My Master Is a God

Chapter 1081 Three old monsters suppress and become desolate

The overwhelming aura of desolation can be felt all over the body, and Yang Yiyun, Zheng Binbin, and Hou Doudou who are hiding behind are no exception.

Yunzhong Gongfa quickly felt a little better, resisting the oppressive aura of Zihua's desolation.

Hua Hanliang's pressure made Yang Yiyun and the others feel powerful. It's hard to imagine how terrifying Hua Hanliang would be if he really took action.

Yang Yiyun knew in his heart that he, Hou Doudou and Zheng Binbin couldn't stand up to such a strong-level fight.

The old man is right, if Hua Deleang takes action, it is better to run as far as possible.

At this moment, Xuanwu Beiming said without looking back: "You three will find an opportunity to go to Tianzhan Palace to find Little Phoenix."

Yang Yiyun nodded. He knew that the three of them couldn't help in a battle of this level. At this time, he also knew to go to Tianzhan Palace to find Little Phoenix. Moreover, he was still thinking about Diao'er Xiangxiang, no matter what. All have to be found.


At this moment, Xiaodi Xian Tangtang let out a roar and rushed towards Hua Hanliang in an instant, followed closely by Xuanwu and Tianhu, one on the left and the other on the right.

A kind of aura of abandonment burst out from the three old monsters.

And Yang Yiyun said to Hou Doudou and Zheng Binbin behind him: "Let's go."

Although the old man said that it would be difficult to kill the three old monsters with a drop of fairy sugar, but Yang Yiyun believed that it would be okay to stop him and say that it would be miserable.

Xuanwu Beiming and the three of them blocked Hua Desolate, Yang Yiyun and the others from rushing towards Tianzhan Palace.

The difference between the two sides is hundreds of meters, it seems that there is a distance, a long distance.

When Yang Yiyun wanted to be miserable and was entangled by the three old monsters Xiaodi Xian Tangtang, he probably didn't have the time or energy to pay attention to him, Hou Doudou, and Zheng Binbin.

Who knew that as soon as he set off, Hua Lian's reaction or his strength and methods were beyond Yang Yiyun's expectations.

Just as Yang Yiyun and the others were setting off, Hua Qiliang, who was already entangled with the three old monsters Xiaodi Xian, did not see any movement. He roared angrily and said with a wave of his hand: "Those who dare to go to heaven and kill the palace will die."

While he was speaking, he casually waved his hand, and a beam of light more than three feet long was cut down with the force of a sword.

A force comparable to a high-level sword energy fell on the heads of the three of them. Yang Yiyun was startled and shouted at Hou Doudou and Zheng Binbin: "Back off."

In fact, the two of them saw the power of Hua Hanliang's attack without Yang Yiyun's reminder, and retreated at the first moment.


At the moment when the three of them quickly retreated for tens of meters, Huan Leng's sword fell down, dust flew up in the roar, and the whole earth trembled.

Yang Yiyun and the others gasped.

A chasm more than thirty meters long and ten meters wide appeared on the spot.

This was just a casual blow from Hua Lingliang, but it was so powerful. The three of them could not imagine what Hua Lingliang would do with a frontal attack, but in their hearts, none of them seemed to be able to withstand it.

However, Hua Hanoliang's attack also proved from the side that he did not want people to be tricked into Tianzhan Palace. Is there anything Huahanliang cares about in Tianzhan Palace?

Whether it is a small phoenix or a Diao'er, or the Tianzhan Palace itself, it all shows that it is very important in Hua Deleang's heart.

Although they were frightened by Hua Deleang's blow, Yang Yiyun and the others had no choice. Now that they were facing each other, there was no turning back.

What's more, Yang Yiyun and Hou Doudou must find Diaoer Xiangxiang.

From a general perspective, the little phoenix is ​​more important. According to the three old monsters of Xuanwu Beiming, the little phoenix can be found when entering the palace. Together, the four of them can kill the earthly immortal Hua Lengliang and destroy the great barrier of Tianzhan. , from now on, countless creatures in the world of mountains and seas will be given a bright future.

At this moment, even if it is a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire, Yang Yiyun and the others can only go on.

At this moment, after Hua Lingliang struck Yang Yiyun and the others, they blocked the way of Yang Yiyun and the others. On the other side, Xuanwu Beiming, Tianhu, and Xiaodixian became fierce. The three old monsters knew that they would not suppress Hua Lingliang and Yang Yiyun. The three juniors cannot enter Tianzhan Palace.

The three old monsters have been preparing for many years. Naturally, they know everything about Huahanliang and Tianzhan Palace. There is no doubt that the little Phoenix was trapped in Tianzhan Palace by Huahanliang. Yang Yiyun and the three must be included in Tianzhan Palace. Only by finding Little Phoenix can they have a chance of winning, otherwise everything will be in vain, and in the end they will only lose their fortune and their lives.

This time, they risked their lives on the Tianzhan trip, and they would be benevolent if they didn't succeed.


