My Master Is a God

Chapter 1205 Both sides are having fun

From high in the sky, Yang Yiyun saw the entire Milky Way Altar, which was as big as ten basketball courts, and surrounding this huge Milky Way Altar was an even larger square.

Looking from above, both the altar and the square built around it are circular.

There were white jade stone pillars on the Galaxy Altar, arranged in a certain formation. Yang Yiyun scanned his spiritual consciousness and found no more than three hundred and sixty-five huge white jade beads erected regularly in the center of the altar.

The square below was surrounded by a sea of ​​people, and of course there were monsters among them. There were at least tens of thousands of monsters in total.

Standing on the deck of the spaceship, Yang Yiyun heard from people around him that this was the core of the Galaxy Star Territory and the location of the Galaxy Holy Land, where monks from almost the entire Galaxy Star Territory and countless small worlds gathered.

Many people are going to the Taihuang Star Sea. Although the Taihuang Star Sea is extremely dangerous, it is also full of opportunities. Those who want to obtain elixirs also go, those who want to obtain scarce heavenly materials and earthly treasures also go, and those who want to break through bottlenecks also go. , and even increase the chance of overcoming the tribulation, and ascending to immortality also goes in...

Taihuang Xinghai is the largest, most mysterious, and oldest world in the world of cultivation...

No one wants to go to Taihuang.

Everyone knows that there is only one world of cultivation in the Great Thousand World, and Taihuang is called the second Great Thousand World.

Regarding Taihuang Xinghai, the world of cultivation has always had a slogan, Taihuang is full of dangers and opportunities.

After coming out of the Taihuang Star Sea, some people found the elixir they needed, some found the cultivation techniques, some found their favorite supernatural combat skills, some found mounts of strange beasts from the world, some even broke through the bottleneck, and some even came out Lift the clouds and soar...

So everyone knows that Taihuang Star Sea is dangerous, but for countless years, they have never stopped entering Taihuang Star Sea.

There are nine places similar to the Galaxy Altar in the world of cultivation, each controlled by the Nine Holy Lands. All nine places can enter the Taihuang Star Sea.

Of course, the only restriction in this place is your cultivation level. Only those who are at the minimum divine level can enter. There are no restrictions above that.

It's just that those who have cultivated above the Mahayana stage, and those who have cultivated below the Tribulation stage, have different regions after entering the Taihuang Star Sea.

This is also a kind of balance. From the realm of distraction to the cultivation stage of transcending tribulation, one enters a region of Taihuang, and those of Mahayana and above enter a region. Although there is a difference between the two, there is no limit. If all the boundaries of some cultivation realms are entered, In an area, if a powerful loose immortal goes crazy, he can kill everyone.

Of course, it is said that Taihuang Xinghai is divided into two major realm-stage regions. In fact, it is too big. There are many places that have not been set foot by monks so far. In fact, there are too many regions in it.

Yang Yiyun stood on the deck of the spaceship and listened to the discussions of these people, and he had a better understanding of Taihuang Xinghai.

At this time, the spaceship also landed in a corner of the square, and the monks on board began to disembark one after another.

The destination of this trip has also been arrived.

Yang Yiyun and the Five Elements Beasts were also preparing to disembark. He raised his eyes and glanced at the ninth floor, only to see Feng Yinyang, Yuan Chenhuan, Qu Mingyue, and Lu Yanzhi all appearing on the ninth deck of the spaceship. They were probably preparing to disembark.

When several people looked at each other, Yuan Chenhuan smiled and nodded at him. Yang Yiyun sneered in his heart: "If I hadn't known about Yuan Chenhuan's conspiracy a long time ago, I might really think that you are a respected senior, but now I will see how you are still laughing after Lu Yanzhi rebelled against you?"

Thinking about it, Yang Yiyun also nodded to Yuan Chenhuan, who can't act?

