My Master Is a God

Chapter 1084 The old man’s sword intention

Listening to the master's words, Yang Yiyun was greatly moved. The old man's words attached great importance to the Thousand Bones and Thousand Demons Formation, which showed that this formation was really not simple.

But fortunately, with the old man here, it can be settled, so he is not worried.

According to the old man's wishes, he will take action himself, which shows that he is sure.

Now he just wants to rescue Diao'er and Little Phoenix as soon as possible, no matter what the old man does.

Then he said: "Will the old man hurt Diao'er and little Phoenix?"

After all, Xiao Fenghuang and Diao'er are both in the Thousand Bones and Thousand Demons Array at the moment. Once the formation is touched, whether Diao'er and Xiao Fenghuang will be involved is a matter of concern.

Yun Tianxie's voice recalled: "It is precisely because they are afraid of hurting their master that they are ready to take action. This formation will move the whole body with one hair. Don't dare to be careless. The Thousand Bones and Thousand Demons Formation is a big formation, and it is also a thousand. The formation is endlessly varied.

Okay, get ready, my master will lend you your body to break the formation. After a while, your master will get involved in the formation, and then you let the monkey and the little girl enter the formation to save Diao'er and the little Phoenix. "

Yang Yiyun responded in his heart, and then told Hou Doudou and Zheng Binbin: "Wait a while for me to break into the formation, and you two will wait for my news to enter the formation to save Diao'er and Little Phoenix."


The two nodded in agreement.

Then Yang Yiyun relaxed his mind, and then he felt the Qiankun pot pattern on his left arm becoming hot, and a strong force came from his body. He knew that it was the old man's soul borrowing the magic.

"It's good to realize that breaking this formation will also be beneficial to your formation in the future." Yun Tianxie opened his mouth and told Yang Yiyun, who had already entered and exited the sea of ​​​​consciousness.

Yang Yiyun nodded to express his understanding. He now had the perspective of a spectator, and even more aware that it was the master's soul power that rushed into his consciousness and dominated it.

In fact, he is also full of expectations for his master to take action. The battles of strong men are full of moral charm.

A cold light flashed in his hand. The dragon-slaying sword was in his hand, and it made a buzzing sound. The powerful sword intention spread out, and Yang Yiyun felt as if he had transformed into a sharp sword at this moment.

As long as the old man takes action, he doesn't have to worry at all.

The next moment, the old man recited a spell and swung his sword at will. A nine-foot-long sword energy flashed out from the dragon-slaying sword and struck directly at the Thousand Bones and Thousand Demons Array.


Just as soon as the sword energy reached the edge of the formation, it spread out to the center of the formation.

Every skeleton that passed by was turned into powder, and screams were heard at the same time. However, under the power of a sword, not only the skeletons were destroyed, but also the demonic souls sealed within were destroyed.

Yang Yiyun gasped. In my eyes, the old man's sword destroyed three hundred skeletons.

And then the entire Thousand Bones and Thousand Demons Array suddenly came to life.

Skeletons stood up with a click, and bloody runes erupted from their bodies.

"Ho ho ho..."

A monster-like roar rang out, and amidst the roar, the skeletons began to rotate. If you look closely, there were traces of patterns, and there was a connection between each skeleton.

When the formation was reviving, Yang Yiyun dodged and rushed into the formation. In other words, the old man rushed into the formation and moved forward along the path opened by the sword energy.

The moment he entered the formation, Yang Yiyun discovered that the environment had changed.

What he saw in his eyes was no longer the main hall, nor the skeletons, but a world filled with blood, energy, and demonic aura.

The sky was full of blood dancing, the earth was red, and the soil was dyed red by the earth.

Skeletons still existed, but in Yang Yiyun's eyes, these skeletons' eyes were filled with blood, and their whole bodies were bathed in dark demonic aura. The aura was so powerful and terrifying.

In the center of this bloody world, there is an altar made of white bones. Diaoer and the little phoenix that transformed into its true form are on the altar.

However, Diao'er and Little Phoenix were extremely languid at this moment, and they were enduring the punishment of thunder and lightning from the sky. The entire Bone Altar was surrounded by demonic energy and thunder and lightning, tightly surrounding the Bone Altar.

