My Master Is a God

Chapter 1421 I will give you a caesarean section

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!

Yang Yiyun spoke with a smile, a drop of green water of life appeared on his fingertips, looked at the Rat King and said: "Be obedient and open your mouth."

The Rat King's eyes widened, and he instinctively felt that it was definitely not a good thing for him to take the green water droplets between Yang Yiyun.

" are you going to do?" The Rat King's triangular eyes were full of vigilance.

Yang Yiyun grinned and said: "Didn't I say that I will save your life? Since I promised to treat you, I will never break my promise. Just open your mouth."

The Rat King said angrily: "Do you think I am a three-year-old little demon?"

"Do you have a choice?" Yang Yiyun said lightly: "I told you that this thing can save your life. Believe it or not, it's up to you. I have no interest in lying to you, young master. You can experience it for yourself. You can survive being swallowed by the Queen. How long will it last?”

The Mouse King looked at Yang Yiyun with a gloomy expression. Indeed, as Yang Yiyun said, his whole body's strength was suppressed by the Queen in his belly. Even the fish on the board would inevitably be completely swallowed by the Queen over time, and he would still be dead.

The water droplets emerging between Yang Yiyun felt like the Rat King was full of powerful vitality. It should be some kind of treasure, but the Rat King didn't believe that Yang Yiyun would be so kind to save him?

In the end, the Rat King thought about it and opened his mouth. The worst result was that he would be swallowed by the Queen, and the worst he could do would be necrosis if he took Yang Yiyun's water drops.

But if he died, there was no need for Yang Yiyun to do it himself. Wouldn't he just wait for the Queen to swallow all his strength?

Why bother?

So the Rat King opened his mouth and said he would die if he wanted to and live if he wanted to live. He had no choice now. What if what Yang Yiyun said was true?

Yang Yiyun flicked his fingertips and a drop of water of life entered the Rat King's mouth.

Then he turned his eyes and stared at the Rat King's belly.

Don’t know what will change?

After all, there is a Five Elements Rat King in the Rat King's belly.

What if the eaux-de-vie doesn't work?

Although Yang Yiyun put a drop of water of life into the Rat King's mouth, he was not sure whether it would be effective.

After turning the Qiankun Eye, it stared at the Rat King's belly, just to see the effect.

The Qiankun Eye, which can see through illusions, is the product of the evolution and upgrade of the Qiankun Pot, and can see through the situation in the Rat King's belly.

In the eyes of Yang Yiyun Qiankun, he only saw a drop of water of life being swallowed by the Rat King. It did not melt away, but was invisibly swallowed by the purple rat or queen in the Rat King's belly.

Seeing this scene, Yang Yiyun was overjoyed. He originally thought of using this drop of water of life to try to control the Rat King, but instead he was swallowed by the Queen in his belly.

This saves trouble. Yang Yiyun is keeping an eye on the Queen at this moment. If the Water of Life can control the Queen, then he will be completely out of danger and can control a Rat King and a Rat King.

Of course, the Rat King also needs a second drop of water of life.

At this time, I heard the Rat King say: "Being swallowed by the Queen..."

Yang Yiyun grinned and said, "Don't be impatient."

As he spoke, the smile on Yang Yiyun's face grew stronger and stronger.

With his Qiankun eyes, he saw that after the Queen swallowed the water of life, she was suddenly shaken, and her breath rose sharply in an instant...

At this time, Yang Yiyun was ecstatic. He knew that the water of life had an effect on the Queen Rat Demon.

Now it seems that the water of life is suitable for any demon clan. As long as it is swallowed, everyone can control it regardless of their strength and cultivation level.

It is no exaggeration to say that at this moment, Yang Yiyun's heart could make the Queen Rat Demon obediently obey her orders.

The water of life is something in his Qiankun Pot space. As the owner of the Qiankun Pot space, he can sense the water of life with a little touch.

Yang Yiyun must have sensed the water of life in his heart, and the next moment a sharp cry came from the Rat King's stomach.

Yang Yiyun could clearly hear the sharp sound full of pain.

He was finally relieved.

But then he felt a violent aura erupt, rushing straight towards him.


Yang Yiyun knew that it was the Queen in the Rat King's belly who was resisting. He snorted coldly and sensed the water of life, urging it to start running.


A scream suddenly arose, and the violent force that broke out was extinguished in an instant.

The Rat King suddenly said: " seems that my devouring power has stopped, hahaha..."

