My Master Is a God

Chapter 1053 Blood Crystal

He also got a storage ring from Guan Tianao, and Yang Yiyun threw it into the Qiankun Pot space. The only regret was that the changeable rattan on Guan Tianao's five fingers was missing. Now I think it was given by the gluttonous beast. Suck it dry and squeeze it out.

It should also be a first-order loose immortal level fairy treasure.

But when Yang Yiyun thought about it, the things he got from Guan Tianao were pretty good, including a set of Heaven Refining Formation Flags and the second-level Loose Immortal Refining Earth Artifact in his hand. It would be nice to give it away when he doesn't need it.

This trip was extremely dangerous, but Yang Yiyun was full of energy now and felt comfortable all over because the old man had woken up.

For him, Master Yun Tianxie is his spiritual support and an extremely important relative.

It is his greatest confidence in the world of monks, more important than anything else.

Yang Yiyun walked out the same way and returned to the seven caves where he came from. He was going to go out directly, but when he was about to leave, he heard roars coming from the first cave, and there were Accompanied by rapid breathing.

Then several other caves did the same thing, and they heard loud roars, and it seemed that some beasts were rushing out of the caves.

The next moment, several figures rushed out.

"Brother, let's go." But it was Hou Doudou who said, with a frightened and hasty look on his face, as if he had no time to explain.

Then it was Ye Wuxin: "Yunzi, run quickly, there is a vicious beast."

"Sir, leave quickly." Wu Moqiu's voice also sounded in his mind.

"Brother, let's go." The little turtle swooped out.

Figures rushed out of the six caves, including familiar faces and unfamiliar faces.

All in all, more than ten figures appeared at once.

Each one of them looked like they had encountered some ferocious monster.

Yang Yiyun was in a daze when he was teased by the monkey and grabbed his wrist and ran away.

After quickly rushing out of the cave for tens of meters, Yang Yiyun didn't know how so many people entered here and how they entered the other six caves, but they were obviously under attack.

Being teased by the monkey, Yang Yiyun also smiled bitterly and asked while running: "What's going on?"

Hou Doudou gasped and said: "Don't mention it. We were fighting for treasures outside before. In the end, I don't know what happened. The whole hall suddenly collapsed, and then everyone was illuminated by thousands of bloody lights. When they woke up again, they entered inexplicably. A huge space.

Strange to say, there was a blood pool in that space, filled with extremely powerful monsters. They were so ferocious that many demon cultivators were devoured by the monsters in one encounter. We reacted quickly, turned and ran away, and got into the cave. , but when I saw you, I was also wondering what was going on. How did you get here, brother? "

Just as Yang Yiyun was about to speak, there was a scream behind him, and he was immediately teased and pulled faster by the monkey.

With a movement in his heart, he started to use the End of the World Kung Fu. He grabbed Hou Doudou with his backhand, stretched out his hand to grab Ye Wuxin's hand, and took a step forward. He rushed out of Taotie's skull in a breath, and was a hundred meters away. How far to stop.

Hou Doudou raised her thumbs: "Brother, your speed is amazing!"

"Don't talk about this now, try to find out..." Yang Yiyun stopped before he finished speaking, because he clearly remembered that when he came in, the main hall was teleported to the world of Taotie Bone Body. There was absolutely no way out. He was about to When I found it, I saw not far away the square where I had snatched the fairy treasure before.

This shows that after the teleportation hall in the main hall was destroyed, this place was completely exposed and integrated with the Taotie Secret Realm.

Hou Doudou just said that they had been illuminated by the bloody light in the hall before the hall collapsed, and then were inexplicably teleported into the large space of the cave or the space of the Taotie Skull.

If you think about it this way, it has something to do with the Qiankun Pot absorbing and refining the remnant soul of the Taotie beast.

The existence of the Taotie Remnant Soul is to attract human beings through the fragments of the Sky Slash, and it wants to revive itself with the blood essence of other creatures. The ancient halls and space blood pool monsters, now that I think about it, they should all be created by the Taotie Remnant Soul. , and after the Qiankun Pot refined the remnant soul of Taotie, everything naturally began to collapse.

As for what Hou Doudou said, the monsters in the blood pool are most likely related to the remnant soul of Taotie. Now perhaps these monsters have revived after the remnant soul of Taotie died.

"Ho ho ho..."

At this moment, a loud roar sounded.

Yang Yiyun looked up, but was shocked. Only now did he understand why Hou Doudou and the others, more than ten of them in total, were considered masters, why they ran away.

Because the monster that appeared in front of him was none other than the Gluttonous Beast. Compared to the remnant soul of the Gluttonous Beast he had seen, what he saw in his sight were nine flesh-and-blood gluttons.

