My Master Is a God

Chapter 1300 The Supreme Transformation that deceived the old man

Yang Yiyun, who came up from below, first confirmed that it must be a human being, or rather a human head.

People in black robes wrapped themselves tightly. The lower body was made of mana, like a python, and the upper body was a human head.

There are huge energy fluctuations in the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, so Yang Yiyun is definitely some kind of magical power, not a monster.

There was a giant python, and the leader looked like a woman.

They used magic power to transform their bodies into the mentality of pythons, so they could swim up and down Tianying Mountain.

Although this approach consumes the body's strength, it has to be said that climbing like this is very easy, and the time is also strange.

So smart!

Yang Yiyun looked at the ten people who swam beside them in the blink of an eye, and sighed in his heart. He knew that he still knew little.

He could also use mana to form a body in the form of a monster, but he didn't expect it.

Feeling that these people were not malicious, Yang Yiyun did not avoid them, but watched them arrive.

When the leading woman was almost ten meters away, she looked at Yang Yiyun and said, "I have met Taoist friend Mingyouran in the ghost city."

Yang Yiyun looked at the woman who was completely wrapped in a black robe, leaving only a pair of eyes. She greeted herself with her hands clasped in fists. Although her voice sounded colder, she was very polite and kind, which made Yang Yiyun a little confused. , this was the first time someone from the Holy Land greeted him.

He already knew from Lu Yanzhi that the Ghost City was one of the Nine Holy Lands.

No one from the Holy Land I had ever come into contact with was as polite as Ming Youran, who claimed to be Ming Youran, and I felt a little uncomfortable for a while.

"Brother Yang is saying hello, you have to return the greeting." Seeing that Yang Yiyun was confused, Lu Yanzhi quickly reminded him.

Yang Yiyun just woke up from a dream and nodded to Ming Youran: "I, Yang Yiyun, have met fellow Taoist Youran."

It is a common etiquette among cultivators to call each other Taoist friends, or to greet each other when they meet.

Yang Yiyun knew that they were just being polite, but even so, it made him feel better about the people in the Holy Land of Ghost City.

"Youran, why don't you go ahead? Fellow Daoist Yang will pass by." Ming Youran signaled, and swam up with the others, quickly surpassing Yang Yiyun and several others.

Seeing Ming Youran's group of transformed pythons swimming rapidly up the almost vertical mountain, Yang Yiyun's heart moved and said: "Runzhi, let's also try this kind of mana transformation technique. If I had known we would do the same, that's it." You don’t have to climb so hard.”

As the saying goes, there are all kinds of wonders in the world. Only by applying what you see, hear and learn is the way.

Yang Yiyun was very interested in Ming Youran's method of using mana to transform into a monster body to climb Tianying Mountain.

Seeing Ming Youran and his party's use of magic power, Yang Yiyun's mind was as excited as if he had discovered a new continent.

As he spoke, Yang Yiyun mobilized the true energy in his body and continued to gather it towards his legs...

Soon, the true energy on Yang Yiyun's legs continued to condense, forming a snake's tail.

However, compared to the more than ten meters long body of Ming Youran and others, what he condensed was only a little over one meter, and the thickness of his calf was simply not enough to support him in swimming in the nearly vertical Tianying Mountain.


Lu Yanzhi couldn't help but laugh when he saw Yang Yiyun's condensed tail.

"Hehe, Brother Yang, Ming Youran's huge python body is formed by condensing magic power, but it is also made by practicing secret methods. In fact, you can successfully condense it just by looking at it. There are still a few hundred meters away. Let's go directly Just climb up and don’t waste mana.”


Just when Lu Yanzhi finished speaking, Yang Yiyun's tiny tail that had just been condensed and formed dissipated with a snap.

These five-element beasts couldn't help laughing.

Yang Yiyun immediately smiled awkwardly and said, "Well, you guys go up first and I'll try it again. It's just fun, cough cough."

Lu Yanzhi smiled and shook his head and walked upwards with the Five Elements Beast. He ignored Yang Yiyun and felt that the master was not reliable when he hit the Immortal Stone, so he jumped directly on the Five Elements Beast and left.

Yang Yiyun once again began to condense Ming Youran's python body.

But after trying several times, I could only condense the thickness of a three-meter-long calf, but it couldn't be condensed, and it could only last for less than ten breaths before it would naturally dissipate.

