My Master Is a God

Chapter 1262 The poisonous body of disaster has grown up

Yang Yiyun put away his fingers and finally breathed a sigh of relief when he felt a huge energy generated in Lu Yanzhi's body. He knew that with Black Lotus' help, Lu Yanzhi could not only save his life, but also be able to harm the poisonous body.

At this time, Yang Yiyun suddenly heard an exclamation outside the door.


"Oh no, the sky is on fire and it's raining. It's poisonous rain..."

"The fog is poisonous, what's going on...?"

The three exclamations were the sounds of Five Elements Beast, Daxianshi, and Diaoer.

Yang Yiyun heard something was wrong with the voice and felt it carefully. The air was very hot. He glanced with his spiritual consciousness and saw that there were flames appearing on the sky in the entire Qiankun Pot space, and it was also raining, but the raindrops were indeed highly poisonous.

The vegetation in the Qiankun Pot space began to wither due to the fire and poisonous rain.

This shocked Yang Yiyun, and he quickly put Lu Yanzhi on the bed, covered her with a quilt, and prepared to go outside to take a look.

At this moment, Lu Yanzhi had a powerful aura flowing all over her body, and everything was stable. Her face turned from black to white, and became rosy, which meant that with the help of Black Lotus, the Glazed Poison in her body had been absorbed by the Ernan Poison Body. , the body returned to normal, and the Ernan Poison Body began to transform towards Dacheng.

When she wakes up, it will be the time when her disaster poisonous body is fully formed.

Such a bad situation had never happened in the Qiankun Pot space. Yang Yiyun did not dare to be careless and quickly walked out of the room and outside.


As soon as he got out, Diaoer turned into a golden streak and landed on his shoulder, cheering that Yang Yiyun was okay.


"Master, it's great that you're okay."

Daxianshi and Five Elements Beast talked one after another.

"Something happened in Master Qiankun Pot's space." Five Elements Beast said.

"I know, please be patient." Yang Yiyun waved his hand to indicate that he knew.

Then he looked at the poisonous raindrops that were constantly falling from the sky of the Qiankun Pot space and the poisonous smoke that was rising and rising in all directions.

Yang Yiyun's face was extremely gloomy. He had already felt that these were forces from the outside. He formed a barrier in the mid-air space of the Qiankun Pot with his hands, blocking the poisonous raindrops in the mid-air. He mobilized the power of the Qiankun Pot with his hands to remove all the poisonous raindrops. As the poisonous gas was absorbed, a strong wind blew in his heart, and the entire space suddenly felt refreshed.

He is the master of the Qiankun Pot space and can use the power of the Qiankun Pot space. It is not difficult to do this.

However, he also knew that these could only treat the symptoms but not the root cause, because all root causes came from the outside world.

Yang Yiyun knew that the Qiankun Pot must have been discovered by that old immortal Yuan Chenhuan, and that the poisonous rain, poisonous gas, and high temperature must have been caused by Yuan Chenhuan.

He closed his eyes and released his spiritual consciousness to check, and sure enough he found something was wrong.

The main hall before entering has disappeared, but the Qiankun Pot is in flames and a pool of venom, and Yuan Chenhuan is casting a spell not far away...

And it looks like Yuan Chenhuan has set up a poison array around the Qiankun Pot.

He understood that Lao Immortal's intention was to force him out.

Although Yuan Chenhuan cannot enter the space of the Qiankun Pot, the spell cast by placing the Qiankun Pot on the venom and flames can make the Qiankun Pot heat up. The temperature in the space will continue to rise, and poisonous rain and poisonous gas will come in.

Of course, this requires the use of a huge secret technique. The fact that Lao Immortal can do this is enough to show that he is determined to kill his own rhythm.

However, these are just minor problems to him. Before, he had no defense when he was in a coma, but now he can seal the inside and outside of the Qiankun Pot with a single thought, blocking all external forces.

Moreover, the Qiankun Pot is a supreme treasure, not an ordinary cave-heaven magic weapon. Even if Yuan Chenhuan is allowed to prevent fire and poison, it will not be corroded. Yang Yiyun is not worried at all.

What I'm worried about now is that Yuan Chenhuan seems to be trapped to death.

There is a poisonous formation outside, and he will definitely be attacked by Yuan Chenhuan as soon as he goes out. This is the most troublesome part.

Judging from the posture of the old immortal Yuan Chenhuan, it seems that he is going to fight with him. He will not withdraw the formation until he goes out.

But once he got out, Yang Yiyun was like diving into Yuan Chenhuan's poison array. He had learned a lesson about Lao Immortal's glazed poison, which was really deadly, so Yang Yiyun didn't dare to go out rashly.

For a while, Yang Yiyun really had no choice but to think.

He withdrew his spiritual consciousness and frowned deeply.

At this time, a dragon roar sounded in Longyu Lake: "Ouch..."

