My Master Is a God

Chapter 1088 A new beginning and a new path of cultivation

Yang Yiyun knew about the existence of the world of cultivation from the moment he picked up the Qiankun Pot and met his master.

I remember the first time when Master Yun Tianxie told him that he was from the world of cultivation, Yang Yiyun's concept of the world of cultivation was only limited to the three-character vocabulary of "world of cultivation."

After cultivating, along with his understanding of cultivation, he went all the way to the world of mountains and seas. Now, Yang Yiyun finally has an outline of the world of cultivation.

But now he finally stood on the land of cultivation world and appeared in the hometown of Master Yun Tianxie.

It's just that there was no mental preparation for this appearance.

Originally, he thought about helping Xiao Dixian and the others to destroy Hua Desolate and break the Great Barrier of Heavenly Slash, and restore the space passages in the Mountain and Sea Realm to normal. After connecting to the cultivation world, he went back to Xishan Continent Yunmen to explain to everyone, but calmly Go to the world of cultivation.

Who knew that he would be sucked into the world of cultivation by the space passage without any preparation...

Thinking back to the moment before, my body was spinning out of control, and then the seven-colored light dazzled my eyes. I couldn't help but close my eyes, and then I felt a trance. After not much time, I opened my eyes again and found that something had appeared. in another environment.

What Yang Yiyun saw at this moment was a sea of ​​people. They seemed to appear in a very large formation. The ground under his feet was covered with runes, and the runes lit up one after another, like a shining light. Every time a rune lit up, it would A man appeared on the scene.

What opened Yang Yiyun's eyes was that when the runes lit up, there were not only human races, but also human races. Human races were also diverse, some were giants, some were dwarves, some had pointed ears, and some had colorful hair...

Yang Yiyun looked at his hair that had grown back after the realm of life and death. Although it was still white, it was still normal.

And the creatures that appeared in the huge rune field were truly hundreds of different kinds.

Fortunately, there were several people around him, including Diao'er and Hou Doudou, who were all in the hall at that time.

Xiaodi Xiantangtang probably saw Yang Yiyun's curiosity and smiled slightly: "This place is called Jiechi. It is covered with runes for nine miles. The countless runes here represent the positioning of space passages. There are countless stars in the entire cultivation world. All creatures from the small world will appear here.

It is said that there are nine star territories in the cultivator world. We are currently in the Milky Way Star Territory. The Mountain and Sea World can only be regarded as one of the countless small worlds in the Galaxy Star Territory. It is said that there are three thousand small worlds in each star territory. Each world represents a planet. The nine star territories combined have countless small worlds and planets. Of course, the so-called three thousand small worlds only refer to worlds with living creatures, that is, planets with living creatures.

There are countless uninhabited planet worlds, and even more vast voids exist outside the star territory. The entire cultivation world is the king's world of countless small worlds, with the most powerful and comprehensive explanations of laws, auras, etc.

All cultivating beings will come to the vast and boundless world of cultivation after reaching a certain level of cultivation. No one knows how big the entire world of cultivation is. They only know that there are nine star territories in the world of cultivation. Of course, there must be more than one secret place in the world of cultivation. Nine star frontiers.

The so-called nine star frontiers are places where creatures in the world of cultivation have already set foot. They represent places where they can practice. There are many places where no living being can go. They are very mysterious. The world of cultivation is always a mysterious world. A big stage for truly cultivating beings.

No one knows how big the Galaxy Star Territory we have now is, but the boundary pool is in the center of the Galaxy Star Territory. After walking out of the boundary pool, there is the first city of the Galaxy Star Territory, Galaxy City. You have to go to any place. , can all travel through Galaxy City's space teleportation array..."

While Xiao Didixian was spreading knowledge about the world of cultivation to Yang Yiyun, the group of people walked and chatted, and soon walked out of the nine-mile radius pool.

The entire boundary pool is the Milky Way City mentioned by Xiaodi Xian. It is a huge city covering an area of ​​ninety miles. It is completely a city where cultivators exist.

The boundary pool exists like a light curtain, with twilight waves in the water, and creatures from all worlds, big and small, are coming out from all directions all the time.

The Boundary Pond exists in the center of Galaxy City.

There is a huge square outside, and there is a huge space teleportation array in the square. Xuanwu Beiming said that this teleportation array can go to most cities in the entire galaxy.

In the world of cultivation, teleportation arrays are the main means of transportation. There is no way that the world of cultivation is too big, and no one has actually traveled through the Milky Way star territory alone.

Xuanwu Beiming's popular science to Yang Yiyun is that walking in the world of cultivation requires a map, otherwise you will get lost. This is actually not an exaggeration at all.

