My Master Is a God

Chapter 1207 Qu Mingyue Qi vomits blood

The talent and potential displayed by Lu Yanzhi immediately caused quite a stir in the audience. A perfect Dragon and Phoenix level will be the envy of everyone.

He will also be the target that all forces want to win over. This kind of talent and potential is definitely a hot commodity.

Yang Yiyun smiled and went up to congratulate Lu Yanzhi immediately: "Miss Lu is amazingly talented. She will become a dragon or a phoenix in the future. Congratulations."

Lu Yanzhi, on the other hand, seemed calm. She was not arrogant because of the direct announcement that the three powers were united into ten perfect results. She first clenched her fists and insisted on the test of the old man, and then nodded to Yang Yiyun in return.

In fact, no one knew that she had undergone a huge change in her heart since she knew the cruel fact that she had been cultivated as a spiritual medicine by Master Yuanxian since she was a child, and she did not feel much about the results of the current test.

"Junior Sister Lu is really amazing, congratulations to Junior Sister Lu."

At this time, the two brothers came together and congratulated Lu Yanzhi.

The two brothers were also shocked by the perfect test of Lu Yanzhi's three powers. The first thing that came first was a sentence - the one who is near the water and the tower is the moon.

There is no doubt that with Lu Yanzhi's talent shown, her future achievements will be limitless. In Yan Yan's heart, she thought that if she could form a Taoist couple with Lu Yanzhi, it would be of great help to his cultivation, so his mind immediately became active. got up.

Not to be outdone, even the harsh punishment came up to praise Lu Yanzhi.

It's just that Lu Yanzhi always had a calm look on his face, unfazed by honor or disgrace, which made the enthusiasm of the two brothers dull.

On the contrary, Qu Mingyue's face turned the color of pig liver. She saw that the two brothers, Yan Pun Yan, were trying to please their junior sister Lu Yanzhi. The two brothers were punished for being angry.

Turning around, Lu Yanzhi sarcastically attacked Yang Yiyun and said: "It's just a test of strength. No matter how high you are, it's just a test of strength. A real strong man depends on his strength. Cultivation is the king. Junior sister, don't be complacent. You still need to work hard." The only way to break through and overcome the tribulation as soon as possible is through cultivation."

This sentence had a sour taste in the ears of others, but he almost said it to Lu Yanzhi, don't be proud of being praised. Lu Yanzhi is still in the Fusion Realm and has not yet reached the stage of transcending tribulation.

After finishing speaking, he looked at Yang Yiyun with a mocking look in his eyes and said: "Fellow Daoist Yang, do you think this is true? If the realm cannot keep up with the strength, it is a small platform after all. When facing the tribulation period in the combined realm, someone might be One slap to death, so the realm of strength is more important, right?

Oh, by the way, the next one is about Fellow Daoist Yang. Actually, I want to see how Fellow Daoist Yang performs in the test. Compared to how amazing it must be, I can’t wait..."

Qu Mingyue's words were true, but they were full of sarcasm and ridicule. She almost pointed at Yang Yiyun's nose and said, why are you joining in the fun? You are just an ant in the early stage of the Fusion Realm just joining in the fun. "

Yang Yiyun suddenly felt angry, bitch, I didn't provoke you at all, why are you mocking me?

When he got angry, he wanted to quarrel with Qu Mingyue, but seeing that there were so many people around him and that this was an altar, he still held back. However, as for a verbal fight, Yang, a handsome man who was born in the new century and grew up under the red flag, could still be afraid of you in the world of cultivation. A brainless woman with eyes on her forehead?

Looking at Qu Mingyue, Yang Yiyun rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "Yes, yes, Miss Qu is right, strength is king, just like me, I am strong, even though I am a small combination At the early stage of the realm, Ke could make Miss Qu vomit blood with one punch.

He was also able to cut off the arm of Miss Qu, a master of overcoming tribulations, with one sword, and almost killed her. This shows that Miss Qu’s opinions and strength are indeed important. "

Yang Yiyun spoke seriously, but when he heard Qu Mingyue's ears, his whole body was shocked. His face instantly turned purple, turning blue and white, and the scene of being punched by Yang Yiyun on the deck of the spaceship that day and vomiting blood rang out in his mind. , and the scene that day when Yang Yiyun cut off her arm with a sword and almost killed her, I immediately felt tired of it.

She wanted to tear Yang Yiyun's mouth to pieces, cut him into pieces, and cut him into thousands of pieces. She originally went to humiliate Yang Yiyun, but she forgot how embarrassed she was when she was almost killed by Yang Yiyun that day.