In this situation, Diao'er and Little Phoenix are in the center of the formation, so they will inevitably be affected.

Now Yang Yiyun saw that the old man seemed to be trying to break the formation by force, and couldn't help but ask: "Old man, are you trying to break the formation by force? Will it affect Little Phoenix and Diao'er?"

"That's right. Your cultivation base is too weak, and your master is in a remnant state. You can only use strength to break the formation as quickly as possible. This is also the most effective way. As for the little Phoenix and Diao'er, they will be affected to some extent. , the power of thunder and lightning will be strengthened, I hope they can hold on, and try to kill all these skeletons as quickly as possible to solve the big problem.

You kid, look at it directly, don't say anything to influence me as a teacher, a teacher has his own way, this sword can only be regarded as opening up a force to enter the formation, the difficulties have just begun. "Yun Tianxie opened his mouth to explain.

Yang Yiyun didn't dare to disturb the old man when he heard his master talking, so he could only watch with his eyes.

All he could do was pray for the old man to hurry up, and even faster, the formation wouldn't be broken, and Diao'er and Little Phoenix would also be struck to death by lightning.

That would be great fun.

However, he also believed in the old man's methods. The sword he just struck without using any sword skills or supernatural powers was more powerful than the one he used with the Black Lotus Sword Formation, which already explained the problem.

While the two masters were talking to each other, the sound of thunder and lightning in the sky increased again.

Yang Yiyun saw Diao'er and Little Phoenix's bodies trembling.

Their cries of pain were even heard.

Little Phoenix and Diao'er could not be seen outside the formation before, but Little Phoenix and Diao'er could see them inside the formation. At this time, he could naturally see them when he entered the formation.

Yang Yiyun watched the thunder and lightning on the Bone Altar becoming more and more fierce. Yang Yiyun's heart twitched, but there was nothing he could do. He knew that he could not disturb the old man at this time, because after entering the formation, skeletons from all directions were already attacking.

What frightened Yang Yiyun was that the attacks of these skeletons were not separate attacks, but formed the superimposed power of the formation. The powerful aura they exuded made him sweat coldly.

The Thousand Bones and Thousand Demon Array, with its demonic power, now Yang Yiyun felt that it was true. The demonic energy rippling throughout the bloody world made Yang Yiyun feel in a trance.

At this time he had great admiration for the old man.

It's hard to imagine how much pressure the old man was under.

Then Yang Yiyun saw the old man take action. There were no earth-shattering fancy moves. He only saw the old man carrying the dragon-slaying sword and striking at the overwhelming number of skeletons with three swords.

It is still a simple and clear way to draw the sword. The sword is a nine-foot-long sword energy. In the bloody world, an extremely dazzling silver light bursts out, like a small sun shining on the earth.

Yang Yiyun saw where he passed through the sword energy. Space cracks appeared one after another in the bloody world. Through the space cracks, he could see the outside environment. The outside was the previous hall.

This means that the Thousand Bones and Thousand Demons Array is a bloody world formed by illusion, but it is a very advanced world, not comparable to ordinary environments, and already has the foundation of a small world.

The Thousand Bones and Thousand Demons Array was powerful, but the old man didn't seem to take it seriously.

After three sword strikes, large areas of skeletons were turned into pieces.

Originally, Yang Yiyun thought that he would disappear completely, but he didn't know that after the skeleton was shattered, a stream of demonic energy formed, converging into demonic figures with teeth and claws, and appeared next to the master in an instant.

The overwhelming demonic energy made Yang Yiyun's scalp feel numb.

But at this time, the old man snorted coldly and said: "Hmph, how dare the Smiling Devil Soul be so presumptuous."

As soon as he finished speaking, the old man raised the cheat and exposed his sleeves. The pattern of the Qiankun pot suddenly burst into brilliant light.

Then there were screams: "Ho ho ho ho..."

In Yang Yiyun's sight, the demonic figures turned into smoke and dust in the golden light erupting from the Qiankun pot pattern, and seemed to be completely purified.