Glancing over, Feng Yinyang still looked lewd. Qu Mingyue looked at him with cold eyes. Only Lu Yanzhi hinted at him. The two of them are now considered allies. They have reached a consensus and have a common enemy. Naturally, Will help each other.

The next step is when the storm starts, or in other words, the fight begins when you get off the boat and enter the wilderness.

In sight, Yuan Chenhuan took the lead and walked down.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun was about to get off the boat, but someone shouted from behind: "Little brother, wait a minute."

Yang Yiyun looked back, but it was Mu Wenxiang walking towards him.

He didn't have any prejudice against Mu Wenxiang and Yang Yiyun. This woman knew Lou Haitang after all, and she had taken care of him along the way.

"Is something wrong with Sister Mu?" Yang Yiyun looked at him and asked.

"Something happened. Master Yuanxian asked me to call you, saying that I had something to discuss." Mu Wenxiang said.

"Oh? But what's the matter?" Yang Yiyun's eyes flashed, and he had already guessed something.

"I don't know, sister, I'm just a microphone." Mu Wenxiang said with a smile.

Yang Yiyun nodded: "Then I'll wait."

Mu Wenxiang looked at Yang Yiyun and said: "Little brother, you must be careful when entering Taihuang. The dangers of Taihuang are not only the environment and various monsters, but also the people. Don't be careless."

When Yang Yiyun heard Mu Wenxiang speak, his heart moved: "Is it possible that Mu Wenxiang also saw something and reminded herself?"

But after all, this woman had good intentions. Yang Yiyun thanked her: "Thank you very much, Sister Mu. I have written it down. What's wrong? Why don't Sister Mu go into Taihuang?"

"Alas, my sister has a hard life. She has to go to Galaxy City later to take on a mission from the Chamber of Commerce. She won't be able to go, but... I heard that two disciples of Master Yuanxian are going back. Please be careful if you have provoked Qu Mingyue." Mu said at the end. He said the sound of incense was like mosquitoes and flies.

Yang Yiyun nodded calmly. At this time, he saw Yuan Chenhuan and others walking over, so he changed the subject and asked Mu Wenxiang: "I don't see a city here, where is Galaxy City?"

Mu Wenxiang raised her hand and pointed to a large mountain in the distance that reached into the clouds and said: "Where, do you see it? That large mountain range is where the Galaxy Holy Land Sect is located. At the foot of the mountain is Galaxy City, a very grand city. Here is the Galaxy The altar leads directly to Galaxy City and Galaxy Holy Land, both of which are under the jurisdiction of Galaxy Holy Land. The spaceship is too large, and Galaxy City also prohibits flying, so the spacecraft can only park at the altar square, and we have to walk to Galaxy City."

Yang Yiyun looked along what Mu Wenxiang was pointing, and sure enough he saw a huge mountain peak hidden in the clouds about seven or eight miles away. A group of buildings could be vaguely seen at the foot of the mountain, and there was a white jade strip directly in front of the altar. The road in Pucheng leads directly to Galaxy City, and I had no intention of observing it before.

At this moment Yuan Chenhuan and others had arrived.

"Hahaha, my little Taoist friend Yuan heard from Mu Wenxiang that you were going to the Taihuang Star Sea to practice. It just so happened that my two disciples were also going to the Taihuang Star Sea to practice. There was a misunderstanding between you young people before, and I have already reprimanded the stubborn ones. Tu Mingyue, she also realized her mistake. This time she entered Taihuang. Yuanmou meant that Taihuang is very dangerous. It is not as good as a little Taoist friend and two stubborn disciples to form a companion. To take care of you, that’s why you asked Mu Wenxiang to call you to wait, but you don’t know what your little Taoist friend is thinking?”

Yuan Chenhuan had a spring-like smile when he spoke, coupled with his fairy-like demeanor, his tone was extremely sincere, and his words also showed consideration for Yang Yiyun, making anyone believe him.

If Yang Yiyun hadn't known about Yuan Chenhuan's conspiracy a long time ago, he would have really thanked this old immortal. Unfortunately, Yang Yiyun already knew what he was planning.