On the contrary, Yang Yiyun slapped her back with a sharp slap, which was neither salty nor mild. It was a severe blow to Qu Mingyue's heart.

Qu Mingyue was choked on the spot by Yang Yiyun's words and didn't know how to reply.

However, she still underestimated Mr. Yang's words. Just when she was trembling with anger, she heard Yang Yiyun speak again: "Oh, by the way, Miss Qu, I cut off your arm, and it seems that you took it Ah, I don’t know if there are any sequelae. If there are any sequelae, Yang can help you take a look for free. I won’t take your spirit stones. After all, it was my fault that I accidentally cut off your arm, so what? ...It is not easy to reattach a broken arm. I guess Miss Qu must have paid a lot of price to reattach it, right?"

Yang Yiyun looked at Qu Mingyue with a charming half-smile and finished speaking.

But Qu Mingyue... her mind went blank for a moment. If Yang Yiyun's first words had caused 100,000 points of critical damage to her, the second half of his words had directly caused her detachment and damage.

Because the image of being forced to sleep by Feng Yinyang appeared in Qu Mingyue's mind. It was because Yang Yiyun cut off her arm. In order to reattach the broken arm, Feng Yinyang did what he did to her... All of this was caused by Yang Yiyun. .

Thinking of these, Qu Mingyue was spinning for a while, and then she spat out a mouthful of old blood with a puff, but was directly knocked out by Yang Yiyun's energy.

"Junior Sister Qu, Junior Sister Qu..." Yi Chi's Yan Pun quickly held Qu Mingyue in his arms and glared at Yang Yiyun, who looked innocent.

At this time, the people around him were a little confused when they heard the two people's quarrels with each other, but they all expressed their anger at Yang Yiyun's words. In just a few words, a popular person who was in the early stage of transcending the tribulation was vomited and fainted. This can be regarded as a kind of ability.

I have to say that Yang Yiyun is really bad-mouthed. He leisurely mentioned the matter of Qu Mingyue's broken arm being repaired. It was just to rub salt into Qu Mingyue's twisted heart. It's strange that Qu Mingyue didn't vomit blood and fainted.

Lu Yanzhi, who was the only one who knew the inside story, glanced at Yang Yiyun with a smile on his face, but his face turned red after thinking of a certain scene.

The busy people around him were all sighing.

At this moment, the old man who tested him coughed and said: "Quiet, next one."

After speaking, the old man nodded to Lu Yanzhi and said with a kind smile: "If Lu Yanzhi's Taihuang experience is over, I sincerely welcome you to enter our Galaxy Holy Land and become a disciple of the Galaxy Holy Land. You will surely enjoy the experience of surpassing the super-seeking monks too much." There are a lot of cultivation resources, as long as you nod, I can recommend you to enter the Galaxy Holy Land Temple and become a core disciple, okay?"

As soon as these words came out, the whole process was in an uproar, and everyone's eyes were red. Lu Yanzhi was directly invited by the Galaxy Holy Land, and became a disciple of the Galaxy Holy Land Temple in one step. This would be a good thing for reaching the sky in one step.

Each of the nine holy places in the world of cultivation is a gathering place for elite monks, and each holy place has a department similar to the Galaxy Holy Church, which is where the monks from the Holy Lands gather. If you enter the Galaxy Holy Land Holy Church, it will be really amazing. It's a great thing to reach the sky in one step.

Lu Yanzhi was also shocked when he heard that, but when he thought about entering Taihuang, he said to the old man: "Thank you for your kindness, senior. I will seriously consider it and make plans after I come out of Taihuang."

"Well, that's very good. Let's go. The next tester will come forward..." The old man motioned to Lu Yanzhi and continued.

Yang Yiyun came to the test monument with thousands of people and saluted the old man with clasped fists.

"What's your name?" The old man sat on one side of the stone table with a book in front of him. He asked in a programmed manner to record everyone's name in the book.

"Junior Yang Yiyun."

"Well, let's get started."

The old tester didn't ask too many questions. After recording Yang Yiyun's name, he signaled Yang Yiyun to start the test.

In the distance on the other side, Yuan Chenhuan and Feng Yinyang were paying close attention to the situation of Yang Yiyun and others.

"Old poisonous man, let's go and stop looking. With my two disciples here, there won't be any problems. I have already explained it in detail." Feng Yinyang said to Yuan Chenhuan.

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