My Master Is a God

Chapter 1401 The pangolin is very suspicious

Yang Yiyun asked the young man to act cool, and now he brought out two bottles of hometown wine, just to attract the pangolin to take the bait. Unexpectedly, as soon as he opened the wine bottle, the pangolin came over on his own initiative, asking for his wish.

Hearing the pangolin speak, Yang Yiyun was secretly amused. They said that the demon clan is straightforward and it seems true. The demon clan, with their complicated minds, is really not as cunning as the human race.

This pangolin directly begged for a drink as soon as he came up. Although it was covered up, it showed that the demon clan is straightforward, at least more straightforward than the human race, and there is no subtlety at all.

He gave Qingniu a wink to ask Qingniu to give up his seat, but Yang himself sat without moving, showing a very big-shot attitude, but this was also intentional.

And Qingniu is not stupid either. There is a soul contract between master and servant, and Qingniu can quickly understand whatever Yang is thinking.

Qingniu stood up with a grin and said to the pangolin: "It seems that this king is also a Taoist friend who likes wine. A thousand cups of wine can make a close friend. Good wine makes friends from all over the world. Since this king is also a friend in wine, then sit down Let’s have a drink together next time.”

After saying that, Qingniu gave up his seat, and then said: "My name is Daxiong, and this is my master..." Qingniu casually made up a name for himself, and introduced Yang Yiyun, but he didn't know how to arrange a name for Yang Yiyun. , his voice suddenly lengthened.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun knew that it was his turn to take the initiative. The fact that Lao Niu could spit out two lame drunken idioms was enough.

Still silent, he looked at the pangolin and said with a smile: "I'm Yang Yiyun, all of you are guests. If the king doesn't mind, please take a seat and drink a glass of thin wine together. I'm afraid the whole world of cultivation will not be able to drink this wine." How much is it, one drink is less than one.”

Yang was deliberately promoting himself and his wine, because he could see that Pangolin was indeed addicted to alcohol, otherwise he would not have been attracted to it so quickly.

The pangolin was also sizing up Yang Yiyun and Qingniu. At first, he was attracted by Qingniu's ordering sound. Listening to Qingniu's dish names and even the cooking requirements, the pangolin I know that Qingniu is from a wealthy family, or a noble.

It is impossible for ordinary monsters to have Qingniu's picky ordering requirements, and it can even be said that they have never heard of it...

Anyway, Qingniu's order successfully attracted the pangolin's attention, but he didn't take it too seriously. After all, he, the pangolin, was the junior leader of the One-Eyed Dragon, one of the four major forces in the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains.

Of course, his immediate boss is the Spotted Snake, one of the top ten demon generals under the One-Eyed Dragon, and he, Pangolin, is the minor boss under the Spotted Snake, and is one of the general managers of the East District of Ten Thousand Demon City. It can also be said that He is a monster who has some face in the City of Ten Thousand Monsters and has seen the world.

The pangolin had naturally tasted all the dishes Qingniu ordered and didn't care too much. However, when the smell of wine came from next door, the pangolin couldn't sit still.

Pangolin is greedy for money and alcohol, and is obsessed with wine. Smelling the aroma of wine, he couldn't help but get up and go to the table where Yang Yiyun and Qing Niu were.

When Pangolin came over, he found that Qing Niu was actually a King-level demon. He was immediately surprised, but that was all. Although there were not many King-level demons, there were also quite a few. Looking at the entire Ten Thousand Demon Mountains, there were King-level demons like Qing Niu. There are also many great demons.

Not to mention anything else, his Pangolin himself has the junior level of King Zun, and his immediate boss, Piebald Snake, has the intermediate peak level of King Zun. In the Chengdong District Mansion, there are nine demon cultivators of the first level of King Zun, plus Piebald Snake. It's like a royal level.

Therefore, Pangolin was not too surprised, but what surprised him was that when Qingniu introduced himself, he actually claimed to be the servant of a young monk opposite.

Of course, this little monk is Yang Yiyun, but in the eyes of Pangolin, he is just a little monk. He is only at the level of a little demon king, comparable to the elementary level of the human race's Tribulation Tribulation. There are a lot of little demon kings with this level of cultivation in the City of Ten Thousand Demons. .

What the pangolin didn't expect was that Qing Niu claimed to be the servant of the young monk, which surprised the pangolin.

A low-level demon cultivator like Qing Niu was at least the big demon king all the way up the mountain in the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains, but now he is willing to be a servant of the little demon king who calls himself ‘Yang Yiyun’?

It really makes the pangolin curious.

