My Master Is a God

Chapter 1225 What you worried about finally happened

While talking, Yang Yiyun jumped into the pit and stood on the body of the ape-crocodile beast.

The Man-Ape Crocodile Beast was poisoned to death by Lu Yanzhi. Obviously, the meat cannot be eaten, but Yang Yiyun was about to pull out the skin of the Crocodile Beast, and went back to find a place to refine armor for himself and Lu Yanzhi, so that they could walk in the wilderness for a little longer. Defense and security.

All his previous armors were given to his apprentices, but now he has no armor to wear.

This ape-crocodile beast can't be hurt at all by using the Dragon-Slaying Sword and the Black Lotus Sword Formation. It will definitely be the best choice for refining battle armor.

Yang Yiyun stood on the ape-crocodile beast, mustered up all his strength and used his true energy to cut off the fur of the ape-crocodile beast with a sword.


Sparks flew everywhere.

"The uncle's black iron is nothing more than that, right?" Yang Yiyun cursed as he looked at the faint mark of only half a foot left with a sword.

After several attempts, many parts of the Man-Ape-Crocodile's body were equally hard and could not be broken by the Dragon-Slaying Sword. In other words, his current cultivation level could not bring out the power of the Dragon-Slaying Sword, and he would not be able to deal with the body of the Man-Ape-Crocodile Beast.

In the end, Lu Yanzhi helped with a smile. She took out a bottle of liquid venom and smeared it on Yang Yiyun's dragon-slaying sword. Only then did Yang Yiyun open the body of the ape-crocodile beast.

With the extremely corrosive venom, coupled with the true energy and the sharpness of the dragon-slaying sword, it took more than an hour to finally peel off the skin of the ape-crocodile beast.

Although it is tiring, Yang Yiyun feels that it is worth it. The armor made from such hard monster skin is definitely a superior armor. If it is decorated with various defensive formations, it will definitely be a first-class defensive armor.

He also became interested in the venom in Lu Yanzhi's hands. He couldn't use the power of his dragon-slaying sword, but Lu Yanzhi took out a small bottle of venom and broke through the leather armor of the ape-crocodile beast. It was really an extremely powerful venom.

This kind of venom is simply terrifying when used to infect people.

Looking at Lu Yanzhi, he asked, "How much venom is in your hand, Yanzhi?"

How could Lu Yanzhi not understand what Yang Yiyun was thinking, and said with a smile: "Brother Yang, don't think about it. This venom was given to me by Yuan Chenhuan. It was extracted from the body of a poisonous demon comparable to the Mahayana stage. It is a fusion of internal seeds." It was made by refining no less than nine evil poisons. Such a small bottle made my heart hurt when Yuan Chenhuan gave it to me. He said he wanted me to use it to save my life.

In Yuan Chenhuan's words, a hundred thousand high-grade spiritual stones would not be exchanged for such a small bottle. Now that it's all gone, it's all been used to skin the ape and crocodile beast. I don't know if it's worth this bottle after you refine the armor. The value of venom. "

One hundred thousand high-grade spiritual stones, Yang Yiyun couldn't help but be speechless.

I couldn't help but say, "I didn't expect venom to be so valuable!"

"That's right, to a certain extent, the value of such high-level venom is higher than that of high-level elixirs, because some monks venture into dangerous areas where powerful monsters exist, and their combat effectiveness is incompetent, but sometimes it's like this A bottle of venom can easily solve the problem, so things like venom pills have always been expensive on the market.

The key is that many powerful venoms are difficult to extract. They must either be extracted from the bodies of high-level monsters or search for highly toxic heavenly materials and earthly treasures from highly toxic places. After finding them, they still need to be refined. If you don't know the poison technique, People who do this may be poisoned to death without contact.

Moreover, poison cultivators are generally not welcomed in the world of cultivation, and few people practice poison. Therefore, venom poison pills and the like are scarcer than pills in the market of the cultivation world, so the price is also very expensive.

The supply exceeds the demand, and the venom poison elixir, which is made from Yuan Chenhuan and other high-level poison masters, has been secretly ordered long ago. Yuan Chenhuan may not even take a look at the large piles of spiritual stones. "

Lu Yanzhi finished speaking, and Yang Yiyun also finished listening.

But there are two questions in my mind.

First, you should be cautious and cautious with Yuan Chenhuan, because Lu Yanzhi said that the poison just now was refined by Yuan Chenhuan for her, which means that Yuan Chenhuan must still have the high-level and terrifying venom poison pill. thing.

If Yuan Chenhuan is found and encountered, the first thing to do is to be careful about his use of poison, similar to the poison Lu Yanzhi used just now, Yang Yiyun really shudders.

