My Master Is a God

Chapter 1038 A gathering of monsters

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!

Yang Yiyun listened to Bai Qi's words and asked doubtfully: "Big brother, what else can I do to open the Taotie lair?"

"Of course there is. Look at the bloody light rising from the sky. It is the vision of heaven and earth every time the Taotie Lair is opened. Every time the Taotie Lair is about to open, there must be treasures. Of course, I only heard about it from the older generation. Let's go. Let's go and have a look. Even if we don't get the Sky Slash fragments, it would be good to get one or two treasures.

It is rumored that the Taotie ferocious beast is the most greedy and has devoured countless treasures of heaven and earth. In fact, all of them were stored. After an immortal killed the Taotie, countless treasures became ownerless and stayed in the Taotie lair. Every other At a specific time for hundreds of years, the Taotie Lair will automatically open. At this time, some spiritual treasures will automatically fly out, and whoever gets the chance will be judged. "

While Bai Qi was speaking, he had already taken off and flew towards the Taotie nest hundreds of meters away, which was a thousand feet high.

At this moment, not only Bai Qi, but also several demon cultivators flew up and rushed towards Taotie's lair.

Yang Yiyun's heart didn't fluctuate much, because he knew that all spiritual treasures that are born independently are spiritual. Under normal circumstances, they will automatically choose the master. It is chance, and if they are snatched by force, they may not be defeated.

Hou Doudou, Sister Mei, Ye Wuxin, Wu Moqiu and the newly recovered little turtle did not move. They all looked at Yang Yiyun, waiting for him to make up his mind.

"We're going to have a look too, but everyone should be careful and let everything happen. Don't force anything. Your own safety comes first. Since this is a glutton's lair, it won't be easy."

Yang Yiyun thought about it and decided to go and have a look.

The original purpose of this trip was to find Hou Doudou and Diaoer Xiangxiang. Ye Wuxin and Xia Chan appeared on the way, and the goal changed to protecting the two beauties in order to give themselves peace of mind.

But I didn't expect that Hou Doudou would show up, which turned out to be an unexpected surprise.

Now after the battle with Guan Tianao, Ye Wuxin is safe for the time being. The only thing left now is that Xia Chan has not been found. Everyone teleported in from different places, and Ye Wuxin has never seen Xia Chan.

What Yang Yiyun is worried about now is whether Guan Tianao will go to Xia Chan if he is not dead? After all, in the flying boat, Yang Yiyun heard Guan Tianao say that he wanted to deal with Xia Chan and Ye Wuxin. Now that Ye Wuxin was safe, he needed to find Xia Chan.

The Taotie Lair erupted into heavenly and earthly phenomena such as blood and light, which could always be seen in the entire Taotie Secret Realm. Perhaps Xia Chan would come to the Taotie Lair after seeing it.

So Yang Yiyun was going to take a look.

Just wait and see.

On the other hand, it was a clone of Guan Tianao who died. This scourge was still there, and Yang Yiyun's murderous intention not only did not diminish, but became even worse.

He knew in his heart what the consequences would be if Guan Tianao escaped. As the young palace master of Butian Palace, the largest force in the Shanhai Realm, if he wanted to deal with Yunmen, he would be a great threat to Shanhaiyunmen. Therefore, Yang Yiyun secretly made up his mind and was not prepared to let Guan Tianao leave the Taotie Secret Realm alive.

There is a strange phenomenon in the Taotie Lair, and Guan Tianao is expected to go in, so Yang Yiyun's biggest purpose when entering the Taotie Lair is to find Xia Chan to kill Guan Tianao.

As for the Heavenly Slash fragments, Yang Yiyun didn't think much about it at all. He would get the best if he had the opportunity, and he wouldn't force it if he didn't have the opportunity.

Anyway, look for Xia Chan first and protect her safety from Guan Tianao's evil intentions.

Secondly, he found Guan Tianao and solved him to eliminate future troubles. Yang Yiyun was not afraid of others' fear of Butian Palace's background. From his short-term understanding, Yang Yiyun gave Guan Tianao an evaluation of a sinister villain who must retaliate for his flaws. This If others are not killed, great disaster will be left behind.

Finally, it was time to wait here. The first thing he did was to go to Dongting Lake to find the old sparrow who had a chance encounter in Yaoguang City to inquire about the whereabouts of Little Phoenix and Diaoer and find them.

The group of people was unknowingly led by Yang Yiyun. Finally, Hou Doudou, the young king of the Great Wild Demon Clan, was also waiting for Yang Yiyun to speak, and he always recognized Yang Yiyun in his heart.

After Bai Qi and a few demon cultivators flew away early, Hou Doudou felt quite unhappy, but he didn't say anything. He had already made up his mind that he would follow his elder brother Yang Yiyun to leave the wilderness this time. He himself did not belong to the wilderness. His hometown is in China, Earth, and his relatives are Yang Yiyun and Diaoer.

