My Master Is a God

Chapter 1249 One death and one escape

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!

Feng Yin Yang and Yuan Chen Huan, two old immortals, had the cultivation level of a third-level Earth Immortal. However, for the sake of the "Divine and Demon Medical Codex" in him and Lu Yanzhi, who was born with a poisonous body of disaster, they forcibly used secret methods to suppress their cultivation level. The areas above the Mahayana stage have entered the areas below the Tribulation stage.

This is not allowed by the Law of Taihuang.

Only by suppressing the realm of cultivation to the Tribulation Stage can one move in areas below the Tribulation Stage.

However, after Feng Yinyang's body was destroyed by him, his soul was actually in the realm of the third-level earth immortal. This was because he was completely exposed to the law of Taihuang without the cover of the body's carrier, so at the last moment, he was struck by Taihuang's thunder. Became ashes.

The Law of Taihuang will not allow monks who have transcended the tribulation period to appear in areas below the tribulation period. Feng Yinyang's soul, Fengyun Divine Dog, is a third-level earth immortal. It would be strange if the thunder did not kill him.

However, Yang Yiyun was infinitely grateful to Taihuang Law. If the power of the law had appeared, he would have been killed by Feng Yinyang, the old immortal soul.

Thinking about the powerful coercive force emitted by the Fengyun Divine Dog just now, Yang Yiyun couldn't help but tremble with heart palpitations.

Fortunately, Tiantian helped, and now one of the two old immortals finally killed the other.

After taking a breath, Yang Yiyun came back to his senses and quickly looked into the distance. However, he was suddenly shocked. He didn't see any trace of Yuan Chenhuan and Daxianshi, not even Diao'er.

Just now he was only focused on fighting Feng Yin and Yang, and he didn't have time to pay attention to Yuan Chenhuan and the Immortal Stone. He just threw the Immortal Stone out and hit Yuan Chenhuan. He didn't know whether he succeeded in the Immortal Stone. Anyway, the Immortal Stone has spirituality. It can attack on its own, so don’t worry.

But there was no trace at this moment, and Yang Yiyun couldn't help but feel a little worried.

"Miao'er, stone..."

After a shout, the cry of the mink came from the fog.


After a moment, the mink came flying over, squatting on Yang Yiyun's shoulder and squeaking.

Tell Yang Yiyun that she succeeded and got the dual-core fire spirit fruit.

"Well done." When he heard that Diao'er succeeded, Yang Yiyun smiled and praised, and then asked: "Where is the stone?"

"Zhizhizhi..." Diaoer Zhizhi explained. He pointed at the fog with his little paw and told Yang Yiyun to hit the fairy stone and chase Yuan Chenhuan.

At this moment, a green light came.


It was the immortal stone Shi Qing who flew back.

"Where is Shitou Yuanchenhuan?" Yang Yiyun asked.

"That old guy was such a thief. After he was hit by me, he was not killed. After he got up, he used some secret technique to turn into a streak of blood and escaped. I chased him for several miles, but he came back before he could catch up..."

I felt a little embarrassed at the end of "Playing the Immortal Stone".

However, Yang Yiyun also knew that Yuan Chenhuan, the old immortal, was injured. It was really not easy for Dan to kill him. Being hit by a stone could be regarded as adding insult to injury. It was normal for him to escape.

He opened his mouth to comfort and said, "It's okay. It's not your fault. We have already made a profit by being able to kill Feng Yinyang. Moreover, we obtained the Dragon Scale Talisman and the Dual-core Fire Spirit Fruit this time. We have successfully become fishermen."

As for Yuan Chenhuan, the old immortal who has been injured more and more, I think he will just hide in a short time and will not jump out to cause trouble for us.

But speaking, once the old immortal escapes, his injuries will definitely recover when he appears next time. After suffering such a big loss this time, he will definitely not give up. We still have to be more careful. Next time Yuan Chenhuan When we come out, thunder will definitely deal with us.

We can't stay here any longer. We also need to find a place to recuperate. Two times I activated the dragon scale talisman and most of my blood essence was sucked away by the dragon scale talisman. Now I have no fighting power. I have to find a place to recuperate. "

"Okay, I know a place that is relatively safe, let's leave now." Daxianshi said.

"Wait, let me try to see if I can take away the Fire Spirit Fruit Tree. You can't miss this Heaven and Earth Spirit Tree. Diao'er, go and take back Feng Yin Yang's storage ring. Don't forget about Shen Ye's. Their storage ring There must be something good in there."

As for the spoils of war, Yang Yiyun, not to mention Diao'er, was a money fan, so he cheered and went to clean up the battlefield.

When Yang Yiyun was about to dig up the fire spirit fruit tree, Daxianshi said: "I am not the master to throw cold water on it. It is difficult for the spirit tree in the wilderness to survive outside, so you better not exert any effort."

