My Master Is a God

Chapter 1072 Nine-tailed Sky Fox

At dawn the next day, Xiao Dixian led Yang Yiyun and Hou Doudou Wu Moqiu to follow them to Tianzhan.

The so-called Tianzhan was at the end of the major territories of the Mountain and Sea Realm. The four of them flew away, starting from the wilderness and arriving at their destination three days later.

Tianzhan is also called the end of the sky, which is actually a mountain range.

A mountain range that reaches into the clouds is called Tianzhan.

The end of the mountains cannot be seen with the naked eye, and the mountains that are said to surround the entire mountain and sea realm stretch vertically and horizontally.

If there is no height, then there is. Xiaodi Xian Tangtang once said that the real height of the Tianzhan Mountain Range is 100,000 feet. Someone could climb this height more than 100,000 years ago.

But later, after the battle between the forces behind Hua Desolation and the Shanhai Dynasty, they set up a supreme formation barrier directly on the mountain range. No matter how high you fly, the mountain range is endless, and there are also powerful Tiangang thunders. Anyone who goes up will be killed by the sky. Killed by lightning.

Unless the interface messenger opens the formation to let him pass, don't even think about passing a sparrow. The formation barrier is built on the basis of the entire mountain range. Taking the power of the mountain range, the monks in the distraction realm will be instantly wiped out when they go up. The cultivation level of the interface messenger stationed in Tianzhan No matter how powerful it is, the power of the barrier is as powerful as it is. Do you think it will exterminate the creatures in the mountains and seas? Maybe in a few thousand years the cultivation civilization in the mountains and seas realm will really be extinct. "

Xiao Didixian was worried when he spoke.

Yang Yiyun doesn't understand why Xiaodi Xian Tangtang is doing this?

Is it for the sake of justice?

Is it possible that there are really such selfless people in this world?

Just because she came from the world of mountains and seas, so she risked her soul to do good things for her hometown?

If this were the case, Yang Yiyun would truly admire him. This kind of spirit of self-sacrifice for others was akin to the national righteousness of the Chinese national revolution. He believed that such people existed in the world.

Little drops of fairy sugar may be one of them.

What was Yang Yiyun thinking? Xiao Didixian seemed to be able to read minds and always knew. He asked with a smile: "Are you thinking why I do this? Is it for righteousness? Or do you have your own selfish motives?"

"Uh~" Yang Yiyun was stunned: "Can you read minds?"

"I can't, but I can look at your face and eyes. The eyes go straight to the soul." Xiaodi Xian Tangtang smiled and continued: "Actually, I am not that great, including Little Phoenix and all three of them are the same. We are cultivating. The world has had its glory days, and it took great courage to change from practicing martial arts to cultivating spiritual practice, but we still did it.

For myself and for the sake of my hometown, the world of mountains and seas, the world of cultivators is vast and boundless, and all the creatures in the world of mountains and seas are just a drop in the ocean.

The four of us, whether we are humans or monsters, are firstly creatures who have stepped out of the world of mountains and seas, and secondly are loose immortals. The loose immortals become stronger and stronger every one thousand years. If you can't survive it, The soul is in disarray.

So we gave ourselves a choice and wanted to do something for the Shanhai Realm, so we chose to reincarnate and re-cultivate. This way, we can reincarnate and re-cultivate, and also give a glimmer of hope to the Shan-Hai Realm.

This is also the effort of the creatures from the Mountain and Sea Realm in the world of cultivators. We in the Mountain and Sea Realm naturally have inheritance forces in the world of cultivation. For example, the four of us each have sect forces behind us in the world of cultivation. If the sects did not support us, we would not be able to change our cultivation. It went well. It is almost impossible for ordinary transformation to rebuild and gain memories after waking up. However, we have the support of the sect, so we dare to take risks.

Except for the little Phoenix Dian who was discovered and kidnapped by Hua Lingliang, the three of us have achieved the desired level of cultivation and memory. This is also an opportunity for the group to support Hua Lingliang's sect and be entangled by another giant. As long as this time After killing Hua Deleang and destroying the Heavenly Slashing Formation, the entire mountain and sea world will be liberated. "

As he spoke, small drops of Fairy Sugar flew down and landed at the foot of the Tianzhan Mountain Range.

Yang Yiyun, Hou Doudou and Wu Moqiu followed them down and looked up at the Tianzhan Mountain Range. It was indeed a high mountain with no end in sight. The entire mountain range was shrouded in clouds and mist from head to toe, and there was an invisible force shrouding it above the sky. It can even stop until there is a faint sound of thunder.

It's really heart-pounding to feel the oppressive atmosphere of this mountain range from thousands of meters away. Yang Yiyun looked at the endless mountains covered in white clouds and mist, and couldn't see anything distinctive, let alone know. Where is the desolation?

Then he asked aloud: "The whole mountain range looks the same, where can we go to find the desolation?"