It's just that the body is smaller than the remnant soul of the gluttonous ferocious beast he has seen. The nine-headed gluttonous ferocious beast is about three meters long and two meters high. Compared with a human-shaped demon cultivator or cultivator, it is indeed It's a behemoth.

In Yang Yiyun's perception, the nine-headed gluttonous ferocious beast is full of blood and vitality. It is not in the state of a remnant soul. If it has vitality, it is a real gluttonous beast of flesh and blood.

Now Yang Yiyun's expression changed and he immediately ran away.

However, the voice of Master Yun Tianxie rang in his mind: "Why are you running away, you bastard? This is not the real Taotie ferocious beast. It is just a consciousness formed from the flesh and blood of Taotie. I think the Taotie wants to absorb the essence and blood of living creatures." Recast the body of Taotie.

The current nine-headed gluttonous ferocious beast is cultivated from flesh, blood, essence and blood. It wants to be reborn through the Nine-Nine Return to One Method. However, even if it is reborn and revived, it will not be one millionth of the power of the real gluttonous beast. It looks scary, but in fact it can only survive at most. In the middle stage of the divine realm, only one of the nine-headed gluttonous ferocious beasts that appears in your sight is the peak strength in the middle stage.

Let me tell you, kid, don’t miss this good opportunity. These nine-headed gluttonous ferocious beasts are the essence of the essence and blood of the gluttonous body. There must be blood crystals in their heads. They are treasures. They are first-class when used to make elixirs. It's a precious medicine, and it can also help you cultivate your clones. Don't run up to kill them. Seize the blood crystal stone, which can also sharpen your spirit of momentum. "

Yang Yiyun listened to his master's story and said with disbelief: "Old man, are you fooling me? Before, just the remnant soul of a gluttonous ferocious beast almost killed me, but now it is an existence made of the flesh and blood of the real nine-headed glutton. Are you sure I can do it? Can you pass it?"

Yang Yiyun really doubted whether the old man was trying to trick him.

"You bastard, when did my teacher lie to you? What you encountered was the Taotie Soul. It was said that these souls were transformed by flesh and blood consciousness and only had the strength of the middle stage of the distraction state. They also had no wisdom. The monks present were all in the distraction state. In the early days, they couldn't do it, but you can't do it?

Your spiritual consciousness and true energy are ten times more powerful than those of monks of the same level. If you can't defeat this nine-headed gluttonous flesh and blood consciousness, you will be killed as soon as possible, let alone my disciple, Yun Tianxie.

Stop talking nonsense, go up and kill them and get the blood crystal stone. What my master wants you to cultivate is the realm of nine gods in the distraction realm. It is not an ordinary distraction realm. If you can get the blood crystal stone of the nine-headed gluttonous flesh and blood beast, you will definitely receive it. The training I have done here has been of great help, so I won’t go on. "

At the end of the words, Yun Tianxie almost roared.

The corners of Yang Yiyun's mouth twitched. Even if, as the old man said, the ferocious beast transformed from Taotie's flesh and blood was in the middle stage of the distraction realm, it still had nine heads!

"Brother, let's go quickly..." Hou Doudou urged, because at this time the gluttonous ferocious beast had already rushed over.

Yang Yiyun was trembling in his heart, and sighed: "You go first, don't worry about me, I have something else to do, wait for me when I get out of the secret realm."

Hou Doudou and Ye Wuxin didn't ask any more questions. They knew that Yang Yiyun was stronger than them in cultivation. Since he said there was something, then there was something. There should be other things. Ye Wuxin turned around and ran away with Hou Doudou.

At this time, Yang Yiyun raised his feet and walked towards the nine-headed gluttonous ferocious beast, saying goodbye, but he always believed in the old man. Since the old man said that the nine-headed gluttonous ferocious beast's inner chamber was crystallized with essence and blood, what kind of blood was in its head? The crystal stone can be of great help to his cultivation, so let's fight.

It just so happened that he also wanted to test whether the magical combat skills taught by the old man were reliable. He could integrate the heart of momentum into the sword skills to improve his combat effectiveness.

When the little turtle looked over and walked away, he saw Yang Yiyun and actually ran towards the nine-headed beast. He followed his sister Long Jiaonan and shouted for Yang Yiyun to leave.

In response, Yang Yiyun waved to the little turtle to let him go first.

Many people saw that Yang Yiyun did not run away, but actually walked towards the gluttonous beast, and they all thought that Yang Yiyun was sick.

But only Yang Yiyun knew that he was forced by the old man.

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