My Master Is a God

Chapter 1259 Poison-induced coma

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!

This is a hall of two to three hundred square meters. Yang Yiyun casually placed a ban upon entering.

"Give me the stone to protect me." Yang Yiyun said in a hurry, and prepared to sit cross-legged and start to dissolve the poisonous gas in his body.

At this moment, the blood in his body felt like it was on fire and smoke, and his true energy also felt hot. Both the true energy and blood in his body had been severely damaged.

Obviously there was no fire, but it felt like it was on fire. It was very painful. From the beginning to now, Yang Yiyun found that the energy and blood were sizzling.

It's like pouring ice water into a frying pan, water and fire are incompatible.

What he has to do now is to refine the ice water in the oil pan to stabilize it.

This is too difficult...

However, at this moment, Daxianshi suddenly said: "The master is in trouble, the black scale python and Yuan Chenhuan are chasing after him."

Yang Yiyun frowned, and was shocked when Yuan Chenhuan came close behind him. Normally, you couldn't use your spiritual sense to search here, so it shouldn't be so fast.

But when he entered the hall with his front foot, Yuan Chenhuan came over with his back foot. This was obviously the existence of some secret tracking technique. Now that he thought about it, it was most likely the poison behind him.

If he continues like this, he will be able to find Yuan Chenhuan immediately wherever he goes. He must refine the poison in his body to get rid of Yuan Chenhuan, the old immortal.

Otherwise, his advantage here will have no effect, and the most important thing now is the poison that Yuan Chenhuan put into his body. This is the fatal thing.

There has been a rebellion in the body, and the heat is getting stronger and stronger. Sooner or later, it will corrode one's own Liangyi Zifu and meridians and blood vessels. He must find a way to get rid of the poison in his body as soon as possible.

However, Yuan Chen Huan's old immortal poison was too overbearing. The movement of the creation power of Qian and Kun was suppressed by the poison in his body to the point where it was retreating steadily. It had reached a very dangerous state.

After hearing Daxian Shi's words, Yang Yiyun released his spiritual consciousness to check, and sure enough, he saw Yuan Chenhuan still standing on top of the black-scaled python within a hundred meters of the main hall.

Behind the old immortal, the statue of Disha Xuanwu appeared suspended behind him. Yin Yue always seemed to have an evil spirit surrounding him...

At this time, Yang Yiyun couldn't help but feel a little anxious. It was no longer realistic to turn around and run away from the hall, and there was no point in escaping as Yuan Chenhuan would always find him.

Thinking of this, Yang Yiyun waved his hand at Daxianshi and said: "Don't resist the stone..."

With a wave of his hand, Yang Yiyun put the immortal stone into the space of the Qiankun Pot. The next moment he stumbled to the corner of the hall, and he also directly entered the space of the Qiankun Pot.

At this moment, he had no good way to deal with Yuan Chenhuan, and the poison in his body was on the verge of exploding. Liangyi Zifu was turbulent, his blood felt boiling, and his whole body felt like it was about to explode.

There is no other way if you don’t enter the Qiankun Pot space.

Although hiding in the Qiankun Pot space is a bit risky, and there is a risk of Yuan Chenhuan discovering the Qiankun Pot, this is the best way for now.

At least after he entered the space of the Qiankun Pot, he could block the danger of the poison in his body being sensed by Yuan Chenhuan, and he would also have time to refine the poison in his body.

Even if Yuan Chenhuan discovers the Qiankun Pot, there is nothing he can do.

However, the Qiankun Pot will not emit any aura fluctuations. If Yuan Chenhuan had not paid attention, he might not have thought that the Qiankun Pot was a treasure, nor would he have thought that he would enter the space of the Qiankun Pot.

This is the only way.

As for him not imposing restrictions in the main hall, he couldn't stop Yuan Chenhuan at all.

Yang Yiyun noticed that this old immortal had become more and more powerful and weird since the appearance of the Life Star God Statue. It was very likely that he had raised his strength to the peak state without violating the Law of Taihuang.

Coupled with the method of driving the black-scaled python, Yang Yiyun had no confidence in confronting this old immortal.

Although he has the Supreme Seal of Immortality and has exerted 10% of the Xuanhuang Sword Qi in the Dragon Slayer family, the energy and soul power consumed are too powerful and cannot be sustained for a few times. Even if he can use magical combat skills a few more times, it will not be enough. He may not be able to defeat Yuan Chenhuan.

Hiding seemed to be the only way out.

After entering the Qiankun Pot, Yang Yiyun was spinning for a while but fainted directly to the ground.

At this time, he said bitterly in his heart: "I still underestimated Yuan Chenhuan's poison, it's too overbearing."

