My Master Is a God

Chapter 1017 I’ve always been lucky

Yang Yiyun didn't see anything, but felt the aura that surpassed the power of a cultivator, and concluded in his heart that it was the so-called secret treasure of the Immortal Family.

I was really surprised. Lou Man was obviously at a disadvantage after being attacked by the elk's sound wave, but in the blink of an eye he was instantly killed by Lou Man.

This kind of power means can really be called the secret treasure of the immortal family.

Guan Tianao and others in the field had calm expressions, as if they had already known that this would be the case.

The faces of the demon cultivators were not good-looking.

They had long heard about the rise of the six great geniuses in the human race's transcendent forces in the past hundred years, but they had never seen the human race genius take action, so they were naturally unconvinced.

But now...everyone was shocked. Milu was considered a more powerful character among them, whether it was his cultivation or IQ. However, he didn't expect to be killed instantly with just one move, and he didn't even see clearly what he was doing. Take action.

Just one person is so terrifying, let alone how many others are left?

"Why do you want to continue?"

Guan Tianao asked with amusement as he looked at the expressions of the remaining three demon cultivators.


Haha, it doesn't exist.

The three demon cultivators waved their hands, and all the little demons behind them moved out of the way.

Anyone who comes out at random can kill the elk in an instant. If the three of them continue, they will only die. Anyone who can cultivate and transform into a human is not an idiot, and he is also a person who cherishes his life.

No longer daring to block him, he got out of the way.

"Huh~ let's go." Guan Tianao sneered and walked towards the giant tree.

Yang Yiyun was a little surprised and followed him. He finally understood that no matter who he was, whether he was a person or a demon, the most reliable thing in this world was his strength.

When he was leaving, Lou Man suddenly gave him a very meaningful look, with a proud look on his face, as if to say, if he uses the power just now, what do you Yang Yiyun mean?

Being provoked by Lou Man's eyes, Yang Yiyun chuckled, and two words popped out of his mouth: Silly~

It was true that Lou Man's power just now shocked him, but...didn't he have the power to fight back?

Lou Man was so angry that Yang Yiyun was so angry that he couldn't hold back his anger after being glared at by Guan Tianao. He said viciously in his heart: "Wait, kid. When we enter the Taotie Secret Realm, we will see how you die."

Yang Yiyun was speechless at Lou Man's complete lack of respect for Guan Tian'ao. Naturally, he knew that Guan Tian'ao and Lou Man were thinking of digging a hole for themselves, but it didn't matter to him. Any arrogance would be in vain in the face of absolute power. Just a paper tiger.

You have the secret treasure in your body, and you have the power in your fists. If you dare to dig a hole, then try it and see who digs it for whom.

Encountering a demon cultivator blocking the way was a small incident, and soon the seven of them arrived in front of the giant tree on the top of the mountain.

Yang Yiyun felt that they were like tiny ants in front of this giant tree. The giant tree in front of him was too big. The main trunk alone was more than ten meters in diameter. No wonder it couldn't be the entrance to the Taotie Secret Realm.

At this time, several people saw in front of their eyes a huge tree hole about nine meters high and three meters wide. The hazy green light shone and made it difficult to see the conditions inside.

Guan Tianao said: "This tree hole is just the entrance to the Taotie Secret Realm. It is a teleportation door. You don't need to be nervous if you go in directly. However, you must be careful after entering the Taotie Secret Realm. There are no sun, moon and stars in the secret realm. It is dark. The world, which calls itself a world, contains wild beasts from the barbaric era. They have no spiritual cultivation to speak of, but they are extremely powerful. They are primitive ferocious beasts that can be killed even in the state of distraction."

When he said this, Guan Tianao stopped and continued with a smile: "However, the transmission of this teleportation gate is unstable. Everyone who enters may be teleported to various places in the Taotie Secret Realm. They are rarely together, so everyone needs to be extra careful. Yes, especially Brother Yang, you have to be more careful if you don't have a secret guard on you. Don't be eaten by wild beasts in the secret realm. Of course, you can also ask for help when you are in danger.

This is Guan's summons. Brother Yang, please take it and notify me if necessary. If there is any danger, I can come and rescue Brother Yang. "Guan Tianao spoke with a smile, looking enthusiastic about Yang Yiyun. He patted Yang Yiyun on the shoulder, and a communication talisman appeared in his other hand and handed it to Yang Yiyun.

Yang Yiyun just smiled at such nonsense, squinted his eyes and pushed Guan Tianao's hand away: "Thank you, Brother Guan, for caring. Yang will be careful. If we really encounter wild beasts, I will kill them all. Come on." Two will kill a pair, but Brother Guan should be careful, don’t be unlucky enough to be teleported into the wolf’s den, and don’t feed the wolves then~”

Isn't it just laughing and sarcastic?

