My Master Is a God

Chapter 1045 Six Immortal Treasures

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!

In the gluttonous lair full of blood mist, in the darkness without the sun or moon, time passed very quickly here.

We can only estimate an approximate time.

Doudou, the monkey guarding outside the cave, is an impatient monkey and jumps up and down restlessly.

I would look inside the cave from time to time and couldn't help but mutter: "It's been ten days since Brother Time, why haven't you come out yet?"

"How can refining an elixir be easy? I, the alchemist of the Qianye Chamber of Commerce, sometimes spend several months refining a batch of elixirs. It has only been ten days. Why are you anxious?" Ye Wuxin said.

"Aren't I worried~" Hou Doudou naturally did not dare to talk back to Ye Wuxin, and he just complained in a low voice. He knew in his heart that Ye Wuxin was a new sister-in-law and could not be offended.

"You monkey head, you need to change your impatient temper in the future~"


Monkey Doudou shouted happily.

I saw Yang Yiyun walking out of the cave.

"Yunzi~" Ye Wuxin called out with a smile on her face. She was actually worried in her heart. After all, this was the underground world of Taotie's lair. There were no monsters in the cave, and she was also worried about Yang Yiyun's safety.

When he saw Yang Yiyun coming out, he immediately relaxed.

"I kept you waiting~" Yang Yiyun greeted with a smile.

In fact, it only took him three days to refine the elixir, and he successfully refined nine "Hundred Turns and Thousand Returns Pills".

After that, I used the water of life to water the spiritual peach trees. The spiritual peach trees were used up and needed to be replenished. Although the mana is now imprisoned here, it seems that the true energy is not used, but who knows what other places in this weird underground world are. Sample?

Maybe the spirit peach will be used to replenish the energy in the next moment.

The spiritual peaches in Lingtao Mountain in his Qiankun Pot space are the best Qi pills in the world.

All he spent was some water of life. After watering three drops of water of life with the water of Dragon Fish Lake, he harvested eighty-one spiritual peaches. There was no problem in emergency situations here.

Next, Yang Yiyun asked Hou Doudou to follow him into the cave, and directly took Hou Doudou into the Qiankun Pot space. He gave Hou Doudou Bai Zhuan Qian Hui Dan and used special secret methods to detoxify.

The reason why he is in the Qiankun Pot space is because his magic power is not restricted in the Qiankun Pot space. For Hoho, he is very familiar with the Qiankun Pot space. He was beaten by Yang Yiyun when he stole spiritual peaches.

One day later, Hou Doudou's poison was lifted, and he was jumping up to the sky and screaming. His practice in the future would not be affected. After rubbing ten spiritual peaches from Yang Yiyun's hand, he left the Qiankun Pot and looked at the space with satisfaction.

After that, the few people continued to move forward. For Yang Yiyun, Xia Chan was not found and Guan Tianao was not eliminated, which was always recorded in his heart.

Just after a few people walked a few miles, a roar resounded throughout the underground world.

The faint sound of fighting was also heard in the ears.

"Let's go over and have a look~" After Yang Yiyun finished speaking, several people headed towards the source of the sound.

About a hundred meters later, a huge palace complex appeared in their sight, and the killings rang out from the square in front of the palace.

A scene of human-male melee appears.

Over a hundred people were fighting, and it looked extremely chaotic.

However, when Yang Yiyun took a closer look, he saw something flashing and dancing in the sky above the square, and hundreds of people were really chasing the flying object, chasing and killing each one.

"It's an immortal treasure born, no wonder the fighting was so loud." Ye Wuxin spoke, her eyes fixed on the flying sky above the square, her eyes full of fire.

Yang Yiyun glanced over and couldn't help but be moved. There were six or seven treasures that could fly freely and spiritually.

In Ye Wuxin's mouth, these are fairy treasures, and his perception is similar to the power of fairy talismans.

And what can appear here must not be a treasure.

Looking carefully, there are six treasures in total.

A string of golden beads, looking at the Buddha beads.

A red monster sword with nine bells on the back of the sword, which jingled in flight.

One is a small flying sword that is only three inches long.

The fourth piece is a purple diamond circle, the fifth piece is a stone, a gray stone about the size of a fist, but the sixth piece is weird, it actually looks like a stream of clear spring water, and it is flying about the thickness and length of chopsticks.

The six treasures are all hovering in the sky above the square, full of spirituality, avoiding the pursuit of the monks below.

