My Master Is a God

Chapter 1093 Zhuang Bifang moves reinforcements to take revenge

Judging from the jade slip of the old man's identity, Tianyuan Sect is also on Xingchen Mountain, and the second senior brother's sect, Xingchen Sect, is also on Xingchen Mountain, and they are both the first sect in Xingchen Mountain.

Which one is number one?

There can't be two Star Mountains, right?

Thinking of this, Yang Yiyun couldn't help shouting to his master in his heart: "There's something wrong when the old man comes out."

"You brat, why don't you let me have a good rest?" Yun Tianxie complained.

Yang Yiyun ignored the old man's complaints and said directly: "Are you sure that the first sect in Xingchen Mountain is the Xingchen Sect founded by the second senior brother?"

"Is this nonsense true? Although your second senior brother is dull in qualifications, he is still a disciple of my master. His cultivation level is not difficult to establish a sect. He was already the number one sect in Xingchen Mountain before he was robbed. , there is no doubt about this." Yun Tianxie said.

When Yang Yiyun heard what the old man said about the time before the great calamity, he suddenly smiled bitterly and said: "Damn old man, you have been through the calamity for more than ten thousand years. What can't happen in such a long time?

Although it is normal for a sect's inheritance to extend for tens of thousands of years or even longer, there are also cases where extremely glorious inheritances fall into disrepair. Do you think... will the second senior brother's sect...? "

Although Yang Yiyun did not continue speaking, Yun Tianxie also knew what he meant.

It is true that the master and the apprentice may have ignored the issue of time from the beginning. In such a long time, who can guarantee whether the second apprentice's sect will still be there?

Even if the family is wiped out, it is not impossible.

Yun Tianxie was silent for a while.

Yang Yiyun also fell silent.

After coming here for a while, Master Yun Tianxie's voice sounded in my mind: "Leave for Xingchen Mountain immediately. Even if your second senior brother's sect is destroyed, I, the master, must know the reason."

Yang Yiyun could tell that the old man, who had always been relatively free and easy, suddenly became serious at this moment, which showed that the old man cared about the second senior brother.

In other words, the old man cares about several of his apprentices, including Yang Yiyun, but he has a weird temper and doesn't know how to praise others. He just keeps his emotions deep in his heart.

Having been a master and apprentice with the old man for so long, Yang Yiyun naturally understood that the old man was actually a person who was cold on the outside and hot on the inside.

Then Yang Yiyun walked towards Xingchen Mountain with Hou Doudou and the others.

With the old man here, Yang Yiyun was actually not afraid of getting lost in the world of cultivation. It was easy to find Xingchen Mountain.

An hour later, Yang Yiyun realized that a huge mountain that looked like stars appeared, as high as the clouds. Upon closer inspection, there were four branches of peaks standing between the sky and the earth. This mountain was exactly the same as the master's description, and it was the purpose of this trip. The place - Star Mountain.

The tone said it was a mountain, it would be more appropriate to say it was a mountain range, because it stretched for dozens of miles.

Yang Yiyun could see clearly from a high altitude that the peaks standing alone were huge.

As soon as he flew, he landed at the foot of the Star Mountain. According to the master, the Second Brother's Star Gate was in the center of the stars. Between the four rising peaks, it was guarded by a mountain guard formation. It couldn't be climbed by flying, so one had to walk up step by step.

The star formation of the Star Sect was the same one that the old man had personally set up when the second senior brother founded the sect, and it echoed with the stars in the sky.

Yang Yiyun thought that it stands to reason that with the mountain-protecting formation set up by the old man, the Star Gate created by the second senior brother who had never been seen before should not be destroyed.

But I just can't figure out why the jade slip on the old man next to Zhuang Bifang reminds me that the first sect in Xingchen Mountain is Tianyuan Sect?

Yang Yiyun has many doubts in his heart, but he has to wait until he goes to Xingchen Mountain to check.

I didn’t expect that the second ancestor Zhuang Bifang would be interested in me on my first day in the world of cultivation. I originally thought that the second ancestor Zhuang Bifang was coming to rob him, but now I know the identity of the old man. Now I know that the clan of the second ancestor Zhuang Bifang is The gate is also in Xingchen Mountain.

Maybe the second senior brother's sect has disappeared in the long river of history and been replaced by the second generation ancestor Zhuang Bifang's sect, Tianyuan Sect.

Yang Yiyun climbed up the Star Mountain with doubts in his heart, and walked towards the Star Gate under the guidance of the old man.

At the same time, Zhuang Bifang fled in embarrassment to a large mountain in the northwest of Xingchen Mountain. He cast a spell in his hand, and a huge forest moved away one by one, and a mountain gate appeared. Above the mountain gate was the Tianyuan Sect.

When the two disciples guarding the mountain saw it was Zhuang Bifang, a trace of disgust flashed in their eyes, but they still hurriedly stepped forward to help him, because in their eyes, Zhuang Bifang was covered in blood, and he was obviously seriously injured.