Yang Yiyun grinned and said, "Hey, if someone else can't survive a transplant, your master and I won't necessarily know. You will know in the future."

Yang has never entered the Qiankun Pot to secretly fight the Immortal Stone. Naturally, he doesn’t know the magic of the Qiankun Pot’s space. What’s more, Yang relies on the water of life to transplant the elixir and tree.

The water of life is there without him transplanting the dead spiritual tree.

During the Taihuang trip, he wanted to enrich the Qiankun Pot Medicine Garden, so naturally he would not let go of such treasures as the Fire Spirit Fruit Tree.

He walked to the Fire Spirit Fruit Tree, pulled it up and transplanted it into the Qiankun Pot space...

After everything was done, Daxianshi took Yang Yiyun towards the inner city...

Just after Yang Yiyun left, bright red blood flowed out from a large rock not far away. After a while, a cough sounded, but Yuan Chenhuan's body was revealed, and he spat out a large mouthful of blood.

"Yang Yiyun... I'm going to cut your body into thousands of pieces and scatter your bones into ashes..." Yuan Chenhuan looked at the direction in which Yang Yiyun left and muttered to himself with murderous intent rushing across the sky.

Yuan Chenhuan really didn't expect that he would capsize on Yang Yiyun.

I didn't expect it to be so miserable this time. Meeting Shen Ye with a dragon scale talisman in his hand was unexpected and unlucky enough.

But forget it, Shen Ye is the grandson of the elder of the Shenfu Ling Sect and is from one of the Nine Holy Lands. He and Feng Yinyang can still accept the loss at the hands of Shen Ye.

What is unacceptable is that after Hefeng Yin Yang was seriously injured, Shen Ye was killed and Fei Bao was seriously injured. When he was about to get the Fire Spirit Fruit, Yang Yiyun was killed halfway, which not only caused him to be injured again, but also made him more injured. What Yuan Chenhuan couldn't accept was that Yang Yiyun actually killed Feng Yinyang.

This is tantamount to cutting off his life, because Feng Yinyang was the one who helped him refine Lu Yanzhi's poisonous body. Now that Feng Yinyang has been killed by Yang Yiyun, even if he catches Lu Yanzhi, there is no one to help him refine Lu Yanzhi and extract it. The poison of disaster is gone.

Without the poison of disaster, it would be a dead end for him to survive the fourth immortal tribulation.

Even if he is looking for a medical practitioner, if others know that the person he is refining is a human being, they will definitely regard him as a demon. Who will refining a living person for him?

Yuan Chenhuan knew that the most important thing for any monk who practices medicine is medical ethics, which is the so-called right path and justice.

Only alien medical practitioners like Feng Yinyang, whose inner seed is a demon soul and whose outer appearance is human skin, would help him. But now that Feng Yinyang was killed by Yang Yiyun, his way of survival was cut off.

Yuan Chenhuan was going crazy in his heart at this moment and hated Yang Yiyun to death.

But at this time, he was injured and unable to deal with Yang Yiyun. At the moment, he just wanted to recover from his injuries, and then find Yang Yiyun and kill the kid to pieces.

Only then can he relieve the hatred in his heart.

But I can no longer underestimate Yang Yiyun's current Yuan Chenhuan. The stone thrown by Yang Yiyun just now has spirituality. It can hit him with perfect accuracy, and every time it is hit, no one can escape. The strange stone can To hit him, a third-level Earth Immortal, with stars in his eyes really frightened him.

Moreover, Yuan Chenhuan saw that Yang Yiyun also obtained Shen Ye's dragon scale talisman. With such a powerful weapon in his hands, it would be even more difficult to deal with it.

Regarding Yang Yiyun, Yuan Chenhuan now felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart.

If it weren't for the restrictions of the law that suppressed his cultivation to the Great Perfection of the Tribulation Stage, if it were his cultivation level of a third-level Earth Immortal, he could have killed Yang Yiyun with one slap. But now Yuan Chenhuan can only hold back his anger and recover from his injuries first. , wait until the injury recovers, and then think of ways to deal with Yang Yiyun.

Using a secret method to avoid the tracking of the strange stone, Yuan Chenhuan stayed nearby just to track Yang Yiyun. At this time, looking at the direction in which Yang Yiyun left, Yuan Chenhuan's eyes were filled with anger, and he followed slowly. When he recovers his cultivation and follows Yang Yiyun, he can always find opportunities.

Yang Yiyun followed Immortal Stone to a huge palace. It was a relatively complete palace. When he walked in, it was dilapidated. There were holes everywhere, as if he had experienced a war. There were more than 200 square meters in the main hall, and there were some quaint things around it. The murals and ancient runes look very old and depressing.

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