My Master Is a God

Chapter 1212 You won’t be able to feel better even if I die

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!

Yang Yiyun calmly nodded to Lu Yanzhi and said, "Okay, let's take a preemptive strike depending on the situation. You use poison to contain the Yan brothers, and I'll take care of Qu Mingyue first."

"Okay, although I'm not sure about killing the Yan brothers, it's okay to hold them back for a while. Don't forget to ask your mount to come out to help." Lu Yanzhi replied via voice transmission.

"Don't worry, as long as we kill one of them, victory will be ours." Yang Yiyun said via voice transmission.

While the two were talking via voice transmission, they paid attention to the movements of the Yan brothers and Qu Mingyue in front and behind them.

From Yang Yiyun's observation, Qu Mingyue and the Yan brothers were already confident of winning, and everything was written on their faces, which made him sneer in his heart. The more confident Qu Mingyue and the Yan brothers became, the more confident he and the Yan brothers became. Lu Yanzhi's counterattack became stronger.

The distance between the two sides is less than three meters. A surprise counterattack at this time will have a miraculous effect.

Qu Mingyue's signal to Lu Yanzhi was to take action as soon as they entered the forest ahead. Before that, there was an opportunity for Yang Yiyun and Lu Yanzhi to take action.

From a psychological point of view, both Qu Mingyue and the Yan brothers agreed that Yang Yiyun was still in the dark and had no idea that they would attack him.

Not to mention that Lu Yanzhi had been instigated by Yang Yiyun to rebel.

The three of them set a time to take action when they entered the forest ahead, so before that, all their attention would be subconsciously focused on entering the forest.

Coupled with overconfidence, I thought that there would be no obstacles for four people to capture Yang Yiyun, so the journey and time before entering the forest would be opportunities for Yang Yiyun and Lu Yanzhi to counterattack.

In situations of disadvantage, the effects of unexpected counterattacks are often beyond imagination.

When he was still a hundred meters away from stepping into the forest, Yang Yiyun had already mobilized all his strength to communicate with the Five Elements Beasts in the Qiankun Pot, and the Diaoer was also prepared to be released by Yang Yiyun this time.

Diao'er has been placed in the Qiankun Pot space by him. After arriving in a place like Taihuang, Diao'er's talent for treasure hunting will be of great use. After all, Diao'er is a spiritual beast with extraordinary talents. Diao'er's sharp claws are indestructible. At this time Even if you can't kill the enemy if you release them to help, if you can cause some impact, it will have the effect of turning the situation around.

In fact, Yang Yiyun can't be afraid of the two late-stage Tribulation Transcendences, but he can't be too careless and just don't take action. Once he takes action, he will have the power of thunder to kill the enemy cleanly.

The order given to the Five Elements Beast is to cooperate with Lu Yanzhi to kill the Yan family brothers, and his target is Qu Mingyue. The only fear of Qu Mingyue is the poison given to him by Yuan Chenhuan before he left. With Diaoer's help, he can give it to him Buy time to deal with sudden changes.

When he was about to step into the forest after reaching a distance of fifty meters, Yang Yiyun was fine. Instead, he felt that Lu Yanzhi beside him was a little nervous. For fear of something going wrong, he quickly sent a message: "Don't be nervous, relax. When we are ten meters away, Take action."

"Yes, I understand." Lu Yanzhi responded via voice transmission. She was indeed a little nervous. After all, she didn't have much experience in the world, and she was not as cruel as Qu Mingyue.

In order to continue to paralyze Qu Mingyue and the Yan brothers, Yang Yiyun continued to talk and laugh, and deliberately said without saying anything: "By the way, Fellow Daoist Yan, I don't know if there is any barrier between the Mahayana area of ​​Taihuang Xinghai and the resistance below the Tribulation Period. Something like that? I’m curious about how the same Taihuang Xinghai can distinguish the scope of activities of the two?"

Among the Yan brothers, Yan Pun, the eldest, is talkative, but Yan Pun, the second brother, is more dull and can be seen to be more vigilant.

Yang Yiyun's question was indeed answered harshly: "There is indeed a barrier, and I have never been in it. I only heard from my master that there is a legal barrier in the depths of the wilderness, which is a regional barrier. It is to prevent people from reaching the Mahayana stage." Experts enter the area of ​​​​the Tribulation Stage to kill people.

However, that law barrier does not hinder cultivators below the Tribulation Stage. Monks below the Tribulation Stage can enter the activity areas above the Mahayana Stage at any time, but no one will enter the activity areas of high-level monks if they have a long life. , the latter is obviously more dangerous than here.

Besides, the law barrier is in the depths of the Taihuang Star Sea, and few people can enter the depths of the Taihuang. For monks below the Tribulation Stage, they can’t experience it here, let alone going deeper. Friend Daoist Yang, you are thinking too much, too There are dangers everywhere in the wilderness. You may not even be able to get out of the wild forest ahead, hahaha. "

The words of severe punishment were explained seriously at the beginning, but later turned into a joke with a hidden edge.

