My Master Is a God

Chapter 1403 The Water of Life is the Spell

Yang Yiyun looked at the pangolin and began to shake his head, but Yang Yiyun narrowed his eyes, and with a seductive voice, he said with a mysterious and painful look: "Brother Chuanshan, today you and I are in love, and there is a supreme spiritual wine in my hand. I decided to ask Brother Chuanshan to taste it."

At this time, the pangolin had been deceived by Mr. Yang's sharp tongue. In addition, he was drinking without using magic power. He quite trusted Yang Yiyun. When he heard Yang Yiyun say that there was a supreme spiritual wine, his eyes lit up and he said : "Brother, please take it out quickly to open your eyes."

Yang Yiyun smiled and waved his hand, and a jar of Ciwa wine appeared on the table.

In fact, it was spirit peach wine made from spirit peaches by some pearl divers in the Qiankun Pot space, but he added a drop of water of life into it.

There is so much preparation ahead, just for now.

Yang Yiyun took out the Lingpeach wine and pretended to be mysterious and alert and said: "This wine..."

He stopped mid-sentence as if he was afraid of being heard, looked at Qingniu and said, "Big Bear, you go out first."

Qing Niu was stunned and didn't understand what kind of medicine the owner was selling in the gourd, but he understood that the pangolin had been deceived by the owner. Without asking any more questions, he got up and left Doisei and walked outside.

At this moment, the pangolin had already been whetted by Yang Yiyun, and he quickly said: "Brother, what kind of wine is this? Can you please open your eyes?"

The pangolins can’t wait.

But Yang Yiyun, holding the wine jar in one hand, looked at Pangolin and the two followers in embarrassment and said: "Brother Pangolin, this wine is extraordinary, look..." While speaking, he glanced at Pangolin and the other followers, meaning to let Pangolin go. Drop followers.

Pangolin looked at Yang Yiyun and narrowed his eyes, trying to see something from Yang Yiyun's eyes, but Yang Yiyun looked serious at the moment. Although his eyes were hazy and drunk, they were very clear and had no distracting thoughts.

The pangolin, which had already aroused strong interest, immediately thought that this is its own territory. Besides, which of the other party's subordinates of the junior king has left, and his pangolin is also the junior king of the king. The opposite 'Yang Yiyun' is a small spiritual sheep. He's just a demon, so he's not afraid of Yang Yiyun's deception.

He grinned and said, "You two go out, Brother Sheep and I will have some private words."

After the pangolin finished speaking, he casually set up a barrier.

This was exactly what Yang Yiyun wanted. After the barrier was set up, people outside could no longer see him and the pangolin.

Yang Yiyun almost didn't laugh out loud, but with a mysterious and sincere look on his face, he said to Pangolin: "Brother Pangolin, please forgive me, this wine is the most precious spirit wine left by my master. Drinking one cup can improve your cultivation by a lot." Because, to be honest with Pangolin, my younger brother's qualifications were too poor before and he didn't even have the level of cultivation he has now.

For this reason, my master spent a huge amount of money to brew this kind of spiritual wine. I drank a glass of it and my cultivation level improved to the present level. Unfortunately, it worked the first time but had no effect the second time. Today I have a great rapport with Brother Chuanshan. If I don’t share this wine with Brother Chuanshan, I will feel very sorry..."

Yang said a lot of sensational words, but the pangolin's eyes sparkled when he heard it. He thought to himself that this drunken man is really as weak as the sheep brother said. If he can improve his cultivation, wouldn't the pangolin be able to do it in the city? Will the status of the East District government be further improved?

You must know that although he is the general manager of the Chengdong District Mansion, one of the nine general managers under the piebald snake, and one of the bottom-ranked general managers, if his cultivation can further improve, his status will naturally rise.

So when Yang Yiyun said that this kind of wine can improve his cultivation, the pangolin's eyes lit up. When Yang Yiyun finished speaking, the pangolin stared at Yang Yiyun with bright eyes and said: "Brother Sheep, can this kind of wine really improve your cultivation? Brother Nai?" Is it the primary cultivation level of King Zun, is it also effective for people like Brother Wei who are at the level of King Zun?”

Yang Yiyun said seriously: "My master said that it is effective for any demon cultivator. As long as the demon cultivator drinks this kind of wine, his cultivation level will be greatly improved. I will never deceive Brother Chuanshan. If he drinks it, his cultivation level will not be improved." , Brother Chuanshan, chop me up for snacks."