This scene made Yang Yiyun's heart suddenly move. The Qiankun Pot could actually be used by the old man?

Yang felt a little unbalanced. Even though he was the nominal owner of the Qiankun Pot, he could not use the Qiankun Pot at all. Unexpectedly, the old man could actually use the Qiankun Pot?

I really wanted to ask the old man how to use the Qiankun Pot, but at this moment, there were still white bones and skeletons rushing towards me, and streams of blood and demonic energy gathered and oppressed me. It was not the right time. Yang Yiyun could only put aside the curiosity and doubts in my heart for the time being, and wait. The old man broke through the Thousand Bones and Thousand Demons Array and it's not too late to ask.

Half of a thousand skeletons were wiped out by the old man's three swords. It didn't seem to be a big deal at the moment.

Just when I was thinking this, the next moment something happened suddenly.

The bloody world suddenly remembered a roar that had been heard all day long: "Roar~"

After this roar, all the skeletons retreated from all sides like a tide.

Yang Yiyun was a little puzzled and said, "Is the old man going to quit now?"

"What a beautiful thought. The next step is the beginning. The Thousand Bones and Thousand Demons Array is dominated by demon souls, not a death array. It can be ever-changing. It is not only the attack of individual skeletons, but also a combined attack. I want to have a combined attack." Yun Tianxie said.

As soon as he finished speaking, Yang Yiyun heard the sound of "dong dong dong dong". Bian turned his head and looked around. A huge skeleton monster about thirty feet tall appeared, surrounded by black gas and devilish energy. He held a skeleton spear and stepped forward step by step. As he walked, there was a thumping sound with every step he took, and the ground trembled with the footsteps of the skeleton monster.

Yang Yiyun took a breath, and the old man was indeed right.

Now he was worried about whether the old man could defeat the skeleton monster. After all, the old man relied on his body for the power of the remnant soul.

At this time, he could feel that the old man was very calm and seemed not to care about the skeleton monster at all.

Yang Yiyun then thought about it. The old man was familiar with the Thousand Bones and Thousand Demons Formation, so he would be confident if he dared to forcefully break the formation.


The skeleton monster roared and stabbed with the spear in his hand.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun saw the old man swinging his sword calmly and calmly.


With a flash of sword energy, the spear in the skeleton monster's hand was instantly cut into two pieces by the old man's sword.

Then he snorted coldly, stamped his feet and flew up, rushing straight towards the skeleton monster. When he was flying in mid-air, he heard the old man say: "At last, I can finally solve the trouble with one blow."

While talking to himself, he shouted softly: "Dangdeng Demon Sword, let me scatter it."

As soon as the sword came out, the whole person turned into a bolt of lightning, and the speed was like teleportation. He disappeared from the place in a swish. The next moment, the sword suddenly stabbed the skeleton monster between the eyebrows.


With a loud noise that shook the sky, the skeleton monster wailed, but was stabbed between the eyebrows by Yun Tianxie's sword, and then the skeleton monster collapsed, accompanied by screams.

In Yang Yiyun's eyes, he saw that the master's sword seemed to be mixed with some unexplainable sword intention. It was so mysterious that it made his mind fall into a state and forget about himself.

His mind was filled with the power and intent of the old man's sword.

It seems that I have caught something, but I can't figure it out, can't see it, and can't catch it.

It was so mysterious that it seemed to open a new door to his swordsmanship in an instant.

After a while, the whole world became quiet, and all the skeletons disappeared. At this moment, the old man flew in mid-air to the bone altar, raised his sword and slashed into the sky, shouting: "Open the sky."

Suddenly the entire bloody world space collapsed...

Yang Yiyun saw the original appearance of the hall, saw Hou Doudou and Zheng Binbin standing in the distance, and the thunder and lightning and demonic energy above the Bone Altar disappeared.

"Hurry up and save people." At this moment, the master shouted to Hou Doudou and Zheng Binbin. The silver light of his dragon-slaying sword flashed in his hand, and the thunder and lightning above the main hall were all blocked by the old man's sword energy. Not a single thunder and lightning fell. On the Bone Altar, Little Phoenix and Diaoer.

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