My Master Is a God

Chapter 1376 Wealth and wealth seek to go to the City of Ten Thousand Demons

Yang Yiyun looked at Qingniu and said, "Tell me clearly, what is going on with your family's treasure house?"

Qing Niu was stunned for a moment and saw the glint in Yang Yiyun's eyes, and immediately knew that the master was interested in the treasure house, which was exactly what he wanted.

He immediately said: "Master, this is what happened. The treasure house of Ten Thousand Demons City was built by me, the elder of the Qingniu clan, and my father, who spent thousands of years. The complex formations and mechanisms complement each other and are built as a continuation of the development of our clan." Resources, without the key, the four demons in the southeast, northwest and northwest cannot open it, and the key is with me.

The four great demon masters also knew about the treasure house of Ten Thousand Demons City, but they could not open it, so they imprisoned some of the great demons of my tribe and my father, and tortured them every day just to find out how to open the treasure house. , but before my father died, he gave the key to me.

In order to lure me out, the four demon masters did not kill my clan members and my father's demon subordinates. They have been looking for me. Unfortunately, I did not show up for three thousand years after I escaped into the ancient city of Tianyao Palace.

As for the treasure house, they can't even hope to find it without me. They only know that there is a treasure cave in the City of Ten Thousand Demons. Even if they know the location of the treasure house, no one can open the treasure house and take away tens of thousands of years of accumulation from me without the key on my body.

I beg the master to think of a way to save my tribe and the big monsters under my father. I swear, if I can rescue my tribe and my father’s men, I will let them follow the master. "

After Qingniu said this, his tone was very excited, and there were tears in his big eyes. He seemed to care about his clansmen very much...

Then he begged again: "Please master, please think of a way to save them. I, Lao Niu, know that the human race has always been wise. Master, you are the genius of the human race. You must have a way to help Lao Niu save the people..."

At the end of the conversation, Qing Niu kept kowtowing to Yang Yiyun and tears welled up in his eyes.

Seeing Qingniu's tears rolling down after talking about his clansmen, Yang Yiyun softened his heart. Qingniu, who could think of his clansmen, was a loyal cow. Yang Yiyun admired this. Although Qingniu's request was not that big, it could even be said that he couldn't do it. arrived, but Yang Yiyun was still prepared to ask for details. It would also be good if he could give Qingniu some advice.

On the other hand, he was extremely tempted by the treasure house Qing Niu mentioned.

Also... Qing Niu's tribe and the great demons were very helpful to Yang Yiyun, such as establishing a force comparable to the Nine Holy Lands.

As long as it is a monster, he can subdue it if he has the water of life. If you go to subdue the big monster, if you gather them together, wouldn't it be a huge force?

Yang was a little confused. After listening to Qingniu, he had a vague plan, but he had to ask Qingniu for the specific situation.

"Old Niu, get up and talk. As your master, it's my duty to help you find a way. I won't stand idly by, but even if it's as you said, what if we enter the City of Ten Thousand Demons through the secret passage you know?

You are Qingniu, and the four great demon master-level demons are looking for you, waiting for you to fall into their trap. Wouldn't it be that you went to find your tribe and were caught by them?

There are also the four great king-level demon beasts in your mouth who command the entire demon clan in the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains. Even if you are now a great king-level demon, even if you add me, Diao'er and the others, do you think we can do better than others? ?

Not to mention anything else, you, a remnant who escaped from the City of Ten Thousand Demons, and I, a human race, could enter the City of Ten Thousand Demons through a secret passage and still not be found alive? "

Yang Yiyun frowned and said, Qingniu begged him, but he had no choice but to speak his mind. How could he, a human being, enter the City of Ten Thousand Demons?

Qingniu listened to Yang Yiyun and was willing to help, but the problem was that he was afraid of being recognized by the monsters in Ten Thousand Monsters City. However, Qingniu was shocked and said: "Master, if I have a way to solve the problem of our body skills, , will you go to the City of Ten Thousand Demons to help rescue my people...?"

Yang Yiyun narrowed his eyes, looked at Qing Niu and said: "If you can solve the problem of us not being discovered when we enter the City of Ten Thousand Demons, although I have no choice, I can think of a way. If we can get close to the place where your clan members are imprisoned, we will be able to At that time, I can think of ways to let them enter my magical treasure and rescue them.

There is also a treasure house that can be evacuated. Of course, the premise is that you can solve the problem of our identity and get close to the place where your tribe is imprisoned. "

Qingniu knew that Yang Yiyun, the master, had already agreed by saying this. Regarding the wisdom of the human race, Qingniu had long heard rumors that the human race was full of tricks and the demon race was no match for the human race in a battle of wits.