Yang Yiyun seemed not to hear any meaning, and laughed along with him, and then said seriously: "I have never been to Taihuang Xinghai, and I am curious about everything here."

After speaking, he paused and then asked: "That means that as long as monks below the Tribulation Stage can go to the depths of the wilderness, they can enter the area of ​​activity in the Mahayana Stage without being restricted by the law barrier, while monks above the Mahayana Stage But you can’t enter areas below the tribulation period through the law barrier, right?”

"Haha, in theory, that's the case, but I heard that monks above the Mahayana stage can't enter and below the Tribulation stage. As long as they pay the price of three hundred years of cultivation, they can use the secret method and forbidden technique to pass through the law barrier. , the difference is that any high-level monks who enter the area below the Tribulation Stage will have their cultivation level suppressed to the Tribulation Perfection. This price is too high for any monk, and few people will do that.

I said, Fellow Daoist Yang, you have a really broad mind. You should think about how to identify environmental crises after entering the forest, and harvest more natural and earthly treasures. Or think about how to survive. right? Ha ha. "

The harsh punishment seems to be the tone of a senior preaching to a junior, but he can't help but laugh at the end of every sentence.

How could Yang Yiyun not know the smile of severe punishment?

But he had an honest face, pretending to be a rookie who didn't know anything, and nodded in agreement.

"Yes, yes, yes, I have thought too much. Thank you Taoist friend Yan for your advice. Indeed, what I should be thinking about now is how to survive and not be plotted by beasts. Hahaha..." Yang Yiyun burst out laughing after saying that, and then suddenly turned to Lu Rouge said: "Do it."

When he finished speaking, he waved his hand, and the Five Elements Beast and Diaoer came out of the space of the Qiankun Pot.



The next second, Five Elements Beast and Diaoer roared.

Almost instantly, Yang Yiyun slapped Qu Mingyue behind him.

He issued a command to Lu Rouge, summoned the Five Elemental Beasts and Diaoer, and attacked Qu Mingyue, all in one go.

At the same time, Lu Yanzhi waved her hands at the Yan brothers, throwing colorful poisonous gases at the Yan brothers. She threw all the poison she could use at the Yan brothers.

The Five Elements Beast received Yang Yiyun's order and went straight to the Yan brothers.

Diao'er roared and appeared on Yang Yiyun's shoulder. The hair on its body stood upside down, and its sharp claws grew three inches, ready for the driver to move at any time.

Yang Yiyun suddenly took action, making Qu Mingyue and the Yan brothers confused and caught off guard.

The three of them had decided to enter the forest and take action, but now Yang Yiyun was ten meters away from entering the forest, talking and laughing, asking questions seriously, and suddenly took action in a state of paralysis.

Qu Mingyue had a look of astonishment on her face, completely unaware of the situation, and saw Yang Yiyun suddenly slap her chest with his palm.



In the dull mood, Qu Mingyue clearly heard the sound of bones in her chest breaking.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, and her body flew out like a kite with its string broken.

The bright moon in mid-air is like waking up from a dream.

She...their plan was known to Yang Yiyun.

The point is that she saw her junior sister Lu Yanzhi take action against the Yan brothers.

At this moment, Qu Mingyue realized clearly. She knew that Yang Yiyun and Lu Yanzhi were hooking up, but she still couldn't figure out how Yang Yiyun and Lu Yanzhi joined forces to attack them?

Or did Yang Yiyun already know that she and the Yan brothers wanted to kill him?

But what's puzzling is... Qu Mingyue can't figure out how a junior sister like Lu Yanzhi could help Yang Yiyun?

There were so many questions in my mind in an instant that I couldn't figure them out.

Qu Mingyue felt great hatred in her heart. She hated Lu Yanzhi for being such an unreliable little bitch and actually helping Yang Yiyun attack the three of them.

At this moment, Qu Mingyue knew that she had no chance... because when Yang Yiyun slapped her chest, her chest collapsed. At the same time, her body was filled with violent infuriating energy. Her Dantian was instantly destroyed by Yang Yiyun's violent infuriating energy. .

Qu Mingyue's body flew upside down, but her eyes were fixed on Yang Yiyun.

Yang Yiyun succeeded with one blow and kept his attention on Qu Mingyue. The two looked at each other. Yang Yiyun suddenly saw that Qu Mingyue had a smile on his lips at this time. When he looked at him, his eyes were full of "I will kill you." Don't even think about it.'

At this moment, Yang Yiyun's heart tightened for no reason, and he wanted to go up and kill Qu Mingyue directly. However, when he just raised his feet, he suddenly found that his legs were numb.

A bad premonition came from his heart, and suddenly he understood why Qu Mingyue could still laugh even when he was about to die.

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