My Master Is a God

Chapter 1050 Old man, are you awake yet?

Yang Yiyun couldn't move, his whole body was weak, and he was grabbed by the gluttonous ferocious beast and pinched in its claws.

The gluttonous ferocious beast at this moment is naturally not its true body, but its energy body. But Yang Yiyun felt that it was no different from the physical body.

Sister Mei was also pinched by the gluttonous ferocious beast's other giant claw. As if it was magical, Sister Mei's nine-meter-long body shrank several times in an instant.

The body of the Taotie ferocious beast is actually not that big, only three feet high and five or six feet long. It looks like a lion, but its whole body is covered in fleshy lumps and its body is colorful. But Yang Yiyun knew that this was a smaller version of the Taotie.

Although it was a remnant soul energy body at the moment, the aura it exuded was so powerful that it made Yang Yiyun despair.

"Haha, you should be honored to give your life to me, little guy, hahaha."

Guan Tianao was suspended in the air and watched Yang Yiyun laugh wildly, and then a bright red light flew out from the center of Guan Tianao's eyebrows and instantly penetrated into the body of the gluttonous beast.

But Guan Tianao chased him down.

Now it seems that Guan Tianao has been drained of essence by the Taotie beast and turned into a body. Now after catching himself and Sister Mei, the Taotie beast has lost Guan Tianao's body.

At this time, Yang Yiyun only felt an irresistible force pouring into his body from the huge claws of the Taotie murderer. This made Yang Yiyun couldn't help but let out a cry of participation, and then he felt that the power in his body began to drain away.

The true energy, essence, blood, and soul are all being lost...


Then came Sister Mei's dragon cry full of pain. It seemed that she had received the same treatment as himself.

Yang Yiyun's heart felt cold now.

"Is it going to end like this?"

Yang Yiyun howled in his heart.

Facing the powerful gluttonous ferocious beast, he was unable to resist at all, and this time he even harmed Sister Mei.

Who would have thought that the remnant soul of the gluttonous ferocious beast would exist here?

All is lost.

Feeling the loss of power in his body, Yang Yiyun knew that he might be sucked into a human body by the gluttonous ferocious beast. Although this beast was a remnant soul, it was still a ferocious beast.

The remnant soul of ancient existence, the remnant soul of the body is immortal after death.

And it seems that it uses the power of the Tianzhan fragments to revive through their blood essence.

Just when Yang Yiyun was desperate, he suddenly felt his left arm starting to heat up.

Suddenly my heart felt hot, and I felt like tears filled my eyes.

It was the Qiankun pot that moved.

In a moment of despair, he forgot his biggest secret, the Qiankun Pot.

Every time there is a critical moment of life and death, the Qiankun Pot will definitely respond, or in other words, it will automatically come out to protect its owner.

Looking back, it was still like this before.

This time the Qiankun Pot still did not disappoint him.

It is true that the remnant soul of the Taotie beast is extremely powerful, but the Qiankun pot on his left arm is even more mysterious.

Although he has not been able to figure out the secret of the Qiankun Pot until now, the Qiankun Pot can retain the remnant souls of powerful loose immortals such as Master Yun Tianxie, can open up the space of the Qiankun Pot, can breed the water of life, and can appear. Lingtao, which is comparable to high-level Qi pills, can turn Sister Mei into a real dragon, and it has internal and external skills in the creation of Qiankun.

With all this magic, Yang Yiyun believed that it would be no problem to overpower the remnant soul of a gluttonous ferocious beast.

The next moment, Yang Yiyun felt that the pattern of the Qiankun Pot on his left arm was getting hotter and hotter, and then colorful lights shone.


After a roar.

The sleeve of his left arm suddenly burst.

Suddenly the colorful light turned into thousands of rays, and it was as dazzling as the sun after the rain.

Yang Yiyun couldn't help but close his eyes.

"Ho ho ho..."

The terrifying screams of the gluttonous ferocious beast rang in his ears.

Yang Yiyun was shocked. He knew that the Qiankun Pot was showing its power and that he and Sister Mei could be saved.

The hazy multicolored light instantly swept away the remnant soul of the gluttonous ferocious beast, enveloping the entire empty hall.


The remnant soul of the gluttonous beast became louder and louder. Yang Yiyun felt that the loss of power in his body had stopped, and the huge claws of the gluttonous beast holding his body were trembling.

As for the Qiankun Pot pattern on his left arm, there were waves of clear heat.

Yang Yiyun felt great in his heart and was completely relieved. This kind of heat flow felt so familiar to him. It was exactly the feeling every time the Qiankun Pot absorbed external forces for refining.

There is no doubt that the remaining soul of the Taotie murderer was absorbed and refined by the Qiankun Pot.

The colorful light was so dazzling that Yang Yiyun seemed to see the completed glyphs scattered around the body of the gluttonous ferocious beast. Three stream-like beams of light were emitted from the three pieces, and they continued to enter his arm from a distance.