It was nothing more than letting Yang Yiyun, Qu Mingyue and Lu Yanzhi be together so that they could find opportunities to attack him.

Yang Yiyun sneered in his heart, but said with a look of joy on his face: "That is simply the best. I am worried about entering Taihuang alone. It would be best to be able to travel with two fairies. Thank you Senior Yuan kindness."

Anyway, it doesn't matter to Yang Yiyun. When he enters Taihuang, he will definitely be found and targeted by Qu Mingyue. He might as well stay with them. Lu Yanzhi has already formed an alliance with him, and he himself has become aware of precautions. When the time comes, Yang Yiyun will let Qu Mingyue know. It's so powerful that it will make Yuan Chenhuan and Feng Yinyang steal the chicken but lose the rice.

"Hahaha, that's so good, so good!" Old Yuan Chenhuan's face was filled with joy, but he sneered in his heart: "At that time, your kid's life would be worse than death."

Then he deliberately turned to Qu Mingyue and said with a serious face: "If Mingyue doesn't hurry up and apologize to my little Taoist friend, you can't be considered acquainted without fighting."

Qu Mingyue and Lu Yanzhi received Yuan Chenhuan's instructions yesterday. After entering the wilderness, they harvested Yang Yiyun and obtained a secret code "Gods and Demons Medical Code" from him and then killed him.

Anyway, she can only kill Yang Yiyun in the Great Desolation, and she must wait until the "Divine and Demon Medical Codex" to leave Yang Yiyun's life and death at her disposal. For the time being, she can only stabilize Yang Yiyun and stay with him until she enters the Great Desolation. Yang Yiyun took action.

So although Qu Mingyue gritted her teeth with hatred for Yang Yiyun in her heart, she still showed a hypocritical smile on the surface and said: "I have offended many people before, and I hope that Fellow Daoist Yang will be magnanimous. Mingyue Dingdang will advance and retreat with Fellow Daoist Yang in the vast starry sea."

Yang Yiyun secretly laughed in his heart: "You really want to kill me now, right? Can we advance and retreat together?"

Of course, thinking about it in his heart, he also turned on the drama mode and said: "Oh, I was also wrong a few days ago. My temper was too bad. I hope Fairy Qu won't take it to heart. After entering the Taihuang Star Sea, Yang People still need to rely on them a lot.”

"It's easy to talk, it's easy to talk..." Qu Mingyue forced a smile and made peace with Yang Yi.

Everything is a happy occasion.

Yuan Chen Fantasy Song Mingyue thought that Yang Yiyun was kept in the dark and didn't know anything, so he was waiting to go into Taihuang to kill Yang Yiyun.

And Yang Yiyun was also thinking about entering Taihuang to see who would win?

He saw in the eyes of Yuan Chenhuan, as well as Feng Yinyang and Qu Mingyue who were standing silently aside, he saw the look of successful plot, and in the eyes of Lu Yanzhi, he saw the extremely disgusted look towards their master Yuan Chenhuan and the three of them.

After both parties reached a happy situation, they disembarked one after another. After disembarking, the other two protagonists appeared on the stage. They were Feng Yinyang's two disciples, Yang Yiyun and Lu Yanzhi, two monks who were in the late stages of transcending the tribulation.

After seeing these two people, Lu Yanzhi glanced at Yang Yiyun with a slightly worried look, while Yang Yiyun gave her a reassuring look.

A play is put together.

Regarding the joining of the two disciples Feng Yinyang, Yuan Chenhuan introduced them as the disciples of his old friend Feng Yinyang, and asked them to join. The reason was to protect the safety of everyone. After all, they were masters in the late stage of transcending the tribulation.

Yang Yiyun happily agreed to this, showed a grateful look, and said a lot of things about Quming Yueguang this time, which made the two immortals Yuan Chenhuan and Feng Yinyang burst into laughter.

But Yang Yiyun was also laughing, and both parties were having fun.

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