In the eyes of the two disciples guarding the mountain, Zhuang Bifang deserved it. He was a bastard of the second generation ancestor. He always looked arrogant and was very arrogant in Tianyuan Sect.

But there is nothing I can do to let someone have a grandfather who is an elder of the Tianyuan Sect. I can only fawn over him but not offend him. Now it seems that I have been beaten.

The two disciples guarding the mountain felt happy for a while, but they still pretended to have a look of concern on their faces and stepped forward to help Zhuang Bifang and said, "What's wrong with you, Mr. Zhuang?"

"Go away~"

Zhuang Bifang threw away the two disciples and left quickly thinking about Tianyuan Sect. He was killed by three clones of Yang Yiyun, and he was also seriously injured. If it weren't for the amulet given by his grandfather, he would have almost died this time. Lost my life.

Fortunately, he escaped with blood escape in the end, but Zhuang Bifang knew that this time his cultivation level would plummet, and he hated the untouchables from the small world in his heart.

He hurried towards the sect, just to move reinforcements to take revenge. Anyway, the place where the untouchable appeared was dozens of miles away from Tianyuan Sect. For the cultivation world, it only took a cup of tea to catch up.

After entering the Tianyuan Sect, Zhuang Bifang originally wanted to go to the elders' house to find his grandfather, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it. He knew that his grandfather's temper was quite bad. Although he loved him, he was more afraid of his grandfather, and he had to deal with it. Yang Yiyun didn't need the help of powerful people like his grandfather. He could go to one of his grandfather's disciples for help. He turned his eyes and thought about a certain independent courtyard of Tianyuan Sect.

Lingbo Academy is the dojo where the elite disciples of the inner sect of Tianyuan Sect are located. Once inside, there are independent attics.

Zhuang Bifang came to one of the lofts and stopped and said: "My junior uncle Bifang, I would like to see you." The junior junior uncle in his mouth is called Hua Que. He is the youngest disciple of his grandfather, but he is a perfect clone of the Five Elements. The cultivators of the Dividing God Realm who have perfected the Five Elements have cultivated the five major clones of metal, wood, water, fire and earth, which are far beyond the capabilities of cultivators of different Dividing God Realms. They are extremely powerful.

The Dividing God Realm is divided into three levels: ordinary, five elements, and nine gods. Zhuang Bifang belongs to the ordinary Dividing God Realm with average talent. Anyone who can cultivate the Five Elements clone is definitely not a person with outstanding talent and will be targeted by the sect. Cultivation, as for the Nine Deities, they are rare.

Zhuang Bifang usually has a good relationship with Hua Que and can talk to him. After much deliberation, he thinks that only Hua Que will help him. The other disciples of Grandpa are at least strong in the Fusion Realm. Please don't move. them.

"It's Bifang, come in."

A deep voice sounded in the attic, and then the door opened.

Zhuang Bifang squeezed out tears and cried loudly as soon as he entered the door: "Young uncle, you have to make the decision for me. I was bullied by a pariah, and I almost lost my sight of my uncle, wuwuwu~"

There are no extra furnishings in the attic, just a set of tables and chairs. Sitting on the meditating pouch is a middle-aged man in his forties. It is Hua Que who Zhuang Bifang asked for help.

"Get up and talk, you are not young anymore. What do you want to do with your crying? Tell me what's going on?" Hua Que was also helpless towards Zhuang Bifang. If it weren't for the fact that he was his master's biological grandson, Hua Que wouldn't do it at all. Pay attention to him.

Zhuang Bifang stood up and began to cry and tell...

After Zhuang Bifang finished speaking, Hua Que's eyes flashed and he asked, "Are you sure that the untouchable is carrying a flying treasure-hunting mink? And a little phoenix?"

"Uncle, can I lie to you? If that little phoenix hadn't been so powerful, I wouldn't have been seriously injured by that untouchable?" When Zhuang Bifang saw Hua Que asking about the little phoenix and the treasure-hunting mink, he immediately exaggerated the story. He knew Hua Que will definitely be tempted by the treasure-hunting mink and the little phoenix, and now it seems that is indeed the case.

"Okay, you are Master's only grandson. As Master's disciple, I, Hua Que, treat you as my own son and nephew. I have watched you grow up. How can I let you be bullied, little Master? Let's go, little Uncle Master will avenge you." Hua Que was righteous, but in fact, he was tempted when he heard the treasure-hunting marten and the little phoenix.

But Yang Yiyun didn't know yet that after Zhuang Bifang escaped, reinforcements were brought in and were already looking for him. At this time, Yang Yiyun stopped at the fork halfway up Xingchen Mountain. Facing the east and west intersections, he asked his master in his heart: Said: "Which way should the old man go?"

"It seems that something is indeed wrong. There are two roads. There were no such roads before. There is only one road leading directly to the mountain gate of Xingchen Gate." As soon as he finished speaking, Yun Tianxie said with a sigh: "How come there are members of the Tianyuan Sect on the mountain in front? Character?"

Yang Yiyunting looked up and sure enough, there were three big characters on the cliff with the words Tianyuan Sect written on them.

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