My Master Is a God

Chapter 1244 Disciples of Shenfu Lingzong

Yang Yiyun's eyes lit up as he looked at it, he chuckled and whispered: "Don't worry, let's be fishermen. The monk in the late stage of the Tribulation has endless tricks to deal with, and the monsters are also clinging to the Fire Spirit Fruit. We can't pass by now. Wait for the opportunity to take action.”


Diao'er squeaked in response, looking like he couldn't hold it in any longer. His mouth watered when he looked at the dual-core fire spirit fruit deep in the thick fog. If Yang Yiyun hadn't said so, he would have rushed over to it.

Shi Qing flashed a green light and said faintly: "The master is a bit dangerous, the flying leopard looks hard to deal with."

"Flying Leopard?" Yang Yiyun was surprised, but he didn't expect Shi Qing to recognize this monster.

Shi Qing knew what Yang Yiyun was thinking, so he said: "I am a creature of Taihuang. I am not familiar with all of the creatures in Taihuang, but I also know some.

The flying leopard is considered a strange species with the talent of thunder and lightning. In addition, it can fly, so it is a very difficult monster to deal with. When it can fly across the sky, the wild thunder and lightning will not cause any harm to such monsters with the talent of thunder and lightning. "

Yang Yiyun gasped after hearing this. If this was the case, it would be hard to say.

Looking towards the field, the middle-aged man seemed to be on par with the flying leopard, but if the flying leopard showed its flying ability, it probably wouldn't be able to escape even if it got the dual-core fire spirit fruit.

I have to continue to observe and observe...

At this moment, the battle in the field changed. The middle-aged man suddenly waved his hand and threw two jade talismans at the flying leopard, which exploded on the flying leopard instantly.


The flying leopard made a sound of pain and seemed unable to move its body.

In Yang Yiyun's eyes, it seemed that it was some kind of spell used by the middle-aged man to suppress the flying leopard and unable to move its body.

I thought to myself: "Now Feibaobao will suffer a loss..."

Sure enough, the middle-aged man grabbed the unable to move Flying Leopard and punched the Flying Leopard in an instant.

Yang Yiyun could feel the powerful energy fluctuations radiating from far away, and then the middle-aged man punched out with an incomparable milky color, which gathered into a fist the size of a millstone and hit Fei Wen. On the leopard.



There was a dull sound and the scream of the flying leopard.

In an instant, the flying leopard was blasted by the middle-aged man and flew more than ten meters away.

Immediately, I saw a cold light flashing in the middle-aged man's hand. A flying fairy with cold light appeared in his hand. He followed the flying leopard flying out. The flying sword in his hand was raised high and roared, and the sword light rose up. , a dazzling light like the sun burst out, murderous intent and momentum swept up the surrounding dust, and the sword energy more than three feet long slashed at the neck of the flying leopard.

Judging from his posture, he was about to cut off the head of Feibaobao with one sword.

"The Flying Leopard is going to be doomed..." Yang Yiyun muttered to himself.

But Shi Qing said quietly: "I am afraid that the master may have made a mistake this time. The Flying Pattern Leopard is a demon beast at the level of a small lord in Taihuang. It also has the ability to fly. It will not be killed so easily."

When Shi Qing finished speaking, a reversal took place.

The flying leopard suddenly let out a long roar that pierced the eardrums.


As the flying leopard roared and roared, Yang Yiyun saw an extremely dazzling lavender light suddenly erupting from its body, and lightning could be seen surrounding its body.

Yang Yiyun secretly sighed in his heart, as expected, as Shitou said, what Fei Bao said was true and not simple.

At this time, bursts of thunder also appeared in the sky above the field.

"Rumble... click..."

Purple thunder and lightning surrounded the flying leopard, but the flying leopard was surrounded by lightning, echoing the thunder in the sky.

"Boom... click..."

Suddenly, the flying leopard roared at the middle-aged man, and the lightning surrounding his body condensed and struck at the sword energy of the middle-aged man's sword.


The next moment, the middle-aged man's sword energy couldn't help but be shattered by the lightning on the flying leopard's body. Even the next moment, the power of the thunder and lightning couldn't help but weaken at all. It fell on the flying sword held by the middle-aged man and penetrated directly.


The next moment, the middle-aged man's whole body was suddenly covered with blood, and a mouthful of blood surged out. However, his hair was blackened and smoking. He flew directly thirty meters away from the huge thunder and lightning power of the Flying Leopard, and landed hard on the ground, smashing the ground. A big hole emerged.

Yang Yiyun gasped when he looked at it this time. He was too shocked. He didn't expect that the flying leopard could use the power of thunder.

