My Master Is a God

Chapter 1090 Sell your mink to me

The difference between cultivators is not as long-winded as that of ordinary people. After Yang Yiyun declined the invitations of Xiaodi Xian Tangtang and Tianhu to join the sect, Xiaodi Xian smiled and left a jade slip for Yang Yiyun and said: "Brother, I belong to Butian Palace." The address is in the jade slip. You are welcome to come and be our guest in the future. Let’s eat, drink and have fun together.”

Yang Yiyun accepted the jade slip with a bitter smile and watched Xiao Didixian leave.

After that, Tianhu also left the jade slip where their Shanhaizong was located and took Zheng Binbin away. Before leaving, Zheng Binbin said with some resentment: "You must come to see me, otherwise I won't spare you."

"No, I am still a loner in the world of cultivation. I will come to you after I find my senior brother." Yang Yiyun looked at Zheng Binbin and said solemnly.

Zheng Binbin smiled: "That's pretty much it. Take care and I'll leave." Then she followed her master Tianhu and left.

Xuanwu Beiming looked at Yang Yiyun and smiled. He also threw a jade slip and said, "Young man, come to me in the future. We are friends who have fought side by side. I, Beiming, recognize you as my friend. I'll see you later."

"See you later~" Yang Yiyun watched Xuanwu Beiming leave, holding three map slips in his hand.

There is only one Little Phoenix left in the field at this moment. Speaking of which, Little Phoenix, Xiaodi Xian Tang Tang Xuanwu Beiming Tianhu are both transfer cultivators and are at the same level. The other three have left, but Little Phoenix has not left.

Little Phoenix hasn't spoken much since she was taken out. She has been very silent. Although she has transformed into a human form, she still looks like an eight or nine-year-old child back then. It's just that she looks mature in her eyes when she looks at Silence.

Yang Yiyun turned to look at Little Phoenix and said, "Little..."

In the past, Yang Yiyun didn't know that Little Phoenix was a powerful person who had undergone nirvana and transformed into a cultivator. Now that he knew that Little Phoenix was a transformed cultivator, he couldn't call him by the name he had given him back then. In fact, he didn't know what to call him, so he had to call him Little Phoenix.

But as soon as he opened his mouth, he was interrupted by Little Phoenix: "Brother, you'd better call me by my name. I don't have anywhere to go. Although I am rebuilding Nirvana, I don't know where my people and relatives are. Back then, you sent me to Yaoguang City." After hatching, name me Yang Shanhong, you will be my brother, I want to follow my brother, okay?"

Yang Yiyun's thoughts returned to the scene when the little Phoenix was born in Yaoguang City. Listening to her words, his heart warmed up. He also felt the loneliness exuding from the little Phoenix, and felt inexplicably sorry for her.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun didn't want to know about Little Phoenix's past life. He just wanted to treat her as his sister and said, "Okay, from now on you will still be called Yang Shanhong. You will be my sister, Yang Yiyun, at any time. You follow me wherever I go. My brother is your relative." .”

Little Phoenix's eyes flashed brightly, and a smile finally appeared, and Zhongzhong nodded.

"Shanhong will definitely listen to her brother from now on."


Yang Yiyun touched little Phoenix's head. He was in a good mood at this moment.


At this moment, the mink squeaked and jumped from the monkey's arms to Yang Yiyun's shoulder.

"Okay, okay, and Diao'er..."

Yang Yiyun held Diao'er in his arms. Diao'er and little Phoenix had suffered a lot for more than a hundred years, and Yang Yiyun felt distressed. Fortunately, they have recovered now.

"Brother, there's me too~" Hou Doudou, who was over two meters tall, leaned over.

"Go away, you have become a giant now, you still want me to carry you~" Yang Yiyun laughed and cursed at the monkey.



Both Diaoer and Little Phoenix were amused by the monkey.

"Brother, where are we going next?" Hou Tiao Tiao asked.

Yang Yiyun was stunned, where are you going? Of course he was looking for his old apprentice’s second apprentice, his second senior brother.

However, the key point is that the chat with the old man just now was interrupted by Xiaodi Xian Tangtang and the others. Before he could ask where the second senior brother was, he still had to ask the old man now.

"Old man, how can I find the second senior brother?" Yang Yiyun shouted to his master Yun Tianxie in his heart.

"Of course you take the teleportation array. Your second senior brother is in Xingchen Mountain at the junction of the north and south of the Milky Way Star Territory. You take the teleportation array to the City of Stars. Your senior brother's sect is called the Star Sect. You will know when you ask." Yun Tianxie said. The voice sounded in Yang Yiyun's mind.

City of Stars, Star Gate!

Yang Yiyun secretly thought that in the name of formation, it sounds like the senior sect is awesome, so he should be good.