The world of cultivation is a complete world, vast and rootless. It is indeed difficult to quickly reach where you want to go by flying.

Therefore, teleportation formations, mounts and flying magical powers are the most commonly used and most popular in the world of cultivation.

Yang Yiyun, Hou Doudou, and Zheng Binbin were like curious babies, full of curiosity about the world of cultivation.

In Yang Yiyun's perception, the world of cultivation is indeed different from the world of mountains and seas, and the earth. If nothing else, the ground under his feet is dozens of times stronger than the world of mountains and seas. It is very hard. This shows that the world of cultivation is more stable.

The spiritual energy between heaven and earth is also thick and pure, far beyond the realm of mountains and seas, and is indeed more suitable for cultivating living beings.

Gives people a more complete feeling.

Yang Yiyun could vaguely feel that the skills were running more smoothly here, and he thought to himself that this might be the comprehensive law that the old man said.

There are all kinds of ethnic groups, it is a scene of prosperity of all ethnic groups.

I remember the old man said before that in the world of cultivation, the human race is still the primacy of all things, but the human race is not the race with the strongest talent for cultivation.

Xiao Didi Xian Tangtang explained to Yang Yiyun: "Brother, you need a map to walk in the world of cultivation. You can buy a map from a commercial store in the city later. There are many places where you cannot go indiscriminately.

For example, in some forbidden areas, the training grounds of some strong men, or the territories of some powerful demon cultivators, etc., if you accidentally trigger the ban by trespassing, you will be dead, or you will be killed directly.

In the world of cultivation, the cultivation level of the distraction realm is nothing at all. It is no different from a child. There are many masters in the world of cultivation, and the strong ones are fierce. And in the world of cultivation, even if you have cultivated the realm of cultivation to the highest level, it is not the highest level. The strong ones, the real leaders in the world of cultivation are the group of loose immortals, that is, the earth immortals.

So when you walk in the world of cultivation, don’t break in easily or offend others. Although this is a stage that every cultivator is fascinated by, it is also a cruel and realistic world. The law of respecting the strong here is smaller than in the world of mountains and seas. The world is more prominent, so you must be careful and work hard to improve your strength to go further..."

Xiao Didi Xian Tangtang gave a lot of explanations.

However, Yang Yiyun heard something was wrong and couldn't help but interrupt her and asked: " want to leave?"

Xiao Didi Xian Tangtang nodded and said: "My mission has been completed. I have done everything I need to do. Transforming Desolation is dead. The Great Sky Slashing Barrier is destroyed. In the future, the creatures in the mountain and sea world will automatically sense that the Sky Slashing Barrier is eliminated. They will They will also enter the world of cultivation one after another, which is regarded as a meritorious deed.

After the few of us transfer to cultivation, it will be a new beginning. There are also sects in the world of cultivation. The Mountain and Sea Realm Butian Palace is just a small branch of the cultivation world. Now I want to return to my sect, the one in the world of cultivation. Butian Palace.

Big brother, if you can, I will invite you to join my sect. If you enter the Butian Palace of my cultivation world, you will be able to obtain the cultivation techniques after the distraction realm, etc. There are many magical powers that you can learn and practice. If you have any recommendation from me, you will become a member of the sect. Core disciple, although our Cultivation Realm Butian Palace is not a big sect, it is not bad at all. How about following me to the Cultivation World Butian Palace? "

Yang Yiyun didn't expect that Xiaodi Xiantangtang would start recruiting him to join the Butian Palace in the world of cultivation. He also didn't expect that the Butian Palace in the Shanhai Realm was just a branch of the Butian Palace in the cultivation world. But it's normal to think about it. Since the Shanhai Realm cultivates the world, in the ten It has been connected with the world of cultivation ten thousand years ago, so it is not surprising that a more powerful Butian Palace would appear in the world of cultivation.

It actually sounded pretty good. He was now in an unfamiliar world. If he could find a world with familiar people to settle down in, it would be good to get familiar with the world of cultivation.

Just as I was thinking this, Master Yun Tianxie's voice rang in my mind: "You brat, Butian Palace, is nothing. Don't go there in the world of cultivation. Your second senior brother is in the Milky Way Star Territory. We will go directly to find you." Senior brother, I haven’t seen that boy in over ten thousand years, and I miss him as a teacher.”

Hearing his master's words, Yang Yiyun's eyes lit up and he asked in his mind: "Old man, is my second senior brother's sect awesome?"

"It's not bad. It should be among the top ten sects in Galaxy Star Territory. Don't worry about this. When we go to your second senior brother's territory, we will let you enjoy the good food, drink, wine and beauties..."

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