My Master Is a God

Chapter 1228 A stone that has become a spirit

He could clearly see the silver-white ape's blood-red eyes and its wide open mouth, revealing barb-like sharp teeth that bit him down.



Suddenly, Yang Yiyun saw from the corner of his eye that at the critical moment, a long strip of stone suddenly hit the body of the silver-white Man-Ape-Crocodile Beast. The Man-Ape-Crocodile Beast immediately flew out, roaring in pain.

Yang Yiyun was shocked, thinking that someone was helping to save him, so he threw a long stone at the silver ape crocodile beast and hit the monster.

Yang Yiyun was shocked, thinking that someone was helping to save him, so he threw a long stone at the silver ape crocodile beast and hit the monster.

But the next moment he knew that he was wrong. It wasn't the silver-white ape-crocodile beast that someone hit with a stone, but... a stone that became a spirit!

In the blink of an eye, the stone burst into blue light and transformed into a boy wearing a green shirt. Yang Yiyun could just see his side face, and he looked like a boy of about eight or nine years old, with a slight laziness on his face. He is unruly, a bit chubby, and looks very happy.

This little boy is none other than Shi Qing, the stone spirit in Lou Haitang's room. Lou Haitang asked him to follow Yang Yiyun secretly to protect Yang Yiyun.

Shi Qing himself was a creature in the wilderness, and he followed Yang Yiyun secretly all the way. At this time, he had to show up, because Yang Yiyun couldn't defeat the silver-white man-ape crocodile beast.

Yang Yiyun looked at the boy who was instantly transformed from stone, and was a little surprised, but more importantly, his heart dropped as he escaped with his life.

When he just opened his mouth to say thank you, he heard this boy say: "No need to thank me, I am entrusted by others, my name is Shi Qing, you go quickly, I can't really kill this ape and crocodile king, I can only hold it back for a while." Time, we’ll talk about other issues later, let’s go.”

Yang Yiyun was stunned for a moment, and he had no time to speak, because at this time, the silver-white ape-crocodile beast that was knocked away by the stone spirit rushed over again.


Yang Yiyun heard that the silver man-ape and crocodile beast was called the man-ape and crocodile king by the stone spirit who called himself Shi Qing, which was exactly what he had guessed.

It seemed that the Man-Ape Crocodile King was completely angered. Indeed, even his roar was different from the ordinary Man-Ape-Crocodile King.

The situation was tense at this moment, and Yang Yiyun didn't have time to say anything to the stone spirit in his eyes, so he quickly stood up and thanked him: "Thank you!"

After quickly memorizing a few ups and downs, he landed on the back of the Five Elements Beast and left quickly.

Although the Stone Spirit that suddenly appeared said that he could not kill the Man-Ape-Crocodile King, the attack just now was enough to knock the Man-Ape-Crocodile King away more than thirty meters, which showed that the Stone Spirit was not a simple person.

It seemed that it was enough to hold back the Crocodile King and buy them time to leave.

Before leaving, Yang Yiyun looked back and saw that the Man-Ape Crocodile King actually wanted to chase them. However, he saw the eight or nine-year-old stone spirit turn into a stone again in the flash of green light, and hit the Man-Ape with a whoosh. On the Crocodile King, but this time the Man-Ape Crocodile King seemed to be prepared, and his tail hit the stone directly.

Then there was a roar and the stone was blown away.

Then the Man-Ape Crocodile King roared: "Wow wow wow wow..."

"Wow wow..."

The eight-headed ape-crocodile beast behind responded and immediately chased Yang Yiyun and Lu Yanzhi, not intending to let them go.

And after Yang Yiyun saw the Man-Ape Crocodile King roaring, he also flew away to chase Yang Yiyun, but at this time, the stone that was whipped flew over again and collided with the Man-Ape Crocodile King.

The two in Rumble were evenly matched this time.

In Yang Yiyun's eyes, the Stone Spirit was indeed right. He might not be able to kill the Man-Ape-Crocodile King, but after turning into stone, he was very resistant to fighting. He howled and entangled the Man-Ape-Crocodile King and was unable to chase Yang Yiyun.

However, eight ordinary apes and crocodiles quickly caught up with them, keeping the distance at a hundred meters.

Yang Yiyun was still in shock. At this time, he could only hope that the Five Elements Beast would run faster, praying in his heart that the Stone Spirit could delay the Man-Ape-Crocodile King for a little longer.

We should be safe if we run out of this rocky mountain group first.