You're so good at it, bro, you're not bad either.

Unexpectedly, Guan Tianao smiled brightly without any anger. He put away the communication talisman and said, "In that case, let's meet in the secret realm. I wish Brother Yang good luck."

"Don't worry, I've always had good luck." Yang Yiyun responded with a smile.

Then Guan Tianao glanced at Ye Wuxin and Xia Chan, turned around and stepped into the tree hole and disappeared, followed by Lou Man, the twin brothers Shi Shan Shi Shui and Gong Shou walked into the tree hole.

All the demon cultivators in the field watched from a distance. Xia Chan, Ye Wuxin and Yang Yiyun were left in front of the tree hole.

Ye Wuxin said with worry: "Yunzi and Guan Tianao are right. I heard from my ancestors that the location after entering the Taotie Portal is not fixed. You must be careful. After the three of us enter, the teleportation talismans notify each other to gather together. Fine."

"Junior brother Wu Xin is right. You should contact us as soon as possible after entering. This time, the masters of the demon clan have already entered the Taotie Secret Realm first. It seems that the danger is not only the wild beasts in the secret realm. The most terrifying thing is the demon clan of the Great Wilderness. They are demons There is wisdom in cultivating and it is very difficult to deal with.

The Siren Clan is very likely to join forces with the Great Wilderness Monster Clan to suppress our human race. We must be careful. Fighting in the Taotie Secret Realm is not restricted by the peace agreement between the human and demon clans. Xia Chan instructed.

"Don't worry, I will be careful, and so will yours." Yang Yiyun nodded, and the three of them had already exchanged communication charms with each other.

"Okay, let's go then." After Xia Chan finished speaking, she stepped into the tree hole and disappeared.

Ye Wuxin followed and turned around, but stopped and said: "By the way, Yunzi, be careful about the aura power in the secret realm. I heard that the curse power in the secret realm is everywhere and spreads in the air. If you feel something is wrong with the aura, don't absorb it. My family Our ancestors said that the so-called power of the curse is invisible, colorless and difficult to defend against. It is actually some kind of spiritual power. Once it is attacked, it will lose its reason and turn into a wild beast without wisdom."

"Well, I understand." Yang Yiyun nodded: "Let's go~"

The two of them stepped into the tree hole together.

After a moment of dizziness, Yang Yiyun opened his eyes and found that he was already in a wilderness.

Underfoot is a meadow full of all kinds of wild flowers. It is really beautiful. As expected, there is no sun, moon or stars in the sky. It is completely hazy and dim. There is no time here.

There are vast mountains and rushing rivers in the distance...

If the sun is high, this place will be a fairyland.

Yang Yiyun immediately used his spiritual sense to observe this Taotie secret realm, but found that his spiritual sense could not be used here.

In reality, there is not a single human figure within a radius of several thousand meters, not even a bird. It is very quiet, so quiet that it makes people feel uneasy.

It's a very strange little world.

He immediately took out the communication talismans of Xia Chan and Ye Wuxin to look for them, but when Yang Yiyun activated the communication talismans, there was no movement.

Smiling bitterly, I had no choice but to give up.

"It's too far~"

The communication talisman is a commonly used communication magic weapon among cultivators, but it has geographical restrictions. It cannot be used after traveling more than a thousand miles, or it cannot be used due to restrictions in this secret realm.

Since the spiritual consciousness cannot be used here, it is not surprising that the communication talisman does not work.

Now he can only find a direction to move forward, to find Ye Wuxin and Xia Chan. As long as he is within a thousand miles, even if the communication talisman cannot be used, Yang Yiyun can still find Ye Wuxin and Xia Chan with the mark on the communication talisman. .

What he was most worried about was that Guan Tianao would be unfavorable to Ye Wuxin and Xia Chan in the Taotie Secret Realm. Guan Tianao had already said this when they eavesdropped on the flying boat.

As soon as he moved his steps, a strong wind blew out of thin air.

The wind was not strong, but it made Yang Yiyun's expression change, because he felt a strange and eerie aura flowing in the air, and he always felt that something was wrong with this aura.

Thinking of the so-called curse power that Ye Wuxin said.

Yang Yiyun didn't worry much about dealing with the Yin attribute power, because he knew someone had a way.

After retreating dozens of meters to avoid the invasion of the sinister wind, he raised the corners of his mouth and said to the air in front of him: "Qiu'er, come out. I already knew you were coming."

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