My Master Is a God

Chapter 1218 Two people appear in the law barrier

This is completely impossible. He is very sure that he is not schizophrenic. He has only one soul and one consciousness, and there can be no second self.

Therefore, Yang Yiyun believes that whether the Donghuang Bell is suspected to be the Gate of Youdu that just appeared, it is not actually his destiny star.

But since it doesn't count, what about his Life Star Statue?

According to the path of integration, there will inevitably be a Life Star Immortal, but according to the current situation, he does not have a Life Star Immortal appearing, and the East Emperor Bell and the Gate of Youdu are definitely not his Life Star God statues.

It was really strange, and Yang Yiyun was puzzled.

After thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't figure it out, so he gave up thinking about it. Anyway, it seems that he has no incompatibility in cultivation, and there is no harm. In that case, there is no need to worry about it. In the words of the old man, just let nature take its course.

In the future, when the old man wakes up, you can ask him, or ask others to see what is going on in your body.

Anyway, he was out of his mind.

Now that the problem of poisonous gas has been solved, and he can't figure out the problem of the Life Star Statue now, he can only leave it to the future.

This time, it was a good thing for Yang Yiyun that he was able to activate the gate in the Taiyin Star and knew that it was the gate of Youdu.

Although it is not yet known what the function of this Nether City Gate is, Yang Yiyun thought it would not be simple.

The point is that he figured out the direction of cultivation this time. It requires both the lunar and sun stars to absorb power in order to improve his cultivation.

The unexpected surprise was that his cultivation had broken through to the middle stage of the Fusion Realm.

This will be a huge help to Yang Yiyun in the future of Taihuang Xinghai. Cultivation strength is the basis for all life-saving.

Yang Yiyun then opened his eyes and prepared to treat Lu Yanzhi's injuries.

But when he opened his eyes, he was shocked. There was no figure of Andao Lu Yanzhi in his sight. Not only that, the Five Elements Beast and Mink were also missing.

Yang Yiyun's heart skipped a beat.

Lu Yanzhi and Five Elements Beast were both seriously injured. Even after refining the poison in their bodies and practicing for a while, they were gone as soon as they opened their eyes.

There are dangers everywhere in Taihuang Star Sea.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun was confused. He stood up in a hurry. Just when he was about to shout, he remembered a soft voice behind him and said: "Brother Yang, wake up~"

Yang Yiyun suddenly turned around and looked around, feeling relieved in his heart. It was Lu Yanzhi.

He saw her sitting cross-legged on a big rock behind her and looking at him.


Yang Yiyun was confused. Lu Yanzhi was obviously seriously injured, but now she looked just a little pale, and her whole body's aura had stabilized. Is this okay?



At this moment, the voices of the Five Elements Beast and the Marten rang out, and they came from the forest.

The mink squeaked and jumped on Yang Yiyun's shoulder.

The Five Elements Beast also seemed to have recovered from its injuries.


"You are still practicing in meditation. Diao'er and I went for a walk in the forest in front of us when we were bored. For the past half month, Miss Rouge has been protecting you, master." Five Elements Beast said.

"Half a month?" Yang Yiyun was confused. He clearly felt that only a while had passed, but the Five Elements Beast said that half a month had passed.

Perhaps knowing the doubts in Yang Yiyun's heart, Lu Yanzhi explained: "It has indeed been half a month. After I swallowed Qu Mingyue's original poisonous insect, I didn't expect that it would be a blessing in disguise. I wanted to die but I didn't.

Thanks to Brother Yang, you absorbed the poisonous gas in my body, otherwise I would have been dead by this time. The two poisonous energies of myself and Qu Mingyue fought in the body and penetrated into the life star, breaking through the meridians and dantian, but It also triggered changes in my evil body.

After Brother Yang helped me absorb the poisonous gas, the Ernan poisonous body underwent major changes independently, refining the original poisonous insect and producing powerful poisonous power in the body. Finally, my meridians and Dantian Zifu refined Qu Mingyue with the help of the fate star. The original poisonous insect queen, coupled with the special power of my evil poisonous body, repaired all the injuries.

Now I am only one step away from the completion of the Ernan Poison Body. This time, thanks to Brother Yang, if you hadn't absorbed the poisonous gas, I wouldn't have had time to devour Qu Mingyue's original poisonous insect, nor would I have had enough time to adapt to the Enan Poison Body. evolution.

