My Master Is a God

Chapter 1192: If she wants to poison me, I want to see if she has the ability

Qu Mingyue was deceived, deceived by Yang Yiyun's strength, and even more deceived by Yang Yiyun's curses.

When she came back to her senses, she was trembling with anger. Everyday, she would be cheered and supported wherever she went, with stars holding the moon in her arms. As the eldest disciple of Poison Master Yuan Xian Master, who wouldn't give her some face to Qu Mingyue?

When have you ever been so humiliated by a nobody?

Hearing Yang Yiyun speak and pointing the giant sword at herself, Qu Mingyue became murderous. She didn't originally want to kill this lowly boy, but now she was unabashedly murderous.

If she doesn't kill this kid today, she, Qu Mingyue, will lose all her face.

What’s even more embarrassing is Master Yuanxian’s face.

"Okay, okay, good boy, have some strength~" Qu Mingyue laughed angrily, paused and said in a cold voice: "Since you are looking for death, I will help you."

Qu Mingyue knew from the previous confrontation that her true energy was no match for the boy in front of her, so she was not prepared to have a head-on collision with Yang Yiyun. Instead, she stretched out her hands, and a thick black energy gathered into a circle in her left palm, and her right hand appeared. A small milky white insect that looks like a centipede. Using poison on Yang Yiyun is her strength.

Everyone was shocked when they saw the black energy and bugs that appeared after Qu Mingyue spread her hands, and quickly backed away. Everyone who knew Qu Mingyue knew that she was known as the Little Poison King, and all Mahayana monks who possessed poison skills would be extremely afraid of her. Then you dare to stay where you are?

At this moment, in addition to Yang Yiyun and Qu Mingyue, there are three other people who have not retreated.

One is Mu Wenxiang.

The second one is Qu Mingyue's junior sister Lu Yanzhi.

The third one was Fatty Yan Chong, who had collided with Yang Yiyun on the third floor.

Mu Wenxiang frowned when she saw Qu Mingyue preparing to use poison to deal with Yang Yiyun. She had finally established a good relationship with Qu Mingyue, and was planning to ask Qu Mingyue to introduce Master Yuanxian to her when he came out of seclusion. know.

Master Yuanxian has been in retreat in a room on the ninth floor since he boarded the spaceship. It is said that he is studying some new poison and has not come out.

Although Mu Wenxiang is also a member of the Sun, Moon and Stars Chamber of Commerce, his status is far inferior to that of Master Yuanxian. Master Yuanxian is not only a third-level Earth Immortal monk, but also a well-known figure in the world of cultivation. The Great Poison Master, the huge Sun Moon Star Chamber of Commerce, has countless masters, but there are only nine immortal masters at the elder level. These people are the real masters of the Sun Moon Star Chamber of Commerce.

Although she, a person with Mahayana cultivation like Mu Wenxiang, was considered a high-level member of the Sun, Moon and Stars Chamber of Commerce, she was not at the core of the highest level. The core was the Nine Immortal Masters.

There are not many monks in the Mahayana stage, looking at the entire world of cultivation, but there are also quite a few. There are hundreds of people in the Sun, Moon and Stars Chamber of Commerce, and she, Mu Wenxiang, is just one of them, and she is not at the top level among the hundred people.

So Mu Wenxiang didn't even know the Yuanxian Master at the ancestor level of the Sun, Moon and Stars Chamber of Commerce!

The reason why she tried so hard to befriend Qu Mingyue was to get to know Master Yuanxian, and she wanted to ask Master Yuanxian to help her refine a poison that would allow her to enter a secret place. Mu Wenxiang, as the sun, moon and stars, One of the inspection captains of the Chamber of Commerce, busy traveling around the world of cultivation, naturally can get a lot more information about the secret cultivation place than others. She discovered a secret place a hundred years ago, but it was guarded by powerful monsters, so she wanted to find Master Yuanxian to refine it. He made a poison to deal with the secret monster, and then made friends with Qu Mingyue.

Mu Wenxiang knew that it would be in vain if she stopped what Qu Mingyue had done before.

However, don't stop him. Yang Yiyun is the person Lou Haitang entrusted to take care of. He has received great benefits from Lou Haitang. If she sees Yang Yiyun being killed by Qu Mingyue, she will not be able to explain to Lou Haitang in the future.

It's a multiple choice question.

But in a blink of an eye, Mu Wenxiang had an idea. Just speaking out and not taking any action could be regarded as saving Yang Yiyun. As for whether Yang Yiyun was worthy of cooperating, she didn't care.

Anyway, just try her best.

Thinking of this, Mu Wenxiang shouted loudly: "Yang Yiyun, stop it, how can you attack Miss Qu? You are Lou Haitang's friend and a guest of our Chamber of Commerce. We are all friends. Don't hurt the harmony."

At this time, the fat man Yan Chong looked at Yang Yiyun with a twinkling look in his eyes, then looked at Qu Mingyue, and also said: "Brother Yang, Qu Xiaodu, is my friend, so why don't you give me some face?"