While laughing wildly, the Rat King's eyes turned red and he suddenly grabbed Yang Yiyun with his claws. At this moment, the Rat King's heart was obviously that the green water droplets that Yang Yiyun fed into his mouth played a huge role.

But the water droplet was swallowed by the Queen. Judging from the scream of the Rat King just now, the green water droplet in Yang Yiyun's hand must be a huge threat to the Queen, so the Queen stopped swallowing him.

For a moment, the Rat King was freed from the restraint of the Queen in his belly, and used his demonic power to grab Yang Yiyun. In the past, as long as he caught Yang Yiyun and let this kid control the Queen, he would be rescued.

The Rat King's reaction was not unpleasant, and his idea was not bad.

But he forgot one thing, since Yang Yiyun can take care of the queen in his belly, he can also take care of him.

Facing the capture of the Rat King, Yang Yiyun sneered in his heart. How could he not understand what the Rat King was thinking? He immediately gave an order to the Queen in the Rat King's belly to continue devouring the Rat King.


He was about to catch Yang Yiyun under his claws, but at this moment the Rat King saw the sneer on Yang Yiyun's face and immediately felt something bad. Sure enough, the Queen in his body started to bite back again the next moment.

In an instant, the Rat King stopped at the top of Yang Yiyun's head and stretched out his fingers. His whole body lost strength and he screamed.

The burst of power from the Queen within the body is enough to bring the Rat King to death.

Seeing the Rat King screaming, Yang Yiyun sneered, and another drop of water of life appeared on his fingertips with his backhand: "Open your mouth."

There was fear in the eyes of the Rat King. He now naturally understood that the water droplets emerging from Yang Yiyun's fingers could control the Queen. As powerful as the Queen could be controlled by Yang Yiyun, he, the Rat King, could naturally be controlled as well.

Under the gaze of Yang Yiyun's cold eyes, he was completely unable to resist as the Queen's power reverberated all over his body, and he did not dare to open his mouth at all.

But this time Yang Yiyun has controlled the Queen in the Rat King's belly, which is equivalent to holding the Rat King's life gate. Are you afraid that the Rat King won't cooperate?

A movement in his heart once again activated the Queen's mana. The next moment, the Rat King screamed in pain. Yang Yiyun flicked his finger and the second drop of water of life entered the Rat King's mouth.

But this time Yang Yiyun did not let the Queen swallow the second drop of water of life, but let this drop of water of life explode in the rat king's body.

The second drop of water of life is for the Rat King.

After a while, Yang Yiyun completely controlled the life and death of the Rat King.

The magical effect of the water of life on the demon clan is also reflected.

After the Rat King took the second drop of water of life, his body suddenly exploded with purple-gold light.

The runes on the Rat King's body make up, and the purple-gold light flashes continuously...

Gradually, the color of his body is deepening, from the purple and gold colors at the beginning to slowly changing to purple.

Yang Yiyun knew that this was the manifestation of bloodline evolution, and he even knew that this was the magical manifestation of the water of life on the demon clan.

At this time, a thought in his heart gave the Queen in the Rat King's belly an order to stop devouring the Rat King.

Let the Rat King evolve his bloodline.

Anyway, he now has control over the Rat King and the Queen in his belly. Especially as the Rat King's bloodline evolves, the fusion of the Water of Life will be more complete, and it will be easier for him to control it.

The fusion effect of the water of life is all-round, and can be integrated into every part of the demon clan's physical blood, and even the demon soul.

Therefore, even if the Rat King has a strong bloodline, it will not help.

After a few minutes, the purple and gold colors on the Rat King's body basically disappeared and turned into purple, but the eyes were not too deep purple.

Yang Yiyun's Rat King has evolved into the primary Five Elements bloodline, but it is still inferior to the Queen's bloodline in his belly.

However, being able to evolve from four bloodlines to five bloodlines is considered to be the highest bloodline of the Five Elements Rat.

"The Five Elements Rat King pays his respects to...the master."

Although he was extremely reluctant, the Rat King knew that Yang Yiyun was now his master. The complete fusion of that drop of water allowed his blood to evolve, but Yang Yiyun also completely controlled his life and death. The Five Elements Rat King could feel it from the depths of his soul. As long as Yang Yiyun is willing, a thought can make him fly away. "

Yang Yiyun chuckled, the dragon-slaying sword flashed in his hand and he looked at the Rat King and said: "Okay, lie down, I will give you a caesarean section."

The Rat King trembled all over and looked at the sharp sword that appeared in Yang Yiyun's hand. Although he didn't understand what a caesarean section meant, he could tell that Yang Yiyun seemed to be using the sword against him.

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