Only then did he realize that he had taken it for granted, and said to himself: "It seems that every magical technique is not simple, and requires thousands of years of practice. If I had known, I should have asked Ming Youran how her python body was. It’s condensed.”

"You brat, do you really think it's as simple as condensing the body of mana?"

At this moment, the old man's voice sounded lazily in his mind.


Yang Yiyun naturally knew at this moment that it was not simple, but when the old man jumped out and spoke, he knew that the old man must have a way to kill him, or he knew some secrets.

He quickly asked: "Old man, do you know how to condense?"

Yuntian Xieqi said: "What are you talking about? How can you, as the Supreme Master of Sanxian Immortals, not know about the condensed body of a small mana?"

Yun Tianxie cursed like a cat whose tail had been guessed.

Then he said: "Speaking of the condensed body of magic power, the condensed body of the Ghost City Holy Land is indeed interesting, but it is not the strongest magic body in the world of cultivation.

In the world of cultivation, when it comes to the body of condensed mana, Ghost City ranks second at most. The truly powerful body of condensed mana was created by a casual cultivator tens of thousands of years ago.

It can transform into various monsters and beasts at will. As long as the magic power is enough, it can condense the body of any monster with its thoughts. The Mahayana of cultivation can be difficult to distinguish between true and false.

Back then, that man was truly a leading genius of his generation, leaving countless legends in the world of cultivation. Unfortunately... he could not escape the disaster of climbing to the summit for the last time. If he could have survived the final disaster, It can be said that people of that generation who cannot be teachers can..."

After saying this, Yun Tianxie stopped and did not continue.

"Forget it, let's not talk about him."

"Old man, you do this every time. Who is the person you are talking about in the middle of the sentence? It sounds awesome." Yang Yiyun rolled his eyes.

Yuntian Xiedao pondered for a while: "In the world of cultivation, he has a name and name - the Transformation Supreme, who can transform into thousands of bodies. He is the most legendary figure. There are only a handful of people in the world who can see through his true form.

About 30,000 years ago, my master had an encounter with him and made a move with him. At that time, my master was already the Supreme Immortal of the Twelve Kalpas. He was the Sanxian of the Eleventh Kalpa. How could he transform into another person? A person defrauded something from his master. Haha, it is really a myth that a loose immortal of eleven kalpas can defraud something from his master, the supreme loose immortal of twelve kalpas.

Unfortunately, my teacher didn't realize that he was a body of transformation at that time. He was worthy of the title of the Supreme Transformation. Later, my teacher came to find him. Many people thought that I couldn't find him because the Supreme Transformation can transform into millions of people. , can be in any form, can be fake and real, and even the breath can be imitated.

Therefore, many people think that the Master cannot find the Supreme Transformation at all. No one has seen the true face of the Supreme Transformation, and it is difficult to find him.

But I finally found it, and what I found was the true form of the Transformation Supreme. After a fight, I didn't make things difficult for him, and we were both Sanxian and became close friends.

He deceived the thing from his master, and his master never asked for it back. However, the Supreme Transformation explained to his master the great ways of his countless incarnations. Of course, there was no corresponding secret method, only the method of incarnation and the method of internal cultivation. is the key, what is transformed internally is to imitate the aura, and what is transformed externally is just the appearance.

That is inheritance. Even if he gave it to his teacher, he would not take it. He only learned the method of external transformation from the Supreme Transformation. Now that I had known better, I should have obtained the method of internal cultivation from him, so as to give it to him. Leave a legacy.

It’s not like he didn’t survive the twelfth Immortal Dispersion Tribulation, his soul was scattered, and his inheritance was cut off. Now his master only has the superficial method of transformation and condensation in his hands.

Anyway, as a teacher, I will tell you today which old friend taught you the method of transformation and condensation. It can be regarded as leaving a thought for him in the world. If you can find the dojo of the Supreme Transformation in the future, maybe you can pass on his inheritance. Continue. "

After the old man finished speaking, Yang Yiyun's eyes began to glow green. Just imagine how many people in the world could deceive things from the old man?

The transformation technique of the Supreme Transformation seems to be a unique secret method in the world.

It's a pity that the old man said that he only knows a superficial method of external condensation, which is not much. He has no internal cultivation method and cannot imitate the breath, which is Jishu.

But for Yang Yiyun, he just wanted to condense the body of a python like Ming Youran, which should be enough.

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