Now it seems that this group of rocky mountains is the territory of the Man-Ape-Crocodile Beast. In the world of monsters and beasts, different groups of monsters and beasts will have their own territories. Generally speaking, they will not chase after the territory.

No longer paying attention to the battle between the Stone Spirit and the Man-Ape Crocodile King, he urged the Five Elements Beast to run wildly, with eight Man-Ape-Crocodile Beasts chasing after him.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun felt depressed but also thankful.

What’s depressing is that I didn’t expect that the Man-Ape-Crocodile Beast would be so difficult to deal with. It chased him to death, and a powerful king appeared. I also secretly hated that my strength and cultivation were still not strong enough. I thought I must improve my strength. I can’t go on like this. This time Fortunately, a stone spirit boy appeared, otherwise he would have died long ago, especially being chased by a group of monsters was very unpleasant.

Fortunately, at the critical moment of life and death, Stone Spirit suddenly appeared to save his life.

The stone spirit boy only said a few words, but he revealed a very important message, that is, he said 'entrusted by others'.

In other words, it was not by chance that the stone spirit saved him, but by order.

Yang Yiyun couldn't figure out who the stone spirit was entrusted to save him.

But in the end it's a good thing.

"Wow wow..."

The man-ape and crocodile beast behind him was screaming, always keeping a distance of about 100 meters, making Yang Yiyun anxious.

Fortunately, after running for dozens of miles, I didn't see the Man-Ape-Crocodile King chasing after me. He must have been tightly entangled by the Stone Spirit.

This was the only thing that made him happy. If the ape and crocodile king caught up with him, Yang Yiyun would be dead if he knew about it.

Although the eight ordinary apes and crocodiles behind him were equally ferocious, compared to that king, they did not make Yang Yiyun so scared.

After running wildly for another half an hour, the Five Elements Beast suddenly stopped again. Yang Yiyun was thinking of countermeasures and did not pay attention to the surrounding environment. After the Five Elements Beast stopped, he knew the reason this time without asking.

"Master...Master...there is no's all my fault..." The Five Elements Beast was extremely embarrassed. He just ran away with his head buried in his forehead, but accidentally ran into a place similar to a canyon. He originally thought he had passed through it. There should be a road after that, but after running to the end, I found a rocky mountain recessed into the mountain, which looked like it was evenly divided, but there was no way forward.

"Wow wow..."

In the blink of an eye, the eight-headed ape-crocodile beast had caught up, and it was too late to turn around at this time.

Yang Yiyun's face turned ugly. He glanced at the sunken mountain in front of him. He didn't blame the Five Elements Beast, because the Five Elements Beast didn't know it would be a place with nowhere to go.

Seeing that the eight-headed ape-crocodile beast had reached twenty meters, he and Lu Yanzhi jumped off the back of the Five Elements Beast, and then gritted their teeth and said: "We can only enter the space of the Qiankun Pot, Yanzhi, don't resist."

While speaking, he waved his hand at Lu Yanzhi and tightened Lu Yanzhi into the space of the Qiankun Pot.

Then he also took the Five Elements Beasts in, and he saw a small cave in the corner of the mountain that could better accommodate one person, and got in in a flash.

This cave is not deep, just over two meters, and only one meter in diameter.

Yang Yiyun chose to enter this small cave, which was obviously a blind spot, actually just to put the Qiankun Pot.

Because if he himself also enters the Qiankun Pot, the Qiankun Pot will become a physical entity. If it is kept outside, it will be eaten by the ape and crocodile beast. This is why he does not want to use the Qiankun Pot.

If he hadn't been really desperate, he wouldn't have entered the Qiankun Pot.

The Qiankun Pot was exposed. If someone picked it up, it would be too late for Yang Yiyun to cry.

After all, the Man-Ape-Crocodile Beast is a ferocious beast with little intelligence. The Qiankun Pot is exposed in a small cave, and the First Man-Ape-Crocodile Beast is too big to get in.

The second small cave is only two meters deep, and you can see the bottom to the sky at once. When he hides in the space of the Qiankun Pot, there will be at most one more small bottle on the ground. According to the IQ of the monster, it is estimated that he will not realize that it is the treasure of the Qiankun Pot.

So Yang Yiyun had no choice but to go in more. The eight-headed ape-crocodile beast and the others had no chance of winning.

The next moment, Yang Yiyun's heart moved and he entered the space of the Qiankun Pot.

There is a small bottle the size of a snuff bottle on the floor of the small cave, which cannot be seen without looking carefully.

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