The next moment Yang Yiyun looked, a golden dragon suddenly flew up from the Dragon Fish Lake.

Above the sky, a golden dragon, more than thirty meters long, circled and landed in front of Yang Yiyun, transforming into a young woman, none other than Sister Mei.

Sister Mei has been practicing at the bottom of Qiankun Hulongyu Lake since she was last in Shanhaitianzhan. This is the first time she has come out after decades.

"Sister Mei."

Yang Yiyun said hello.

"What happened? The water of the dragon fish turned bitter and I found it was poisonous." Sister Mei said.

Yang Yiyun waved his hand and a drop of water of life entered the Dragon Fish Lake. In an instant, the lake water reached the best water quality.

There is no water quality that a drop of water of life cannot solve.

Yang Yiyun then told Sister Mei about Taihuang and the current situation.

After hearing this, Sister Mei pondered for a moment and said: "With my current strength plus you and the Five Elements Beasts, I should be able to deal with a monk who is suppressed by a third-level Earth Immortal at the peak of the Tribulation Stage, but the difficulty lies in the poisonous formation outside. , that is the trouble, now we can only wait for the opportunity..."

Yang Yiyun smiled bitterly and said, "That's all we can do."

He knew what sister Mei said about how slim the chances were.

It would be impossible for Yuan Chenhuan to remove the formation, or he would have to wait for someone outside to destroy Yuan Chenhuan's poison formation, or he could forcefully rush out, but forcing out would definitely be the next best thing.

Unless it was absolutely necessary, Yang Yiyun would not forcefully rush out. He would only rush into Yuan Chenhuan's poisonous formation. The formation was pretty good, but the main reason was the poison of Lao Immortal's poisonous formation, which had no effect on him. grasp.

"Forget it, the worst we can do is practice in the Qiankun Pot. When I break through to the Tribulation Stage, I can rush out." Yang Yiyun said this, but he knew how difficult it would be to break through to the Tribulation Stage. .

Ordinary monks may not be able to break through the tribulation stage in their lifetime. Even those with excellent talents will find it difficult to break through to the tribulation stage without a hundred and eighty years.

If you want to go from the realm of integration to transcending tribulation, what you need in the middle is not only enough spiritual energy support, but also the way to understand the world. While your cultivation keeps up, your realm must also be improved.

Relatively speaking, the key point is the breakthrough in realm perception. A necessary realm breakthrough can only be achieved through subsequent cultivation. Both are indispensable. Mutual assistance is the real breakthrough in cultivation.

But if Yang Yiyun wants to break through in the Qiankun Pot space, he knows that it is basically zero, because after all, the Qiankun Pot space is not the big world outside.

It is just a space. Although the Qiankun Pot is the supreme treasure, Yang Yiyun knows that the upgrade of the Qiankun Pot space is only the tip of the iceberg. Without the comprehensive laws of heaven in the world, it is impossible to understand and improve the realm.

This is just to give everyone a comfort.

Sister Mei glanced at Yang Yiyun and said, "If you are too worried, Sister Mei can help you share some things now. At worst, we can go out and fight him. It's no big deal."

"Zhizhi..." Diao'er squeaked, meaning that she was still there.

"Master, I still have this king." After the Five Elements Beast recovered from his injuries, he stayed in the space of the Qiankun Pot, but he was bored to death, and he couldn't wait to get out now.

"I'm not afraid either." Daxianshi followed.

"Brother Yang and I..."

At this moment, Lu Yanzhi's voice sounded.

Yang Yiyun turned around and saw Lu Yanzhi pushing open the door and walking out. Her expression completely returned to normal.

And at this moment, Lu Yanzhi looked like a completely different person, giving Yang Yiyun a very dangerous and charming feeling.

At this moment, Lu Yanzhi looked reserved and acted like an ordinary person, but Yang Yiyun saw in her eyes a star-like light, shining brightly and possessing unparalleled charm.

There was also a blush and shyness of a new wife, which made Yang's eyes brighter.

Although he knew that Lu Yanzhi had to use the method of picking yang and replenishing yin to detoxify him, which meant that he, Yang, was pushed down by this silly girl, Yang Yiyun was moved and respected Lu Yanzhi in his heart. .

A girl who can take life and death lightly and sacrifice her life to save others without hesitation. Faced with the situation of being poisoned, she still dares to do it without any hesitation and is ready to die. Her courage alone makes Yang Yiyun... The girl admires her.

Seeing Lu Yanzhi approaching at this moment, Yang Yiyun knew that she was fine, and just as the spirit of the black lotus said, she was a blessing in disguise, and the poisonous body became stronger.

"Is it done?" Yang Yiyun looked at Lu Yanzhi, whose face was slightly shy and rosy, and asked.

Lu Yanzhi's beautiful eyes twinkled as she looked at Yang Yiyun and nodded with a smile: "Yes, it's done."

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