My Master Is a God

Chapter 1393 The old man’s explanation

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!

Since Yang Yiyun hadn't woken up yet and was still cultivating, Qingniu and the others stopped and waited for Yang Yiyun to wake up and make up his mind.

After all, this is the boundary of the Ten Thousand Demons Mountain Range. Although Qingniu knows that this cold pool is a road, he has been away for more than three thousand years. Who knows whether there will be changes?

Or maybe Yang Yiyun will have new ideas when he wakes up?

Everyone was waiting for Yang Yiyun to wake up at the edge of the cold pool. Fortunately, there were no monsters in this remote place. During the five days they came, they also encountered some fierce beasts along the way, but they were all affected by the powerful power emanating from the green cow. The evil spirits were scared away.

It was a smooth journey to get here.

Now just wait for Yang Yiyun to wake up and make a decision.

Ten days later, Yang Yiyun woke up on Qingniu's back.

When he opened his eyes, they shone brightly, as if they were real, and the aura emanating from Yang Yiyun spread out in an instant.

This indicates that his cultivation has improved again.

It is true that after Yang Yiyun absorbed the soul power of 380 people, he not only repaired his own soul, but also once made the soul spirit move forward.

At this moment, when Yang Yiyun looked inside, the soul in his sea of ​​consciousness almost became substantial. The soul in the past was very vague, but now the soul can see the facial features. This is a powerful feature of the soul.

I feel that even if my soul is separated from the physical body at this moment, it can survive independently.

Of course, this is a feeling, and it is very dangerous for the true spirit to go off topic.

And the true energy of Zifu in his body is almost in a perfect state of atomization. Yang Yiyun is now absolutely sure that he will be able to survive the catastrophe if he emerges from Taixu.

When I was thinking this, the old man's sneer sounded in my mind: "You brat just killed more than 300 people and now you want to escape the tribulation? You're still far away."

"What does this old man's journey have to do with killing people? Besides, those people want to kill me." Yang Yiyun retorted in his heart.

"You know nothing. You think the sentence "The Cycle of Heavenly Dao" is just to tell you that the power of the great calamity is beyond imagination. In fact, it is so easy to get over it..."

This time, before Yun Tianxie could finish speaking, Yang Yiyun interrupted and retorted: "Why are you fooling me, old man? The Heavenly Tribulation is not as terrible as you said, right? Otherwise, there would be four to five hundred Tribulation-Transcending Dzogchen cultivators appearing in the Five Holy Lands this time. Don't tell me that those people haven't survived the catastrophe...?"

Yun Tianxie sneered: "Ignorance, to tell you the truth, the power of the Great Heavenly Tribulation is based on each person's different talents and killing abilities.

The higher your talent, the greater the power of the heavenly tribulation. The heavier the killing in your hands, the greater the power of the heavenly tribulation. Not to mention how many evils you have committed, just the foundation of your kid's achievement of the perfect golden elixir has already destined your future great tribulation. The power is unimaginable.

So, you kid, don’t think about going out of the wilderness to survive the tribulation. It’s better to imagine it and continue practicing. Do you think that you can’t evolve since the true energy in your Zifu has reached atomization?

My teacher, tell me, it’s far from the truth. Others may have enough chance to escape the tribulation by using the atomization of true energy, but you are far from it. Even my teacher with the talent of Shiquan Jindan can’t imagine what kind of powerful tribulation the heaven will bring to you. If If you don't practice well, you will be killed by the heavenly calamity.

It sounds like you have to continue to practice from now on, atomizing and compressing the true energy in your body until it reaches a liquid state. When the liquid state of true energy reaches perfection one day, you will go out to overcome the tribulation. Otherwise, just stay in Taihuang and don't go out.

After you get out, you will either be struck to death by the Heavenly Tribulation, or you will be killed by the Five Holy Lands you offended, oh no, now counting the Ghost City, it should be the Six Holy Lands, and be killed by the Six Holy Lands.

Only by laying a solid foundation for overcoming the tribulation can you survive the Great Desolation. For now, the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains is a good choice. If you are really capable, just make a name for yourself in the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains. Qing Niu will help you out. The idea is actually a good one and you can try it. In fact, the road to cultivation involves risks at every step.

It's good that Qing Niu gave you the Phantom Demon Stone, which can imitate the aura of the demon clan, but once a battle occurs, you have to use your true energy, which will expose the ever-changing supreme magical power passed down to you by your master. You can use your magic power to transform into a demon. With the body of a beast, and the fact that the phantom demon stone has the aura of a demonic beast, the true energy in the body can also be changed.