"Let's go to the City of Stars." Yang Yiyun waved his hand and said to the monkeys.

The group of people walked towards the teleportation formation.

Yang Yiyun's current attire is actually quite weird. Except for the eighty-nine-year-old little Phoenix Yang Shanhong, who looks pretty in human form, there is a mink squatting on her shoulders, and the human-shaped golden-haired monkey Hou Dou Dou is beside her.

When they arrived in front of the teleportation formation, they were stopped by two cultivators in the distraction realm. One of them lazily asked: "Where are you going?"

"Go to the City of Stars." Yang Yiyun replied.

"Each person has one hundred middle-grade spiritual stones, and you have to hand over a total of four hundred middle-grade spiritual stones." said the cultivator guarding the teleportation array.

Yang Yiyun couldn't help but twitched: "Four hundred medium-grade spiritual stones?" He had some differences. Four hundred spiritual stones were not many, the key was middle-grade. The exchange price of one medium-grade spiritual stone for one hundred, four hundred medium-grade spiritual stones It is equivalent to four thousand low-grade spiritual stones. This number is one hundred times higher than the teleportation array in the mountain and sea world.

His price in the Xishanzhou teleportation array was only nine low-grade spiritual stones per person per time. He didn't expect it to be so expensive here. Yang Yiyun even wondered if the cultivators of the conservative teleportation array had tricked him?

"You're a bastard from the lower realm. It's just four hundred middle-grade spiritual stones. You're going to the Star. Do you know that it's 900,000 miles away from the central realm pool? If you can't sit still, go back to the side. Don't do it in front of me. This young master is on his way."

Just then, a cold snort sounded from behind Yang Yiyun, his tone full of contempt. .

When Yang Yiyun turned around, he saw a young man in his early twenties. He was dressed in brocade clothes with a shining halo. At first glance, he looked like an extraordinary treasure. He was actually in the late stage of the distraction realm. Behind him was an old man with a gutter nose. There are three middle-aged people who have attained the Dzogchen Realm of Divine Realm and are in the early stages of the Divided Divine Realm. They all seem to be followers of this young man.

Hearing the contempt in this person's tone, Yang Yiyun suddenly felt angry. Did your stupid friend provoke you?

I wanted to get angry, but thinking about myself entering and leaving the world of cultivation, I still don’t know many things about the world of cultivation, so I might as well endure it, but from the words of this young man, I could tell that it seemed that the small world came to the world of cultivation He can tell it from anyone. The most important point is that Yang Yiyun can tell that this young man may be a native of the world of cultivation, but he looks down on outsiders from the small world who come to the world of cultivation. There is a sense of superiority in his words. .

Taking a deep breath, Yang Yiyun glanced coldly. The rebellious young man took out four hundred middle-grade spiritual stones with his backhand and handed them to the monk guarding the teleportation array. Although there were many four hundred middle-grade spiritual stones, Yang Yiyun was still able to take it out. There were a thousand middle-grade spiritual stones in his Qiankun Ring, and ninety high-grade spiritual stones. As for the low-grade spiritual stones, he used them all in the Yunmen Mountain Protection Formation, and gave away all the extra ones. Yunmen left a few women and Yunmen disciples to practice.

He didn't want to cause trouble, so he walked towards the teleportation formation.

However, just as he raised his feet, the unruly young man behind him said again: "Wait~"

Although Yang Yiyun said he didn't want to cause trouble when he first arrived in the world of cultivation, he was not afraid of trouble. He turned his head and said coldly: "What's the matter?"

"Boy, aren't you in need of spiritual stones? What I can do is to sell your Diaoer to me. How about I give you a thousand medium-grade spiritual stones?" As the young man spoke, his eyes shined at Diaoerxiang. Fragrant on your body.

Yang Yiyun's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and Diaoer roared. Only Yang Yiyun and Hou Doudou Xiaofenghuang could understand Diaoer's curse.

Little Phoenix and Diao'er were immediately furious and wanted to attack the young man, but Yang Yiyun shook his head and said forget it. They were already at the door of the teleportation array, so there was no need to care about such idiots.

He glanced at the young man coldly and said, "Not for sale."

After saying that, he hugged Diao'er and stepped into the teleportation array with Hou Doudou and Little Phoenix. The young man's curse sounded in his ears: "You are so shameless..."

Yang Yiyun couldn't hear the rest of the words, because after they stepped into the teleportation formation, they had disappeared in the great light. They just thought that the young man was the second generation ancestor of a cultivation sect or a big family, and ignored them. However, Yang Yiyun did not expect it. The relationship with this young man has just begun.

As the world was spinning, just three breaths later, Yang Yiyun felt his feet hit the ground. Another huge square had appeared. On the square, he saw a huge stone tablet with the words "City of Stars" written on it.

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