My Master Is a God

Chapter 1395 Become a monster from now on

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!

The appearance of attack-type treasures such as the Purple Cloud Five Thunder Tree in the Qiankun Pot space was beyond Yang Yiyun's expectations, and he even lamented the magic and mystery of the Qiankun Pot.

There are actually attack treasure trees such as the Ziyun Five Thunder Tree. He is wondering if there will be other attack treasures next time the Qiankun Pot is upgraded?

Anyway, he felt more and more mysterious about the Qiankun Pot. He really didn't know what kind of treasure it was, and he became more and more wary about not exposing the secret of the Qiankun Pot casually in the future.

After going down the mountain, Yang Yiyun remembered that there was Niu Duzi. After Wu Lei Mountain appeared, he ignored Niu Duzi.

For the coke-like mountain, Yang Yiyun didn't know if it had a name or what kind of mountain it was, but now he thinks it's very appropriate to call it Wulei Mountain.

With a sweep of his spiritual consciousness, he discovered that Niu Duozi was actually on the shore of Longyu Lake, but at this moment Niu Duozi was actually lying down on the shore of Longyu Lake, as if he was fast asleep.

"This guy is so comfortable that he doesn't care about life." He shook his head and muttered to himself, stepping forward and appearing next to Niu Daozi.

Then Yang Yiyun's eyes widened.

"Damn... you calf..."

When Yang Yiyun came to the shore of Longyu Lake, he couldn't help but swear.

However, he discovered that not a drop of the water of life on the life stone at the source of Longyu Lake was missing.

It was obviously eaten by the calf.

Not a single drop of the three drops of water of life remained, all were swallowed by the calf.

Although Dragon Fish and Sister Mei exist in Dragon Fish Lake, Sister Mei will never move without permission from Yang Yiyun's water of life, and will also restrain Dragon Fish.

Besides, Sister Mei has always been worried about the evolution of dragon fish. In her words, dragon fish may evolve into dragons in the future, so she has been guiding dragon fish to practice and staying in the Dragon Palace at the bottom of Dragon Fish Lake for a long time. It won't come up at all.

Apparently Niu Daozi swallowed three drops of water of life. After observing Niu Daozi, Niu Daozi's whole body was exuding a strong energy fluctuation. He seemed to be sleeping soundly, but in fact it was more like he had entered some kind of cultivation state.

Yang Yiyun's heart moved. He thought it was Niu Daozi who entered the state of blood transmutation after swallowing the water of life.

The old man said that if Niu Duzi wanted to truly have the talent of the Qilin beast, he would need bloodline transformation, and a large amount of heavenly materials and earthly treasures would be needed to support Niu Duzi, but now he sees that it is not needed for the time being.

Three drops of water of life is a small amount, but the water of life itself plays a great role in the evolution of the demon clan's bloodline. There is no doubt that the powerful energy contained in the water of life supports the degeneration of Niuduzi's bloodline.

Yang Yiyun thought that this was a good idea, otherwise he would have to find a large amount of natural and earthly treasures to feed the calf in order to transform its bloodline, but now he could breathe a sigh of relief.

Niu Daozi had squeezed all the treasures of heaven and earth from him along the way, and not a single spiritual stone was left for him. He was really ruined by Niu Daozi.

At this moment, although Niu Duzi swallowed three drops of the water of life in the blink of an eye, it was also a good thing for him. He had thought about giving Niu Duzi the water of life before, but he was chased all the way. What Yang Yiyun wanted in his heart was to keep the water of life. Water can heal everyone's injuries and cannot be wasted.

Now that we are free from the enemy, Niu Duzi has eaten the three drops of water of life. Anyway, he plans to give Niu Duzi the water of life sooner or later.

Fortunately, one drop of the current water of life will reappear every nine days, and three drops of the water of life will reappear every month, so there is no problem.

On the contrary, if three drops of water of life can detransform the calf's blood, it will be worth it.

Seeing Niu Duzi fall into a deep sleep, and not knowing when he would think of it again, Yang Yiyun stopped caring about it, and with a thought in his heart, the Qiankun Pot that had withdrawn appeared in the tree hole outside. He was going to practice and become familiar with the vitality art.

Prepare for the next step into the Ten Thousand Demons City in the Ten Thousand Demons Mountains.

Ten days later, Yang Yiyun and Lu Yanzhi succeeded in practicing.

Relying on the Ever-Changing Supreme's ever-changing technique, he could use mana to condense into the body of a demon beast. Yang Yiyun transformed into an ordinary goat. He relied on the Yuan Qi Art to activate the true energy to transform into demon power. In addition, he had a green cow to give him the phantom demon stone. Regardless of whether it is the breath or the body's demonic power, he has become a demon clan. This finally solves the problem of sneaking into the Ten Thousand Demon City. There is no need to worry about being spotted by the demon beasts in the Ten Thousand Demon City.