Second, venom and poison pills are very profitable... Mr. Yang has a plan to make a fortune in his mind. He has the "Divine and Demon Medical Codex" with him, and he can refine any venom and poison pills. This will be a way to make a fortune in the future.

After thinking about the dream of getting rich, he also accepted the monster skin, and then Yang Yiyun and Diao'er led the way to find the Water Elemental Fairy Fruit.

The entire reef mountain group at the bottom of the Nirvana River stretches out for a long time, and there are also some water-type vegetation growing in the mountains. It is a unique scenery. Both the water plants and vegetation at the bottom of the river emit a faint light, so it is not dim.

With Diao'er leading the way, Diao'er wouldn't have to worry about finding the treasures of heaven and earth, and Diao'er was very upset about Yang Yiyun taking away the Water Element Elf Fruit. Now that he knew there was a Water Element Tree, he became furious.

Yang Yiyun smiled bitterly, followed with Lu Yanzhi and Five Elements Beast behind Diao'er and walked towards the depths of the reef mountains...

After all, in the water world at the bottom of the Nirvana River, where the water monsters existed, Yang Yiyun and the others still maintained a high degree of vigilance and walked slowly. They followed Diao'er through the reef cave and over the reef mountain. It is also very difficult to cross the aquatic vegetation.

Three hours later, Diaoer stopped and turned around to Yang Yiyun and let out a series of squeaking sounds.

Yang Yiyun quickened his pace and walked forward quickly.

The next moment his eyes lit up...

However, he saw an open space the size of a basketball court, surrounded by a group of rocks and mountains in a circular shape. It seemed that this place could be cleared out.

There are dark natural caves in the surrounding reef mountains.

But in the center of the open space, a tree more than ten meters high appeared. The leaves were dark blue and extremely lush. There was a faint golden light shining in the leaves like pine needles, illuminating the entire open space the size of a basketball court.

"Sure enough, there is a Shui Yuan Tree." Yang Yiyun swallowed and said.

"Zhizhi~" Diao'er cheered and jumped down from the rocky mountain, heading straight for the Shui Yuanshu.

"Xiangxiang is back~" Yang Yiyun shouted.

At this moment, Diao'er's eyes only see the Water Element Tree, or rather the five Water Element Elf Fruits on the tree. How could he listen to Yang Yiyun and fly away while drooling.

It was so quiet all around. The place was too weird, and the place seemed to have been deliberately cleaned up by people or other creatures. It must not be so simple. Diao'er rushed over like this. Yang Yiyun's mouth was crooked in anger, but there was nothing he could do about it. .

As expected, I found a Water Element Tree, and there were five Water Elemental Elf Fruits on it. Logically speaking, there should be nine, but four of them should have been taken away by the Man-Ape Crocodile Beast and killed before. Crocodile is an example.

In other words, it is very likely that there is more than one man, ape, and crocodile in this place. This is too reckless for Diaoer.

But Yang Yiyun thought about it, and now there was only this way.

Because he was still prepared to take the risk to seize the Water Element Tree even if there was an Ape Crocodile Beast guarding him. In this case, it would be better to make a quick decision, seize the Water Element Tree and the Water Element Spirit Fruit on it, and run away.

Thinking of this, Yang Yiyun said to Lu Yanzhi: "Yangzhi, you stay here to take care of me. Xiaowu and I will go there."

After saying that, without waiting for Lu Yanzhi to answer, he took one step and ran towards the Shui Yuan Tree, with the Five Elemental Beasts following closely behind.

Lu Yanzhi was left with a worried look on his face.

Yang Yiyun and the Five Elements Beast arrived in front of the Shui Yuan Tree in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, Diao'er has already arrived at the Water Element Tree, staring at the five Water Element Elf Fruits and cheering with stars in her eyes.

"Miao'er, hurry up." So far, no monster guardians have appeared. This was originally a good thing, but at this time, Yang Yiyun became more uneasy and quickly urged Mao'er to pick the Water Elemental Elf Fruit. .


Diao'er cheered and immediately took action, waving her little paws and collecting all five Water Elemental Elf Fruits in an instant.

Yang Yiyun is also planning to try digging trees. What he values ​​​​is the Shui Yuan tree, which is the big head.

With the water of life, if he transplants this water element tree to the space of the Qiankun Pot, he will not have to worry about not having the water element spirit fruit in the future.

But at this moment, what Yang Yiyun was worried about finally happened.

"Wow~" A dull roar filled with anger sounded.

Yang Yiyun's face changed drastically and he subconsciously looked towards the voice.

"Wow~" The second voice sounded, from another direction.

Then there was another voice: "Wow~"

"Wow wow wow..."

Eight roars sounded in a row, coming from all around.

Yang Yiyun's face was extremely ugly, and within sight, eight apes and crocodiles appeared.

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