It's strange to say it alone, but it flew around a square the size of a football field, more than thirty meters above the ground, and didn't fly away. In other words, the six treasures couldn't fly out of the square.

Each of these more than a hundred monks tried their best to hunt down the six treasures. Fighting inevitably broke out among them. Everyone wanted to get it, but no one wanted it. Everyone's eyes were red like rabbits, with boundless greed.

Yang Yiyun also became eager, six fairy treasures~

It seems that the treasure immortal talismans are much more advanced.

It's a lie if he's not moved.

The magic power of the underground world in Taotie's lair is imprisoned, but these fairy treasures are spiritually usable, and whoever gets them can be invincible.

What's more, these treasures themselves are extraordinary.

At this moment, the entire square went crazy because of the six fairy treasures.

The shouts of killing were loud, but unfortunately no one could catch him.

The six fairy treasures can fly spiritually, and they consciously avoid flying at high altitudes. However, the demons and humans in the square are all imprisoned in their magic power, and they cannot fly and catch up even if they want to fly.

However, Yang Yiyun believes that the situation will not stop here, and someone will definitely come forward.

"Brother, I'll go up first and join in the fun~" Hou Doudou chuckled, and with a sudden jump, he had already reached the square with several ups and downs.

Yang Yiyun shook his head with a smile. This monkey's impatient temper is hopeless. However, the monkey can actually reach a height of more than thirty meters in one jump. Not to mention that there is a real chance. The flying height of Xianbao is The height between 30 meters and 100 meters is not fixed. Hou Doudou's height is just a few.

Yang Yiyun looked at Ye Wuxin next to him and said, "You should join in the fun. Although the immortal treasure has a spirit, it depends on the owner, but it may take an opportunity. It's better to be careful and try your luck."

Ye Wuxin's heart skipped a beat: "What about you?"

"I'll be there soon~" Yang Yiyun said with a smile.

"Okay, then I'll take the first step." Ye Wuxin knew that Yang Yiyun was stronger than her, so she was worried about him and immediately ran towards the square.

After Ye Wuxin left, Yang Yiyun said to the air: "Qiu'er, you go too, the magic power of this place has imprisoned the flesh and blood monks, but you are the only one who is not among them. The six immortal treasures in the sky should have a chance for you. "

There was a slight tremor in the space, and Wu Moqiu's voice sounded: "Whether you need anything, Qiu'er is willing to give it a try, and get it for you."

Yang Yiyun shook his head and said: "Don't worry about me. I said you must have a share of these six immortal treasures. You just have to fight for it. And you are not restricted by the laws of this place. You are 90% sure. Remember this is your chance."

"Qiu'er understands~"

"Well, let's go~"

A gust of dark wind blew past him, and Yang Yiyun knew that Wu Moqiu had taken action.

Compared to the many monks in the square, he knew that Wu Moqiu had a nine-in-ten chance of getting an immortal treasure this time. If he could get one of these, his strength would definitely increase greatly.

It will be a great thing for Wu Moqiu.

As for Yang Yiyun himself, although he is also keen on the six immortal treasures, he also believes that chance cannot be forced. Besides, the dragon-slaying sword he has will not be worse than any immortal treasure.

Therefore, in Yang Yiyun's eyes, the immortal treasure is indeed a treasure that surpasses the level of magic weapons currently owned by monks in the world of cultivation or mountain and sea world, and is higher than the innate spiritual treasures.

Appearing in the Taotie lair, it must have been collected by the Taotie ferocious beast a long time ago. Now it is just that when it is time to be born, it will naturally be born and choose a new master.

Yang Yiyun stayed where he was, not because he didn't want to fight, but because he was looking for someone.

The person he was looking for was Guan Tianao, who had not yet appeared. If this guy was not eliminated, he would stab him in the dark, which always made him feel uneasy.

In addition, he is still looking for Xia Chan. There has been no news about Xia Chan since entering the Taotie Secret Realm, which makes him a little anxious. Although the two have known each other for a short time, they have a deep connection. Xia Chan also calls him junior brother sincerely. .

From Sikong Yuan's point of view, Yang Yiyun recognized and cared about Xia Chan, the senior sister, and had to find her.

At this moment, standing a hundred meters away and looking down at the entire square, he could see clearly. He wanted to look for Xia Chan and Guan Tianao.

Just when Yang Yiyun raised his eyes and looked for someone among the hundreds of monks in the square, a long roar resounded.


Finally, someone capable took action. Yang Yiyun had already thought of this.

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