My Master Is a God

Chapter 1061 Old monsters from all sides gather together

The ancient hall in the Taotie Secret Realm collapsed, and many people were inexplicably teleported into the blood pool, barely escaping from being devoured by the ferocious beasts transformed from Taotie's flesh and blood.

But even so, many people died.

Because after Yang Yiyun killed the nine-headed ferocious beasts, all the survivors left the secret realm. Anyway, they have not encountered any fragments of the heavenly sword so far, but a small number of people are still protected, such as those who have obtained fairy treasures. There are also people who can find elixirs and so on in secret realms.

In short, almost everyone has left, because there is a time limit for the secret realm to open. If you don’t leave after a year, you will not be able to get out. You will have to wait until the next time.

Yang Yiyun led Wu Moqiu and Ye Wuxin out of the teleportation port.

When I looked again, I had already returned to the entrance of the giant tree on the top of the mountain.

However, as soon as he came out, he found that many people had gathered at the top of the mountain.

To be precise, both the human race and the demon race have them.

Once again, it looks like the four major forces.

They are the human race, the Great Wilderness Land Monster Race, the Great Wilderness Bird Monster Race, and the Sea Monster Race.

At this time, it is obvious that the four major races are divided.

Moreover, there were quite a few people in the field, and there were several monks with powerful auras on each side.

From the human race, among the six geniuses on the human race at this moment, the only ones who are still alive are the twin brothers Shishan Shishui of Shuangtianmen. At this time, their brothers are standing next to a pair of old men in their sixties, and these two old men also look exactly the same. , obviously twins.

But it turned out that their brother's injuries had been healed.

Ye Wuxin explained to Yang Yiyun: "It's the old monsters from the six transcendent forces who came out of the mountain. It seems they are here to pick peaches. Unfortunately, no fragments of the Heavenly Slash appeared in the Taotie Secret Realm.

By the way, standing next to brothers Shishan and Shishui are the two ancestors of Shuangtianmen, Tiangang and Disha. Their cultivation is unfathomable. Although the ancestors and I met once when we went to Shuangtianmen.

The beautiful woman next to Sister Xia is the master of the Ice and Snow Shrine. The people on the other side are from Yunwu Ridge. I guess she is an old monster from Yunwu Ridge. On the other side are the people from Shenbing Mountain, and my ancestors are also here. In the center The leader is a person from Butian Palace..."

Following Ye Wuxin's introduction, we now have an understanding of the so-called six transcendent forces. These old monsters headed by sects should be the most powerful people in the mountain and sea world at the moment.

From the aura, it felt like everyone had reached the late stage of distraction. This was a bit beyond Yang Yiyun's expectation. So many people in the late stage of distraction appeared at once.

"I'll go over and say hello to my ancestor first," Ye Wuxin said.

"Okay, you go." Yang Yiyun nodded. The ancestor of the Ye family should naturally go and say hello to Ye Wuxin when he arrived.

On the other side, Hou Doudou was standing next to an old ape with gray hair. The old ape looked like an octogenarian who would wear his braids at any moment. When Yang Yiyun looked over, the old ape seemed to be feeling something and suddenly raised his head. He glanced at Yang Yiyun.

Suddenly, two gleams of light flashed through the old ape's turbid old eyes, and then the deep sea seemed to be able to swallow up the human soul, which shocked Yang Yiyun's heart.

Master, absolute master.

Yang Yiyun muttered in his heart.

Eyes are the windows to the soul. Yang Yiyun saw a sea of ​​stars from the old ape's eyes, which was very scary.

In addition to the old apes, there are also several old monsters who have transformed into humans. They are all extraordinary people with soaring evil spirits. The monster clan is not weak in strength either.

On the other side was a group of birds headed by a middle-aged beautiful woman. Yang Yiyun recognized it at a glance. This beautiful woman was the old sparrow who had caused trouble in Yaoguang City back then. The aura of the old sparrow who had transformed into a middle-aged beautiful woman was already distracting. The strength in the middle stage of the realm seems to be weaker than that of other realms, but the bird demon cultivator has the advantage of having more people.

There are dozens of old bird demons with the same aura behind the old sparrow, and their overall strength should not be underestimated.

Finally, there is the Kraken lineage, which seems more complicated.

Standing next to Little Oogway and Long Jiaonan was a middle-aged man with an extremely powerful demonic aura and a pair of antlers on his forehead. He must be Dragon Turtle, or a member of the Little Oogway brother and sister tribe.

Then there was an old man in black robes, with a fierce look on his forehead, and a pair of small horns, or balls of flesh, on his forehead. From the old man's name, Yang Yiyun felt the aura of the Dragon Prince, and he knew it was a dragon without asking. .

