My Master Is a God

Chapter 1386 Essence and blood are used as a net to refine the blue Buddha

At the moment when the blue Buddha disappeared, Yang Yiyun stood with his eyes closed, but he spread his spiritual consciousness...

He exists in the Black Lotus Dimension. Others cannot use spiritual consciousness in Taihuang, but he can.

Passing through the Black Lotus Space is equivalent to the blessed spiritual consciousness. Although it can only radiate within a radius of a hundred meters, it is enough.

Although the trajectory of the Blue Buddha's movement is strange, like a ghost, it is difficult to see, let alone easy to capture, but in the case where Taihuang can use his spiritual consciousness, no matter how strange the Blue Buddha is, under the observation of his spiritual consciousness and the two Even when the great destiny star and the destiny star statue appear, you can also see her unique movement trajectory.

What if it turns into blood mist?

He also has the old man secretly helping him. As the old man told him just now, he will take action to find the blood crystal hidden in the blood mist of the Blue Buddha later. At that time, Yang Yiyun will follow the old man's instructions and capture the Blue Buddha in one fell swoop.

The key function is the blood crystal. As long as you find the blood crystal, you have found the life gate of the Blue Buddha.

Her soul is hidden in the blood crystal. Once she controls the blood crystal, there is no way to escape.

As for the other ghost killers, Lu Yanzhi and Qing Niu have also been given instructions, so there is no big problem.

Not all ghost killers are as powerful as Blue Buddha.

In fact, Yang Yiyun had discovered the strangeness of Blue Buddha's identity and the uniqueness of his soul before playing against Blue Buddha. If the old man hadn't come forward to give guidance, he really wouldn't have been able to deal with it.

The ghost killer organization is notorious in the world of cultivation, but it also scares many monks.

There must be something special about it.

In his spiritual consciousness, Yang Yiyun discovered a wave of bright red energy approaching him quickly, just like the wind, fast, floating and elusive.

Even if he turned on his spiritual sense to observe his surroundings, he could only perceive energy fluctuations like a breeze.

What appeared in his mind was an undetectable blood mist that was so thin that it was almost transparent...

But Yang Yiyun knew that this wind was the Blue Buddha.

At this moment, his heart moved. As he clenched his hands tightly, his nails scratched his hands, and blood suddenly burst out.

At the same time, a voice in the back of my head sounded: "Take action, one meter to the left."

Without hesitation, Yang Yiyun stretched out his hands and swung them to the left, and drops of blood scattered between his palms like a rainstorm.

Yang Yiyun contains the power of the soul in every drop of blood, and controls the blood beads to consciously spread into a network.

In an instant, it turned into a net of essence and blood nine feet long and wide.

In just a moment, Yang Yiyun could clearly feel that a purer and more powerful spiritual power was integrated into the blood beads he sprayed.

He knew that it was the old man who had taken action secretly, and he was even more determined.

This time, Lan Buddha, the ghost killer, will definitely lose his wings.


It sounded like a flash of lightning, and it worked almost immediately.

This scream was the voice of Blue Buddha.

According to the old man's instructions, he used his essence and blood to mobilize the power of his soul to form a net, in order to capture the almost invisible Blue Buddha who was transformed into blood mist.

He was still a little unsure at first, but when he heard this scream, Yang Yiyun knew he had succeeded.

According to what the old man said before, the basis of the ghost killer's cultivation is blood essence, drinking blood to cultivate blood, but that is his own blood and the innate blood of a newborn baby.

The essence and blood of others, especially the essence and blood of Zhiyang Zhigang, combined with the power of the hot soul, will be the nemesis of the ghost killer.

Sure enough, it worked.

Of course, Yang Yiyun also understood that there was a reason why the old man secretly took action.

However, Lan Fo, the ghost killer, did have some tricks. Although he heard the screams, he did not see her appear. Yang Yiyun almost subconsciously opened his eyes after hearing Lan Fo's screams.

In his sight, he could only see the golden light shining in the large net formed by his own essence and blood.

However, although Blue Buddha was not seen, he found that the blood network was shrinking rapidly.

"The old man has no one, what's going on?" He couldn't help but ask.

"Why are you anxious? The net of essence and blood beads has been cast down. The fish has already entered the net. She can't escape. Don't be distracted by controlling the contraction of the blood net." Yun Tianxie said.

After hearing this, Yang Yiyun stopped asking any more questions and let the blood network shrink with his thoughts.

