled with shock.

Because his mind fluctuated too violently, even his illusory body trembled slightly.

Gou Yuxuan, who was not far away, frowned and said, "What happened in the Canglang Realm?"

This is the third time he has asked the same question.

The first two times, Ning Tianqing was too shocked to hear Gou Yuxuan's question at all.

It was only at this point that he regained his senses.

Ning Tianqing's illusory eyes still looked a little hollow, and said slowly, "Shi Tiancheng was beaten to pieces!"

In fact, Gou Yuxuan had already guessed the general result from Ning Tianqing's reaction.

But when he really heard these words from Ning Tianqing's mouth, he still couldn't help but widen his eyes.

After all, before the battle started, he was not optimistic about Fang Mu at all.

The expression on Goo Yuxuan's face changed for a while before muttering:

"Fang Mu actually won. Could it be that he has reached the real realm of Heavenly Spirit?"

Ning Tianqing's illusory body trembled and said, "I'm afraid... more than that!"

Goo Yuxuan, who had already stared at the boss, was suddenly even more stunned.

At this moment, Gou Yuxuan couldn't help but have a guess in his heart.

But this guess was so unbelievable that he didn't want to believe it at all.


Gou Yuxuan swallowed his saliva and said with a difficult face: "What does it mean more than that?"

Ning Tianqing's expression was also a little weird. He glanced at Gou Yuxuan and said in a very slow speech:

"Fang Mu's strength may already be above the Heavenly Spirit."

Above the Heavenly Spirit!

Gou Yuxuan's expression froze completely, although this was his previous guess.

The realm of heaven and spirit is the most sought after of every spiritual practice.

Whether it was Gou Yuxuan or Ning Tianqing, they had been struggling for hundreds of thousands of years.

But now Ning Tianqing told him that Fang Mu, the devil who had just debuted, was already above Tianling.

How could Goo Yuxuan want to believe this!

Gou Yuxuan was stunned for a while, and then said with a stunned expression: "What realm is above the heavenly spirit?"

Ning Tianqing twitched the corners of his mouth and said, "I don't know either, but Fang Mu's strength is definitely not just Heavenly Spirit.

Because his battle with Shi Tiancheng was completely crushing.

Fang Mushen smashed Shi Tiancheng into pieces with a punch from a thousand miles of void, and he had to use a means of escape similar to the disintegration of a demon.

But even so, Shi Tiancheng still failed to escape.

Fang Mu has already banned all the voids in the thousands of miles.

I haven't seen a single piece escape from it until now! "

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