My Master Is a God

Chapter 1418 A Generation of Queens

Yang Yiyun knew that it was not easy for the Rat King to get pregnant, so he had to know the causes and consequences before he could judge and make a solution.

During his examination, he found that the little mouse in the Rat King's belly was devouring the Rat King's essence, blood and vitality. Although it was slowly but surely devouring, if time went by, the Rat King would definitely be devoured by the little mouse in his belly.

It is impossible to stop it, or Yang Yiyun's strength and cultivation are far from enough. Just after being rebounded by the power of the little mouse in the belly of the Rat King, Yang Yiyun felt unparalleled power. This power was beyond his imagination. , he knew he couldn't stop it.

At least relying on brute force doesn't require thinking.

So we need to find the reason, and maybe we can find a solution.

Not only can the little mouse in the Rat King's belly be born and survive, but also the Rat King can save his life.

Now the situation of the Rat King is that his life has been threatened by the little mouse in his belly.

The little mouse in the Rat King's belly is a very powerful existence, and the Rat King himself cannot stop it. Moreover, he himself said that the rat demon clan in his belly is the future of the Five Elements Rat Demon clan, and he will not kill his own children.

This is the difficulty.

Yang Yiyun even felt the breath of the little mouse in the Rat King's belly, which was as powerful as the unicorn cub Niu Xiaozi.

With such a powerful being, Yang Yiyun knew that he couldn't use brute force and could only think of other methods.

This is whether the Rat King is willing to say it or not.

Yang Yiyun wanted to know the reason for the Rat King. After staring at him for a long time, he sighed and said helplessly: "Actually, it's nothing. I went to the forbidden area of ​​my clan, and then it became like this."

"Do you, the Five Elements Rat Clan, still have a forbidden area? What kind of place can make you, the mighty Rat King, pregnant?" Yang Yiyun asked directly without much thought. It sounded taboo, but he had to understand it.

The Rat King didn't care and said: "The blood of our clan is not as good as the previous generation, so I thought of the forbidden land of our clan and wanted to find out if there is a way to return the blood to the ancestors. The forbidden land is actually the five element kings of our clan. The cemetery is located.

Originally, there was no way to enter because of the ancestral instructions. I really had no other choice, so I broke in. Who would have thought that after entering, I would know that the ancestral instructions were not false. If the descendants behind me are not buried, they cannot enter the cemetery... …”

After saying this, the Rat King was a little frightened, paused and continued: "In the cemetery of our clan, I did find a way to make our clan prosperous.

This method is to create a descendant with pure blood and five elements, but the method is... it is to let me refine the body of a certain generation of Five Elements Rat King..."

After saying this, the Rat King stopped, with a bitter look on his face, but Yang Yiyun couldn't help but said: "It's nothing to refine the body of a certain generation of Rat King, right? With the cultivation of fellow Taoists, it should be no problem to refine it, right? ?”

At this time, the Rat King looked at Yang Yiyun with strange eyes and said bitterly: "If only it were that simple..."

At this time, a strange look of pain appeared on the Rat King's face. After a moment, he continued to speak: "The Rat King of that generation was a female... I opened the tomb and found out that it was a female, but the method pointed to... but Let me do that with her... I did it for the continuation of our clan.

It was only later that I discovered that I was actually pregnant. I can’t go into details. Now you know the problem. Only one of me and the ‘thing’ in my belly can survive...”

Yang Yiyun was shocked at this moment. He did not expect that the taste of the Rat King was so strong that he would not let go of the corpses of his ancestors...

However, he could also imagine that when he thought about it, it might not actually be the Mouse King's wish, but the situation was out of his control when he opened the tomb, which led to the current embarrassing situation.

Yang Yiyun looked at the Mouse King's face and then thought about what he just said. Suddenly it became clear. He grinned and said, "I'm afraid it's not necessarily true what fellow Taoist said. In fact, your situation is not unknown in the medical classics I studied. Liezi happened.

If my guess is correct, the forbidden land of your Five Elements Rat clan is the place where Yin evil spirits raise their corpses, right? "

At these words, the Rat King trembled, but did not speak, but Yang Yiyun knew that he had guessed correctly.