Followed by a middle-aged man in armor and a fat middle-aged woman. From them, Yang Yiyun felt the aura of a great white shark and an octopus princess. Obviously, these were the siren giants.

Yang Yiyun didn't know what they were going to do when all the major clans gathered in the Taotie Secret Realm at this time, but he felt that something big was going on.

The atmosphere in the field was also a bit tense, but fortunately it didn't get to the point of a fight.

Each of the four major parties stood up.

At this time Hou Doudou shouted: "Brother."

Hou Doudou shouted, and Yang Yiyun walked over.

"Brother, let me introduce you to the elder of the ape clan." Hou Doudou looked unruly, but he still looked very respectful when introducing this old ape to Yang Yiyun.

Yang Yiyun saluted the old ape. He knew that this old ape should be the demon who sealed the toad poison in Hou Doudou's body. But according to Hou Doudou, the other party spent thousands of years of cultivation in order to suppress the toad poison for him. , but now it seems that this old ape is still unfathomable, but the strange thing is that Yang Yiyun can't see what his cultivation is. It seems that he must have used some secret method to cover up his cultivation.

No matter how kind the old ape was to Hou Doudou, Yang Yiyun still saluted respectfully and said: "Junior Yang Yiyun has met senior Ape, thank you for taking care of Doudou."

The old ape took a deep look at Yang Yiyun and returned the greeting: "Fellow Taoist, there is no need to be polite. Your Highness is the hope of our clan and the hope of the demon clan. It is my duty to do something for him, but my fellow Taoist is indeed extraordinary."

The two were polite, and Bai Qi and Hou Doudou introduced several other old monsters to Yang Yiyun. Perhaps because of Hou Doudou, the Great Wilderness Monster Clan had a good attitude towards Yang Yiyun.

Or maybe they had respect for Yang Yiyun's strength after hearing about Yang Yiyun's deeds of killing the nine-headed beast.

Afterwards, Long Jiaonan and Little Wugui took the initiative to greet Yang Yiyun and introduced their brother and sister's father, the leader of the Longgui clan, Long Aotian.

Long Aotian had long known about Yang Yiyun from Long Jiaonan's brother and sister. His daughter, Long Jiaonan, spoke highly of Yang Yiyun. She was also regarded as Little Turtle's savior and did not ask her to express her gratitude to Yang Yiyun.

However, the other three good sirens were not so friendly. They already knew that the three of them had joined forces with Guan Tianao from the Human Race Butian Palace to deal with Yang Yiyun. Although the descendants of the last three families did not die in the hands of Yang Yiyun, but were refined by Guan Tianao. However, he has no good impressions of Yang Yiyun, a human race.

Yang Yiyun even felt that if there weren't so many people in the venue, these three sea monsters would kill him.

Yang Yiyun felt very unhappy about this. You girls, the three of you attacked your brothers from behind. Before your brothers could care about it, you dragged them on first. If you made your brothers anxious, they would kill you.

Muttering in his heart, Qingyuanniao came over and invited Yang Yiyun.

When Yang Yiyun followed the green mandarin bird to see the old sparrow, he once again confirmed from the old sparrow that Little Phoenix and Diaoer were indeed taken away by Hua Deleang.

He made up his mind to go to Tianzhan to find Hua Lianliang and Xiao Fenghuang and Diao'er.

Just when Yang Yiyun was chatting with the old sparrow about the incident in Yaoguang City, Ye Wuxin from the human race called him over.

Now that Ye Wuxin is his woman, he should also visit the ancestor of the Ye family.

When they reached the human side, before Yang Yiyun had time to greet the ancestor of the Ye family, an old man walked out of the Divine Soldier and glared at Yang Yiyun, saying in a deep voice: "Junior, you have the amulet aura of my Divine Soldier Mountain disciple Lou Man. Tell me that Lou Man is Wasn't he killed by you?"

As he spoke, the old man pressed down on Yang Yiyun with undisguised pressure, and the undisguised killing intent in his eyes enveloped Yang Yiyun.

This time Yang became a little angry. He narrowed his eyes and said word by word: "I killed him."

I admitted it very bachelorly.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun has no scruples. Although the opponent is in the late stage of the distraction realm, so what?

He, Yang Yiyun, now has the strength to fight against the late stage of the distraction realm. As long as it is not Dzogchen, will he be afraid?

With the spirit of momentum taught by the master, the power of sword skills can be defeated by Dzogchen, let alone the late stage of beheading and dividing the mind.

The consciousness ferocious beasts transformed from Taotie's flesh and blood are comparable to those in the middle stage of the Fenfenshen realm. He can kill three or four with one sword. Is he still afraid of cultivators in the late stages of the Fenfenshen realm?

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