My Master Is a God

Chapter 1036 From now on, you are not allowed to call me master

The Heaven Refining Formation was broken, Guan Tianao died, and the scene became peaceful.

A fight is extremely thrilling, but like the wind, it comes and goes quickly.

This fight showed too many surprises.

This is the thought in the minds of many people present.

For Yang Yiyun, Hou Doudou's surprise exceeded his expectation. He thought that after more than a hundred years, Hou Doudou's growth should be not small, but he did not expect that it would not be ordinary.

The shocking blow just now was really terrifying in Yang Yiyun's eyes. In terms of power, it was already comparable to his sword skills, or even better.

In other words, Hou Doudou now has the strength at the late stage of the World War I Distracting God Realm, and his aura cultivation is at the level of a sixth-level great demon in Yang Yiyun's perception, but his combat power is enough to be on par with him.

From this point of view, Hou Doudou is at the early stage of the Dividing God Realm, but he can cross the level and fight against the middle and late stage Dividing God Realm monks. Of course, the specific actual combat ability still depends on the target.

Yang Yiyun's measurement is calculated from the perspective of him and Zheng Binbin, because Zheng Binbin can't bear to kill the mid-level cultivator of the Distracting God Realm, and he can beat Zheng Binbin in a competition with Zheng Binbin, which shows that he has the strength to fight against the mid- to late-stage cultivators of the Distributing God Realm. Hou Doudou showed the power of a stick, which is enough to rival him, which shows that Hou Doudou has the power of a monk in the middle and late stages of the distraction realm.

With one blow of the stick, Guan Tianao was wiped out in ashes.

This battle is over.

The second most amazing thing is Sister Mei's transformation into a golden dragon. Before this, Yang Yiyun had never thought that one day Sister Mei, the body of a dragon and fish, would transform into a real dragon.

But the facts are before our eyes. Sister Mei has really turned into a dragon, and she is also very powerful.

It is strange that Yang Yiyun can tell by feel the cultivation level of more than the monks he has seen so far. He can even see it roughly, but he can't feel it at all when it comes to Sister Mei who is transformed into a golden dragon.

This is weird.

However, I feel very cordial to Sister Mei Yang Yiyun. This kind of cordiality is not the intimacy of familiarity, but an indescribable intimacy. What is even stranger is that Yang Yiyun always has a very weird feeling, that is, it seems He can control Sister Mei, the golden dragon.

Of course, this is a feeling, and he won't say it out loud. After all, the relationship with Sister Mei is very wonderful, as if he is a friend and a relative.

Although he didn't know what level of cultivation Sister Mei was, through this battle, Yang Yiyun could also see that after the current transformation of Sister Mei into a golden dragon, her strength should be stronger than Hou Doudou.

Although Sister Mei's performance this time was not as stunning as Hou Doudou's shocking stick, she was able to restrain the three incarnations of the blood evil sirens at the same time without defeat, and the golden light shrouded him and the little turtle to form a protection during the battle. This is enough to show how powerful Sister Mei is.

It seemed to Yang Yiyun that if she hadn't released the golden light to protect him and the little turtle, the three-headed blood demon incarnation of the sea monster wouldn't have been able to stop her for long.

In short, Sister Mei's move really gave Yang Yiyun a big impact, and she was even more happy. He even had a guess that since Sister Mei could evolve the arowana into a golden dragon in the Qiankun Pot space, she would be put into the Qiankun Pot space by him. Will the remaining arowanas in Arowana Lake be able to transform into dragons in the future?

Thinking of this, Yang Yiyun was so excited that his face turned red.

The Qiankun Pot can give birth to a true dragon, and it may give birth to a nest of true dragons in the future. How shocking is this?

All the true dragons in the world have long since disappeared. On this day, Master Yun Tianxie said that there are no true dragons in the world of cultivation.

However, now his Qiankun Pot has indeed allowed the dragon fish to evolve into a true dragon.


The mystery of the Qiankun Pot once again made Yang Yiyun's heart churn.

He absolutely did not believe that Sister Mei could cultivate and evolve herself and transform into a real dragon.

Only the Qiankun Pot that can nurture and protect Master Yun Tianxie, and the Qiankun Pot that can produce supreme time skills such as the Qiankun Creation Technique, can be so mysterious and unpredictable.

Do you really not know what the Qiankun Pot is?

But it will definitely not be a single treasure.

When Yang Yiyun saw Sister Mei transforming into a human and landing next to him, Yang Yiyun looked extremely excited and couldn't help but ask: "Sister Mei..."

"Don't ask yet. I know you have a lot of questions, but now is not the time. Let's talk later. In fact, I am a little confused myself." This was Sister Mei's answer after interrupting Yang Yiyun's speech.

Yang Yiyun was stunned for a moment, then realized it and nodded. It was indeed inappropriate to ask now.