Moreover, I heard Yang Yiyun say that Yunmen has established a sect in Xishan Continent in the Mountain and Sea Realm. Many Yunmen disciples from Earth have arrived in the Mountain and Sea Realm. This makes Hou Doudou very happy. In his heart, those from Earth are his relatives. He has never gotten used to it after more than a hundred years of wilderness.

If he hadn't been able to help Yang Yiyun in the future, his impatient personality would never have stayed in the wilderness.

The group of people flew up and landed on the huge spherical mountain, or the edge of the Taotie lair.

Yang Yiyun stood on the edge and couldn't help but exclaimed: "What a big and spectacular nest."

In his eyes, when he came to the Taotie's nest and stood on the edge to look at it, he found that the entire Taotie's nest was very similar to the famous bird's nest in his hometown in China. The inside was empty, spiraling down in circles, and the center was hollow.

It is as big as ten bird's nest buildings, very huge.

The bloody light that shot up into the sky burst out from the center of the nest. It was not known how deep the center of the entire nest was. Anyway, it was blocked by the blood light and could not be seen clearly.

Standing at the edge of the lair, the aura of the blood evil was strong, and it was constantly attacking. Everyone had to release their true energy to resist. The souls were unstable under the power of this blood evil.

The entire Taotie Lair feels like a portal to purgatory, which is definitely not a good place.

Pillars of light came from all directions and landed on Taotie's lair one after another.

In less than a moment, Yang Yiyun saw hundreds of auras and a large gathering of monsters.

There were demon cultivators and humans, among whom they also saw the palace guard from Yunwu Ridge and the twins Shishan and Shishui from Shuangtianmen. The three of them stood hundreds of meters away and nodded to Yang Yiyun as a greeting.

Yang Yiyun also nodded politely. Yang Yiyun had never had any conflicts with these three people. He would not be rude when they greeted them.

Besides, 89% of the people who came to the edge of Taotie's lair were demons, and there were very few humans. There were eight or nine human monks not far from the palace guard and others, but they didn't look very close to each other, and they seemed to be intentional. Keeper's distance.

Yang Yiyun looked at it and frowned.

At this time, Ye Wuxin came over and seemed to know that Yang Yiyun was doubtful, so he said aloud: "Those are casual cultivators. I have seen a few of them, and they are all the best among the casual cultivators. Casual cultivators have always been alone. , a few of them gathered together today, and they seemed to be waiting for someone to show up."

During the conversation between the two, Little Turtle suddenly said: "Brother, I saw my sister~"

After saying that, the little turtle shouted excitedly: "Sister~"

Yang Yiyun followed the cry of the little turtle and saw more than a dozen sea monsters appearing hundreds of meters away. The leader was a purple-haired woman in white. Although they were far away, Yang Yiyun could still see clearly. The woman in white, the sister the little turtle calls, is actually a fairy, just like the fairy who walks out of the painting, she is not a human being.

After seeing the little turtle, the woman glanced nervously at Yang Yiyun and others, and walked over quickly.

At this time, Hou Doudou suddenly said: "Little turtle, are you sure that woman is your sister?"

The little turtle nodded: "I'm sure, she is my sister, she is the best to me~"

"Sister?" Hou Doudou's voice became more and more strange.

"Of course, I'm a biological sister with the same father and mother. I won't tell you anymore. Brother, I'll go over to greet my sister."


Watching the little turtle walking towards the woman, the monkey grinned and said, "Brother, tell me, the little turtle looks like an ugly girl. Why does his sister look like a fairy?"

"Shut up~" Yang Yiyun kicked Hou Doudou. He could feel that Little Wugui's sister was very powerful. He could feel the demonic aura from a long distance away. She was even stronger than the Dragon Prince. He was afraid of Hou Doudou. It's so funny that it offends people.

In today's scene, no one who can come to Taotie's lair is weak, and it is better to avoid unnecessary problems.

"Hehe, didn't I tell you secretly? Brother, don't worry, I won't call him ugly in front of Little Turtle..." Hou Doudou still has the same mean character. Now she can talk behind people's words and her mouth is also mean. , when he was just speaking, he frowned and said to himself: "Hey, that stinky longworm and ugly monster are here too~"

Yang Yiyun seemed to be wary when listening to Hou Doudou's words, and he was curious, is there actually something that makes Hou Doudou fearful?

Turning around, he saw more than a dozen black or gray light pillars flying from the sky. They landed dozens of meters away and transformed into humans. The demonic cultivators emitted them unscrupulously, and they also carried a disgusting smell. the taste of.

As soon as this wave of demon cultivators arrived, the demon cultivators around Taotie's lair all looked at it with disgust and fear.

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