My Master Is a God

Chapter 1284 Gravity Gate

The elixir refined by Yang Yiyun was specially instructed by the old man to refine the meridian elixir in order to increase the flexibility of the meridians in the body to absorb the energy of heaven and earth before overcoming the great tribulation.

The elixir was enough, and after killing several enemies, Yang Yiyun made a small fortune.

The elixir is not very complicated. It was refined in three days. There are nine meridian elixirs in one batch.

There was no news from Qing Niu about Lu Yanzhi, and there was no abnormality in the Heavenly Demon Palace. Yang Yiyun simply took one and gave it to Lu Yanzhi. Both of them were in the tribulation period, so taking it was effective.

After taking a meridian pill, the meridians in the body crackled, making Yang Yiyun couldn't help but yell. After taking it, he realized that this was equivalent to a forging of the meridians throughout the body.

Although it was painful, the effect was remarkable. The meridians that had been forged by the power of the elixir became more pliable, tougher and wider than before.

It took Yang Yiyun half a month to complete the forging of the meridians throughout his body.

When he opened his eyes, he saw Lu Yanzhi also waking up, and the two looked at each other and smiled.

Lu Yanzhi said: "Brother Yang, the elixir you refined is comparable to elixir. The meridians are forged to be stronger and stronger to withstand the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. This is something I couldn't imagine before. Thank you, Brother Yang."

Lu Yanzhi couldn't hide her joy as she spoke.

And Yang Yiyun was very happy to see a smile on Lu Yanzhi's face. He knew that since the old immortal Yuan Chenhuan was poisoned by Lu Yanzhi, the knot in her heart had slowly been lifted.

His smile now is a good thing for him, and it will be of great benefit to her future cultivation. Understanding her mind is more important than anything else.

Moreover, Yang Yiyun was grateful for the erroneous coincidence between Lu Yanzhi and himself in becoming a Taoist couple. If Lu Yanzhi had not sacrificed his life to save him, he would have been poisoned to death by Yuan Chenhuan's glass poison.

For a woman who would sacrifice her life for him, Yang Yiyun would protect her heart-for-heart.

On the other hand, Lu Yanzhi's disaster poison body was of great help to him. Together with the cooperation of the Five Elements Beasts, the two of them were simply the best partners in Taihuang.

Everyone's cultivation level has improved, so no one will be left behind. The mutual cooperation between the two parties also requires strength.

Therefore, Yang Yiyun was willing to spend money on Lu Yanzhi. With his elixir, Lu Yanzhi's training resources were indispensable, including the Five Elements Beasts and Diao'er around him.

If it weren't for the fact that only humans can take the Meridian Pill, he would have taken one each from the Five Elements Beast and the Diaoer Qingniu.

It's a pity that the cultivation of demon clan and human clan is different.

Seeing Lu Yanzhi blush slightly, Yang Yiyun smiled and said, "This is just the beginning. We have to practice hard in Taihuang and lay a solid foundation to deal with the great catastrophe when we get out."

"Well, I will definitely work hard..." Lu Yanzhi's face was full of happiness. After having sex with Yang Yiyun, she found that she was filled with a very strange feeling in her heart. She couldn't tell, but it was strange for Yang Yiyun. But I like it very much.

While the two were talking, the green cow turned into a blue light and arrived.

"Master, the Heavenly Demon Palace is about to open. Please come and seize the opportunity. I have already sensed people coming from the east and west. They should be people from several major holy places.

Although I have never entered the Heavenly Demon Palace, I know that every time the Heavenly Demon Palace is opened, a spiritual treasure will be born, and whoever enters first will have the upper hand. "Qingniu said seriously.

Yang Yiyun nodded and said, "Okay, lead the way, let's go."

Although Yang Yiyun doesn't know what treasures there are in the Sky Demon Palace, but according to Qing Niu, those who can enter the Heaven Demon Palace are people from the Nine Holy Lands and some disciples of major sects. As long as they can attract these people to come every time, the Heaven Demon There must be good things in the palace, that's for sure.

As for Yang Yiyun now, he needs a huge amount of heavenly materials and earthly treasures to fill his Liangyi Zifu and two destiny stars.

I don’t know when it will be filled, because there is not much true energy in Liangyi Zifu and the two fate stars.

According to the old man, he must first fill up the Purple Mansion and the Fate Star before he can confidently survive the great tribulation. This is the key point. After surviving the great tribulation, there is the step of transforming the true energy into the true essence. Both steps require a large amount of spiritual energy. .

Therefore, Yang Yiyun will not let go of any opportunity to improve himself.