This is obviously related to its thunder and lightning talent. In Taihuang, everyone knows that there is Taihuang Thunder Sky. No one dares to fly nine meters above to touch Taihuang Sky Thunder, but the Flying Leopard obviously relies on its unique talent. Not included in this list, Bingping can use his own talent to borrow the thunder from the sky for his own use.

This kind of talent would really make many creatures jealous in the wilderness.

Previously, Feibaobao was caught off guard by the middle-aged man and suffered a loss. However, at the last moment, he calmed down and directly used his talent to trigger the attack of Taihuang Tianlei, which was fruitful.

However, Yang Yiyun seemed to have only triggered the slightest hint of the thunder, but even that was enough.

To tell the truth, Yang Yiyun felt that the moment the flying leopard triggered the thunder from the sky, his heart was beating. He could clearly feel that the power of Taihuang thunder and lightning was infinite. It was many times more powerful than the thunder and lightning from the outside world, and even Yu gave Yang Yiyun a feeling that the thunder in Taihuang was a mutated existence, with a strong aura of violent destruction.

The flying leopard triggered a trace and used the power of its own sky thunder to attack the middle-aged man, causing the middle-aged man with endless tricks to fly upside down like a kite with a broken string, which is enough to show the power of the Taihuang Sky Thunder.

The most important thing is that Yang Yiyun felt it. He had nothing to do in the face of such wild thunder. Even a destiny star with thunder and lightning properties in his body would not dare to absorb such violent and domineering thunder and lightning.

After entering Taihuang and hearing about the existence of Taihuang Thunder and Lightning, he even considered absorbing Thunder Sky. After all, in addition to the two major destiny stars of the sun and lunar yin, there were nine auxiliary stars in his body, namely, metal, wood, water, fire, earth, Thunder, lightning, space, evil spirits, wind and clouds represent the auxiliary stars of the nine major forces in heaven and earth.

In theory, it is possible to absorb nine kinds of power of heaven and earth.

But after feeling the aura of Taihuang Leitian just now, he gave up the idea of ​​absorbing Taihuang Leitian and did not dare.

He was afraid that after absorbing it, it would cause big problems for the auxiliary star. He was mainly afraid that he would not be able to digest it and might be electrocuted to death.

"Master, look at it, I said that flying a leopard is not easy." Shi Qing said proudly to Yang Yiyun, just like a gambler's happy tone of winning a bet.

Yang Yiyun rolled his eyes, said nothing, and continued to look towards the field. He knew that if the middle-aged man had no means to come out, he would be finished.

The power of the flying leopard to trigger Taihuang thunder and lightning is so powerful that it seems that the middle-aged man has no means to resolve it.

The powerful Tianhuang Heavenly Thunder is really terrifying. No wonder the high-level Earth Immortals do not dare to fly in Taihuang. I am afraid even the Earth Immortals will really be struck to death under such thunder and lightning, right?

"Roar... click..."

At this moment, the flying leopard did not miss the opportunity to kill. In the blink of an eye, with a flash of sound, it flew towards the middle-aged man who fell thirty meters away. The wings on its back spread out and flew. stood up, showing a strong advantage.

Behind the road, thunder and lightning surrounded him again, and the thunder from the sky was about to kill the middle-aged man.

Seeing that the middle-aged man's face suddenly changed wildly, he made a seal in his hand, and instantly drew a bloody rune in front of him. Suddenly, a blood shield appeared in front of him, which was completely made of energy formed by the runes. The light shines brightly.

At the same time, the middle-aged man suddenly shouted: "Fellow Taoist who is hiding behind, please help me. I am Taoist Shen Ye, a disciple of the Holy Land Talisman Spirit Sect. I am here to help. Shen must have a high-level magic talisman to give me, Dual-core Fire Spirit." The fruit can be divided equally..."

Hearing the middle-aged man's words, Yang Yiyun's heart tightened. Has the secret passage been discovered?

He had been hiding his aura from the beginning and was supposed to have not been discovered, but now from what the middle-aged man said, it seemed that he had already discovered that there was someone secretly there.

Just when Yang Yiyun was hesitating whether to help, two figures flashed over from the other side, and two figures appeared in the field.


At this moment, the Flying Leopard's attack arrived in front of the middle-aged man, but was stopped by the middle-aged man's blood shield.

But it seems that the middle-aged man or Shen Ye will not be able to use the blood shield formation for long.

But at this time, the two people who suddenly appeared on the scene took action, directly attacking the flying leopard.

Yang Yiyun's eyes really widened, and his eyes fell on the two people who suddenly appeared in the field.

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