My Master Is a God

Chapter 1041 Everyone has trump cards in hand

In fact, anyone who enters this bloody underground world will be blinded. Choosing a certain direction is just luck in Yang Yiyun's opinion.

For the vast majority of people who come to the Taotie Secret Realm, this kind of luck is just a fragment of the Heavenly Slash. With any Tianzhan, they can pass through the Heavenly Slash safely and go to another, vaster world to pursue a higher realm of cultivation.

Those who can come here, whether they are humans or monsters, have reached the level of the early stage of the distraction realm in terms of strength. Who doesn't want to pursue a higher realm of strength.

Therefore, the Heavenly Slash Fragments are very important to everyone. The difference is that there are more wolves and less meat.

As for Yang Yiyun, he also wanted the Heavenly Slashing Fragments, but he was not as strong as these people. This time he entered the Taotie Secret Realm purely to protect Ye Wuxin. When he knew about the Taotie Secret Realm, he never thought about the Heavenly Slashing Fragments.

It's the best you can get, and it doesn't matter if you don't get it. Let nature take its course. Next, Yang is ready to kill.

After beheading the toad spirit, he took the innate poisonous roots in his body and gave it to Monkey Doudou to make an elixir. He then found Guan Tianao to eliminate it to avoid future troubles.

Things will become clear here.

When turning around to leave, Yang Yiyun saw from the corner of his eye that Ye Wuxin was still blushing, and he was not only blushing.

An inexplicable aura arose between the two of them. Although they didn't speak, the distance between their hearts became much closer.

Nowadays, no one can use magic power. Here, it is more about the strength of the physical body, and many advantages are lost.

Yang Yiyun's heart moved, and he saw if he could summon the Dragon Sword in his hand. The next moment, the Dragon Sword appeared in his hand. This made him understand that the Dragon Sword and the Dragon Sword were treasures with independent consciousness. When summoning, they communicated spiritually and did not use magic power, so there was no need to Restricted.

Then think about communicating with the Qiankun Pot and sensing existence...

This made Yang Yiyun feel more relieved.

However, the storage ring did not respond and was restricted. This made Yang Yiyun know that the storage ring was restricted but the Qiankun Pot was not restricted because of its high level.

It also explains the mystery of the Qiankun Pot.

Being able to communicate with the Qiankun Pot is a big trump card. When he encounters danger, he can rely on the power of Sister Mei in the Qiankun Pot.

At this time, Ye Wuxin said: "You still have to be careful about people with immortals. Although magic power is restricted here, the power of the immortal treasure is not affected."

"You mean this?" Yang Yiyun took off the talisman on his body and showed it to Ye Wuxin. It was the talisman he got from Lou Man.

"Yes, this is the Immortal Treasure. What are you...?" Ye Wuxin was confused. He didn't know where Yang Yiyun got it from. Immortal Treasures are only available to the six transcendent forces.

"I got it after killing Lou Man." Yang Yiyun said with a smile.

Ye Wuxin nodded to express his understanding, but said: "It turns out that Lou Man's immortal treasure is an immortal talisman, but it seems that it won't be used a few times~"

"All six of you have different immortal treasures?" Yang Yiyun asked.

"It's indeed different. I don't know what it is for the others. Mine is an embroidery needle, which kills people invisible. In the Heaven Refining Formation, I originally went to sneak attack Guan Tianao, but I didn't expect him to find out and block him, so he didn't attack. become.

The magical effect of the fairy treasure is that it can be driven by thoughts and is not restricted by the laws of this place. Would you like to try using your thoughts to drive the fairy charms? "Ye Wuxin said to Yang Yiyun.

Yang Yiyun was stunned when he heard the words, and quickly used his mind to look at the immortal talisman. The next moment, the three lines on the immortal talisman lit up. Only then did he understand why the previous use of zhenqi to activate the immortal talisman only formed the immortal power. Defense, but the three major lines remained motionless.

After being reminded by Ye Wuxin, he realized that it was driven by his thoughts. This was information that he did not receive after refining the immortal talisman. He just knew that it was driven by his true energy, not his thoughts.

It turns out that the real usage is driven by thoughts.

In this case, you really have to be careful. Although the magic power is limited here, people with immortal treasures can use their thoughts to drive the immortal treasures to attack.

According to Ye Wuxin, the immortal treasures owned by each of the six transcendent forces are different. For example, hers is an embroidery needle, while Louman's is a charm.

I don’t know what Guan Tianao’s immortal treasure is. Has he entered Taotie’s lair at this moment?

All in all, the information provided by Ye Wuxin was very important, and it made Yang Yiyun feel more defensive.

A few transcendent geniuses in the human race have immortal treasures for self-defense, but do the demon race or other people also have them?

