My Master Is a God

Chapter 1274 Controlling the monsters and spirits in the world

While Yang Yiyun was roaring, he heard the sound of countless beasts roaring and birds chirping, like the neighing of thousands of troops and horses.

In the sight, a bird and beast with a head three inches in size suddenly appeared in the dark green light erupting from Cheng Weikang's staff.

At first glance, there seemed to be many, thousands? Or tens of thousands?

Yang Yiyun couldn't count clearly, and he didn't have time to count. Anyway, in the blink of an eye, these three-inch birds and beasts surrounded them.

Although these countless birds and beasts are only three inches in size, they all exude an extremely powerful aura, but this aura is more like some kind of energy, not attack power.

In the dazzling dark green, these birds and beasts are like fish and shrimp swimming in the dark green sea.

Yang Yiyun knew that these were not real birds and beasts, but demon souls, thousands of demon souls. The demon souls rushing out from Cheng Weikang's staff might be the power controlled by the staff.

What surprised Yang Yiyun was that he was full of energy and ready to defend himself at the first moment. Who knew that these thousands of birds and monsters directly ignored him, and even Lu Yanzhi ignored him when he turned around.

Instead, they all rushed towards Qingniu, Five Elements Beast, Diaoer and Daxianshi.

This made Yang Yiyun wonder, what is this Cheng Weikang going to do?

Is this an extremely powerful attack?

Something is wrong, something must be wrong.

Yang Yiyun felt uneasy.

Then he saw countless three-inch birds and beasts rushing directly into the bodies of Qing Niu and the four of them.

To be precise, they hit the four green bulls at once, and the next moment they directly penetrated into the bodies of the four green bulls. It seemed that the defenses of the four green bulls and the five elements beasts were ineffective in front of these small birds and beasts. .

This scene made Yang Yiyun feel more and more uncomfortable.

Suddenly, Yang Yiyun remembered that the unique skill of the Holy Land of All Spirits was to control beasts. The Holy Land of All Spirits claimed to control the spirits of all beasts in the world, which included the control of the spirits of heaven and earth such as Daxianshi.

Thinking of this, Yang Yiyun's face changed wildly. Could it be that the target of Cheng Weikang's secret magic attack was not him and Lu Yanzhi, but Lao Niu and the Five Elements Beasts?

Come to think of it, it's really possible.

Controlling all the demonic beasts and spirits in the world is a very terrifying thing. After controlling it, wouldn't it be possible to kill him and Lu Yanzhi in turn?

Just when he was thinking this, Qingniu suddenly roared: "Master, leave quickly, I can't control my body anymore, that grandson has controlled my body..."



At this moment, Yang Yiyun's heart skipped a beat, and he guessed it right.

Cheng Weikang's purpose was to use the power of the staff to control the green bull and the five element beasts to deal with him and Lu Yanzhi. It was so insidious and terrifying.

The four Qing Niu are all his own spiritual beasts. If they were to kill him instead, could he kill them?

the answer is negative.

Of course, even if you can kill, you have to kill well.

When Qing Niu became furious alone, it would be difficult for him and Lu Yanzhi to face each other.

We can't let Lu Yanzhi poison Qing Niu and Diao'er to death, right?

Yang Yiyun's heart trembled when he heard Qingniu's roar.


Even if you run away, you are surrounded, and you have no chance to escape.

Just as Queen Qing finished speaking, the Five Elements Beast and Diao'er roared one after another. Yang Yiyun saw that the eyes of Five Elements Beast and Diao'er had turned dark green at some point, and they had obviously been controlled by Cheng Weikang.

Then he rushed towards him.

Things took a turn for the worst in the blink of an eye.

It seems that the Five Elements Beast and Diao'er are weaker, but after all, Qingniu is a king-level monster with stronger resistance, and can also warn Yang Yiyun. As for Diao'er and the Five Elements Beast, they were directly controlled.

The moment he rushed over, Yang Yiyun was also driven into panic. An idea flashed in his mind and he had a countermeasure.

Facing Diao'er and the Five Elements Beast that jumped towards them, Yang Yiyun's spiritual consciousness shrouded them in his heart. The next moment, the Five Elements Beast and Diao'er disappeared out of thin air one meter in front of Yang Yiyun.

Danger after danger, almost a confrontation.

If they really faced each other, he would definitely suffer because he couldn't kill Diao'er and Five Elements Beast.

Fortunately, Yang Yiyun got wise in his haste and directly took the Five Elements Beast and Diao'er into the space of the Qiankun Pot. Now, he no longer had to worry about the Five Elements Beast and Diao'er being controlled by Cheng Weikang to deal with his master.

At this moment, Lu Yanzhi's voice sounded in his ears: "Be careful..."



Yang Yiyun didn't even react before he received a heavy blow in the back.

But it was a good thing to hit the fairy stone.

He had just been focusing on collecting the Five Elements Beasts and beating the Immortal Stone. He hadn't bothered to hit the Immortal Stone yet, but he was hit hard by the Immortal Stone, causing Yang to vomit blood on the spot.

The moment he fell, Yang Yiyun saw from the corner of his eye that the Immortal Stone was flying towards him again.

He was so depressed in his heart. He also knew that hitting people with immortal rocks was silent and without any false hits. As long as the attack was sure to hit the target, unless he could counterattack and hit back head-on, his realm would be waiting to be hit.

Faced with the Immortal Fighting Stone coming here again, Yang Yiyun endured the pain and released his spiritual consciousness. When the Immortal Fighting Stone fell half a foot in front of him, he took it into the space of the Qiankun Pot.