In Qingniu, I think Yang Yiyun, the master, was able to kill people from the Five Holy Lands in the Heavenly Demon Palace, and became the big winner in the end. It was definitely not luck, but there was certainly wisdom in it.

Therefore, Qing Niu thought that as long as his master was willing to follow him and take the risk to the City of Ten Thousand Demons, he would be able to figure out a way to save his tribe. Although Qing Niu knew that the tribe and the power of the treasure house would be closely guarded by the big demon.

However, with the master's skill and wisdom, he will definitely be able to get close to the tribesmen and rescue them. After all, he has also seen that the master has a treasure in the cave. These treasures can absorb other living beings, but the tribesmen can be rescued. This is also the Qingniu rescue. Yang Yiyun’s reasons.

"Master, in fact, many monsters in Ten Thousand Monsters City can transform into humans. During my father's reign, everything in Ten Thousand Monsters City imitated the human race. All monsters that can transform in Ten Thousand Monsters City are required to transform into human beings." walk.

Generally speaking, as long as the demon clan reaches the Fusion Realm level, they can transform into humans. However, many demon clans are not used to and do not like to transform. They usually maintain the demon clan's original state and will only transform after entering the Ten Thousand Demon City. Form people.

It's just that the transformation is not complete enough, and there will always be some monster characteristics left on the body. Of course, the monsters that can transform are all spiritual monsters, and the vicious monsters such as the black scales driven by Yuan Chenhuan before Pythons cannot transform into humans at the level of the Fusion Realm. If a ferocious monster wants to transform into a human being, it must reach the level of the King before it can transform into a human being.

So I can change my form to solve problems. Anyway, more than 3,000 years ago, I had not yet reached the point where I could change my form. It was my true form that escaped. At that time, the four demon masters only saw my true form and never saw me. My problem can be easily solved by transforming into another form.

As for the master, you and the mistress are human beings, so there is no problem in entering the City of Ten Thousand Demons. However, the Five Elements Beasts and others entered the City of Ten Thousand Demons as their own bodies, which is not a big problem. Anyway, after the death of my father, the City of Ten Thousand Demons was gone. The rule that imposes the requirement to transform into a human form can be transformed into a human form or the original body..."

Qing Niu wanted to continue talking, but was interrupted by Yang Yiyun: "Even so, Yanzhi and I are human beings, so what if we are human auras? This cannot be faked, and you, although you You can take the form of a human, but your body is the aura of the green bull, the dragon species. The four demon masters should be very familiar with it. How to solve the aura problem?"

"This is exactly what I want to say. Master, don't worry, I have a way. The treasure of my Qinglong Qingniu clan is called the Phantom Demon Stone. After taking it, I can change my breath at will. I can change my breath into the breath of other monster clan. After taking it, the master and mistress can simulate the evil spirit. As long as no one checks the soul, they will not notice it.

Although the Demonic Demon Stone is a breeding-gemstone, it has a miraculous effect on changing the aura. The master can try it now..."

As Qingniu spoke, he spit out two colorful diamond-shaped stones, exuding powerful demonic energy.

After Yang Yiyun got the result, he checked it and then swallowed it in one gulp.

The next moment, the phantom demon stone melted in his body, and as expected, his whole body was exuding demonic energy. After the infuriating energy was activated, the infuriating energy gradually became filled with demonic aura.

Yang Yiyun smiled this time, knowing that his plan could be carried out.

It's not bad to sneak into the City of Ten Thousand Monsters and become a monster. There are ten thousand monsters in the Ten Thousand Monsters Mountain Range. If he can conquer the four king-level monsters in the southeast, northwest, and northwest, then...hehe!

Of course, although Mr. Yang knows that this is difficult, what can he do that is not difficult?

Besides, he also wants to help Qing Niu save Qing Niu's tribe. Even if he cannot conquer the four king-level monsters in the southeast, northwest and northwest of the Ten Thousand Demons Mountain Range, being able to rescue Qing Niu's tribe is still part of his strength, right?

He provoked the people from the Five Holy Lands, and the Five Holy Lands would definitely not let him go. He couldn't fight against the behemoths like the Five Holy Lands without his little brother, and he had the water of life that could conquer all demon clans, and he could conquer the powerful demon clans with it. This is the simplest and most effective way to fight against the people of the Five Holy Lands.

He also wants a treasure house of the Qing Niu family to feed Niu Duzi!

"Okay, now that we've done this, we can find wealth in danger, and we'll go to the City of Ten Thousand Demons." Yang said with a big wave of his hand.

Qing Niu was overjoyed: "Thank you so much, master. Lao Niu will definitely do his best for you in the future."

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