My Master is a Bug

Chapter 423: Finals

At this moment, he didn't want to find anyone else.

But soon, reason overwhelmed greed.

Those previous experiences made him understand that it was really difficult for him to make this happen by himself.

Guo Xing pondered for a while before finally nodding his head: "Master, don't worry, I will definitely handle this matter!"

The emotional words of the letter of guarantee did not get a response from Fang Mu.

Guo Xing looked up and found that Fang Mu had already disappeared.

'This is leaving...'

Fang Mu walked so neatly that Guo Xing was speechless.

But at this time, Guo Xing's mood was much better.

In the brief conversation with Fang Mu, he already had some confidence.

And he also has new ideas on how to continue to promote this practice.

Since the top-down approach can't work, then he will take the bottom-up approach.

Wait until everyone approves his practice, and see who dares to object.

If you want to go from bottom to top, you have to build momentum.

But now, there is just a great opportunity to make a move.

That was the first Sword Trial Conference in Canglang Realm!

After more than two months of auditions and battles, the Sword Trial Conference finally came to its climax.

Sixteen players stood out from the rounds of battles and stepped onto the arena that represented the finals.

Although Canglang Realm is a game in name, everyone knows that the players who can enter this final round must be the favored ones.

Maybe it won't be long before they can become immortals flying from the sky.

This kind of contest, which is almost a preparation of immortals, is naturally extremely attractive, and has almost reached the point of attention of the whole people.

If Guo Xing can publicize his Tongfa on this occasion, it will be twice the result with half the effort.

And this game refers to Tianshan's own hosting.

Those who oppose him simply can't do anything in this game.

Just how to do it so that people can intuitively feel the charm of this practice method makes Guo Xing quite embarrassed.

Going directly to advertise is obviously the worst.

It's too late to find someone to do the endorsement.

Guo Xing frowned and thought for a while, then suddenly gritted his teeth and said:

"Forget it, I'll sacrifice it.

I hope I won't be scolded too harshly by then..."

In the early morning of the next day, the plain outside the Tianshan Mountains was already surrounded by countless players.

Although most of the players' battles have ended, the enthusiasm of that group of players remains undiminished.

This event is about to compete for the final winner, and no one wants to miss the battle of the top.

Those outside the audience came to the plain early, gathered in twos and threes, and discussed who would win the final victory of this event.

"I think it's Long Wenfei who will win this time."

"You can get it, Long Wenfei lost more than once in the battle.

If it weren't for luck, he would have been eliminated long ago.

You actually expect him to win the championship, tsk tsk..."

"Why not, look at those people on the stage, who didn't squeeze in because of their high realm in the Canglang Realm.

Only Long Wenfei really managed to squeeze in through consciousness and fighting techniques.

I heard that Long Wenfei is the leader of the Prison Breaking Realm in reality.

If he broke out completely, he might not be able to defeat those Purple Cloud Realm who could only rely on grades to crush. "

"It's not going to explode completely.

Don't think that only Long Wenfei is the boss of the prison-breaking realm, Zhuang Pengshu is actually too!

Let me tell you, Lao Zhuang is too low-key.

Otherwise, his fame could be a hundred times greater than that of Long Wenfei! "

"Old Zhuang? Do you know Zhuang Pengshu?"

"Of course, we still passed through the Nether God Realm together back then.

It's just that my talent is not good, so far I'm only through the secluded realm..."

Before he could finish speaking, the eyes of the surrounding players were all attracted.

"Really or not, you turned out to be a master of the secluded realm in reality?"

"Harm, it's just a pass through the secluded realm.

Among our group of **** players, there are many who have passed through the secluded realm.

It is because of my innate talent that I have only recently broken through the Daotong Nether Realm.

But Laozhuang is different.

He's definitely a genius

In reality, he is already a big boss in the prison-breaking realm.

Want me to say, this time it is Zhuang Pengshu who won the championship! "

"Zhuang Pengshu doesn't seem to be too famous, is he really that powerful?"

"It's not me who is bragging, just those people on stage, one of them counts as one, and they are definitely vegetables under Lao Zhuang.

Not to mention the stage, even in the entire Canglang Realm, there is no player who can fight against Lao Zhuang! "

As soon as this sentence came out, all the melon-eating players around him exploded.

Someone directly retorted: "You just blow it.

No matter how powerful he is, he can still be more powerful than the disciples of the Tianshan Mountains.

This time, it means that most of the Tianshan disciples didn't come, and this shows that they are here.

If it means that the Tianshan disciples are here, there will be at least half of the people on the stage. "

"What happened to the Tianshan disciple, how many more heads the Tianshan disciple has.

Not to mention those ordinary disciples, it means that Guo Xing, the first disciple of Tianshan Mountain, is here, and he can't beat Lao Zhuang! "

"You just blow..."

Just as the smell of gunpowder on the plain was getting stronger and stronger, more than a dozen escaping lights lit up one after another from a distance and landed on the high platform in the middle of the plain.

The sixteen players who entered the finals were finally seated.

"here we go!"

"The lottery is about to begin!"

"Stop shouting, let me see the results of the draw."

With the shouts of those players, all players have realized that the main film is about to start.

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However, the group of players below not only did not quiet down, but shouted even more enthusiastically.

"Old Zhuang, you've messed up everyone else!"

"Long Wenfei, all my wealth is on you, you can win!"

"Gao Li..."

Countless cheers and cheers gathered together and turned into a sky-shattering sound that shook the white clouds in the sky slightly.

Just when everyone's emotions were completely aroused, another ray of light flew over from a distance.

The momentum of this escape light is quite terrifying.

Wherever he passed, there were bursts of violent sonic Even in the sky-shattering shouts, the sonic booms caused by this escaping light were still clearly audible.

Such a flamboyant escape immediately attracted the attention of many people.

"Who is that person later? It's too arrogant!"

"That's right, this refers to the boundaries of the Tianshan Mountains. He didn't restrain himself at all, and he didn't take the Tianshan Mountains seriously."

"Well, if you say that, do you mean Tianshan disciples?"

"It's true or false, it means that the Tianshan disciples haven't appeared all the time, do they have to play in the finals as soon as they come up?

This is too unfair. "

In everyone's discussion, this escaping light has already landed on the central platform.

After the escape light dissipated, a figure that was often mentioned in major forums was revealed.

It refers to Guo Xing, the great disciple of Tianshan Mountain!

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