When Qing Niu stood up to introduce himself, Yang Yiyun sat without moving. Even when he took Qing Niu's words and introduced himself, he did not move his body when talking to the pangolin, and did not salute the pangolin at all. It's very unpleasant.

But listening to Yang Yiyun's invitation to drink, the pangolin still held back. On the other hand, he also thought that it was obviously not easy to make a king-level demon bow down.

Could this 'Yang Yiyun' be a member of a wealthy family in the Wanyao Mountains?

With such speculation, the pangolin did not dare to get angry, but waved his hand and asked the two followers to go out and stand outside. After Yang Yiyun finished speaking, he sat down with his fists clasped and said: "Thank you two kings for the hospitality, I am also a good drinker. ,Ha ha."

After making a haha, the pangolin suddenly stared at Yang Yiyun and asked: "Both kings are strangers to each other. I wonder where the fairyland is? What do you do for a living? I am a pangolin. I would like to ask, who are the two kings... ?”

Pangolin asked several questions in succession. He seemed to be smiling, but his eyes were full of vigilance. After all, he had been in Ten Thousand Demon City for thousands of years, and he dared not say that there were millions of people coming and going in Ten Thousand Demon City. Everyone knows the demon clan, but the great demons at the level of kings are rarely mentioned. I have heard of some famous ones.

The 'Daniu and Yang Yiyun' in front of them were all very nervous, and they had to be more vigilant. The four largest forces in the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains were also fighting openly and secretly, so they had to be on guard.

Regarding the issue of pangolins, Qingniu couldn't help but feel nervous, because after all, he was a remnant of the dragon Qingniu clan, and was wanted in the entire Ten Thousand Monsters Mountain Range. Although he used the Phantom Demon Stone to turn his breath into a bear, But after all, I felt guilty.

Yang Yiyun was extremely calm with a smile on his face, and rumored to Qing Niu: "Don't be nervous. Leave the rest to me. Don't show any nervousness."

Regarding the cross-examination of the pangolin, Yang Yiyun expected it. It would be strange if the pangolin did not cross-examine. Fortunately, he had already thought of his excuse.

After transmitting the message to Qingniu, Yang Yiyun smiled and said to the pangolin: "Hey... I feel ashamed to say it. My ancestors were from the Lingyangshan clan in the Wanyao Mountains. They were indeed exterminated by the wild wolf clan and were sent away by the clan when they were young. It was too late to become a disciple of a certain master. As for the name of the master, it was inconvenient to say it, so he luckily escaped with his life.

When I learned that my Lingyang clan had been wiped out, I was disheartened and never came back. My master left Taihuang a few days ago, and I had accomplished something in my studies. After I came down from the mountain, I missed my homeland because the place where my family was was so beautiful. Take a look.

I am dissatisfied with the mountain king, you said, I followed my master to travel all over the world, but in the end I still found that our Ten Thousand Demons Mountain Range is comfortable. I don’t want to just come to Ten Thousand Demons City to settle down and find a living. I will not go out in the future and concentrate on studying as a master. The sect’s unique knowledge seeks to attain enlightenment. "

After hearing this, the pangolin was doubtful, and then he sent a message to one of his subordinates: "Go and check the Ten Thousand Demons Mountains to see if there are any spirit sheep demons that were exterminated?"

The Wanyao Mountain Range is vast and has thousands of mountains. Not all of them can be named, or the pangolins can know. However, what Yang Yiyun said was reasonable and reasonable, so I couldn’t help but believe it a little bit, especially when Yang Yiyun said he had a greeting. Master, let the pangolins not dare to move rashly. In the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains and in Taihuang, there are mysterious supreme demons that walk around alone. Bao Buqi's "Yang Yiyun" is the disciple of a certain supreme demon.

When he left to investigate, Pangolin still said with doubts: "Oh... So, you are from the spirit sheep clan?"

"Isn't it? Hey, I'm the only one left now. I don't know if there are any clansmen still alive in the Ten Thousand Demon City Mountains. I guess they are all gone." Yang Yiyun deliberately looked sad, and at the same time used the Phantom Demon Stone to release the aura of the spiritual sheep.

Qingniu also released the aura of the bear demon to dispel the pangolin's suspicion.

I thought that the two of them could fool the pangolin after releasing their breath, but the pangolin did not relax its vigilance at all. It smiled intentionally or unintentionally and said: "Yang Yiyun? King Sheep, your name does not sound like a demon clan, but it sounds like a human clan." Can you tell me his name?" The pangolin looked curious on the surface, but in fact its eyes were fixed on Yang Yiyun.

This made Yang Yiyun's heart sink, and he secretly scolded Gou Ri for being so suspicious. It seemed that the IQ of the demon clan was about to be repositioned.

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