He continued: "The place where Yin evil corpses are raised is not only used in some secular places, but is also suitable for the monk world. These places are usually used to preserve corpses or for evil practices to practice evil methods.

But I think since it is the cemetery of your Five Elements Rat clan and a forbidden area, the place should be different from ordinary Yin evil places, right? "Yang Yiyun was completely speculating and testing at this time.

But the Rat King's eyes flickered and he nodded and admitted: "Yes, our clan's forbidden land is not an ordinary place of Yin evil, but a source of Yin evil. If the end of each generation of Rat King is approaching, he will completely seal himself. Sitting in the body, and then entering the land of Yin evil, nourishing the body with the purest and most powerful power of Yin evil in the world, in order to be able to open up the spirit in the future and be resurrected again.

It's a pity that no one knows which queen exists in the forbidden land. In the history of our clan, there has been a queen, the only queen of the Five Elements Rat clan.

According to the inherited history, the Five Elements Rat Clan does not allow females to be kings, but she was not convinced. She ruled the Five Elements Rat Clan with an iron-blooded hand, became the king herself, and brought the Five Elements Rat Clan to the big stage of history in an era. Calls himself emperor.

The only queen in the history of our clan, she has made great achievements and once ruled the entire demon clan in the world of cultivation, ruling from underground to above ground...

It is not an exaggeration to say that she was a prodigy. Later, for unknown reasons, she died suddenly and buried herself in a forbidden place. She also ordered all the rat kings in the future to be buried in a forbidden place if they did not ascend or die.

It is said that the Queen Tian Zongqi will definitely ascend to the fairy world, but she died suddenly. The clan did not leave detailed records of the specific reasons, and even the history about her was erased. The rat kings of the past generations only passed down the Queen's story orally. As for her deeds, we only know that she was buried in the Forbidden Land, and she also left an oral message. If our Five Elements Rat Clan declines one day, the contemporary Rat King can enter the Forbidden Land tomb to find a way out.

So I went in, but after entering, I discovered that the corpses of the rat kings who had been sent to the forbidden tomb in the past generations had disappeared. Only the corpse of the queen was intact, and she left behind a way to restore the glory of the Five Elements Rat Clan. .

This method is to make the yin and yang of the corpses of the king and the queen meet... But I didn't expect... alas..." The Rat King couldn't continue at this point.

However, Yang Yiyun guessed it roughly, and followed the words of the Rat King: "I didn't expect that the Queen retained a residual soul in the land of evil, or that the entire Five Elements Rat Clan forbidden land was originally created by the Queen to resurrect herself. Or a place of rebirth.

The corpses of the rat kings of all generations were refined and devoured by the corpse of the queen. When you went in and obtained the method, you thought it was some kind of secret method, but in the end you found out that it was the queen who borrowed your body to be reborn into the world.

The price is your life, Fellow Daoist, but Fellow Daoist is not willing to be swallowed up by the Queen, so you came to me just to try to see if I can save both the Queen in your belly, Fellow Daoist, and your own life.

In other words, fellow Taoist, you have thought of ways to refine the queen in your belly, but you have found that the queen is too powerful, and there is nothing you can do about it, fellow daoist.

I guess your mood, fellow Taoist, must be extremely complicated. On the one hand, you hope that a queen will appear in your Five Elements Rat Clan, but on the other hand, you are unwilling to sacrifice yourself. You came to me to find a way to not only protect yourself, but also keep your family. After the Queen's Nirvana and rebirth, or to be honest, I have no choice but to find a way to help you refine the Queen in your belly for your own use, right? "

"Hahaha..." The Rat King laughed loudly after hearing this.

Then the laughter stopped and he narrowed his eyes and looked at Yang Yiyun and said: "It is said that the human race is the leader of all spirits and extremely intelligent. I have also seen many talented people from the human race, but smart people like Dr. Xiaoyou are also the first See you this time, yes, that’s what I mean. I want you to find a way, but the first condition is to save my life. It’s best to refine the queen in my belly for your own use. That’s it. right way."

Yang Yiyun had never thought that the Rat King was a good person, but now it turned out to be so. He didn't want the Queen in his belly to be born alive, but wanted to refine her for his own use.

"What if I say there is no way?" Yang Yiyun said with a grin.

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