After sensing this contraction, Yang Yiyun smiled.

Although he couldn't see it, he could sense the existence of an energy fluctuation in the blood network through the contraction of the blood network. Although it was very small and weak, he could feel it.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun understood the real purpose of the old man asking him to compile the Essence and Blood Network.

The special thing about Lan Buddha, the ghost killer, is that after turning blood into mist, he can almost turn himself into an existence as tiny as a grain of sand...

Usually the situation is so small that it can easily be ignored, allowing the blue fox to escape or get close to the assassination target.

But now Yang Yiyun, under the guidance of the old man, has laid out such a net of essence and blood, and with the help of the old man's secretly powerful soul power, the tiny grain of sand like the Blue Buddha has been enveloped in it.

Immediately after the essence and blood network shrank, no matter how tiny the blood crystal transformed by Blue Buddha was, it could not escape.

Because Yang Yiyun used his own essence and blood to draw the net, although at first countless blood beads flew out when he waved his hand, when it contracted, the essence and blood could completely gather and merge into one drop.

This is equivalent to Yang Yiyun finally using his essence and blood to surround a tiny blood crystal transformed by Blue Buddha.

Sure enough, in just one breath, Yang Yiyun turned a nine-foot-long blood net into a drop of blood the size of a soybean.

At this time, he clearly felt that in his soybean-sized drop of essence and blood, there was a different existence, full of panic and screams, and began to struggle within this soybean-sized drop of essence and blood.

At the same time, Yang Yiyun heard the roar of Niu Dazi: "Ouch..."

It was very long, but Yang Yiyun really had no time to pay attention to it at the moment.

Because the old man urged him: "Quickly refine the blood crystal inside. As long as the blood crystal is refined, her life and death will be determined."

Yang Yiyun quickly used his thoughts to activate the power of the soul and the Zhiyang Zhigang Zhenqi to start refining the blood essence, or the blood crystals in the blood essence or the blue Buddha.


Screams came from small drops of blood.

"Yang Yiyun, I am the successor of the leader of the contemporary ghost killers. You cannot kill me, otherwise the entire ghost killer organization will fight you to death, and the ghost city will not let you go. You will die without a burial place anywhere in the world, you... ...Hurry up, let me go...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hurryhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..."

Inside the soybean-sized blood essence bead, the blue Buddha actually threatened Yang Yiyun.

Yang Yiyun sneered and said: "It turns out that he is the heir to the leader of the contemporary ghost killer. I... am very scared~"

Deliberately teasing Blue Buddha, Yang Yiyun's hands have become more and more refined. The current Blue Buddha is just as the old man said. He pinched her vital point after being trapped in the essence and blood, so he doesn't care about Blue Buddha at all. threats.

Then he said: "Then I also tell you, whether it is your ghost killer organization or the ghost city, I will destroy and subvert them one by one in the future, kill your leader, and behead your holy master. Now you can go..."


As Yang Yiyun finished speaking, there was a sizzling sound from a drop of blood in his palm, and black smoke rose up.

"Ah... you will be hunted endlessly by the ghost killer..."

Lan Buddha's resentful voice gradually became weaker.

Yang Yiyun's heart moved and a drop of his blood essence returned to his body.

"Huh~" he exclaimed, but found that this drop of blood essence was taken back into the body and turned into pure power in the body. The power of Yuan Shen and Zi Mansion increased.

"The old man didn't expect that I would be able to gain her power after refining the Blue Buddha..." What an unexpected surprise.

"Nonsense, you wrapped her with essence and blood, and not a single bit of her power was leaked. After refining, you can naturally gain her power. Remember in the future, if you encounter a ghost killer, use this method to kill the enemy and seize their power. For your use." Yun Tianxie said.

Yang Yiyun stood there and felt that the true energy in Zifu in his body was continuously increasing and the soul became stronger again. He was really happy indescribably.

Even if the old man didn't say anything, he would still use this method to deal with the ghost killer.

After digesting the power of Blue Buddha, Yang Yiyun heard that there were still twenty ordinary ghost killers!

He quickly turned around and looked around, only to find that Lu Yanzhi and Qing Niu were all surrounded by Ming Youran and Jiang Shilong with murderous intent. Twenty ordinary ghost killers had long since disappeared. Without asking, they knew that they had been killed by Lu Yanzhi and Qing Niu. A few cows have been solved.

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