At this time, he discovered that Yuan Chenhuan's poison was far more overbearing and cruel than he imagined. In addition to burning blood and infuriating energy, he didn't even need to use the power of his soul now.

After he just used the power of the soul, he didn't expect that it accelerated the circulation of the venom, causing more damage to the true energy and blood in his body.


He spat out another mouthful of blood, and his whole body lost all strength. There was only the scorching heat and the pain of tens of thousands of ants gnawing at his bones. Beads of sweat the size of soybeans appeared on his forehead.

"Ah... roar..."

Yang Yiyun couldn't help but let out a painful roar.

He lay on the ground unable to move.

He only felt that the blood and Qi seemed to be more and more assimilated by the poison in the body, and the meridians and Liangyi Zifu were unstable and collapsed.

"Are we going to die..."

Yang Yiyun muttered to himself, and then his consciousness began to blur. He wanted to shout to the Black Lotus Spirit to help him, but he was horrified to find that at this time, he did not even have the strength to shout for the Black Lotus Spirit. there is none left.

The strength of his body and soul were extremely weak, and he was completely numbed by the poison in his body.

Yuan Chenhuan's poison not only hurts the physical body, but also has a huge impact on the soul.

Originally, he thought that only the spirit of the black lotus could help, but now luckily, he and his soul have lost touch with each other.

After Yang Yiyun roared in pain, his consciousness became weaker and weaker...

At this time, an anxious voice vaguely sounded in my ears: "Brother Yang..."



"Master, how are you...?"

The figures of Lu Yanzhi, Five Elements Beast, Diao'er and Daxianshi appeared in his sight.

Yang Yiyun wanted to speak, but it was difficult to open his mouth. His eyelids became heavier and heavier, but he completely lost consciousness.

Lu Yanzhi immediately noticed Yang Yiyun and rushed over after he appeared in the Qiankun Pot space. He heard Yang Yiyun's painful roar from a distance.

When she and the Five Elements Beasts felt Yang Yiyun's side, Lu Yanzhi looked at Yang Yiyun lying on the ground, his expression suddenly changed, and he lost his voice and said: "Liu Li Po..."

As Yuan Chenhuan's disciple, she knew Yuan Chenhuan best. At this moment, when she saw Yang Yiyun's gray face with seven colors looming, she could tell at a glance that Yang Yiyun was poisoned. It was Yuan Chenhuan's natal poisonous insect Liuli Zhizhi. poison.

No one knows Yuan Chenhuan's natal poisonous insect Liuli better than her.

It was the venom that Yuan Chenhuan had practiced all his life. She once heard Yuan Chenhuan say that if he used the natal poisonous insect glass, the third-level earth immortal would be invincible. However, the natal poison should not be used easily, and it would cause serious injuries. It has vitality, but once used, it will definitely poison a third-level or even fourth-level earthly immortal.

Although there was no detailed explanation of how powerful the Liuli Poison was, Lu Yanzhi knew that Yuan Chenhuan's Liuli Poison was definitely not ordinary.

Now I didn't expect that Yang Yiyun was actually poisoned by glass poison. No matter how strong Yang Yiyun's methods were, he didn't have the cultivation level of a third-level earth immortal. He would definitely die after being poisoned.

Lu Yanzhi was a little panicked at this moment. She was also a poison cultivator, and she was Yuan Chenhuan's disciple, or a former disciple. She understood the horror of Yuan Chenhuan's glazed poison the most.

Judging from the signs of Yang Yiyun's poisoning, it has reached the outbreak stage. If there is no effective control or the glass poison in Yang Yiyun's body is not resolved in time, eventually Yang Yiyun's body will be completely burned by the glass poison inside and outside, and even the soul will not be able to escape. In the end, he will only end up in a state of despair.

At this moment, Lu Yanzhi looked at Yang Yiyun, who was completely unconscious, and his face kept changing. Sometimes he was pale, and sometimes he was flushed.

She thought of what Yuan Chenhuan had said about the antidote to the glass poison.

I remember Yuan Chenhuan’s original words at that time: “There are only two ways to come into contact with Liuli Poison. The first way is naturally for him, the owner of Liuli Poison, to detoxify himself.

The second thing is that in the future, when your Ernan Poison Body is fully developed, you can absorb the Glazed Poison into your body. Your Ernan Poison Body is an innate poison body. There are not many people in the world who can resolve the Master Glazed Poison, and the Ernan Poison Body is one of them, but You must be in a state of misfortune poison to be able to absorb the glass poison and refine it, otherwise if you don't have great success and absorb the glass poison, you will only suffer a huge backlash and you will definitely die..." Lu Yanzhi clearly remembers what Yuan Chenhuan said to her back then. The original words of the past.

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