Thinking about it, there must be some. Those who can enter the Taotie Secret Realm will not be ordinary people.

Thinking of these special features of invisibility, Yang Yiyun suddenly thought of Wu Moqiu.

Their mana has been restricted. I wonder if Wu Moqiu, a ghost cultivator, has been restricted?

When he fell down just now, he had forgotten about Wu Moqiu.

"Qiu'er, are you here?" Yang Yiyun shouted in his heart.

"Sir, I'm fine~" Wu Moqiu's voice sounded in Yang Yiyun's mind.

Yang Yiyun asked: "Will you be affected by the confinement of magic power here?"

"I am a ghost cultivator with a true spirit body. It seems that I am not affected and my magic power is still available." Wu Moqiu's words rang out.

Yang Yiyun felt happy when he heard this, but when he thought about it, Qiu'er was a ghost cultivator, and the zhenqi she absorbed was not the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. It was not surprising that she was not imprisoned. In the world of monks, any weirdness is possible.

Wu Moqiu was unrestricted, which gave Yang Yiyun an extra trump card and added security in the Taotie Lair.

"Qiu'er, please investigate in secret. If there is anything unusual, tell me immediately. Leave a message for the traces of Tian'ao, Xia Chan, and Toad Spirit." Yang Yiyun explained.

"Don't worry, sir, Qiu'er has taken note of it." Wu Moqiu's voice sounded in Yang Yiyun's mind, and then fell silent.

Yang Yiyun would not show up unless she was summoned.

A group of four people, one hidden and three bright, continued to move towards the distance.

No one knows how big the entire Taotie Lair is underground. Just as Long Jiaonan said, there is the power of rules to confine it here, and it is a space that calls itself a world.

In the hazy blood mist, visibility was very low, and everyone was restrained by magic, so we could only go by feeling.

At this time, the monk's intuition is more reliable than his eyes.

Who knows what kind of ghost place exists?

Maybe there's danger everywhere.

After walking for less than half an hour, he didn't meet anyone. This made Yang Yiyun sigh that the entire underground world was too big.

At this moment, Wu Moqiu's voice rang in his mind: "Sir, a toad spirit was discovered ten miles to the southeast."

"Is the Yin-Yang Snake here?" Yang Yiyun asked. He had seen the Yin-Yang Snake and Toad Spirit before and seemed to have a good relationship with them.

"Yes, the Yin-Yang Snake and the Toad Spirit are besieging the palace guards in Yunwu Ridge." Wu Moqiu replied.

"Let's go to the southeast." Yang Yiyun said decisively to Hou Doudou and Ye Wuxin. After speaking, he quickened his pace and let Wu Moqiu lead the way.

Ye Wuxin and Hou Doudou didn't ask much. They followed Yang Yiyun wherever he went.

The land of ten miles was reached in the blink of an eye, and Yang Yiyun heard the roaring and hissing from a long distance away.

After listening to a dead tree, Yang Yiyun stared at the field. He was not in a hurry to take action, preparing to see how the Yin Yang Snake and the Toad Spirit would take action.

As for the palace guard of Yunwu Ridge, although he has not spoken to him much, Yang Yiyun senses that this person is not a simple person, so he might as well take the opportunity to observe and observe. If the palace guard loses to him, he will naturally take action.

Anyway, Toad Spirit must be captured today.

"The boss is this bastard~" Hou Doudou came over and saw that it was Yin Yang Snake and Toad Spirit, and he was about to rush forward.

"Come back." Yang Yiyun glared at the monkey, who stopped obediently.

"Looking for an opportunity, you were not an opponent before. What's the use of rushing over like this now? Do you know how to beat a sap?" Yang Yiyun glared at Hou Doudou, and then said: "We will see the situation later. If the palace guard loses, you and Wuxin To deal with the yin and yang snakes, leave the toad spirit to me."

"Oh, I got it." Houdou smiled and agreed, and Ye Wuxin also said it was no problem.

The palace guard in the field seemed to be under control when facing the yin-yang snake and the toad spirit. The mana confinement here would be a disadvantage for everyone. Fortunately, the palace guard held an orchid-like blade of grass in his hand, which shimmered with faint green. The light and huge aura can always push back the Yin-Yang snake and the toad spirit.

The person who is the incarnation of the yin and yang snake is both beautiful and handsome, showing the characteristics of both male and female bodies. He is more than 1.8 meters tall, and his enchanting body can always avoid the attacks of the palace guards while flashing. He also jokes: "Little Brother and sister, let’s go, as long as your obedient sister promises to love you gently, giggling~”

The Yin-Yang Snakes speak in strange sounds that are mixed between men and women, neither Yin nor Yang.

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