At this time, Lu Yanzhi took action and poisoned Cheng Weikang.

She was not slow to react, but things happened suddenly. Neither she nor Yang Yiyun expected it to be like this. No one expected that Cheng Weikang could control the Five Elements Beasts and the others to counterattack Yang Yiyun.

Seeing that Yang Yiyun was hit by the immortal stone and her reminder was delayed by half a beat, Lu Yanzhi felt guilty, but she also knew that the culprit Cheng Weikang should be dealt with first at this time, otherwise Qingniu would take action, which would be really troublesome. Fortunately, Qing Niu was strong and resisted for a while before being completely controlled by Cheng Weikang.

Lu Yanzhi waved his hands at Cheng Weikang, and colorful rays of light flew out, turning into lotus flowers, which scattered all over the sky like snowflakes in an instant.

Cheng Weikang's staff burst out with endless dark green light, and at this moment, the colorful light in Lu Yanzhi's hand was even better. It was extremely bright, but it covered up the dark green light and covered it with lightning speed.

All three-inch birds and beasts illuminated by Lu Yanzhi's colorful light or shrouded by Lu Yanzhi's poison of misfortune, all turned into dark green smoke in their mournful cries.

It was Cheng Weikang's turn to change his face. He did not expect that the poisonous nun next to Yang Yiyun was so domineering in her poisonous skills.

You must know that the Ten Thousand Spirits Staff in his hand is the supreme holy weapon of the All Spirits Holy Land. To activate this forbidden secret technique, Cheng Weikang paid a huge price in order to summon the power of all spirits in the Ten Thousand Spirits Staff. Come and control several spiritual beasts around Yang Yiyun.

It went smoothly at first. Of course, except for the king-level blue bull, other five-element beasts, golden mink and cyan stones were all controlled.

Only the king-level Qingniu is too powerful to support the confrontation, but it is also a matter of time before he can control Qingniu.

Who knew that Yang Yiyun's method was beyond Cheng Weikang's imagination, and at the last moment, the Five Elements Beast and the Golden Sable disappeared out of thin air.

This made Cheng Weikang know that Yang Yiyun should have a magical treasure in his body.

Fortunately, he controlled the bluestone and hit Yang Yiyun hard in the back, but before he could feel happy, he saw the woman next to Yang Yiyun cast a sky full of colorful lights, and lotus flowers spread out like snowflakes, completely covering him. The power of the All Souls Staff.

The reason why the Ten Thousand Spirits Staff is called the Ten Thousand Spirits Staff is precisely because this holy treasure of the Holy Land of All Spirits has absorbed the power of the souls of tens of thousands of birds and monsters. He used forbidden secret techniques to activate the souls of these monsters. After coming out, it can influence and control the spirits of monsters, beasts and birds in the world.

Facts have proved that Cheng Weikang did the right thing. Unfortunately, he did not expect that Yang Yiyun would have a magical weapon from the heaven, let alone the poisonous nuns around Yang Yiyun. The poison could actually restrain the power of his All Spirits Staff.

In an instant, Cheng Weikang saw the light of the Seven Grasses shrouding him.

At this moment, Cheng Weikang was shocked and suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood at the Wanling Staff. He was unwilling to give up like this. He would kill Yang Yiyun or the woman in front of him no matter what, otherwise he would have to pay a huge price. Wouldn't it be in vain to pay a huge price for possibly losing a big realm?

How can you be willing to do so?

A mouthful of blood was sprayed on the All Souls Staff, and the All Souls Staff once again glowed dark green, and the nine bells on it jingled.

Yang Yiyun knew that the jingling of Cheng Weikang's staff could affect the mind, so he quickly activated the Sun Life Star. The runes of the East Emperor Bell flashed out and made a roar again, resisting the power of the jingling of Cheng Weikang's staff.

But when Yang Yiyun saw Lu Yanzhi, he was shocked, and the colorful light instantly weakened.

But for Yang Yiyun, the time Lu Yanzhi bought him was enough.

He roared loudly: "Dao Seal..."

The second move of the "Twelve Supremes" magical power, the Great Seal of Immortality, was unleashed. He shook hands and made a fist while flashing and punched Cheng Weikang in the chest.




With one punch, Cheng Weikang's chest collapsed, his bones shattered, he screamed and flew backwards, vomiting blood in mid-air.

But it directly hit the wall of the main hall, and was punched out of the main hall by Yang Yiyun in the roar. A large human-shaped hole appeared on the wall of the main hall.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun was kicked out of the hall, but the Wanling Staff still existed. Yang Yiyun waved his hand and directly tightened the staff into the space of the Qiankun Pot to avoid further trouble.

The dark green light in the hall disappeared, and the green bull stopped rolling on the ground while resisting the power of the staff.

Lu Yanzhi's eyes regained clarity, but Yang Yiyun did not stop. He took one step forward and chased him out of the big hole in the hall made by Cheng Weikang.

At this moment, he only had one idea in his mind: to eradicate the root cause.

Anyway, Cheng Weikang has been severely injured by him. If he doesn't kill him now, it will be much later.

Moreover, Cheng Weikang left a deep impression on Yang Yiyun. This guy is too difficult to deal with. If he is not killed, it will be a disaster.

When he rushed out of the big hole, there was no trace of Cheng Weikang in the White Jade Square outside. There was only a large pool of blood on the ground.

He looked around with his Qiankun Eye, but did not see Cheng Weikang.

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