Although I was a teacher who only obtained the external transformation magical power of the All-Change Supreme and did not obtain the inner cultivation method, but... my teacher was so good that I was also a Supreme. I figured out a set of internal cultivation methods that combined with the transformation method of the All-Change Supreme, which can change the world. Although it is not as close as the Variety Supreme to simulate the transformation of true energy into demonic energy, it is enough for you to enter the Ten Thousand Demons Mountain Range. Now I will teach it to you..."

After listening to the old man's words, a message came to Yang Yiyun's mind, or to convert the true energy to practice the "Yuan Qi Jue".

After watching it, Yang Yiyun was immediately overjoyed. The "Vitality Art" taught by the old man was actually very easy to practice, and according to the introduction of the practice, not only the true energy can be transformed into demonic energy, demonic energy and other powers, but also the power can be changed.

Although it was a chicken-assisted training method, it was crucial in his subsequent training.

I admire the old man Yang Yiyun from the bottom of my heart. He is worthy of being the Supreme Immortal. Such a technique can be easily created.

"Does the old man have anything else to explain?" He knew that the old man knew a lot of secrets, and he would benefit a lot from a little advice.

Yun Tianxie pondered for a moment and solemnly gave instructions: "There's nothing else, but you can't let the unicorn cub follow you anymore. Let the unicorn cub stay in the Qiankun Pot space before it undergoes its first transformation.

After all, the target of the divine beast is too big. If the human race's holy land can hear the news and come to hunt them down, the demon clan will naturally do the same. Don't underestimate the demon clan in Taihuang. The outer domain is better, and there are indeed some powerful ones in the inner domain. The generation of monsters should not be underestimated. If those old monsters knew about the existence of the unicorn cub, haha...

You will be in big trouble by then. The current unicorn cubs are just cubs that have just emerged from their cocoons. The unicorn bloodline inheritance has not yet awakened and has little fighting power, so let the unicorn cubs stay in the Qiankun Pot space to be on the safe side.

And you kid, don’t stop feeding the unicorn cub. It’s not for nothing that it has eaten so much heavenly materials and earthly treasures before. When the strength in the body accumulates to a certain level, the unicorn bloodline will transform and transform into a real unicorn. At that time, you kid can You have completely conquered the world of cultivation, so don’t be so stingy and feed the unicorn. I also want to see what kind of divine beast the unicorn cub will become after it completes its transformation.

Of course, these things have to be done step by step, and the key is persistence. The last thing is that I need to rest as a teacher. This time you did something too crazy, so that the power of the soul that I finally accumulated is all on you. You really are not a human being. Son, I don’t know how to feel sorry for my teacher at all. If there is nothing life-threatening, don’t call me, that’s all. "

At the end of the speech, Yun Tianxie started to curse.

Yang Yiyun, however, couldn't help but smile bitterly when he heard the old man's weird character that turned against him faster than turning the pages of a book. He was serious before, but then he started scolding her.

Yang Yiyun actually knew that the old man was very kind to him. Even though he cursed every time, he always spared no effort and used his remaining soul power to help him in every crisis.

Yang Yiyun understood that the old man seemed indifferent when he was cursing, but in fact he should be consuming a lot every time.

After being moved, Yang Yiyun jumped off the back of Qingniu and asked Daxianshi and Diao'er to conduct reconnaissance and sentry work from a distance. He was going to teach the All-Changing Supreme's magical power, the ever-changing mana incarnation technique, and the vitality technique passed down by the old man just now. Lu Yanzhi, after all, this time he entered the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains, Lu Yanzhi also had to have the strength at his side, and he could not enter the Qiankun Pot again. In Yang Yiyun's heart, it would make no difference to lock Lu Yanzhi up, which he did not want.

With these two cultivation methods, the two of them can imitate monster beasts and be able to better walk in the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains.

After teaching the skills to Lu Yanzhi, Yang Yiyun prepared to take Niu Diaozi into the Qiankun Pot space and arrange Niu Daozi. The old man was right. Although Niu Daozi is a mythical beast, he is a cub that has just emerged from his cocoon. Before the transformation of bloodline, the goal of Niu Calf in the Ten Thousand Monster Mountains, the lair of monsters, was indeed too big.

Bao Buqi was caught by some old monster and ate the calf to increase his cultivation!

He found a big tree hole and Yang Yiyun took Niu Xiaozi into it and asked Qing Niu to protect the Dharma.

After his body enters the Qiankun Pot, the Qiankun Pot will be exposed, so he won't worry if he doesn't protect the law.

The next moment he took Niu Duzi into the Qiankun Pot.

But as soon as he opened his eyes, Yang Yiyun's eyes widened, but the Qiankun Pot had undergone tremendous changes.

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