My Master Is a God

Chapter 1266 Lao Niu meets his master

Lu Yanzhi ended her master relationship with Yuan Chenhuan in her own way, and Yuan Chenhuan finally got his wish and died of the poison of disaster.

The old man has been plotting against Lu Yanzhi since he was little, just for the poison of misfortune in Lu Yanzhi's body. Being able to die from the poison of misfortune can be regarded as a cycle of cause and effect, with cause and effect.

Yuan Chenhuan's disappearance, just as Yang Yiyun said, is a new beginning for Lu Yanzhi.

The two immortals Feng Yinyang and Yuan Chenhuan, who had plotted and conspired with Yang Yiyun before and after, finally disappeared, and Yang Yiyun's enemies in the wilderness were gone.

Then he can calmly practice in Taihuang.

Although he was hunted down by the two old immortals Yuan Chenhuan and Feng Yinyang, and was in danger many times, and experienced the edge of life and death, it must be said that Yang Yiyun has gained and grown a lot. After winning three levels in a row, he reached the Great Perfection of the Fusion Realm. He understood the second move of "The Twelve Supremes" and the Black Lotus Sword Technique, and gained a lot.

Although Yuan Chenhuan was not killed by himself this time, but was poisoned to death by Lu Yanzhi with the poison of disaster, everyone's goal was finally achieved.

If Yuan Chenhuan does not die, Lu Yanzhi cannot be reborn.

For Yang Yiyun, Yuan Chen's illusory death means that the enemy will be destroyed and there will be no worries.

Although Yuan Chenhuan is an elder of the Sun and Moon Chamber of Commerce, no one will know if he died here. Anyway, a disaster is gone, which is a good thing.

After comforting Lu Yanzhi, Yang Yiyun walked towards the dragon-bred green bull.

This time Yuan Chen Huan was killed, it can be said to be the credit of this king-level green bull. Without the dragon-type green bull, Yuan Chen Huan was forced to burn his natal essence to trigger the Taihuang Thunder, and finally released his natal poisonous insects to steal the sky and change the sun. As a result, his vitality was severely damaged, and it would take a lot of effort for Lu Yanzhi to poison Yuan Chenhuan.

The most important thing is that if the dragon-seed Qingniu hadn't appeared, Yang Yiyun, Lu Yanzhi, Sister Mei and the others would still have come out to fight Yuan Chenhuan forcibly. Yang Yiyun couldn't help but think about the consequences of this. tremble.

It is completely conceivable that if any one of them is burned by Yuan Chenhuan and his natal essence is instantly restored to the strength of the third-level earth immortal, he will end up being killed instantly, and the entire army may be destroyed.

So now I imagine that Yang Yiyun feels scared.

The scene where Yuan Chenhuan instantly broke through the suppression and raised his cultivation level to a third-level Earth Immortal, and dealt with the dragon-type green bull like lightning, and the breath that was so powerful that it was suffocating, still makes Yang Yiyun shudder when he thinks about it.

There is no doubt that the green bull of the dragon species is an extremely powerful being. It can be said that it is invincible in the regional realm below the tribulation stage. However, Yuan Chenhuan still defeated him with one move after he broke through the cultivation level.

Yang Yiyun knew that now he could only look up to the strength of the third-level Earth Immortal.

Now that I think about it, I really want to be grateful to the dragon-bred green bull. Without the dragon-bred green bull to force Yuan Chenhuan, Yuan Chenhuan could burn his essence to break through the suppression and reach the third-level earth immortal realm, which caused thunder and consumed him to death. It can be said that everything the Dragon Blue Ox endures will be his or theirs.

Although the dragon green bull helped them unintentionally, Yang Yiyun was still grateful to this king-level monster.

It's a pity that at this moment, the dragon type Qingniu seems to have been killed by Yuan Chenhuan.

He had seen clearly before that Yuan Chenhuan's shocking palm struck directly on the head of the dragon-bred green bull, causing the dragon-bred green bull to lie on the ground and never moved again.

Yang Yiyun thought about this king-level green bull, the dragon species, as a favor to them. Even if he was beaten to death by Yuan Chenhuan, he should bury the green bull as a way of repaying his kindness.

Many things in the world, whether they are mortals or cultivators, actually have the cycle of heaven. To put it bluntly, Qingniu undoubtedly helped them. This is kindness. He erected a monument to bury Qingniu as a repayment of his kindness.

Although Yang Yiyun is greedy for money and is full of treasures when faced with monsters of the level of Dragon Seed Green Bull, he will not make any decisions at this time.

Yang Yiyun walked to the side of the dragon type Qingniu, looked at the Qingniu and said to himself: "Brother Niu, you helped me unintentionally. I will repay you once and build a monument for you to bury you so that no one will disturb you..."