"This is the center of the Tianzhan Mountain Range. We will go directly up the mountain from here. There is a Tianzhan Palace on the top of the Wanzhang Mountain. It is also where the Tianzhan Formation is located. Transformation into Desolation is there. It is also the only way to reach the world of cultivation through the Tianzhan Mountain Range. Road, we will climb the mountain after meeting the fox and turtle." Xiao Didi Xian Tangtang said.

Yang Yiyun asked: "When will your two companions come?"

"Here it comes~" Just after he spoke, Xiaodi Xian Tangtang looked towards the sky.

Yang Yiyun took advantage of the situation and saw hills flying in from the sky in the distance. When he got closer, he realized that it was not a mountain, but... a big monster that was as big as a hill.

To be precise, it is Xuanwu. Regarding Xuanwu, Yang Yiyun naturally knows that in Chinese mythology, it is one of the four great mythical beasts along with the green dragon, white tiger, and phoenix. The Master's Anecdotal Record of Cultivation also records that Xuanwu is a mythical beast, a combination of a turtle and a snake, with a glans head and a snake tail.

At this moment, the Xuanwu floated from the sky, blocking out the sky and the sun. From a distance, it was a small mountain. It was at least a hundred meters in size.

The whole body exudes a light blue halo, and there are clouds and mist surrounding it, as if it is coming from the clouds.

However, as he approached, his body became smaller and smaller. When he landed in front of Xiaodi Xian Tangtang and Yang Yiyun, the blue light flashed and transformed into an eleven or twelve year old boy, holding a cane on his chest and behind his chest. He has a turtle shell and is a bit hunchbacked when he walks. If he had a beard, he would look like a turtle immortal.

"Big turtle, why didn't you find a helper?" Xiao Dixian called him "Big Turtle" as soon as he opened his mouth.

Yang Yiyun felt a little ashamed when he heard this.

"My name is Bei Ming, not Big Turtle. Why don't you have a long memory? I'm so good that you can't respect me even if you're an immortal." Big Turtle, no, it should be Xuanwu or he calls himself Beiming. Anyway, to the little one, Didi Xian Tangtang protested.

"It doesn't matter, it's just a title. Didn't I ask you to find a helper? Why did you come here alone? By the way, why hasn't the little fox arrived yet?" Xiaodi Xian Tangtang opened his mouth full of complaints.

"Ahem, don't mention it. There is no living being in the whole sea who can reach the perfection of the state of distraction. The others who follow will be destined to die. It's better not to look for it. The vixen should also be here... Hey... these three little ones Is this guy the helper you're looking for?" At the end of the conversation, Xuanwu Beiming looked at Yang Yiyun and the others.

"His name is Yang Yiyun, and he is the helper I found. Sister Houhou and Guixiu came with him. When the time comes, I will ask my eldest brother to rescue little Phoenix." Xiaodi Xian Tangtang introduced.

"Big brother?" Xuanwu was dumbfounded when he heard Xiao Dixian calling Yang Yiyun "big brother", and then laughed loudly and said: "I said you are several thousand years old, can you be more reserved? It's ridiculous to call a younger brother or sister. Yeah, hahaha..." Xuanwu Beiming laughed.

"Tch, I am rebuilding now. It is a brand new life. My physical body is my own. I remember it. You are also rebuilding. Look at our current bodies. You are only eight or nine years old. You are only eleven or twelve years old. I'm just a kid, why are you pretending to be an old monster? I just like being young. What can I do?" Xiao Dixian retorted proudly.

"It seems to make sense. We are only in our early thirties after we have retrained. It is true that we have rebuilt a new life, a new life, but I am used to it. I can't pretend to be young. You and that vixen can piss together." Xuanwu Beiming said.

At this time, a crisp, chilling sound suddenly sounded from all directions in the field. It seemed that it was close at hand and yet a hundred meters away: "Old turtle, who do you think is the vixen?"

As the voice rang out, the heavy temperature suddenly became much colder, like falling into an ice cellar.

"Uh...ahem...don't be angry, Queen Tianhu, I just said it casually, ahem." Xuanwu Beiming shrank his neck when he heard the voice and no one saw it, and quickly explained with a smile, obviously he was afraid of the sound. Master, or the Sky Fox Empress as he calls her.

Yang Yiyun looked around and saw no one, but he understood that it should be the little fox Xiao Dixian and Xuanwu talked about had arrived.

Sure enough, Xiao Didixian said to Yang Yiyun at this time: "Brother, please be careful. The little fox is from the nine-tailed fox tribe. His former true body was the Heavenly Fox Empress of the Shanhai Dynasty. She is the most charming, so don't be fascinated by her." Living……"

As soon as Xiao Dixian finished speaking, he snorted coldly: "What did the snack guy say?"

At this time, Yang Yiyun clearly heard the sound not far away. Sure enough, when he heard the sound, he saw two women appearing dozens of meters to the left, one of whom turned out to be an old acquaintance.

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