My Master is a Bug

Chapter 271: It's your bad luck meeting me

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Fang Mu originally thought that this discussion should be over.

After all, the strength he showed has far surpassed that of Zao Xuan today.

He didn't expect that Zao Xuan actually gave him another surprise.

This sword light that lit up dozens of miles away made Fang Mu feel the long-lost sense of oppression again.

"Not bad! Pretty good!"

This time, Fang Mu did not wait in place.

He also turned into a streamer and greeted Zao Xuan!

Two equally dazzling rays of light crossed a distance of dozens of miles in an instant and collided head-on.

The sky-shaking sword glow and the gorgeous flower of aura bloomed at the same time, dispersing the surrounding flames for hundreds of miles!

The sword glow and the spirit pattern collapsed at the same time, revealing a nearly static picture.

In the picture, Fang Mu's fingertips and Poyun Sword were exactly aligned, as if the two had carefully cooperated countless times.

But the picture didn't last long.

The frozen time continued to flow in the next moment, because Fang Mu withdrew his fingers.

At this moment, Fang Mu's eyes were full of excitement, and he could not wait to give Zao Xuan another shot.

But reason told him that the battle was over.

As if in response to Fang Mu's thoughts, numerous cracks appeared on Poyun Sword's sword.


The crisp sound of the blade breaking, echoed in this scorching world.

The blade, which was considered complete just now, shattered into thousands of pieces in an instant.

Zao Xuan looked at the cracked Poyun Sword, and a wry smile appeared on his face.

With that sword just now, he had already tried his best.

But his opponent is too perverted.

Even if Fang Mu's hard body was put aside, he had already lost.

At this moment, his body was empty, and he could not condense a trace of sword intent.

However, Fang Mu's spiritual energy was still resonating with the heavens and the earth.

This kind of result was something that Zao Xuan never imagined before the battle.

In that sword just now, he had already broken through his own limits, but he still failed to defeat Fang Mu, who only fought with Lingqi.

This sense of loss made Zao Xuan not want to say a word.

However, Fang Mu obviously couldn't understand Zao Xuan's state of mind.

The excitement in his heart had nowhere to vent, he just wanted to find someone to talk to.

Fang Mu raised his mouth high and said, "It seems that spiritual practice can actually become capable of fighting."

When Zao Xuan heard this, he was speechless for a while.

He did say before that there is no one who can fight in spiritual practice.

At that time, Fang Mu did not refute.

This made Zao Xuan think that Fang Mu agreed with this statement.

But he never imagined that Fang Mu would slap those words on his face less than a month later.

The corner of Zao Xuan's mouth twitched a few times, and he said speechlessly: "You are learning from me, just to say this?"

Fang Mu thought for a while and said, "I can't say the same thing. I actually want to try out spiritual cultivation."

Zao Xuan said weakly, "Have you tried it?"

Fang Mu's face showed some regret: "No, although you played well, you are still a little weak.

I haven't been able to use all my insights from the battle just now, and you can't hold it anymore. "

Sao Xuan: "…"

At this moment, he didn't want to speak at all.

Just when he was about to pretend to be dead, a huge gap suddenly opened in the void not far in front of the two of them.

Billowing flames gushed from the fissures of the void.

Along with the rolling flames, there is also a strong fairy energy!

'How is this going? ’

Fang Mu was immediately taken aback by the sight in front of him.

But the next moment, his eyes flashed with excitement.

The battle just now was a little unsatisfactory. At this time, a fairy appeared, which seemed to be just right.

At the other end of the passage, Kun Yan, whose whole body was gushing with flames, was also full of excitement.

In the past few days, he has been trying to open up the passage between the two worlds.

But he tried several times without success.

Just as he was hesitating whether to force his way through, a wave of energy suddenly appeared at the other end of the passage.

The fluctuations over there didn't seem to be too strong, but it triggered the flames of the stars in a wide range and fiddled with the red crystals.

This passage is already about to be opened, and the only thing missing is the door.

The energy fluctuation on the other side just happened to help Kun Yan make up for this.

The moment he felt the fluctuations on the other side of the passage, Kun Yan's eyes straightened.

He had never thought before that his luck would be so prosperous.

Kun Yan hardly hesitated, and directly positioned the coordinates in the center of the wave.

The process went smoothly beyond his imagination.

He easily penetrated the two worlds.

Now, as long as he waits for this passage to stabilize a little, he can drill into the formation of the muddy sky!

At this moment, his heart is surging!

"I didn't expect that Kun Yan would also turn over.

Shi Tiancheng!

When you stole my medicine pill back then, did you ever think that you would become my wedding dress! "

The excitement in Kun Yan's eyes was already real.

But after all, he is an immortal who has accumulated years, and he did not allow his emotions to spread freely.

He just shouted a few words, and his mood quickly stabilized.

When he readjusted his state, the passage in front of him finally stabilized completely.

"Heavenly Formation, here I come!"

In the whisper, Kun Yan dodged and got into the space channel.

At the other end of the passage, outside the space crack surrounded by the flames of stars, Fang Mu was waiting with excitement on his face.

But right next to him, Zao Xuan had a solemn expression on his face.

At this moment, the sword intent in Zao Xuan's body was still empty, and his combat power was only 20% of the peak.

When he met the immortal at this time, he couldn't help at all and could only rely on Fang Mu.

Although Fang Mu had said that he had killed two immortals.

But Sao Xuan still couldn't help but worry.

After all, the word 'immortal' has crossed over an entire era.

Just as Zao Xuan's complexion kept changing, he suddenly found that Fang Mu still had spiritual energy flowing in his body.

This discovery made him stunned. UU reading

'Why hasn't Fang Mu activated the peak magic energy in his body?

Could it be that he wanted to hide his strength and then suddenly attacked?

But it doesn't seem necessary...'

The more Sao Xuan thought about it, the more confused he became.

Although the hidden strength can catch the opponent by surprise, it seems that it can also be guarded at the other end of the channel.

And he always felt that this was not Fang Mu's way of doing things.

Just when Zao Xuan's face was full of doubts, the flames gushing out from the space channel suddenly skyrocketed.

The rich fairy energy spewed out!


While Fang Mu spit out these two words with excitement, his body floated and retreated dozens of miles, pulling away from the passage.

‘What is he doing, why doesn’t he stay outside the passage? ’

Zao Xuan was a little confused again.

However, he did not express the doubts in his heart, because the immortal energy from the passage became more and more intense.

Obviously, the immortal opposite is coming soon.

Zao Xuan had to suppress the doubts in his heart, and retreated dozens of miles away with Fang Mu.

Just as he stabilized his body, a middle-aged man exuding flames had already squeezed out of the shaking passage.

"The formation of the sky, I finally... Huh?"

As soon as he stepped into this world, Kun Yan couldn't help the excitement in his heart and let out a low growl.

But just halfway through his words, he suddenly saw the two figures in the distance.

Kun Yan did not expect that there would be monks in the flames of the stars.

His eyes quickly swept over the two of them, and his heart relaxed a little.

'A devotional and an objectified waste...'

The corners of Kun Yan's mouth were slightly raised, and he said in a slightly playful tone:

"Meet me here, you are unlucky!"

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