"Master~" Hou Doudou walked to Yang Yiyun's side, and the master and servant finally met each other.

Yang Yiyun helped Hou Doudou, who was about to prostrate himself, and gave him a bear hug.

"Okay, the little monkey back then has grown up." Yang Yiyun patted Hou Doudou on the shoulder and spoke with great excitement. In his impression, Hou Doudou and Diao'er have always been like two children.

"I miss you so much. I never forget to practice hard every day, just thinking about returning to my master as soon as possible..." Hou Doudou was forcibly entrusted to Bai Qi by Yang Yiyun. When they were separated, she spoke to Hou Doudou. Only by becoming stronger Only then can we help him.

Hou Doudou never forgot these words, so he made rapid progress.

Coupled with his extraordinary talent, he really inherited the heritage of the apes in the forbidden land of the ape tribe, and his bloodline evolved, creating a new generation of apes, and his bloodline opened up many magical powers and secrets of the apes.

Yang Yiyun's eyes glanced at the dark long stick in Hou Doudou's hand, and the corners of his eyes twitched. He could feel that the long stick in Hou Doudou's hand was extraordinary. It seemed to be a treasure of the same level as the dragon-slaying sword in his hand.

While the two were talking, Bai Qi, the sworn brother, smiled heartily and came over with several demon cultivators.

"Good brother~"


One person and one demon hugged each other, excited.

Yang Yiyun could feel the sincerity from Bai Qi, and he was also excited and happy in his heart. Back then, this sworn brother had not crossed paths. When the Heaven Refining Formation barrier was attacked just now, Yang Yiyun had seen Bai Qi's crazy attack, which proved that he was against My brother is anxious and worried.

"How about your eldest brother, sister-in-law and a pair of nephews?"

"It's all good, it's all good. Bailong and Baifeng often talk about you, my second uncle..."

Yang Yiyun laughed loudly, remembering that when he delivered Mrs. Bai Qi's baby, twin white apes were born.

Now Bai Qi has become a sixth-level great demon, but he is still in the form of an ape. Yang Yiyun asked him why he had not transformed. Bai Qi laughed and said: "The most powerful thing about my demon clan is the original state. For me, transformation It doesn't matter if you don't transform into a human form. In fact, even after transforming into a human form, all great demons will still choose to retain some of their original characteristics. This is pride and the foundation of the demon clan, not forgetting its roots."

Bai Qi then introduced the several great demons around him, all of whom were rank-6 great demons of the Distracting God Realm. They were all elite members of the same tribe, such as the tiger clan, wolf clan, bear clan, etc.

Hou Doudou secretly said proudly to Yang Yiyun: "Master, these guys are all defeated by me. Now I am not only the prince of the ape tribe, but also the prince of the Great Wilderness Monster Tribe. They want to surrender to me. Now the Great Wilderness wants to respect me as their king. In the beginning, the Great Wilderness wanted to respect me as their king." All the tribes were unconvinced, but later I defeated them one by one, hehe~"

Yang Yiyun rolled his eyes when he heard this. He still had the same trouble-making character.

However, after listening to Hou Doudou's understatement, Yang Yiyun knew that the demon clan pays more attention to the law of respecting strength than the human race. He can imagine what Hou Doudou paid behind the effort to defeat each one.

Regardless of whether these demon clans surrendered to Hou Doudou, or whether Hou Doudou called himself the master, Yang Yiyun had to thank these demon clans, because they all helped him out of trouble, which was a favor.

After thanking each other one by one, the good impression of several big demons on Yang Yiyun increased. At first, they were very unhappy when they heard Hou Doudou call Yang Yiyun master. How could the king of the wilderness call a human race master?

But after Yang Yiyun treated them politely, the faces of the big demons finally looked better.

Yang Yiyun naturally guessed the inner thoughts of several big demons. He was thinking about Hou Doudou, who was now the Demon King of the Great Wilderness. He was thinking about Hou Doudou. Yang Yiyun looked at Hou Doudou in front of his eldest brother Bai Qi and several big demons. He solemnly said: "Don't worry, keep your mind~"

Hou Doudou didn't know why, but when Yang Yiyun spoke, he subconsciously guarded his mind.

Immediately, Yang Yiyun spoke a series of words, pinched Fa Jue, pointed at Hou Doudou's eyebrows, and suddenly a drop of blood came out from Hou Doudou's eyebrows.

"From today on, the master-servant contract between you and me is terminated. From now on, you are not allowed to call me master..."

Before Yang Yiyun finished speaking, Hou Doudou's face changed wildly, her eyes instantly turned red, and her whole body was trembling: "Master... you still don't want to tease me anymore...? What did I do wrong? Master, please tell me, it's okay to tease me." correct……"

The golden-haired monkey, who had been standing tall before, burst into tears and fell to his knees with a look of panic and confusion on his face.

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