I woke up after the third day and found that you were practicing, Brother Yang, so I protected you..."

After Lu Yanzhi told the story, she looked at Yang Yiyun with a bright smile. For her, it was a resurrection from the dead and a rebirth of the soul.

Originally, she had swallowed Qu Mingyue's original poisonous insect with the intention of dying. In addition, she had been severely punished and suffered serious injuries by self-destruction, so she had no intention of surviving.

Unexpectedly, Yang Yiyun pulled her back from the hands of death. At that time, she knew that Yang Yiyun was saving her, and the mysterious seals in his hands stabilized her shaky soul...

After Yang Yiyun absorbed the poisonous gas in her body, Lu Yanzhi was moved.

She was plotted by her master and disliked by her senior sister, which broke her heart. For an orphan with no relatives, there was someone who was willing to risk his life to absorb the poison into his own body. This feeling was indescribable.

Lu Yanzhi was moved by Yang Yiyun, burst out with a desire to survive, and was spiritually reborn.

She thought that she could not live up to Brother Yang's kindness to her, so after all kinds of reasons were combined, the potential of the born Enan poisonous body exploded, solving the problem of the original poisonous insect, and making the Enan poisonous body one step closer to becoming a great success.

Then she recovered and stayed by Yang Yiyun's side to protect him.

So now Lu Yanzhi's mind has been sublimated. She understands that without her master and senior sister, she still has Yang Yiyun and other people who care about her.

Be grateful for the beauty in your heart. As long as your heart yearns for beauty, the world will be bright.

Lu Yanzhi completely changed.

Because of the touching transformation brought about by Yang Yiyun.

She thanks him.

The Five Elements Beast also said at this time: "Master, your magical water is so amazing. My serious injury has recovered as before."

Yang Yiyun finally knew that half a month had indeed passed since he was practicing in a blink of an eye. During this half month, Lu Yanzhi and the Five Elements Beast recovered from their injuries, which was a good thing.

"Brother Yang, thank you." Lu Yanzhi suddenly thanked Yang Yiyun with a very sunny smile. ,

"You don't need to thank me. It's your own fault. I was still thinking of healing you after refining the poisonous gas in your body, but I didn't expect you to recover on your own... But in the end, it's a good thing. I hope you won't think about it again in the future. Now that you have opened your mind, your cultivation will reach a higher level in the future." Yang Yiyun said.

Lu Yanzhi looked at Yang Yiyun with clear eyes and said, "Well, can you be my brother in the future?"

"Of course I can, I wish I could." Yang Yiyun said with a smile.

"Great~" Lu Yanzhi cheered.

Yang Yiyun actually understood in her heart that Lu Yanzhi was an orphan. She was adopted by Yuan Chenhuan because she was born with a poisonous body and lacked love in her heart. Finally, she learned that her master Yuan Chenhuan, whom she had regarded as a father since she was a child, had actually been with her from beginning to end. After plotting against her, Lu Yanzhi, a girl who actually loves her, cannot accept the reality.

Now he is more like a spiritual belief to her. For Lu Yanzhi, Yang Yiyun actually found the shadow of his sister Yang Shanshan in her. Similarly, he and his sister had no parents when they were young, so he was very happy with Lu Yanzhi's proposal.

"From now on, you will be my biological sister, Yang Yiyun."

Seeing Lu Rouge, Yang Yiyun said seriously, it was a great joy to have pity and sympathy for this girl Yang Yiyun, and to allow him to sit with his sister.

All the enemies and problems were successfully resolved, and this incident was a bit risky, but fortunately the result was successful and everyone was very happy.

The next thing to discuss is the issue of experience.

But while Yang Yiyun and Lu Yanzhi were cheering, they didn't know that something happened in the law barrier deep in the wilderness.

The invisible law barrier is an enchantment that blocks high-level monks above the Mahayana stage from entering the activities of monks below the Tribulation stage.

At this moment, the law barriers were indeed smooth and massive, and then two figures appeared out of thin air. After the dazzling light flickered and dispersed, two old men appeared in the area where monks below the Tribulation Stage were active.

There is no doubt that these two people came from areas above the Mahayana stage.

If Yang Yiyun and Lu Yanzhi were present, they would definitely recognize that these two people were Yuan Chenhuan and Feng Yinyang.

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