In Fatty Yan Chong's heart, Yang Yiyun's domineering punch just now and his Fusion Realm could hurt Qu Mingyue. Fatty admired his strength and courage to fight across borders, so he was ready to help Yang Yiyun.

Whether it is Mu Wenxiang or Fatty Yan Chong, Yang Yiyun may be able to defeat Qu Mingyue in a cross-border battle due to his true energy, but once Qu Mingyue uses poison, Yang Yiyun will undoubtedly die, because Qu Mingyue is the eldest disciple of the poison master Yuan Xianshi, and is the youngest disciple of the poison master Yuan Xianshi. The Poison King, with his poison skills, can poison even a Mahayana monk to death.

So in their eyes, if Yang Yiyun was poisoned by Qu Mingyue, it would be a dead end.

Yang Yiyun had favored the fat man and could help him a lot.

Then Qu Mingyue's younger junior sister Lu Yanzhi also said: "Senior sister, forget it. We pulled out someone else's spirit beast mount and poisoned it without their consent. It was our fault. I don't think this big brother is a bad person. "

Lu Yanzhi is a little girl who looks to be about seventeen or eighteen years old, and she speaks rather innocently. Although she is a disciple of Master Yuanxian and practices poison, she is really kind-hearted at heart.

It was precisely because of this that Lu Yanzhi was deeply loved by Master Yuanxian, and because Lu Yanzhi was born with a poisonous body, he was directly accepted as a closed disciple by Master Yuanxian.

Making Qu Mingyue very jealous.

The three people who stayed on the scene all begged for mercy. Everyone thought that Yang Yiyun would die if he faced the little poison king Qu Mingyue. No one thought that Yang Yiyun could survive Qu Mingyue's poisonous skills.

But Qu Mingyue sneered and said, "It's too late. If we don't poison this arrogant boy to death today, how will my little poison king survive in the future? No one should plead for this boy, otherwise don't blame me, Qu Mingyue, for falling out."

Qu Mingyue was determined to poison Yang Yiyun.

This made Mu Wenxiang, Fatty Yan Chong and Lu Yanzhi all frown, but none of the three were talking. They all knew that Qu Mingyue was a very arrogant person. If she were talking at this time, she might Really upset.

Mu Wenxiang glanced at Yang Yiyun and said to herself: "Boy, I tried my best. If you are smart, quickly beg for mercy and let Qu Mingyue vent his anger, maybe you can survive..."

Fatty Yan Chong's eyes flashed with helplessness. He had no choice but to watch Qu Mingyue's poison.

Lu Yanzhi looked at her senior sister Qu Mingyue and didn't dare to speak. She knew that this senior sister was actually very small-minded, and she was talking at this time. If she didn't protect her, she would really fall out. Compared to Yang Yiyun, who was an outsider, she decided not to interfere. , after all, Qu Mingyue is her senior sister.

Lu Yanzhi was naturally not afraid of her senior sister poisoning her, but she was afraid that her master would look bad if he saw her and her senior sister taking action when he came out of seclusion, so he had no choice but to remain silent.

Yang Yiyun burst out laughing, glanced at Mu Wenxiang, Fatty Yan Chong, and Lu Yanzhi, stopped laughing and said, "Thank you three for your kindness. I want to see if she has the ability to poison me."

"You are so anxious to die, Auntie Chen Quan." Qu Mingyue was furious in her heart. The black ball of energy gathered in her left hand flew towards Yang Yiyun with a wave of her hand, while the milky white insect in her right hand sprouted transparent wings and flew towards Yang Yiyun.

At this moment, Mu Wenxiang and Fatty Yan Chong's expressions changed and they both retreated.

Only Lu Yanzhi stood still. She did not move because she was not afraid of the poison of her senior sister Qu Mingyue. Everyone knew that her senior sister was known as the Little Poison King and had profound poison skills. In fact, no one knew that she, Lu Yanzhi, was the Master Yuan Xian. The master sat down and used the poison first, so Lu Yanzhi was not afraid of Qu Mingyue's poison at all, so he stood ten meters away from the two of them and watched.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun snorted coldly and refused to retreat. Instead, he dodged and rushed directly towards Qu Mingyue. The stars in the merged space instantly enveloped Qu Mingyue as several major forces in his body were operating.

He raised his dragon-slaying sword and slashed with it.

The one who suffered was that Qu Mingyue's black air ball was split open, and the black air spread with a sudden explosion and engulfed him. Then the tip of the sword directly caused Qu Mingyue's milky white insects to explode, but there was a loud buzzing sound in an instant. But it turned into countless mosquitoes, flies and insects surrounding the black air.

The next moment everyone saw Yang Yiyun surrounded by countless milky white insects and black air.

Qu Mingyue sneered and muttered to herself: "You are really a fool looking for death. My aunt's black energy will invade your soul and make your life worse than death. The physical body of the spiritual zombie insect in the Mahayana stage can be swallowed up within ten breaths." You are reduced to a pile of bones and scum, how can you stand up to my aunt?"

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