To be precise, he entered the Qiankun Pot.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun was sure that there was indeed a powerful force in the Tianzhu Shard, and the Qiankun Pot must have felt the power of the Tianzhu Shard.

As for the power of the remaining soul of the gluttonous ferocious beast, it was probably absorbed by the Qiankun Pot.

Looking back at the past, the power absorbed by the Qiankun Pot became more and more tricky. From the beginning of the evolution and upgrading, the Qiankun Pot only absorbed the true energy. Later, the power of the spirit stone, then the source stone, and the last time it absorbed the spirit of the Luofu Cave. That one Centaur and horse elves born from heaven and earth.

Since then, the Qiankun Pot seems to have never absorbed any power, but every absorption is an evolution, and each time it absorbs more power.

The power absorbed this time was the power of the Heavenly Slash fragments, which also absorbed the remaining soul of the Taotie ferocious beast.

What are Tianzhan fragments?

At that time, Hua Deliang, the so-called envoy of the mountain and sea interface, was looking for something, and it was the Celestial Seal of the Shanhai Dynasty in the ancient mountain and sea realm. There were rumors that one could master the treasure of the mountain and sea realm by obtaining the Celestial Seal of the Shanhai Realm Dynasty.

Moreover, according to what Ye Wuxin and Xia Chan said, the Shanhai Dynasty used Tianxi to fight against the outside world. This external enemy is most likely the sect force where Hua Hanliang is located, a transcendent force in the world of cultivation, and it used Tianxi to fight against it. Immortal.

Various rumors indicated that the Tianxi was powerful and extraordinary, but unfortunately it eventually fell into pieces and became the current Tianzhan fragments.

In this way, the Tianxi is the supreme treasure, and the power contained in the inner seed will definitely be a high-level power that surpasses the source stone, so the Qiankun Pot has become powerful.

Yang Yiyun is now looking forward to what level the Qiankun Pot will evolve to after it absorbs the three fragments of Sky Slash and the remnant soul of the Taotie beast.

Or... what Yang Yiyun is looking forward to more is whether Master Yun Tianxie can wake up after the Qiankun Pot evolves this time?

The old man had been sleeping for so long that Yang Yiyun was very worried about him and missed him even more.

Now he feels that his cultivation has reached the high point that monks in the mountain and sea world can cultivate. If he wants to break through in the next step, he must leave the mountain and sea world and go to the world of cultivation.

It would be very important to him if the old man could wake up.

It would be false to say that you are not eager to go to a vast and mysterious world, so Yang Yiyun is always looking forward to the old man's awakening.

This time the Qiankun Pot comes out to save lives and absorbs the power of the Heavenly Slash fragments and the Taotie ferocious beast. This must be the evolution of the Qiankun Pot, and it also heralds the beginning of Master Yun Tianxie's awakening.

Thinking of these, Yang Yiyun was extremely excited.

During the more than a hundred years without the guidance of a master, he was clearly ten times more powerful than a monk of the same level, but he still felt a little restricted in everything.

He knew that this was all because of the path of cultivation. He was groping forward on his own. It was completely different to have a master to teach him and not to have a master to teach him.

A steady stream of power entered the Qiankun Pot on his left arm. As time passed, the roar of the gluttonous ferocious beast also stopped.

About half an hour later, there was a dull boom.

The colorful light dispersed.

Yang Yiyun's body was light and he slowly landed on the ground.

The remaining soul of the gluttonous ferocious beast turned into nothingness, and the three fragments of the Sky Slash turned into powder.

The Qiankun pot pattern on the left arm is restored to its original state.

But Yang Yiyun was trembling all over, and he felt the presence of his master in the dark.

It's that familiar feeling from before coming back.

Sister Mei transformed into a human and stood beside Yang Yiyun. Seeing Yang Yiyun's body trembling slightly, she thought he was affected by the gluttonous beast.

She had also felt it was over at the moment before, but then she found that Yang Yiyun's body burst into colorful light, and then the loss of all kinds of power stopped. Although she didn't know what was going on, she vaguely guessed that it was a good thing, and it must be with Yang Yiyun. There are relationships.

Both she and Yang Yiyun were fine.

But in the blink of an eye, Yang Yiyun's body was shaking, and he couldn't help but ask: "Yunzi, are you okay?"

Yang Yiyun came back to his senses and said: "Sister Mei, I'm fine. It's a good thing. You can go back to the Qiankun Pot space first."

Sister Mei was stunned. Although she had many things to ask, she didn't say much when she heard Yang Yiyun asked her to go back. She knew Yang Yiyun was mysterious. He was a man full of mystery. There were some things he didn't say or asked. Good.

After Sister Mei returned to the Qiankun Pot space, Yang Yiyun took a deep breath and said tremblingly: "Old... old... old man, are you awake yet?"

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