Xuanwu Beiming let out a dragon cry, blue light burst out all over his body, and his body grew long in the wind. In an instant, it turned into a mountain as big as a small mountain, and spit out a water column in front of Hua Desolation.

After spitting it out from the mouth, the water column spread and turned into flying swords. Suddenly the flying swords burst into the sky and shot toward Hua Desolation.

And Xiao Didi Xian Tangtang jumped up and landed on Xuanwu Beiming's back. In his hand was a golden umbrella-mounted magic weapon, with a golden light. He shouted softly: "Hunyuan Wandao, trap the devil. "

As Xiao Didi Xian Tangtang gave a soft drink, she threw the Hunyuan Umbrella in her hand towards Hua Hanleo's head. Suddenly, thousands of golden lights erupted from her Hunyuan Umbrella shrouded down, forming a 100-meter-wide circle under the illumination of Hua Hanlei's head. space.

This scene formed a magic weapon barrier in Yang Yiyun's eyes.

He now saw that Xiaodi Xian Tangtang's umbrella-mounted magic weapon was called the Hunyuan Umbrella. It could attack and form formations. It seemed to be an amazing magic weapon. The thousands of golden lights emitted from the Hunyuan Umbrella directly transformed the Desolation was shrouded in it, apparently trapping the desolation.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Dixian was seen jumping again in the north of Xuanwu. This time he flew up and stood on the top of the Hunyuan Umbrella like lightning. Standing in an independent posture like a golden rooster, he shot out a series of spells with his hands in a variety of ways. There were words in it, and some obscure and mysterious spells were recited.

As her hand skills and spells came out, the Hunyuan Umbrella spun faster and faster, shining with golden light...

Hua Leng's expression, shrouded in golden light, finally changed, apparently feeling the powerful attacks from Xuanwu Beiming and Xiaodi Xiantangtang.

Almost at the same time, Tianhu also took action.

She transformed into a body and roared, and suddenly transformed into a huge body like Xuanwu Beiming. Its seven tails were like a dragon coming out of the sea, and suddenly attacked Hua Desolang.

In the eyes of Yang Yiyun and the others, the seven tails of Hua Desolation were no longer ordinary things. Each tail was more than thirty meters long and as thick as a bucket. When attacking Xiang Hua Desolation, it burst out in seven colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, and purple.

As they roared away, the powerful aura they exuded made Yang Yiyun and the other two people feel palpitations.

The three old monsters attacked almost simultaneously.

Xuanwu Beiming spit out water pillars from his mouth and turned into flying swords all over the sky. The Hunyuan Umbrella with small drops of fairy sugar was filled with golden light, and the seven tails of the Sky Fox formed the power of piercing the sky.

The attacks from the three masters made Hua's miserable expression change. He seemed to be trapped in the golden light of Xiao Dixian's Hunyuan Umbrella for a moment, and watched helplessly as the flying swords and the seven tails of Tianhu came to attack. .

At this moment, Hua Desolation roared with powerful milky white light flashing all over his body, forming a defense.


There were booms and explosions one after another, but it was Xuanwu Beiming's flying sword and Tianhu's seven tails that attacked him.

For a moment, the milky white light on Hua Lianlan's body flashed, and he blocked the attacks of Xuanwu Beiming and Tianhu from his body.

From the inside, it seemed that there was a deadlock. Hua Hanliang was shrouded and trapped by the Xiaodixian Hunyuan Umbrella, and the attacks of Xuanwu Beiming and Tianhu couldn't break the milky white power flowing on Hua Hanliang's body.

Yang Yiyun and the others looked at it and were secretly speechless. He thought that the milky white light displayed outside the body of Lai Huan Lian should be the unique earth energy power of Sanxian or Earth Immortal, which is a higher-level power that is more powerful than the true energy of a cultivator.

Now he finally had an understanding of the power of the Earth Immortal.

However, I also had a clear understanding of the three old monsters Xiaodixian, Xuanwu Beiming, and Tianhu who had transferred to cultivation. The three old monsters joined forces and really suppressed Hua Huoliang.

But it seems that transforming the earthly energy into Desolation is no small matter, and the three old monsters that are constantly running around can't help transforming Desolation.

However, Hua Hanliang could not break free from the oppression of the three people for a while.

The two sides reached a stalemate.

At this time, Xuanwu Beiming spoke loudly: "Yang Yiyun, go to Tianzhan Palace to find Little Phoenix. The three of us can't suppress Hua Deleang for long."

Yang Yiyun and the others woke up from a dream. Yes, looking at the situation on the field, it was true that Xuanwu Beiming and the others could not hold back the transformation for long.

If someone of the same level as Xuanwu and the others were to take action at this time, they might really be able to kill Desolation.

Thinking of this, Yang Yiyun said to Hou Doudou and Zheng Binbin: "Let's go to Tianzhan Palace to find Little Phoenix, otherwise if Hua Hanliang breaks free, everyone will be ruined."

He knew that the three of them together would probably not have much effect. The best result would be to find Little Phoenix, because Little Phoenix was a cultivator.

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