There was also the boast he had made to the old man that he would spend a thousand years to create a transcendent holy land. In fact, he had a strong desire in his heart. He did not want to tell the other three brothers and sisters.

And places like the Sky Demon Palace are opportunities.

Of course, danger often coexists with opportunity, and he was mentally prepared.

The journey of thirty miles was fast for them.

After approaching the Heavenly Demon's Palace, I could vaguely see the light rising from the Heavenly Demon's Palace shrouded in heavy fog.

Sure enough, it turned on...

When they were about to arrive, Yang Yiyun said to Qing Niu: "Old Niu, don't rely on me, I will take you into the cave."

How could Qing Niu resist now? After being beaten by Yang Yiyun, he became much less unruly. He also knew that there was a magic weapon in Yang Yiyun's body, but he had never entered it.

Now after hearing Yang Yiyun's words, he stood obediently.

The next moment, Yang Yiyun took the Qingniu into the space of the Qiankun Pot.

The Sky Demon Palace restricts the entry of Mahayana-level creatures, but Yang Yiyun has the existence of the cave magic weapon, and he can cheat and take the green bull in. If there is any danger in the Sky Demon Palace, at the critical moment, he can let the green bull out to rescue him.

An extra backup means a life.

Yang Yiyun did not dare to underestimate the people in the Holy Land now. Cheng Weikang, who was in the late stage of transcending the tribulation, had already learned profound methods.

Who knows what other freaks exist in the Nine Holy Lands?

Yang Yiyun thinks that he is a genius in cultivation, but the world of cultivation is unimaginably large, and there are many more geniuses than his own genius.

So Mr. Yang is now learning to be cautious to avoid suffering losses.

When fighting against people from those holy places, one accident would often cost one's life.

Of course, there is no guarantee that he will be at odds with the people in other holy places. Letting Qingniu hide in the Qiankun Pot space is just to give himself an extra layer of insurance.

After collecting the green ox into the space of the Qiankun Pot, Yang Yiyun said to Diaoer who was squatting on the head of the Five Elements Beast: "The fragrance comes to my shoulder."

"Zhizhi..." Diao'er obeyed and jumped onto Yang Yiyun's shoulder.

In fact, Yang Yiyun was afraid that Diao'er would get into trouble after entering the Heavenly Demon's Palace. Both he and Lu Yanzhi had a dark eye on the Heavenly Demon's Palace. No one knew what the situation was like, so it was safer to restrain Diao'er by his side.

"Let's go..."

Followed by the Five Elements Beast and Immortal Fighting Stone, Yang Yiyun joined hands with Lu Yanzhi and walked quickly towards the Heavenly Demon Palace.

At this time, they were less than twenty meters away from the Heavenly Demon Palace. The entire huge white jade palace in their sight was emitting a halo, especially the dazzling white light appeared on the main hall door.

From the outside, the Heavenly Demon Palace looks like a huge portal about a hundred feet high, but Qingniu said that it should be its own realm inside.

To enter, you have to rush in through the radiant door.

The distance of twenty meters was reached in the blink of an eye, and just when Yang Yiyun and his party were about to rush into the door, several streams of light suddenly came quickly from the distance.

There was also a flash of light coming from the other side.

It happens to be the two directions of east and west, which should be the two groups of people Qingniu talked about.

I didn't expect it to come so quickly.

Yang Yiyun's expression changed and he said loudly: "Come on, we have to take the lead."

After he finished speaking, his feet moved, and with a whoosh, he pulled Lu Yanzhi hand in hand and rushed into the dazzling white light portal, disappearing.

The Five Elements Beast and Immortal Fighting Stone followed closely...

But when Yang Yiyun and Lu Yanzhi plunged into the white light portal, their expressions suddenly changed, and they only felt a mountain-like gravity pressing on them.

Yang Yiyun almost fell to his knees by accident.

Lu Yanzhi couldn't help but let out a cold snort, knelt down on one knee, and cracked the white jade floor under his knees with a bang.

Neither of them expected that there would be such a huge gravity as soon as they stepped into the range shrouded in white light.

There was a crackling sound from Yang Yiyun's body, and the body of Qiankun Tempered Body Jue Life and Death Realm was manifested. Suddenly, the huge gravity was reduced by a part, and he slowly regained control of his body, but the reduced gravity was limited after all.

With a red face, he asked Lu Yanzhi: "How are you, Yanzhi?"

At this moment, Lu Yanzhi's whole body burst out with colorful light. He shook his head with difficulty, indicating that he was fine, and stood up with Yang Yiyun's help.

Then he gasped and said, "I can."

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