He turned into a goat, and Lu Yanzhi also turned into a goat, and he and Yang Yiyun, one black and one white, happened to be a pair.

Changing the body of a demon beast is a defense. Qingniu said that many demon beasts in Ten Thousand Demon City are transformed into human forms, because everything in Ten Thousand Demon City imitates human beings.

After the two succeeded, Yang Yiyun, who transformed into a black goat, spoke human words and laughed loudly: "Okay, we can set off and become monsters from now on, haha."

Qingniu's body flashed with green light and transformed into a middle-aged man wearing a blue gown. He was originally a demon clan, so he didn't have to worry about demonic power. The only thing that had to change was his aura, because Qingniu's family is the master of Ten Thousand Demons City. The aura of the dragon-type green bull is very unique. If you don't change the aura, it will be easy to be spotted.

But Qing Niu used the Phantom Demon Stone to change his aura into that of a bear. As long as his true form was not revealed, no one would know that he was the dragon Qing Niu. Judging from his aura, he was a bear demon.

"Master, below the cold pool is the secret passage into the City of Ten Thousand Demons. It was left by our ancestors. I escaped from here and ascended to heaven. It takes about ten days to enter the secret passage, and we can reach Qingdao in the City of Ten Thousand Demons. Qingniu River, Qingniu River is my backyard, but now...hey..." Qingniu sighed after saying this.

"Okay, Lao Niu, I promise you to help you save your tribe. If possible, I might be able to make your dragon-seed Green Niu tribe the masters of Ten Thousand Monsters City again. Let's go and enter Ten Thousand Monsters City first." Yang Yiyun comforted. .

"Master... I'm sorry, I sensed a very powerful aura. It should have been traced by the Five Holy Lands..." Daxianshi and Diao'er were standing guard in the distance, and at this time they hurried over to report the news.

"How far is it?" Yang Yiyun asked.

Daxianshi wore Qi and said: "It's about ten miles away..."

"Let's go quickly. Those who can be followed now must be masters from the Five Holy Lands." After Yang Yiyun finished speaking, he motioned for Qingniu to lead the way like water.

Qingniu immediately jumped into the water with the Five Elements Beasts.

However, Yang Yiyun dodged thousands of meters away and hit a hill with his palm.


The entire hilltop was destroyed by Yang Yiyun's palm, and then Yang Yiyun quickly returned to the cold pool, jumped into the cold pool and left.

He did this to be on the safe side, fearing that he would be caught up. Blasting through a mountain would confuse people and make them think that they had entered the Ten Thousand Demons Mountain Range.

Although their aura will disappear after entering the cold pool, it is just a precaution.

Just a few minutes after Yang Yiyun left, seven or eight auras came and landed on the top of the mountain that Yang Yiyun blasted.

Among these seven people are third-level earth immortals from the seven holy places, and each of them comes from the law barrier.

Xu Youdao from Tongxian Palace, Holy Land of All Spirits, Shenfu Lingzong, Tianjian Mountain, Bailian Villa, Changsheng Palace, and one person from the Ghost City.

Except for Xuanyuan Dynasty and Daozhong Holy Land, no one came, and there were seven elders from the Nine Holy Lands.

Of course, except for Xu Youdao from the Eternal Life Palace, these seven people were all here to hunt down Yang Yiyun, or to snatch the unicorn cub.

However, the elder of the Ghost City is an exception. Her target is the inheritance of the ever-changing supreme magical power in Yang Yiyun.

Anyway, the seven of them are elders from major holy places, and they all do it for Yang Yiyun.

Among the seven elders of the Holy Land, only Xu Youdao came to protect Yang Yiyun. The remaining six can be said to be Yang Yiyun's enemies now.

Xu Youdao and Wu Wenze entered Taihuang Outland relatively early. They fought for Yang Yiyun, but neither one could do anything to the other and could only stop. Yang Yiyun escaped anyway.

As for the next five, they arrived relatively late, but they were shocked by the news from their disciples.

After the fifty or sixty disciples who were still alive in the Five Holy Lands met with their elders, they reported the news that Yang Yiyun had strangely killed a total of 380 people who had transcended the tribulation and attained perfection.

The elders who came from several major holy places couldn't believe it, but they had to accept the reality because they had all seen the corpses of more than 300 disciples piled up in mountains.

The elders of several major holy places were shocked and became more and more interested in Yang Yiyun. However, they all believed that the reason why Yang Yiyun was able to kill more than 300 disciples of the five major holy places at once was because the divine beast Qilin was by his side to help, otherwise the little A tribulation-transcending monk doesn't have that ability.

This made the elders of several major holy places become even more eager.

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