"Yunzi, this green bull seems not to be dead yet..." At this time, Sister Mei stepped forward to speak.

"Not dead?" Yang Yiyun was stunned and quickly released his spiritual sense to check.

"Yes, I can feel that Qing Niu's spiritual aura still exists. Although it is very weak, it has not dissipated. Maybe there is still hope." Sister Mei is now a real dragon transformed from an arowana. She is more sensitive than Yang Yiyun in some aspects, and Qing Niu She is of the dragon species and has true dragon blood in her body. Sister Mei has the body of a true dragon and she can sense the aura of the green bull very strongly.

Yang Yiyun went to insist and found that the dragon-like green bull was not dead yet. Although the head of the dragon-like green bull was severely hit by Yuan Chenhuan, his bones were shattered and the demon soul was even dim. Although it was possible to dissipate, the soul was far away. There was only half a breath left.

But as long as he is not dead, Yang Yiyun will treat him. Firstly, it is a reward for this life-saving cow. Secondly, in Yang's heart, this is a wild and alien species, a king-level existence, comparable to the Mahayana. Monsters, in some aspects, are far more powerful than the Mahayana-level monsters in the outside world.

Yang Yiyun suddenly thought of a question that made him excited...

water of life! ! !

Since the evolution and upgrade of the Water of Life, although it has changed from nine drops to three drops, the current three drops of Water of Life are far more powerful than before.

The point is that after the current water of life is taken by the monster... it can make the monster obey his orders directly. This is the key point that surprises Yang Yiyun.

This is how the Five Elements Beasts were conquered in the first place.

After being persuaded by a drop of life, no matter how powerful the monster you are, Yang Yiyun will control your life and death.

However, there is a drawback. You have to make the monster drink the water of life. Naturally, it is impossible for a powerful monster to force the monster to drink the water of life. This can only be done when the monster is weak.

The green bull with the dragon species in front of him was a big opportunity now. As long as the green bull with the dragon species was not dead yet and still had a breath of life, he would have a way to save it.

Carrying the "Divine and Demonic Medical Codex" is not a vegetarian.

At this time, letting Qing Niu take a drop of the water of life will not only kill him, but as long as Qing Niu is rescued, he will have a wild alien species, a dragon type green bull, and a king-level existence, which is comparable to the Mahayana period. Qing Niu as his younger brother, I feel very cool just thinking about it.

So Yang Yiyun became excited, and two drops of water of life appeared on his fingertips. One drop was taken directly into the mouth of the dragon-type green bull, and the other dropped on the wound on the green bull's head.

When the purple-gold water of life was taken by Qing Niu internally and externally, green, gold, and purple light suddenly burst out from Qing Niu's body, and it became brighter and brighter...

At this time, Yang Yiyun discovered that the water of life had a miraculous effect on monsters.

I saw that the wound on Qingniu's head that was collapsed by Yuan Chenhuan's palm had recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And Qingniu's weak demon soul aura is getting stronger bit by bit.

In less than ten breaths, the aura on Qingniu's body exploded, even surpassing the aura when it first appeared.

At this time, Yang Yiyun knew that it was Qing Niu's bloodline that had directly evolved to the first level.


The next moment, the green bull's body exploded with bright and dazzling luster, and a dragon roar also came from the green bull's mouth.

The sound was so loud that it almost pierced the eardrums in Yang Yiyun's ears, and it didn't look like he had been seriously injured at all.

Immediately afterwards, Qingniu trembled all over, and the cyan light on his body flickered, but a layer of cyan hair fell off, and then new hair grew out, and the color turned into a darker cyan.

This is a sign of bloodline evolution, which is the same as when the Five Elements Beasts were conquered.

This once again proves that the water of life has a miraculous effect on the bloodline evolution of monsters.


After a long roar, the luster of the dragon-bred green bull disappeared, and was replaced by a dragon-bred green bull that was full of energy and did not look injured at all. It stared at Yang Yiyun, with a pair of huge green bull eyes looking somewhat struggling.

Yang Yiyun, on the other hand, looked at the green niu with a faint smile, one for each, their big eyes staring at the small ones, their eyes facing each other.

At this time, Lu Yanzhi and Sister Mei around Yang Yiyun became worried.

No one expected that Yang Yiyun only used two drops of water of life to save the dragon-type green bull. It was intact as before, and it didn't look like he had been seriously injured at all.

In fact, even Yang Yiyun himself did not expect that the water of life would have unimaginable miraculous effects on monsters. He did not even use the divine and demon medical books and directly restored Qingniu and came back from half-death.

They were worried, what if such a powerful Qing Niu would fall out and start a fight?

Then the next moment a scene appeared that made their eyes widen.

I saw the powerful dragon green bull, with its two front legs bent down, but it knelt down in front of Yang Yiyun and uttered human words: "Old cow pays homage to the master."

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