"Hey, brother, it's serious. How about giving it to me? Don't worry, you will be my Pangolin's iron brother in the future. From now on, I will protect you in this Ten Thousand Demon City, and no one will make trouble for you." Pangolin I didn't see anything strange in Yang Yiyun's eyes. I only saw the clarity in Yang Yiyun's eyes, and I immediately believed him.

The most important thing is that Pangolin became greedy in order to improve his cultivation level. Of course, this greed is the desire to improve his cultivation level. This is because he ranks last among the nine general managers under the piebald snake and is always eliminated. The top few looked down on him, so he was very eager to improve his cultivation and let the other managers who usually looked down on him take a look.

However, no matter whether it is the demon clan or the human clan, after reaching the level of king, it is extremely difficult to advance one step higher. Is it that easy?

Pangolin has been standing still for five hundred years without making any progress. Today, he suddenly got a spiritual wine that can improve his cultivation from Yang Yiyun. You can imagine how excited he was.

They all wanted to snatch it from Yang Yiyun, but they finally resisted. Instead, they looked at Yang Yiyun eagerly and signaled Yang Yiyun to hurry up and let him taste this spiritual wine.

Yang Yiyun smiled inwardly when he saw the pangolin's fiery eyes, but with a solemn expression on his face he carefully opened the wine jar.

The next second, a strange aroma of wine spreads...

Lingpeach wine itself is the precious spiritual fruit given by Qiankun Pot. After being brewed by the pearl diver, the essence was further improved. In addition, Yang Yiyun added a drop of water of life into it, making it powerful, pure and incomparably aura and vigorous. The energy of life comes together to create a magical aroma of wine.


As for the pangolin, the moment Yang Yiyun opened the wine jar and smelled the aroma of the wine, he was immediately intoxicated. At this moment, he finally understood why Yang Yiyun was so cautious.

This Dangling Wine is indeed the most precious treasure in the world. Just smelling it makes the pores on his body open, and the demon power in his body is also ready to activate. He completely believes in Yang Yiyun.

The pangolin said in his heart that the opportunity has come.

Yang Yiyun looked at the pangolin's flushed face and couldn't help but smile evilly.

He raised his hand and carefully poured a glass of wine for Pangolin, then covered the wine jar and said, "Pangolin is not a stingy brother, so I can only give you this glass of wine now. I can only give you this jar, and it's just a thought."

After saying that, he did not put away the wine jar, but motioned to the pangolin to taste it.

The reluctance to part with Yang Yiyun seemed more and more normal in the eyes of the pangolin, and the more it showed that this wine was extraordinary, the more at ease the pangolin felt.

And seeing that the spiritual wine poured out by Yang Yiyun was emitting green and clear light, which was so beautiful, the pangolin believed it to be a treasured wine.

Looking at the green spiritual wine, the pangolin could no longer take his eyes away. Under the powerful spiritual energy and the aroma of the wine, the pangolin directly picked up the wine glass and drank it down in one gulp.

The huge spiritual energy exploded in the body, and the pangolin felt that the bottleneck that had been immobile for a long time was loosened, and there was a click in the body. He was overjoyed, knowing that Yang Yiyun really did not lie to him.

His eyes were fixed on the wine jar at Yang Yiyun's hand, and the wine jar flew into his hand with a wave of his hand. The pangolin opened the wine jar and drank...

Even when he wanted to have a glass of wine, his long-lost bottleneck was loosened. If the jar of wine was consumed, his cultivation would definitely break through, so he ignored what Yang Yiyun said before and gave him only a glass of wine, opened the jar and took a sip. Finished a jar of wine.

He was still thinking that if Yang Yiyun dared to stop him, he wouldn't mind killing Yang Yiyun.

Unexpectedly, Yang Yiyun didn't stop him at all.

It’s a good idea, the pangolin muttered in his heart.

Then there was a roar in the pangolin's body, and he felt that his bloodline was burning. His whole body was extremely hot and filled with pain. However, the pangolin was not afraid, but instead was full of surprises. He knew that his bloodline had evolved and his cultivation level had greatly increased.


In pain, the pangolin let out a roar, but luckily it couldn't be heard outside the barrier.

Yang Yiyun was sitting across from him with his legs crossed and looking at the pangolin with a smile. At this moment, Yang finally relaxed. The whole jar of wine with water of life was drank by the pangolin, which indicated that the life and death of the pangolin was in his hands. The water of life is the tightening curse, and he is the Tang Monk who recites the curse.

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